bims-tofagi Biomed News
on Mitophagy
Issue of 2024–01–07
five papers selected by
Michele Frison, University of Cambridge

  1. EMBO J. 2024 Jan;43(1): 32-60
      Lysosomal degradation of autophagy receptors is a common proxy for selective autophagy. However, we find that two established mitophagy receptors, BNIP3 and BNIP3L/NIX, are constitutively delivered to lysosomes in an autophagy-independent manner. This alternative lysosomal delivery of BNIP3 accounts for nearly all its lysosome-mediated degradation, even upon mitophagy induction. To identify how BNIP3, a tail-anchored protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane, is delivered to lysosomes, we performed a genome-wide CRISPR screen for factors influencing BNIP3 flux. This screen revealed both known modifiers of BNIP3 stability as well as a pronounced reliance on endolysosomal components, including the ER membrane protein complex (EMC). Importantly, the endolysosomal system and the ubiquitin-proteosome system regulated BNIP3 independently. Perturbation of either mechanism is sufficient to modulate BNIP3-associated mitophagy and affect underlying cellular physiology. More broadly, these findings extend recent models for tail-anchored protein quality control and install endosomal trafficking and lysosomal degradation in the canon of pathways that tightly regulate endogenous tail-anchored protein localization.
    Keywords:  BNIP3; EMC; Mitophagy; Secretory Pathway; TA Protein
  2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jan 09. 121(2): e2306454120
      Mitochondrial and lysosomal functions are intimately linked and are critical for cellular homeostasis, as evidenced by the fact that cellular senescence, aging, and multiple prominent diseases are associated with concomitant dysfunction of both organelles. However, it is not well understood how the two important organelles are regulated. Transcription factor EB (TFEB) is the master regulator of lysosomal function and is also implicated in regulating mitochondrial function; however, the mechanism underlying the maintenance of both organelles remains to be fully elucidated. Here, by comprehensive transcriptome analysis and subsequent chromatin immunoprecipitation-qPCR, we identified hexokinase domain containing 1 (HKDC1), which is known to function in the glycolysis pathway as a direct TFEB target. Moreover, HKDC1 was upregulated in both mitochondrial and lysosomal stress in a TFEB-dependent manner, and its function was critical for the maintenance of both organelles under stress conditions. Mechanistically, the TFEB-HKDC1 axis was essential for PINK1 (PTEN-induced kinase 1)/Parkin-dependent mitophagy via its initial step, PINK1 stabilization. In addition, the functions of HKDC1 and voltage-dependent anion channels, with which HKDC1 interacts, were essential for the clearance of damaged lysosomes and maintaining mitochondria-lysosome contact. Interestingly, HKDC1 regulated mitophagy and lysosomal repair independently of its prospective function in glycolysis. Furthermore, loss function of HKDC1 accelerated DNA damage-induced cellular senescence with the accumulation of hyperfused mitochondria and damaged lysosomes. Our results show that HKDC1, a factor downstream of TFEB, maintains both mitochondrial and lysosomal homeostasis, which is critical to prevent cellular senescence.
    Keywords:  HKDC1; TFEB; cellular senescence; mitochondria–lysosome contact; mitophagy
  3. Sci Rep. 2024 Jan 04. 14(1): 546
      Selective degradation of dysfunctional or excess mitochondria is a fundamental process crucial for cell homeostasis in almost all eukaryotes. This process relies on autophagy, an intracellular self-eating system conserved from yeast to humans and is thus called mitophagy. Detailed mechanisms of mitophagy remain to be fully understood. Here we show that mitochondrial degradation in budding yeast, which requires the pro-mitophagic protein Atg32, is strongly reduced in cells lacking Egd1, a beta subunit of the nascent polypeptide-associated complex acting in cytosolic ribosome attachment and protein targeting to mitochondria. By contrast, loss of the sole alpha subunit Egd2 or the beta subunit paralogue Btt1 led to only a partial or slight reduction in mitophagy. We also found that phosphorylation of Atg32, a crucial step for priming mitophagy, is decreased in the absence of Egd1. Forced Atg32 hyperphosphorylation almost completely restored mitophagy in egd1-null cells. Together, we propose that Egd1 acts in Atg32 phosphorylation to facilitate mitophagy.
  4. Cell Death Discov. 2024 Jan 05. 10(1): 4
      Local ischemia and hypoxia are the most important pathological processes in the early phase of secondary spinal cord injury (SCI), in which mitochondria are the main target of ischemic injury. Mitochondrial autophagy, also known as mitophagy, acts as a selective autophagy that specifically identifies and degrades damaged mitochondria, thereby reducing mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. Accumulating evidence shows that the mitophagy receptor, FUN14 domain-containing 1 (FUNDC1), plays an important role in ischemic injury, but the role of FUNDC1 in SCI has not been reported. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether FUNDC1 can enhance mitophagy and inhibit neuronal apoptosis in the early stage of SCI. In a rat SCI model, we found that FUNDC1 overexpression enhanced neuronal autophagy and decreased neuronal apoptosis in the early stage of injury, thereby reducing spinal cord damage. In vitro studies showed that the neuroprotective effects of FUNDC1 were achieved by inhibiting mitochondria-dependent apoptosis and improving mitochondrial function. In addition, FUNDC1 enhanced mitophagy. The protective effects of FUNDC1 against apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction were reversed by 3-methyladenine (3-MA), an autophagy inhibitor. Taken together, our results confirm that FUNDC1 can protect against neuronal loss after SCI by inducing mitophagy, inhibiting mitochondria-dependent apoptosis, and improving mitochondrial function.
  5. Redox Biol. 2023 Dec 30. pii: S2213-2317(23)00424-X. [Epub ahead of print]69 103023
      The oral colonization of periodontal pathogens onto gingival tissues establishes hypoxic microenvironment, often disrupting periodontal homeostasis in conjunction with oxidative stress. The association between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and osteolytic periodontitis have been suggested by recent studies. PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), a mitochondrial serine/threonine kinase, is an essential protein for mitochondrial quality control as it protects cells from oxidative stress by promoting degradation of damaged mitochondria through mitophagy. However, the pathophysiological roles of PINK1 in osteoclast-mediated bone loss have not been explored. Here we aimed to determine whether PINK1 plays a role in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis and alveolar bone resorption associated with periodontitis. C57BL/6 wild type (WT) and Pink1 knockout (KO) mice were subjected to ligature-induced periodontitis (LIP), and alveolar bones were evaluated by μCT-analysis and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining. The μCT-analysis showed that bone volume fraction and travecular thickness were lower in Pink1 KO compared to WT mice. The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts was markedly increased in the periodontal tissues of Pink1 KO mice with LIP. The genetic silencing or deletion of Pink1 promoted excessive osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption in vitro, as respectively indicated by TRAP staining and resorption pits on dentin slices. PINK1 deficiency led to mitochondrial instabilities as indicated by confocal microscopy of mitochondrial ROS, mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (OCR) analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Consequently, a significant increase in Ca2+-nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 (NFATc1) signaling was also found. On the other hand, restoration of mitophagy and autophagy by spermidine (SPD) treatment and the resolution of oxidative stress by N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) treatment protected PINK1 deficiency-induced excessive generation of osteoclasts. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that PINK1 is essential for maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis during osteoclast differentiation. Therefore, targeting PINK1 may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for severe periodontitis with fulminant osteolysis.
    Keywords:  Mitophagy; Osteoclast; PINK1; Periodontitis; ROS