bims-skolko Biomed News
on Scholarly communication
Issue of 2024‒05‒26
fifteen papers selected by
Thomas Krichel, Open Library Society

  1. Public Underst Sci. 2024 May 24. 9636625241252565
      In recent decades, members of the general public have become increasingly reliant on findings of scientific studies for decision-making. However, scientific writing usually features a heavy use of technical language, which may pose challenges for people outside of the scientific community. To alleviate this issue, plain language summaries were introduced to provide a brief summary of scientific papers in clear and accessible language. Despite increasing attention paid to the research of plain language summaries, little is known about whether these summaries are readable for the intended audiences. Based on a large corpus sampled from six biomedical and life sciences journals, the present study examined the readability and jargon use of plain language summaries and scientific abstracts on a technical level. It was found that (1) plain language summaries were more readable than scientific abstracts, (2) the reading grade levels of plain language summaries were moderately correlated with that of scientific abstracts, (3) researchers used less jargon in plain language summaries than in scientific abstracts, and (4) the readability of and the jargon use in both plain language summaries and scientific abstracts exceeded the recommended threshold for the general public. The findings were discussed with possible explanations. Implications for academic writing and scientific communication were offered.
    Keywords:  academic writing; author summary; jargon; lay summary; plain language summary; readability; scientific communication
  2. Nature. 2024 May;629(8013): 730
    Keywords:  Peer review; Research management; Scientific community
  3. Epidemiol Prev. 2024 Mar-Apr;48(2):48(2): 149-157
      BACKGROUND: the peer-review process, which is the foundation of modern scientific production, represents one of its essential elements. However, despite numerous benefits, it presents several critical issues.OBJECTIVES: to collect the opinions of a group of researchers from the epidemiological scientific community on peer-review processes.
    DESIGN: cross-sectional study using a questionnaire evaluation.
    SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: a 29-question survey was administered to 516 healthcare professionals through the SurveyMonkey platform. The questions focused on the individual characteristics of the respondents and their perceived satisfaction with some characteristics of the review process as well as their propensity of changing some aspects of it. In addition, three open-ended questions were included, allowing respondents to provide comments on the role that reviewers and the review process should play. Descriptive statistics were produced in terms of absolute frequencies and percentages for the information collected through the questionnaire. Secondly, a multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the willingness to change certain aspects of peer review, adjusting for covariates such as age, sex, being the author of at least one scientific work, being a reviewer of at least one scientific work, and belonging to a specific discipline. The results are expressed as odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Text analysis and representation using word cloud were also used for an open-ended question.
    MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: level of satisfaction regarding some characteristics of the peer-review process.
    RESULTS: a total of 516 participants completed the questionnaire. Specifically, 87.2% (N. 450) of the participants were the authors of at least one scientific publication, 78.7% were first authors at least once (N. 406), and 71.5% acted as reviewers within the peer-review process (N. 369). The results obtained from the multiple logistic regression models did not highlight any significant differences in terms of propensity to change for age and sex categories, except for a lower propensity of the under 35 age group towards unmasking, defined as the presence of reviewers and editorial boards names on the publish article (OR <35 years vs 45-54 years: 0.51; 95%CI 0.29-0.89) and a higher propensity for post-formatting proposals, defined as the possibility of formatting the article following journal guidelines after the acceptance, among those under 45 (OR <35 years vs 45-54 years: 1.73; 95%CI 0.90-3.31; OR 35-44 years vs 45-54 years: 2.02; 95%CI 1.10-3.72). Finally, approximately 50% of respondents found it appropriate to receive credits for the revision work performed, while approximately 30% found it appropriate to receive a discount on publication fees for the same journal in which they acted as reviewers.
    CONCLUSIONS: the peer-review process is considered essential, but imperfect, by the professionals who participated in the questionnaire, thus providing a clear picture of the value that peer-review adds rigorously to each scientific work and the need to continue constructive dialogue on this topic within the scientific community.
    Keywords:  Peer-review; Questionnaire; Review
  4. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024 Jun;38(6): 988-989
  5. Int J Toxicol. 2024 May 20. 10915818241254582
      Peer review is essential to preserving the integrity of the scientific publication process. Peer reviewers must adhere to the norms of the peer review process, including confidentiality, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest, timeliness, constructiveness, and thoroughness. This mini review will discuss some of the different formats in which peer review might occur, as well as advantages and disadvantages of each. The topics then shift to providing advice for prospective reviewers, as well as a suggested format for use in writing a review.
    Keywords:  peer review
  6. JCO Glob Oncol. 2024 May;10 e2300287
      PURPOSE: Open-access publishing expanded opportunities to give visibility to research results but was accompanied by the proliferation of predatory journals (PJos) that offer expedited publishing but potentially compromise the integrity of research and peer review. To our knowledge, to date, there is no comprehensive global study on the impact of PJos in the field of oncology.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 29 question-based cross-sectional survey was developed to explore knowledge and practices of predatory publishing and analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression.
