bims-nenemi Biomed News
on Neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and mitochondria
Issue of 2025–02–02
fifteen papers selected by
Marco Tigano, Thomas Jefferson University

  1. J Cell Biol. 2025 Mar 03. pii: e202311082. [Epub ahead of print]224(3):
      Mitochondrial retrograde signaling (MRS) pathways relay the functional status of mitochondria to elicit homeostatic or adaptive changes in nuclear gene expression. Budding yeast have "intergenomic signaling" pathways that sense the amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) independently of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), the primary function of genes encoded by mtDNA. However, MRS pathways that sense the amount of mtDNA in mammalian cells remain poorly understood. We found that mtDNA-depleted IMR90 cells can sustain OXPHOS for a significant amount of time, providing a robust model system to interrogate human intergenomic signaling. We identified FAM43A, a largely uncharacterized protein, as a CHK2-dependent early responder to mtDNA depletion. Depletion of FAM43A activates a mitochondrial biogenesis program, resulting in an increase in mitochondrial mass and mtDNA copy number via CHK2-mediated upregulation of the p53R2 form of ribonucleotide reductase. We propose that FAM43A performs a checkpoint-like function to limit mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover under conditions of mtDNA depletion or replication stress.
  2. Sci Transl Med. 2025 Jan 29. 17(783): eadr0792
      Primary mitochondrial disorders are most often caused by deleterious mutations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Here, we used a mitochondrial DddA-derived cytosine base editor (DdCBE) to introduce a compensatory edit in a mouse model that carries the pathological mutation in the mitochondrial transfer RNA (tRNA) alanine (mt-tRNAAla) gene. Because the original m.5024C→T mutation (G→A in the mt-tRNAAla) destabilizes the mt-tRNAAla aminoacyl stem, we designed a compensatory m.5081G→A edit (C→T in the mt-tRNAAla) that could restore the secondary structure of the tRNAAla aminoacyl stem. For this, the DdCBE gene construct was initially tested in an m.5024C→T mutant cell line. The reduced mt-tRNAAla amounts in these cells were increased after editing up to 78% of the mtDNA. Then, DdCBE was packaged in recombinant adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9) and intravenously administered by retro-orbital injections into mice. Expression of the transduced DdCBE was observed in the heart and skeletal muscle. Total mt-tRNAAla amounts were restored in heart and muscle by the m.5081G→A edit in a dose-dependent manner. Lactate amounts, which were increased in the heart, were also decreased in treated mice. However, the highest dose tested of AAV9-DdCBE also induced severe adverse effects in vivo because of the extensive mtDNA off-target editing that it generated. These results show that although DdCBE is a promising gene therapy tool for mitochondrial disorders, the doses of the therapeutic constructs must be carefully monitored to avoid deleterious off-target editing.
  3. Elife. 2025 Jan 29. pii: RP102852. [Epub ahead of print]13
      Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in numerous diseases and the aging process. The integrated stress response (ISR) serves as a critical adaptation mechanism to a variety of stresses, including those originating from mitochondria. By utilizing mass spectrometry-based cellular thermal shift assay (MS-CETSA), we uncovered that phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP1), also known as Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP), is thermally stabilized by stresses which induce mitochondrial ISR. Depletion of PEBP1 impaired mitochondrial ISR activation by reducing eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) phosphorylation and subsequent ISR gene expression, which was independent of PEBP1's role in inhibiting the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. Consistently, overexpression of PEBP1 potentiated ISR activation by heme-regulated inhibitor (HRI) kinase, the principal eIF2α kinase in the mitochondrial ISR pathway. Real-time interaction analysis using luminescence complementation in live cells revealed an interaction between PEBP1 and eIF2α, which was disrupted by eIF2α S51 phosphorylation. These findings suggest a role for PEBP1 in amplifying mitochondrial stress signals, thereby facilitating an effective cellular response to mitochondrial dysfunction. Therefore, PEBP1 may be a potential therapeutic target for diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
    Keywords:  PEBP1; cell biology; human; integrated stress response; mitochondrial dysfunction
  4. Cell Death Dis. 2025 Jan 25. 16(1): 40
      Constitutive mitochondrial dynamics ensure quality control and metabolic fitness of cells, and their dysregulation has been implicated in various human diseases. The large GTPase Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) is intimately involved in mediating constitutive mitochondrial fission and has been implicated in mitochondrial cell death pathways. During ferroptosis, a recently identified type of regulated necrosis driven by excessive lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial fragmentation has been observed. Yet, how this is regulated and whether it is involved in ferroptotic cell death has remained unexplored. Here, we provide evidence that Drp1 is activated upon experimental induction of ferroptosis and promotes cell death execution and mitochondrial fragmentation. Using time-lapse microscopy, we found that ferroptosis induced mitochondrial fragmentation and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, but not mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization. Importantly, Drp1 accelerated ferroptotic cell death kinetics. Notably, this function was mediated by the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics, as overexpression of Mitofusin 2 phenocopied the effect of Drp1 deficiency in delaying ferroptosis cell death kinetics. Mechanistically, we found that Drp1 is phosphorylated and activated after induction of ferroptosis and that it translocates to mitochondria. Further activation at mitochondria through the phosphatase PGAM5 promoted ferroptotic cell death. Remarkably, Drp1 depletion delayed mitochondrial and plasma membrane lipid peroxidation. These data provide evidence for a functional role of Drp1 activation and mitochondrial fragmentation in the acceleration of ferroptotic cell death, with important implications for targeting mitochondrial dynamics in diseases associated with ferroptosis.
