bims-pideca Biomed News
on Class IA PI3K signalling in development and cancer
Issue of 2024‒06‒09
23 papers selected by
Ralitsa Radostinova Madsen, MRC-PPU

  1. NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 2024 Jun 04. 10(1): 65
      Understanding the dynamics of intracellular signaling pathways, such as ERK1/2 (ERK) and Akt1/2 (Akt), in the context of cell fate decisions is important for advancing our knowledge of cellular processes and diseases, particularly cancer. While previous studies have established associations between ERK and Akt activities and proliferative cell fate, the heterogeneity of single-cell responses adds complexity to this understanding. This study employed a data-driven approach to address this challenge, developing machine learning models trained on a dataset of growth factor-induced ERK and Akt activity time courses in single cells, to predict cell division events. The most predictive models were developed by applying discrete wavelet transforms (DWTs) to extract low-frequency features from the time courses, followed by using Ensemble Integration, a data integration and predictive modeling framework. The results demonstrated that these models effectively predicted cell division events in MCF10A cells (F-measure=0.524, AUC=0.726). ERK dynamics were found to be more predictive than Akt, but the combination of both measurements further enhanced predictive performance. The ERK model`s performance also generalized to predicting division events in RPE cells, indicating the potential applicability of these models and our data-driven methodology for predicting cell division across different biological contexts. Interpretation of these models suggested that ERK dynamics throughout the cell cycle, rather than immediately after growth factor stimulation, were associated with the likelihood of cell division. Overall, this work contributes insights into the predictive power of intra-cellular signaling dynamics for cell fate decisions, and highlights the potential of machine learning approaches in unraveling complex cellular behaviors.
  2. Cell Biosci. 2024 Jun 01. 14(1): 68
      BACKGROUND: Mammalian or mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is an effective therapeutic target for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, aging, and neurodegeneration. However, an efficient tool for monitoring mTORC1 inhibition in living cells or tissues is lacking.RESULTS: We developed a genetically encoded mTORC1 sensor called TORSEL. This sensor changes its fluorescence pattern from diffuse to punctate when 4EBP1 dephosphorylation occurs and interacts with eIF4E. TORSEL can specifically sense the physiological, pharmacological, and genetic inhibition of mTORC1 signaling in living cells and tissues. Importantly, TORSEL is a valuable tool for imaging-based visual screening of mTORC1 inhibitors. Using TORSEL, we identified histone deacetylase inhibitors that selectively block nutrient-sensing signaling to inhibit mTORC1.
    CONCLUSIONS: TORSEL is a unique living cell sensor that efficiently detects the inhibition of mTORC1 activity, and histone deacetylase inhibitors such as panobinostat target mTORC1 signaling through amino acid sensing.
    Keywords:  Amino acid sensing; HDAC inhibitor; Live-cell sensor; Panobinostat; mTORC1
  3. Nat Aging. 2024 Jun 07.
      The mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 controls cellular anabolism in response to growth factor signaling and to nutrient sufficiency signaled through the Rag GTPases. Inhibition of mTOR reproducibly extends longevity across eukaryotes. Here we report that mice that endogenously express active mutant variants of RagC exhibit multiple features of parenchymal damage that include senescence, expression of inflammatory molecules, increased myeloid inflammation with extensive features of inflammaging and a ~30% reduction in lifespan. Through bone marrow transplantation experiments, we show that myeloid cells are abnormally activated by signals emanating from dysfunctional RagC-mutant parenchyma, causing neutrophil extravasation that inflicts additional inflammatory damage. Therapeutic suppression of myeloid inflammation in aged RagC-mutant mice attenuates parenchymal damage and extends survival. Together, our findings link mildly increased nutrient signaling to limited lifespan in mammals, and support a two-component process of parenchymal damage and myeloid inflammation that together precipitate a time-dependent organ deterioration that limits longevity.
  4. Cell. 2024 May 31. pii: S0092-8674(24)00527-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      While ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages DNA, eliciting the DNA damage response (DDR), it also damages RNA, triggering transcriptome-wide ribosomal collisions and eliciting a ribotoxic stress response (RSR). However, the relative contributions, timing, and regulation of these pathways in determining cell fate is unclear. Here we use time-resolved phosphoproteomic, chemical-genetic, single-cell imaging, and biochemical approaches to create a chronological atlas of signaling events activated in cells responding to UV damage. We discover that UV-induced apoptosis is mediated by the RSR kinase ZAK and not through the DDR. We identify two negative-feedback modules that regulate ZAK-mediated apoptosis: (1) GCN2 activation limits ribosomal collisions and attenuates ZAK-mediated RSR and (2) ZAK activity leads to phosphodegron autophosphorylation and its subsequent degradation. These events tune ZAK's activity to collision levels to establish regimes of homeostasis, tolerance, and death, revealing its key role as the cellular sentinel for nucleic acid damage.