    RESULTS: Four hundred and twenty-six complete responses to the survey were reported. Almost half of the responders reported feeling pressure to publish from supervisors, institutions, and funding and regulatory agencies. The majority of authors were contacted by PJos through email solicitations (67.8%), with fewer using social networks (31%). In total, 13.4% of the responders confirmed past publications on PJo, convinced by fast editorial decision time, low article-processing charges, limited peer review, and for the promise of academic boost in short time. Over half of the participants were not aware of PJo detection tools. We developed a multivariable model to understand the determinants to publish in PJos, showing a significant correlation of practicing oncology in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and predatory publishing (odds ratio [OR], 2.02 [95% CI, 1.01 to 4.03]; P = .04). Having previous experience in academic publishing was not protective (OR, 3.81 [95% CI, 1.06 to 13.62]; P = .03). Suggestions for interventions included educational workshops, increasing awareness through social networks, enhanced research funding in LMICs, surveillance by supervisors, and implementation of institutional actions against responsible parties.
    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of predatory publishing poses an alarming problem in the field of oncology, globally. Our survey identified actionable risk factors that may contribute to vulnerability to PJos and inform guidance to enhance research capacity broadly.
  7. Acad Radiol. 2024 May 20. pii: S1076-6332(24)00290-3. [Epub ahead of print]
      RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly evolving and offering new advances almost on a day-by-day basis, including various tools for manuscript generation and modification. On the other hand, these potentially time- and effort-saving solutions come with potential bias, factual error, and plagiarism risks. Some journals have started to update their author guidelines in reference to AI-generated or AI-assisted manuscripts. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate author guidelines for including AI use policies in radiology journals and compare scientometric data between journals with and without explicit AI use policies.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 112 MEDLINE-indexed imaging journals and evaluated their author guidelines between 13 October 2023 and 16 October 2023. Journals were identified based on subject matter and association with a radiological society. The authors' guidelines and editorial policies were evaluated for the use of AI in manuscript preparation and specific AI-generated image policies. We assessed the existence of an AI usage policy among subspecialty imaging journals. The scientometric scores of journals with and without AI use policies were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
    RESULTS: Among 112 MEDLINE-indexed radiology journals, 80 journals were affiliated with an imaging society, and 32 were not. 69 (61.6%) of 112 imaging journals had an AI usage policy, and 40 (57.9%) of 69 mentioned a specific policy about AI-generated figures. CiteScore (4.9 vs 4, p = 0.023), Source Normalized Impact per Paper (1.12 vs 0.83, p = 0.06), Scientific Journal Ranking (0.75 vs 0.54, p = 0.010) and Journal Citation Indicator (0.77 vs 0.62, p = 0.038) were significantly higher in journals with an AI policy.
    CONCLUSION: The majority of imaging journals provide guidelines for AI-generated content, but still, a substantial number of journals do not have AI usage policies or do not require disclosure for non-human-created manuscripts. Journals with an established AI policy had higher citation and impact scores.
    Keywords:  Artificial intelligence; ChatGPT; LLM; Policy; Publications
  8. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2024 May 24. 44(3): 1-4
      Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers often rely on the available scientific evidence to make strategic decisions. Systematic reviews (SRs) occupy an influential position in the hierarchy of scientific evidence. The findings of wellconducted SRs may provide valuable information to answer specific research questions1,2 and identify existing gaps for future research.3 Therefore, it is of supreme importance that SRs are published promptly, reducing as much as possible the time elapsed between the last date of the search for primary studies and the actual publication date. A study published in 2014 assessed the publication delay of SRs in orthodontics, revealing that the median time interval from the last search to publication was more than 1 year (13.2 months).4 Delays in the publication of SRs or original research articles may depend on author-related factors (eg, timing of resubmission after receiving feedback from reviewers) or journal-related factors (eg, time taken to process a submission).5-7 Regardless of the reasons, clinical recommendations and translation of SR findings may be affected by publication delay. We assessed the extent of publication delay of systematic reviews in dentistry with the purpose of addressing its implications and presenting potential solutions.
  9. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2023 Dec;69(4): 535-540
      Objectives: The study aimed to examine the reasons for the rejection of manuscripts, considering the increased rejection rates of our journal of up to 73% in 2022, and help authors realize what the editors and referees are paying attention to while assessing the manuscript.Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, original articles, case reports, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses submitted and rejected to the Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation were searched between January 1, 2016, and June 30, 2022. After reviewing the referee's evaluations and editorial opinions for all rejected articles, the reasons for rejection were classified under three main headings: journal, manuscript, and ethical issues. The manuscript issues were detailed under 11 subheadings.
    Results: A total of 1,293 rejected submissions were reviewed. Of these, 35% were rejected at the editorial stage, while 65% were rejected after peer review. Thirty-three submissions were rejected for ethical reasons, 168 were out of the journal's field of interest, and 1,092 (84%) submissions were rejected for reasons related to the manuscript. The three most common reasons for rejection were protocol/methodology errors (44%), lack of contribution to the literature (41%), and lack of adequate discussion (40%).
    Conclusion: Before starting the studies, supporting the hypotheses with the current literature review, planning with the right protocol, and interpreting the findings in the discussion will facilitate the acceptance of the manuscripts to our journal.
    Keywords:  Article; journal; publication; referee; rejection.