bims-smemid Biomed News
on Stress metabolism in mitochondrial dysfunction
Issue of 2024‒05‒12
twelve papers selected by
Deepti Mudartha, The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines

  1. bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 25. pii: 2024.04.24.591037. [Epub ahead of print]
      GCN2 is a conserved receptor kinase activating the Integrated Stress Response (ISR) in eukaryotic cells. The ISR kinases detect accumulation of stress molecules and reprogram translation from basal tasks to preferred production of cytoprotective proteins. GCN2 stands out evolutionarily among all protein kinases due to the presence of a h istidyl t R NA s ynthetase-like (HRSL) domain, which arises only in GCN2 and is located next to the kinase domain. How HRSL contributes to GCN2 signaling remains unknown. Here we report a 3.2 Å cryo-EM structure of HRSL from thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus . This structure shows a constitutive symmetrical homodimer featuring a compact helical-bundle structure at the junction between HRSL and kinase domains, in the core of the receptor. Mutagenesis demonstrates that this junction structure activates GCN2 and indicates that our cryo-EM structure captures the active signaling state of HRSL. Based on these results, we put forward a GCN2 regulation mechanism, where HRSL drives the formation of activated kinase dimers. Remaining domains of GCN2 have the opposite role and in the absence of stress they help keep GCN2 basally inactive. This autoinhibitory activity is relieved upon stress ligand binding. We propose that the opposing action of HRSL and additional GCN2 domains thus yields a regulated ISR receptor.Significance statement: Regulation of protein synthesis (translation) is a central mechanism by which eukaryotic cells adapt to stressful conditions. In starving cells, this translational adaptation is achieved via the receptor kinase GCN2, which stays inactive under normal conditions, but is switched on under stress. The molecular mechanism of GCN2 switching is not well understood due to the presence of a structurally and biochemically uncharacterized h istidyl t R NA s ynthetase-like domain (HRSL) at the core of GCN2. Here we use single-particle cryo-EM and biochemistry to elucidate the structure and function of HRSL. We identify a structure at the kinase/HRSL interface, which forms crossed helices and helps position GCN2 kinase domains for activation. These data clarify the molecular mechanism of GCN2 regulation.
  2. Nat Metab. 2024 May 08.
      Isolated complex I (CI) deficiencies are a major cause of primary mitochondrial disease. A substantial proportion of CI deficiencies are believed to arise from defects in CI assembly factors (CIAFs) that are not part of the CI holoenzyme. The biochemistry of these CIAFs is poorly defined, making their role in CI assembly unclear, and confounding interpretation of potential disease-causing genetic variants. To address these challenges, we devised a deep mutational scanning approach to systematically assess the function of thousands of NDUFAF6 genetic variants. Guided by these data, biochemical analyses and cross-linking mass spectrometry, we discovered that the CIAF NDUFAF6 facilitates incorporation of NDUFS8 into CI and reveal that NDUFS8 overexpression rectifies NDUFAF6 deficiency. Our data further provide experimental support of pathogenicity for seven novel NDUFAF6 variants associated with human pathology and introduce functional evidence for over 5,000 additional variants. Overall, our work defines the molecular function of NDUFAF6 and provides a clinical resource for aiding diagnosis of NDUFAF6-related diseases.
  3. Physiol Rev. 2024 May 09.
      Coenzyme Q (CoQ), also known as ubiquinone, comprises a benzoquinone head group and a long isoprenoid sidechain. It is thus extremely hydrophobic and resides in membranes. It is best known for its complex function as an electron transporter in the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) and in several other cellular processes. In fact, CoQ appears to be central to the redox balance of the cell. Remarkably, its structure and properties have not changed from bacteria to vertebrates. In metazoans, it is synthesized in all cells and is found in most, and maybe all, biological membranes. CoQ is also known as a nutritional supplement, mostly because of its involvement with antioxidant defenses. However, whether there is any health benefit from oral consumption of CoQ is not well established. Here we review the function of CoQ as a redox active molecule in the ETC and other enzymatic systems, its role as a pro-oxidant in reactive oxygen species generation, and its separate involvement in antioxidant mechanisms. We also review CoQ biosynthesis, which is particularly complex because of its extreme hydrophobicity, as well as the biological consequences of primary and secondary CoQ deficiency, including in human patients. Primary CoQ deficiency is a rare inborn condition due to mutation in CoQ biosynthetic genes. Secondary CoQ deficiency is much more common as it accompanies a variety of pathological conditions, including mitochondrial disorders as well as aging. In this context, we discuss the importance, but also the great difficulty, of alleviating CoQ deficiency by CoQ supplementation.
