bims-stacyt Biomed News
on Metabolism and the paracrine crosstalk between cancer and the organism
Issue of 2024‒04‒07
five papers selected by
Cristina Muñoz Pinedo, L’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge

  1. Mol Metab. 2024 Apr 01. pii: S2212-8778(24)00061-9. [Epub ahead of print] 101930
      OBJECTIVE: Tumour progression drives profound alterations in host metabolism, such as adipose tissue depletion, an early event of cancer cachexia. As fatty acid consumption by cancer cells increases upon acidosis of the tumour microenvironment, we reasoned that fatty acids derived from distant adipose lipolysis may sustain tumour fatty acid craving, leading to the adipose tissue loss observed in cancer cachexia.METHODS: To evaluate the pro-lipolytic capacities of acid-exposed cancer cells, primary mouse adipocytes from subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue were exposed to pH-matched conditioned medium from human and murine acid-exposed cancer cells (pH 6.5), compared to naive cancer cells (pH 7.4). To further address the role of tumoral acidosis on adipose tissue loss, a pH-low insertion peptide was injected into tumour-bearing mice, and tumoral acidosis was neutralised with a sodium bicarbonate buffer. Prolipolytic mediators were identified by transcriptomic approaches and validated on murine and human adipocytes.
    RESULTS: Here, we reveal that acid-exposed cancer cells promote lipolysis from subcutaneous and visceral adipocyte and that dampening acidosis in vivo inhibits adipose tissue depletion. We further found a set of well-known prolipolytic factors enhanced upon acidosis adaptation and unravelled a role for β-glucuronidase as a promising new actor in adipocyte lipolysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tumoral acidosis promotes the mobilization of fatty acids derived from adipocytes via the release of soluble factors by cancer cells. Our work paves the way for dual therapeutic approaches aimed at tackling cachexia by targeting the tumour acidic compartment.
    Keywords:  Adipocytes; Adipose tissue; Beta-glucuronidase; Cancer cachexia; Lipolysis; Tumor acidosis
  2. Res Sq. 2024 Mar 22. pii: [Epub ahead of print]
      Tumors comprise a complex ecosystem consisting of many cell types that communicate through secreted factors. Targeting these intercellular signaling networks remains an important challenge in cancer research. Cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 (CLCF1) is an interleukin-6 (IL-6) family member secreted by cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) that binds to ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor (CNTFR), promoting tumor growth in lung and liver cancer 1,2 . A high-affinity soluble receptor (eCNTFR-Fc) that sequesters CLCF1 has anti-oncogenic effects 3 . However, the role of CLCF1 in mediating cell-cell interactions in cancer has remained unclear. We demonstrate that eCNTFR-Fc has widespread effects on both tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment and can sensitize cancer cells to KRAS inhibitors or immune checkpoint blockade. After three weeks of treatment with eCNTFR-Fc, there is a shift from an immunosuppressive to an immunostimulatory macrophage phenotype as well as an increase in activated T, NKT, and NK cells. Combination of eCNTFR-Fc and αPD1 was significantly more effective than single-agent therapy in a syngeneic allograft model, and eCNTFR-Fc sensitizes tumor cells to αPD1 in a non-responsive GEM model of lung adenocarcinoma. These data suggest that combining eCNTFR-Fc with KRAS inhibition or with αPD1 is a novel therapeutic strategy for lung cancer and potentially other cancers in which these therapies have been used but to date with only modest effect. Overall, we demonstrate the potential of cancer therapies that target cytokines to alter the immune microenvironment.
  3. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024 Apr 04.
      BACKGROUND: Cancer cachexia is a life-threatening, inflammation-driven wasting syndrome that remains untreatable. Adiponectin, the most abundant adipokine, plays an important role in several metabolic processes as well as in inflammation modulation. Our aim was to test whether administration of AdipoRon (AR), a synthetic agonist of the adiponectin receptors, prevents the development of cancer cachexia and its related muscle atrophy.METHODS: The effect of AR on cancer cachexia was investigated in two distinct murine models of colorectal cancer. First, 7-week-old CD2F1 male mice were subcutaneously injected with colon-26 carcinoma cells (C26) or vehicle (CT). Six days after injection, mice were treated for 5 days with AdipoRon (50 mg/kg/day; C26 + AR) or the corresponding vehicle (CT and C26). Additionally, a genetic model, the ApcMin/+ mouse, that develops spontaneously numerous intestinal polyps, was used. Eight-week-old male ApcMin/+ mice were treated with AdipoRon (50 mg/kg/day; Apc + AR) or the corresponding vehicle (Apc) over a period of 12 weeks, with C57BL/6J wild-type mice used as controls. In both models, several parameters were assessed in vivo: body weight, grip strength and serum parameters, as well as ex vivo: molecular changes in muscle, fat and liver.