    Keywords:  DNA damage response; GCN2; UV radiation; ZAK; apoptosis; collisions; phosphoproteomics; ribosomes; ribotoxic stress; signaling
  5. J Clin Invest. 2024 Jun 06. pii: e176402. [Epub ahead of print]
      Proliferative glomerulonephritis is a severe condition often leading to kidney failure. There is a significant lack of effective treatment for these disorders. Here, following the identification of a somatic PIK3CA gain-of-function mutation in podocytes of a patient, we demonstrate using multiple genetically engineered mouse models, single-cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics the crucial role played by this pathway for proliferative glomerulonephritis development by promoting podocyte proliferation, dedifferentiation and inflammation. Additionally, we show that alpelisib, a PI3Kα inhibitor, improves glomerular lesions and kidney function in different mouse models of proliferative glomerulonephritis and lupus nephritis by targeting podocytes. Surprisingly, we determined that pharmacological inhibition of PI3Kα affects B and T lymphocyte population in lupus nephritis mouse models with decrease in the production of proinflammatory cytokines, autoantibodies and glomerular complement deposition, which are all characteristic features of PI3K delta (PI3Kδ) inhibition, the primary PI3K isoform expressed in lymphocytes. Importantly, PI3Kα inhibition does not impact lymphocyte function under normal conditions. These findings were then confirmed in human lymphocytes isolated from patients with active lupus nephritis. In conclusion, we demonstrate the major role played by PI3Kα in proliferative glomerulonephritis and show that in this condition, alpelisib acts on both podocytes and the immune system.
    Keywords:  Molecular biology; Nephrology
  6. Mol Cell. 2024 Jun 06. pii: S1097-2765(24)00436-2. [Epub ahead of print]84(11): 2011-2013
      In this issue of Molecular Cell, Yi et al.1 demonstrate that reduced mTORC1 activity induces the CTLH E3 ligase-dependent degradation of HMGCS1, an enzyme in the mevalonate pathway, thus revealing a unique connection between mTORC1 signaling and the degradation of a specific metabolic enzyme via the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
  7. J Immunol. 2024 Jun 03. pii: ji2400032. [Epub ahead of print]
      FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) are required for maintaining immune tolerance and preventing systemic autoimmunity. PI3Kδ is required for normal Treg development and function. However, the impacts of dysregulated PI3Kδ signaling on Treg function remain incompletely understood. In this study, we used a conditional mouse model of activated PI3Kδ syndrome to investigate the role of altered PI3Kδ signaling specifically within the Treg compartment. Activated mice expressing a PIK3CD gain-of-function mutation (aPIK3CD) specifically within the Treg compartment exhibited weight loss and evidence for chronic inflammation, as demonstrated by increased memory/effector CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with enhanced IFN-γ secretion, spontaneous germinal center responses, and production of broad-spectrum autoantibodies. Intriguingly, aPIK3CD facilitated Treg precursor development within the thymus and an increase in peripheral Treg numbers. Peripheral Treg, however, exhibited an altered phenotype, including increased PD-1 expression and reduced competitive fitness. Consistent with these findings, Treg-specific aPIK3CD mice mounted an elevated humoral response following immunization with a T cell-dependent Ag, which correlated with a decrease in follicular Treg. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that an optimal threshold of PI3Kδ activity is critical for Treg homeostasis and function, suggesting that PI3Kδ signaling in Treg might be therapeutically targeted to either augment or inhibit immune responses.
  8. Dev Cell. 2024 May 30. pii: S1534-5807(24)00327-7. [Epub ahead of print]
      Control of cellular identity requires coordination of developmental programs with environmental factors such as nutrient availability, suggesting that perturbing metabolism can alter cell state. Here, we find that nucleotide depletion and DNA replication stress drive differentiation in human and murine normal and transformed hematopoietic systems, including patient-derived acute myeloid leukemia (AML) xenografts. These cell state transitions begin during S phase and are independent of ATR/ATM checkpoint signaling, double-stranded DNA break formation, and changes in cell cycle length. In systems where differentiation is blocked by oncogenic transcription factor expression, replication stress activates primed regulatory loci and induces lineage-appropriate maturation genes despite the persistence of progenitor programs. Altering the baseline cell state by manipulating transcription factor expression causes replication stress to induce genes specific for alternative lineages. The ability of replication stress to selectively activate primed maturation programs across different contexts suggests a general mechanism by which changes in metabolism can promote lineage-appropriate cell state transitions.