    Keywords:  CoQ; CoQ deficiency; Coenzyme Q; Mitochondrial disease; Ubiquinone
  4. Int J Pharm. 2024 May 02. pii: S0378-5173(24)00428-9. [Epub ahead of print] 124194
      As a vital energy source for cellular metabolism and tissue survival, the mitochondrion can undergo morphological or positional change and even shuttle between cells in response to various stimuli and energy demands. Multiple human diseases are originated from mitochondrial dysfunction, but the curative succusses by traditional treatments are limited. Mitochondrial transplantation therapy (MTT) is an innovative therapeutic approach that is to deliver the healthy mitochondria either derived from normal cells or reassembled through synthetic biology into the cells and tissues suffering from mitochondrial damages and finally replace their defective mitochondria and restore their function. MTT has already been under investigation in clinical trial for cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury and given an encouraging performance in animal models of numerous fatal critical diseases including central nervous system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory conditions, cancer, renal injury, and pulmonary damage. This review article summarizes the mechanisms and strategies of mitochondrial transfer and the MTT application for types of mitochondrial diseases, and discusses the potential challenge in MTT clinical application, aiming to exhibit the good therapeutic prospects of MTTs in clinics.
    Keywords:  Artificial mitochondria; Clinical trials; Mitochondrial medicine; Mitochondrial transplantation
  5. Nature. 2024 May 08.
      Phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine (Tyr) residues evolved in metazoan organisms as a mechanism of coordinating tissue growth1. Multicellular eukaryotes typically have more than 50 distinct protein Tyr kinases that catalyse the phosphorylation of thousands of Tyr residues throughout the proteome1-3. How a given Tyr kinase can phosphorylate a specific subset of proteins at unique Tyr sites is only partially understood4-7. Here we used combinatorial peptide arrays to profile the substrate sequence specificity of all human Tyr kinases. Globally, the Tyr kinases demonstrate considerable diversity in optimal patterns of residues surrounding the site of phosphorylation, revealing the functional organization of the human Tyr kinome by substrate motif preference. Using this information, Tyr kinases that are most compatible with phosphorylating any Tyr site can be identified. Analysis of mass spectrometry phosphoproteomic datasets using this compendium of kinase specificities accurately identifies specific Tyr kinases that are dysregulated in cells after stimulation with growth factors, treatment with anti-cancer drugs or expression of oncogenic variants. Furthermore, the topology of known Tyr signalling networks naturally emerged from a comparison of the sequence specificities of the Tyr kinases and the SH2 phosphotyrosine (pTyr)-binding domains. Finally we show that the intrinsic substrate specificity of Tyr kinases has remained fundamentally unchanged from worms to humans, suggesting that the fidelity between Tyr kinases and their protein substrate sequences has been maintained across hundreds of millions of years of evolution.
  6. Mol Cell Biochem. 2024 May 08.
      Despite enormous advances in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including I/R injury and heart failure, heart diseases remain a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) is an evolutionarily conserved sensor endoplasmic reticulum (ER) transmembrane protein that senses ER stress. It manages ER stress induced by the accumulation of unfolded/misfolded proteins via the unfolded protein response (UPR). However, if the stress still persists, the UPR pathways are activated and induce cell death. Emerging evidence shows that, beyond the UPR, IRE1 participates in the progression of cardiovascular diseases by regulating inflammation levels, immunity, and lipid metabolism. Here, we summarize the recent findings and discuss the potential therapeutic effects of IRE1 in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
    Keywords:  Cardiovascular diseases; Endoplasmic reticulum stress; Inositol-requiring enzyme 1; Unfolded protein response; XBP1
  7. Front Pharmacol. 2024 ;15 1270073
      The human eye is susceptible to various disorders that affect its structure or function, including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Mitochondrial dysfunction has been identified as a critical factor in the pathogenesis and progression of eye disorders, making it a potential therapeutic target in the clinic. Natural products have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and continue to play a significant role in modern drug development and clinical therapeutics. Recently, there has been a surge in research exploring the efficacy of natural products in treating eye disorders and their underlying physiological mechanisms. This review aims to discuss the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in eye disorders and summarize the recent advances in the application of natural products targeting mitochondria. In addition, we describe the future perspective and challenges in the development of mitochondria-targeting natural products.
