bims-tricox Biomed News
on Translation, ribosomes and COX
Issue of 2023‒12‒03
two papers selected by
Yash Verma, University of Zurich

  1. J Biosci. 2023 ;pii: 47. [Epub ahead of print]48
      The symbiotic evolution between the two prokaryotic domains of life (bacteria and archaea) is believed to have given rise to the third domain of life, the eukaryotes. Common to all three domains of life, is an ancient mechanism of ribosome-mediated protein synthesis (translation). Can the evolutionary history of the protein translation apparatus shed light on the evolutionary history of life forms? This commentary addresses this broad question with the spotlight on a specific component of the translation apparatus.
  2. Trends Plant Sci. 2023 Nov 27. pii: S1360-1385(23)00370-9. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial translation differs significantly from that conducted in bacteria and plastids. Recent research conducted by Tran and colleagues has unveiled the plant-specific mechanisms of mitochondrial translation initiation. The authors identified two Arabidopsis thaliana (arabidopsis) mTRAN proteins that may bind to the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of mitochondrial mRNAs by recognising newly discovered A/U-rich motifs.
    Keywords:  mitochondria; mitoribosome; ribosome; translation