    Keywords:  cancer; cell fate; cell state; dependencies; differentiation; epigenetics; hematopoiesis; metabolism; nucleotides; replication; replication stress
  9. Science. 2024 Jun 07. 384(6700): eadk0850
      To delineate the mechanisms by which the ERK1 and ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinases support mutant KRAS-driven cancer growth, we determined the ERK-dependent phosphoproteome in KRAS-mutant pancreatic cancer. We determined that ERK1 and ERK2 share near-identical signaling and transforming outputs and that the KRAS-regulated phosphoproteome is driven nearly completely by ERK. We identified 4666 ERK-dependent phosphosites on 2123 proteins, of which 79 and 66%, respectively, were not previously associated with ERK, substantially expanding the depth and breadth of ERK-dependent phosphorylation events and revealing a considerably more complex function for ERK in cancer. We established that ERK controls a highly dynamic and complex phosphoproteome that converges on cyclin-dependent kinase regulation and RAS homolog guanosine triphosphatase function (RHO GTPase). Our findings establish the most comprehensive molecular portrait and mechanisms by which ERK drives KRAS-dependent pancreatic cancer growth.
  10. bioRxiv. 2024 May 22. pii: 2023.09.10.557072. [Epub ahead of print]
    tidyomics Consortium
      The growth of omic data presents evolving challenges in data manipulation, analysis, and integration. Addressing these challenges, Bioconductor1 provides an extensive community-driven biological data analysis platform. Meanwhile, tidy R programming2 offers a revolutionary standard for data organisation and manipulation. Here, we present the tidyomics software ecosystem, bridging Bioconductor to the tidy R paradigm. This ecosystem aims to streamline omic analysis, ease learning, and encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of tidyomics by analysing 7.5 million peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the Human Cell Atlas3, spanning six data frameworks and ten analysis tools.
  11. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Jun 06. pii: gkae409. [Epub ahead of print]
      Multi-omics characterization of single cells holds outstanding potential for profiling the dynamics and relations of gene regulatory states of thousands of cells. How to integrate multimodal data is an open problem, especially when aiming to combine data from multiple sources or conditions containing both biological and technical variation. We introduce liam, a flexible model for the simultaneous horizontal and vertical integration of paired single-cell multimodal data and mosaic integration of paired with unimodal data. Liam learns a joint low-dimensional representation of the measured modalities, which proves beneficial when the information content or quality of the modalities differ. Its integration accounts for complex batch effects using a tunable combination of conditional and adversarial training, which can be optimized using replicate information while retaining selected biological variation. We demonstrate liam's superior performance on multiple paired multimodal data types, including Multiome and CITE-seq data, and in mosaic integration scenarios. Our detailed benchmarking experiments illustrate the complexities and challenges remaining for integration and the meaningful assessment of its success.
  12. Nat Protoc. 2024 Jun 06.
      Merging diverse single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from numerous experiments, laboratories and technologies can uncover important biological insights. Nonetheless, integrating scRNA-seq data encounters special challenges when the datasets are composed of diverse cell type compositions. Scanorama offers a robust solution for improving the quality and interpretation of heterogeneous scRNA-seq data by effectively merging information from diverse sources. Scanorama is designed to address the technical variation introduced by differences in sample preparation, sequencing depth and experimental batches that can confound the analysis of multiple scRNA-seq datasets. Here we provide a detailed protocol for using Scanorama within a Scanpy-based single-cell analysis workflow coupled with Google Colaboratory, a cloud-based free Jupyter notebook environment service. The protocol involves Scanorama integration, a process that typically spans 0.5-3 h. Scanorama integration requires a basic understanding of cellular biology, transcriptomic technologies and bioinformatics. Our protocol and new Scanorama-Colaboratory resource should make scRNA-seq integration more widely accessible to researchers.
  13. Bioessays. 2024 Jun 05. e2400078
      Stem cell research is the product of cumulative, integrated effort between and within laboratories and disciplines. The many collaborative steps that lead to that special "Eureka moment", when something that has been a puzzle perhaps for years suddenly become clear, is among the greatest pleasures of a scientific career. In this essay, the serendipitous pathway from first acquaintance with pluripotent stem cells to advanced cardiovascular models that emerged from studying development and disease will be described. Perhaps inspiration for later generations of stem cell researchers simply to follow whatever they find interesting.