    Keywords:  eye disorder; mitochondria; mitochondrial dysfunction; natural product; oxidative stress
  8. FEBS J. 2024 May 05.
      In eukaryotes, the spatiotemporal control of endolysosomal organelles is central to the maintenance of homeostasis. By providing an interface between the cytoplasm and external environment, the endolysosomal system is placed at the forefront of the response to a wide range of stresses faced by cells. Endosomes are equipped with a dedicated set of membrane-associated proteins that ensure endosomal functions as well as crosstalk with the secretory or the autophagy pathways. Morphodynamical processes operate through local spatialization of subdomains, enabling specific remodeling and membrane contact capabilities. Consequently, the plasticity of endolysosomal organelles can be considered a robust and flexible tool exploited by cells to cope with homeostatic deviations. In this review, we provide insights into how the cellular responses to various stresses (osmotic, UV, nutrient deprivation, or pathogen infections) rely on the adaptation of the endolysosomal system morphodynamics.
    Keywords:  autophagy; endocytic pathway; endolysosomes; endosomes; lysosome‐related organelles; membrane dynamics and contact sites; organelles; pathogen infection; plasma membrane; stress response
  9. J Biol Chem. 2024 May 03. pii: S0021-9258(24)01836-2. [Epub ahead of print] 107335
      Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, a common cellular stress response induced by various factors that interfere with cellular homeostasis, may trigger cell apoptosis. Autophagy is an important and conserved mechanism for eliminating aggregated proteins and maintaining protein stability of cells, which is closely associated with ER stress and ER stress-induced apoptosis. In this paper, we report for the first time that Hhatl, an ER-resident protein, is downregulated in response to ER stress. Hhatl overexpression alleviated ER stress and ER stress induced apoptosis in cells treated with tunicamycin or thapsigargin, whereas Hhatl knockdown exacerbated ER stress and apoptosis. Further study showed that Hhatl attenuates ER stress by promoting autophagic flux. Mechanistically, we found that Hhatl promotes autophagy by associating with autophagic protein LC3 (microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3) via the conserved LC3-interacting region (LIR) motif. Noticeably, the LIR motif was essential for Hhatl-regulated promotion of autophagy and reduction of ER stress. These findings demonstrate that Hhatl ameliorates ER stress via autophagy activation by interacting with LC3, thereby alleviating cellular pressure. The study indicates that pharmacological or genetic regulation of Hhatl-autophagy signaling might be potential for mediating ER stress and related diseases.
    Keywords:  ER stress; Hhatl; LC3; autophagy
  10. Mol Metab. 2024 May 03. pii: S2212-8778(24)00086-3. [Epub ahead of print] 101955
      OBJECTIVE: The contribution of the mitochondrial electron transfer system to insulin secretion involves more than just energy provision. We identified a small RNA fragment (mt-tRF-LeuTAA) derived from the cleavage of a mitochondrially-encoded tRNA that is conserved between mice and humans. The role of mitochondrially-encoded tRNA-derived fragments remains unknown. This study aimed to characterize the impact of mt-tRF-LeuTAA, on mitochondrial metabolism and pancreatic islet functions.METHODS: We used antisense oligonucleotides to reduce mt-tRF-LeuTAA levels in primary rat and human islet cells, as well as in insulin-secreting cell lines. We performed a joint transcriptome and proteome analysis upon mt-tRF-LeuTAA inhibition. Additionally, we employed pull-down assays followed by mass spectrometry to identify direct interactors of the fragment. Finally, we characterized the impact of mt-tRF-LeuTAA silencing on the coupling between mitochondrial metabolism and insulin secretion using high-resolution respirometry and insulin secretion assays.
    RESULTS: Our study unveils a modulation of mt-tRF-LeuTAA levels in pancreatic islets in different Type 2 diabetes models and in response to changes in nutritional status. The level of the fragment is finely tuned by the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1. Located within mitochondria, mt-tRF-LeuTAA interacts with core subunits and assembly factors of respiratory complexes of the electron transfer system. Silencing of mt-tRF-LeuTAA in islet cells limits the inner mitochondrial membrane potential and impairs mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, predominantly by affecting the Succinate (via Complex II)-linked electron transfer pathway. Lowering mt-tRF-LeuTAA impairs insulin secretion of rat and human pancreatic β-cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that mt-tRF-LeuTAA interacts with electron transfer system complexes and is a pivotal regulator of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and its coupling to insulin secretion.
    Keywords:  Insulin secretion; Mitochondrial OXPHOS; Mitochondrial tRNA-derived fragments