We make our data available in bulk via anonymous rsync. Over time, we will
build various datasets. For now, these should work.
- rsync://rsync.biomed.news/bims_issues
- Data from the issues as sent by bimsers,
- rsync://rsync.biomed.news/bims_weblog
- web log data that can be used to assess the popularity
of reports.
- rsync://rsync.biomed.news/bims_profiles
- profiles of email subscriptions
- rsync://rsync.biomed.news/bims_seeds
- Seed data submitted by bimsers at report opening time,
potentially boosted by citation analysis,
- rsync://rsync.biomed.news/bims_pubmed
- PubMed
data we use as input,
The PubMed data contains very early versions of records. Most of
these records are likely be revised by the time you get the data
from us.