    Keywords:  cardiovascular disease; embryonic stem cells; heart development; induced pluripotent stem cells; vasculogenesis
  14. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 03.
      Once considered a tissue culture-specific phenomenon, cellular senescence has now been linked to various biological processes with both beneficial and detrimental roles in humans, rodents and other species. Much of our understanding of senescent cell biology still originates from tissue culture studies, where each cell in the culture is driven to an irreversible cell cycle arrest. By contrast, in tissues, these cells are relatively rare and difficult to characterize, and it is now established that fully differentiated, postmitotic cells can also acquire a senescence phenotype. The SenNet Biomarkers Working Group was formed to provide recommendations for the use of cellular senescence markers to identify and characterize senescent cells in tissues. Here, we provide recommendations for detecting senescent cells in different tissues based on a comprehensive analysis of existing literature reporting senescence markers in 14 tissues in mice and humans. We discuss some of the recent advances in detecting and characterizing cellular senescence, including molecular senescence signatures and morphological features, and the use of circulating markers. We aim for this work to be a valuable resource for both seasoned investigators in senescence-related studies and newcomers to the field.
  15. bioRxiv. 2024 May 24. pii: 2024.05.21.589311. [Epub ahead of print]
      This article describes the Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence (CM4AI) project and its goals, methods, standards, current datasets, software tools, status, and future directions. CM4AI is the Functional Genomics Data Generation Project in the U.S. National Institute of Health's (NIH) Bridge2AI program. Its overarching mission is to produce ethical, AI-ready datasets of cell architecture, inferred from multimodal data collected for human cell lines, to enable transformative biomedical AI research.
  16. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 05.
      PURPOSE: The PI3K signaling pathway is frequently dysregulated in breast cancer (BC), and mutations in PIK3CA, are relevant for therapy resistance in HER2pos BC. Mutations in exons 9 or exon 20 may have different impact on response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy-based treatment regimens.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We investigated PIK3CA mutations in 1691 early BC patients, randomized in four neoadjuvant multicenter trials: GeparQuattro (NCT00288002), GeparQuinto (NCT00567554), GeparSixto (NCT01426880) and GeparSepto (NCT01583426). The role of different PIK3CA exons and hotspots for pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and patient survival was evaluated for distinct molecular subgroups and anti-HER2 treatment procedures.
    RESULTS: A total of 302 patients (17.9%) of the full cohort of 1691 patients had a tumor with a PIK3CA mutation, with a different prevalence in molecular subgroups: luminal/HER2neg 95 of 404 patients (23.5%), HER2pos 170 of 819 patients (20.8%) and TNBC 37 of 431 patients (7.9%). We identified mutations in PIK3CA exon 20 to be linked with worse response to anti-HER2 treatment (OR=0.507, 95%CI 0.320-0.802, p=0.004), especially in HR positive HER2 positive BC (OR=0.445, 95%CI 0.237-0.837, p=0.012). In contrast, exon 9 hotspot mutations p.E452K and p.E545K revealed no noteworthy differences in response therapy response. Luminal/HER2neg patients show a trend to have worse treatment response when PIK3CA was mutated. Interestingly, patients with residual disease after neoadjuvant treatment, have better survival when PIK3CA was mutated.
    CONCLUSIONS: PIK3CA hotspot mutation p.H1047R are associated with worse pCR rates after NACT in HER2pos BC, while hotspot mutations in exon 9 seems to have less impact.
  17. Nature. 2024 Jun;630(8015): 41-43
    Keywords:  Cell biology; Genomics; Proteomics; Transcriptomics
  18. Life Sci Alliance. 2024 Aug;pii: e202402671. [Epub ahead of print]7(8):
      Targeted therapies against mutant BRAF are effectively used in combination with MEK inhibitors (MEKi) to treat advanced melanoma. However, treatment success is affected by resistance and adverse events (AEs). Approved BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) show high levels of target promiscuity, which can contribute to these effects. The blood vessel lining is in direct contact with high plasma concentrations of BRAFi, but effects of the inhibitors in this cell type are unknown. Hence, we aimed to characterize responses to approved BRAFi for melanoma in the vascular endothelium. We showed that clinically approved BRAFi induced a paradoxical activation of endothelial MAPK signaling. Moreover, phosphoproteomics revealed distinct sets of off-targets per inhibitor. Endothelial barrier function and junction integrity were impaired upon treatment with vemurafenib and the next-generation dimerization inhibitor PLX8394, but not with dabrafenib or encorafenib. Together, these findings provide insights into the surprisingly distinct side effects of BRAFi on endothelial signaling and functionality. Better understanding of off-target effects could help to identify molecular mechanisms behind AEs and guide the continued development of therapies for BRAF-mutant melanoma.
