bims-plasge Biomed News
on Plastid genes
Issue of 2019‒12‒22
one paper selected by
Vera S. Bogdanova
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  1. Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Dec 20.
      KEY MESSAGE: Bulked segregant analysis and fine mapping delimited the pepper genic male sterile (msc-2) locus into a 336 kb region on chromosome 5. A strong candidate gene, Capana05g000766, a homolog of AtMS1, was indentified in this region. Genic male sterility (msc-2) is used to produce hybrid seeds in Northern China. However, no co-segregated markers have been reported or candidate genes controlling this trait have been cloned. Here, bulked segregant analysis and genotyping of an F2 population and a 18Q5431AB line were employed to fine map msc-2, which was delimited to a 336 kb region. In this region, Capana05g000766 was a homolog of AtMS1, which encodes a plant homeodomain finger involved in tapetum development. A "T" deletion in the Capana05g000766 locus leads to a premature stop codon, which may cause a loss-of-function mutation. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that Capana05g000766 was an anther-specific gene and down-regulation of the gene resulted in male sterility. Therefore, Capana05g000766 was identified as the strongest candidate gene for the msc-2 locus. Allelism tests showed that msc-1 and msc-2 were nonallelic, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis indicated that the two genes did not interact directly with each other at the protein level. As msc-1 and msc-2 are homologs of AtDYT1 and AtMS1 in Arabidopsis, they may play similar roles in tapetum development in genic male sterile peppers, and Msc-1 might be up stream of Msc-2 in the regulation of other genes involved in tapetum development.