bims-plasge Biomed News
on Plastid genes
Issue of 2024‒06‒30
three papers selected by
Vera S. Bogdanova, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  1. Mol Biol Evol. 2024 Jun 27. pii: msae135. [Epub ahead of print]
      Plant cells harbor two membrane-bound organelles containing their own genetic material -plastids and mitochondria. Although the two organelles co-exist and co-evolve within the same plant cells, they differ in genome copy number, intracellular organization, and mode of segregation. How these attributes affect the time to fixation, or conversely, loss of neutral alleles is currently unresolved. Here we show that mitochondria and plastids share the same mutation rate yet plastid alleles remain in a heteroplasmic state significantly longer compared to mitochondrial alleles. By analyzing genetic variants across populations of the marine flowering plant Zostera marina and simulating organelle allele dynamics, we examine the determinants of allele segregation and allele fixation. Our results suggest that bottlenecks on the cell population, e.g., during branching or seeding, and stratification of the meristematic tissue, are important determinants of mitochondrial allele dynamics. Furthermore, we suggest that the prolonged plastid allele dynamics are due to a yet unknown active plastid partition mechanism. The dissimilarity between plastid and mitochondrial novel allele fixation at different levels of organization may manifest in differences in adaptation processes. Our study uncovers fundamental principles of organelle population genetics that are essential for further investigations of long-term evolution and molecular dating of divergence events.
    Keywords:  Zostera marina; allele dynamics; eelgrass; genetic diversity; heteroplasmy; mitochondria; plant organelle evolution; plastids; simulated evolution; substitution rate
  2. Biology (Basel). 2024 Jun 18. pii: 447. [Epub ahead of print]13(6):
      Recent advances in diploid F1 hybrid potato breeding rely on the production of inbred lines using the S-locus inhibitor (Sli) gene. As a result of this method, female parent lines are self-fertile and require emasculation before hybrid seed production. The resulting F1 hybrids are self-fertile as well and produce many undesirable berries in the field. Utilization of cytoplasmic male sterility would eliminate the need for emasculation, resulting in more efficient hybrid seed production and male sterile F1 hybrids. We observed plants that completely lacked anthers in an F2 population derived from an interspecific cross between diploid S. tuberosum and S. microdontum. We studied the antherless trait to determine its suitability for use in hybrid potato breeding. We mapped the causal locus to the short arm of Chromosome 6, developed KASP markers for the antherless (al) locus and introduced it into lines with T and A cytoplasm. We found that antherless type male sterility is not expressed in T and A cytoplasm, proving that it is a form of CMS. We hybridized male sterile al/al plants with P cytoplasm with pollen from al/al plants with T and A cytoplasm and we show that the resulting hybrids set significantly fewer berries in the field. Here, we show that the antherless CMS system can be readily deployed in diploid F1 hybrid potato breeding to improve hybridization efficiency and reduce berry set in the field.
    Keywords:  QTL analysis; berry and seed production; cytoplasmic male sterility; diploid potato breeding
  3. Theor Appl Genet. 2024 Jun 26. 137(7): 171
      KEY MESSAGE: A Fusarium wilt resistance gene FwS1 on pea chromosome 6 was identified and mapped to a 91.4 kb region by a comprehensive genomic-based approach, and the gene Psat6g003960 harboring NB-ARC domain was identified as the putative candidate gene. Pea Fusarium wilt, incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi (Fop), has always been a devastating disease that causes severe yield losses and economic damage in pea-growing regions worldwide. The utilization of pea cultivars carrying resistance gene is the most efficient approach for managing this disease. In order to finely map resistance gene, F2 populations were established through the cross between Shijiadacaiwan 1 (resistant) and Y4 (susceptible). The resistance genetic analysis indicated that the Fop resistance in Shijiadacaiwan 1 was governed by a single dominant gene, named FwS1. Based on the bulked segregant analysis sequencing analyses, the gene FwS1 was initially detected on chromosome 6 (i.e., linking group II, chr6LG2), and subsequent linkage mapping with 589 F2 individuals fine-mapped the gene FwS1 into a 91.4 kb region. The further functional annotation and haplotype analysis confirmed that the gene Psat6g003960, characterized by a NB-ARC (nucleotide-binding adaptor shared by APAF-1, R proteins, and CED-4) domain, was considered as the most promising candidate gene. The encoding amino acids were altered by a "T/C" single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the first exon of the Psat6g003960, and based on this SNP locus, the molecular marker A016180 was determined to be a diagnostic marker for FwS1 by validating its specificity in both pea accessions and genetic populations with different genetic backgrounds. The FwS1 with diagnostic KASP marker A016180 could facilitate marker-assisted selection in resistance pea breeding in pea. In addition, a comparison of the candidate gene Psat6g003960 in 74SN3B and SJ1 revealed the same sequences. This finding indicated that 74SN3B carried the candidate gene for FwS1, suggesting that FwS1 and Fwf may be closely linked or an identical resistant gene against Fusarium wilt.