    RESULTS: The protective effect of AR on cachexia development was observed in both cachectic C26 and ApcMin/+ mice. In these mice, AR administration led to a significant alleviation of body weight loss and muscle wasting, together with rescued muscle strength (P < 0.05 for all). In both models, AR had a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reflected by lower systemic interleukin-6 levels (-55% vs. C26, P < 0.001 and -80% vs. Apc mice, P < 0.05), reduced muscular inflammation as indicated by lower levels of Socs3, phospho-STAT3 and Serpina3n, an acute phase reactant (P < 0.05 for all). In addition, AR blunted circulating levels of corticosterone (-46% vs. C26 mice, P < 0.001 and -60% vs. Apc mice, P < 0.05), the predominant murine glucocorticoid known to induce muscle atrophy. Accordingly, key glucocorticoid-responsive factors implicated in atrophy programmes were-or tended to be-significantly blunted in skeletal muscle by AR. Finally, AR protected against lipid metabolism alterations observed in ApcMin/+ mice, as it mitigated the increase in circulating triglyceride levels (-38%, P < 0.05) by attenuating hepatic triglyceride synthesis and fatty acid uptake by the liver.
    CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, these results show that AdipoRon rescued the cachectic phenotype by alleviating body weight loss and muscle atrophy, along with restraining inflammation and hypercorticism in preclinical murine models. Therefore, AdipoRon could represent an innovative therapeutic strategy to counteract cancer cachexia.
    Keywords:  adiponectin; cachexia; cancer; inflammation; skeletal muscle
  4. Cell Rep Med. 2024 Apr 02. pii: S2666-3791(24)00166-6. [Epub ahead of print] 101498
      Progressive weakness and muscle loss are associated with multiple chronic conditions, including muscular dystrophy and cancer. Cancer-associated cachexia, characterized by dramatic weight loss and fatigue, leads to reduced quality of life and poor survival. Inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in muscle atrophy; however, available anticytokine therapies failed to prevent muscle wasting in cancer patients. Here, we show that oncostatin M (OSM) is a potent inducer of muscle atrophy. OSM triggers cellular atrophy in primary myotubes using the JAK/STAT3 pathway. Identification of OSM targets by RNA sequencing reveals the induction of various muscle atrophy-related genes, including Atrogin1. OSM overexpression in mice causes muscle wasting, whereas muscle-specific deletion of the OSM receptor (OSMR) and the neutralization of circulating OSM preserves muscle mass and function in tumor-bearing mice. Our results indicate that activated OSM/OSMR signaling drives muscle atrophy, and the therapeutic targeting of this pathway may be useful in preventing muscle wasting.
    Keywords:  JAK/STAT3 signaling; cancer cachexia; oncostatin M; skeletal muscle atrophy
  5. Biomed Pharmacother. 2024 Apr 02. pii: S0753-3322(24)00420-7. [Epub ahead of print]174 116536
      Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a leading cause of kidney failure. However, the involvement of renal fibroblasts and their communications with renal epithelial cells during DKD remain poorly understood. We investigated the potential role of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTECs) in renal fibroblast activation that might lead to DKD. Additionally, the protective effects of curcumin, a known antioxidant, against renal fibroblast activation induced by high glucose-treated PTECs were investigated. Secretome was collected from HK-2 PTECs under normal glucose, high glucose, high glucose pretreated/cotreated with curcumin, or osmotic control condition for 24 h. Such secretome was then used to treat BHK-21 renal fibroblasts for 24 h. BHK-21 cells treated with high glucose-induced secretome had increased levels of fibroblast activation markers, including spindle index, F-actin, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), fibronectin, collagen I, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and MMP-9, as compared with normal glucose and osmotic control conditions. However, all these increases were successfully mitigated by curcumin. In addition, high glucose markedly increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) secretion, but did not affect the secretion of platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGFA) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), in HK-2 renal cells as compared with normal glucose and osmotic control conditions. Both intracellular ROS and secreted TGF-β levels were successfully mitigated by curcumin. Therefore, curcumin prevents the high glucose-induced stimulatory effects of renal cell secretome on fibroblast activation, at least in part, via mitigating intracellular ROS and TGF-β secretion.
    Keywords:  Cytokines; Diabetes; Diabetic kidney disease; Fibrogenesis; Oxidative stress; Renal fibrosis