  19. Cell. 2024 Jun 06. pii: S0092-8674(24)00458-6. [Epub ahead of print]187(12): 2907-2918
      Cancer is a disease that stems from a fundamental liability inherent to multicellular life forms in which an individual cell is capable of reneging on the interests of the collective organism. Although cancer is commonly described as an evolutionary process, a less appreciated aspect of tumorigenesis may be the constraints imposed by the organism's developmental programs. Recent work from single-cell transcriptomic analyses across a range of cancer types has revealed the recurrence, plasticity, and co-option of distinct cellular states among cancer cell populations. Here, we note that across diverse cancer types, the observed cell states are proximate within the developmental hierarchy of the cell of origin. We thus posit a model by which cancer cell states are directly constrained by the organism's "developmental map." According to this model, a population of cancer cells traverses the developmental map, thereby generating a heterogeneous set of states whose interactions underpin emergent tumor behavior.
    Keywords:  cancer cell states; cellular plasticity; developmental constraints; tumor heterogeneity; tumorigenesis
  20. PLoS Comput Biol. 2024 Jun 06. 20(6): e1011912
      To standardize metabolomics data analysis and facilitate future computational developments, it is essential to have a set of well-defined templates for common data structures. Here we describe a collection of data structures involved in metabolomics data processing and illustrate how they are utilized in a full-featured Python-centric pipeline. We demonstrate the performance of the pipeline, and the details in annotation and quality control using large-scale LC-MS metabolomics and lipidomics data and LC-MS/MS data. Multiple previously published datasets are also reanalyzed to showcase its utility in biological data analysis. This pipeline allows users to streamline data processing, quality control, annotation, and standardization in an efficient and transparent manner. This work fills a major gap in the Python ecosystem for computational metabolomics.
  21. J Cell Biol. 2024 Jul 01. pii: e202405121. [Epub ahead of print]223(7):
      How nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) rates change due to cellular physiology-mediated fluctuations in GTP availability remains unclear. In this issue, Scott et al. ( demonstrate that cell migration, spreading, and nucleocytoskeletal coupling impact GTP levels, thereby regulating NCT, RNA export, and protein synthesis.
  22. Commun Biol. 2024 Jun 06. 7(1): 693
      Pericyte dysfunction, with excessive migration, hyperproliferation, and differentiation into smooth muscle-like cells contributes to vascular remodeling in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH). Augmented expression and action of growth factors trigger these pathological changes. Endogenous factors opposing such alterations are barely known. Here, we examine whether and how the endothelial hormone C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), signaling through the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) -producing guanylyl cyclase B (GC-B) receptor, attenuates the pericyte dysfunction observed in PAH. The results demonstrate that CNP/GC-B/cGMP signaling is preserved in lung pericytes from patients with PAH and prevents their growth factor-induced proliferation, migration, and transdifferentiation. The anti-proliferative effect of CNP is mediated by cGMP-dependent protein kinase I and inhibition of the Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathway, ultimately leading to the nuclear stabilization and activation of the Forkhead Box O 3 (FoxO3) transcription factor. Augmentation of the CNP/GC-B/cGMP/FoxO3 signaling pathway might be a target for novel therapeutics in the field of PAH.
  23. Cell Rep. 2024 Jun 04. pii: S2211-1247(24)00601-6. [Epub ahead of print]43(6): 114273
      Phosphoinositides (PtdIns) are a family of differentially phosphorylated lipid second messengers localized to the cytoplasmic leaflet of both plasma and intracellular membranes. Kinases and phosphatases can selectively modify the PtdIns composition of different cellular compartments, leading to the recruitment of specific binding proteins, which control cellular homeostasis and proliferation. Thus, while PtdIns affect cell growth and survival during interphase, they are also emerging as key drivers in multiple temporally defined membrane remodeling events of mitosis, like cell rounding, spindle orientation, cytokinesis, and abscission. In this review, we summarize and discuss what is known about PtdIns function during mitosis and how alterations in the production and removal of PtdIns can interfere with proper cell division.
    Keywords:  CP: Cell biology