bims: testimonials

Sophia Zilber, on 2024‒11‒11,

At Cure Mito Foundation, we are committed to sharing the latest research relevant to our community. The weekly selection of papers on Leigh syndrome, mitochondrial diseases, patient perspectives, and other key topics has been incredibly valuable. We are deeply grateful to Biomed News for making this resource accessible.

Dylan Ryan, group leader at the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit at the University of Cambridge, on 2023‒08‒21:

This report has been essential to my research and without fail has identified preprints and publications that I would otherwise have missed during the previous week, even with my active engagement on twitter/X. It also allows me to share these updates with my scientific community, highlight what I think are important discoveries, and connect with researchers across the field and other fields of research.

Maksym Kopanitsa, Principal Laboratory Research Scientist at the Francis Crick Institute, on 2023‒08‒31:

A couple of years ago, I moved to an emerging research area at the boundary of the well-established pastures of cancer biology and neuroscience. To search for the still relatively rare #CancerNeuroscience papers by looking through ToCs of numerous journals is like “looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks”. I am glad I was introduced to bims. By spending 30 minutes weekly, I get all relevant articles, which I can share with my colleagues in the lab and on Twitter.

Camila Kehl Dias, PhD candidate at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, on 2023‒04‒04

After having been a selector in Bims for over two years, I have never been more up-to-date with the literature. The selections I get every week are astounding because they are so precise at the top, and further down show papers that I would have not seen in searches. They are not on my topic but are still of interest to me.

Seren Kimna, Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Helmholtz Munich on 2023‒02‒04:

Before Biomed News, I used to click every interesting article to open in a new tab with a hope that I would read them sometime during the week, and then unfortunately I never looked at most of them. Since I use Bims, I follow the current literature regularly in a smart way.

Laura Mannarino, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Humanitas University, on 2022‒12‒04:

Sometimes, it is very difficult to stay up-to-date with the scientific literature, even more, when your projects focus on different areas. Biomed News helps me a lot. Now, it has become my usual Monday morning ritual. The week starts with the selection of important articles related to mesothelioma and myxoid liposarcoma. I found it very useful.

Dario Brunetti, Group Leader in the Unit of Medical Genetics and Neurogenetics at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico “C.Besta” in Milano, Italy, on 2022‒09‒04:

Staying up to date on the latest scientific news is a duty of every scientist. However, since I became a group leader, the time to study and read literature is less and less. Last year, I was lucky enough to get in touch with the creators of Biomed News, a platform that uses a machine-learning algorithm based on my scientific interests. I was impressed by the precision of the system thanks to which every Sunday I have the opportunity to be updated and be able to share the coolest news about Mitochondrial Medicine on Twitter. Thanks to Biomed News my communication in public engagement has also improved.

Richard Giadone, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University on 2022‒07‒04:

Studying proteostasis in the context of aging and regenerative biology is an extremely interdisciplinary endeavor. As a result, keeping up with the literature from multiple interconnected fields is very challenging! The weekly reports from Biomed News have been instrumental in keeping me up-to-date with diverse research articles. It’s also easy to share with my colleagues and labmates!

Paolo Gallipoli, clinical senior lecturer in Haemato-Oncology at the Barts Centre in London, UK, on 2022‒06‒05:

Biomed News uses a dedicated ever improving machine-learning-based algorithm that matches my scientific interests and needs. This resource has now become invaluable to my research. It has also allowed me to share this with community on social media and through this create links with colleagues sharing a common interest which I believe would not have happened otherwise. The number of colleagues—some I do not have even know personally—who have thanked me for doing this is now in double digits!

Benjamin Winkeljann, Postdoc at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany, on 2022‒05‒04:

Throughout last year, maintaining the Biomed News report on “non-viral vectors for gene delivery” was a great support in keeping up with the most recent studies in my field. I was impressed not only by the high accuracy of the preselection, but also its comprehensiveness. To further improve both quality and outreach of the report, I decided to share the responsibility for the curation with the lab I am affiliated with, i.e., the group of Olivia Merkel.

Sk Ramiz Islam, Senior Research Fellow in the Biophysics & Structural Genomics Division in Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata, India on 2022‒04‒04:

At first, I wasn’t sure whether it would work for me or not. But as time went on I realized its worthiness. Bims really helped me to keep track of the recent advancements in my research field even amidst the COVID chaos. Now I really look forward to every Sunday for the latest updates. It’s like a growing personalized library to me. It’s exciting, it’s invaluable. I highly recommend it to anyone who is keen to know the latest progress in biomedical science.

Ralitsa Madsen, Research Fellow in the Cell Signalling Research Group at the University College London on 2022‒03‒04:

Keeping up with the scientific literature can be a daunting task. I had tried my luck with various options until I finally found the one that works best: Biomed News. The weekly supply of pre-sorted scientific articles, ranked according to my personal preferences, is invaluable. It makes it more efficient to keep up with the most relevant science, and has allowed me to forge new collaborative relationships with others in my field. As an early career researcher, I cannot recommend it enough!

Kelsey Fisher-Wellman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology at the East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute on 2022‒02‒04:

Early in my independent career I was offered the opportunity to participate in BioMed News. In addition to keeping pace with the bleeding edge of discovery, curating these weekly reports helped us identify key unanswered questions. Many of these open questions are now reflected in the lab’s central research focus. Although success in biomedical research is multifactorial, I personally attribute a large portion of the lab's early success to the insights gained by participating in BioMed News!"

Christian Frezza, the Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Metabolomics in Aging in Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cologne on 2022‒01‒04:

As a scientist, being up to date with the literature is a must. Yet, the overwhelming number of papers and reviews on any given topics makes it very hard to stay on top of current works, and PubMed [searching] is no longer enough. Biomed News offers a unique opportunity to identify papers that match your exact needs using a dedicated machine-learning-based relevance order that is based on your scientific interest. What is even more exciting is that this algorithm improves every time you select new papers. Forget keywords, PubMed searches, and lengthy scrolling. Get Biomed News, select your relevant papers today!

Hanna Salmonowicz postdoctoral researcher at the International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines of the Polish Academy of Sciences contributed this picture on 2021‒07‒28

Bims tribute by Hanna Salmonowicz