  5. Cell Rep. 2025 Jan 24. pii: S2211-1247(24)01528-6. [Epub ahead of print]44(2): 115177
      Patients with colorectal cancers (CRCs) that have microsatellite instability (MSI) (MSI CRCs) face a better prognosis than those with the more common chromosomal instability (CIN) subtype (CIN CRCs) due to improved T cell-mediated anti-tumor immune responses. Previous investigations identified the cytosolic DNA (cyDNA) sensor STING as necessary for chemokine-mediated T cell recruitment in MSI CRCs. Here, we find that cyDNA from MSI CRC cells is inherently more capable of inducing STING activation and improves cytotoxic T cell activation by dendritic cells (DCs). Sequencing indicates that MSI cyDNA is enriched in microsatellites, which, upon DC uptake, induce anti-tumor immunity in a manner consistent with clinical MSI CRCs. DNA-damaging therapies also modulate cyDNA stimulation capacity, with radiation inducing larger cyDNA sizes and increased mitochondrial DNA content. Identifying highly stimulatory endogenous cyDNAs such as those in MSI CRCs will allow for optimized development of DNA-based STING agonist therapies to improve the responses of CIN CRCs with CIN to immunotherapies.
    Keywords:  CP: Cancer; CP: Immunology; DNA repair; anti-tumor immunity; cGAS/STING signaling; colorectal cancer; dendritic cells; genomic instability
  6. Mol Biol Cell. 2025 Jan 29. mbcE25010035
      Nearly all mitochondrial proteins are imported into mitochondria from the cytosol. How nascent mitochondrial precursors acquire and sustain import-competence in the cytosol under normal and stress conditions is incompletely understood. Here, we show that under normal conditions, the Hsc70 and Hsp90 systems interact with and redundantly minimize precursor degradation. During acute import stress, Hsp90 buffers precursor degradation, preserving proteins in an import-competent state until stress resolution. Unexpectedly, buffering by Hsp90 relies critically on a mitochondrial targeting signal (MTS), the absence of which greatly decreases precursor-Hsp90 interaction. Site-specific photo-crosslinking and biochemical reconstitution showed how the MTS directly engages co-chaperones of Hsc70 (St13 and Stip1) and Hsp90 (p23 and Cdc37) to facilitate chaperone retention on the mature domain. Thus, the MTS has a previously unappreciated role in regulating chaperone dynamics on mitochondrial precursors to buffer their degradation and maintain import competence, functions that may facilitate restoration of mitochondrial homeostasis after acute import stress.
  7. J Cell Sci. 2025 Jan 30. pii: jcs.263637. [Epub ahead of print]
      The actin-based motor myosin-19 (Myo19) exerts force on mitochondrial membrane receptors Miro1/2, influencing endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria contact sites and mitochondrial cristae structure. The Mitochondrial Intermembrane Bridging (MIB) complex connects the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes at the cristae junction through the MICOS system. However, the interaction between Myo19, Miro1/2, and the MIB/MICOS complex in cristae regulation remains unclear. This study investigates the roles of Miro1/2 and metaxin 3 (Mtx3), a MIB complex component, in linking Myo19 to MIB/MICOS. We show that Miro1/2 interact with Myo19 and the MIB complex, but not with Mtx3. Their mitochondrial membrane anchors are not essential for MIB interaction or cristae structure. However, Mtx3 is crucial for Myo19 and Miro1/2's connection to MIB/MICOS. Deleting Miro1/2 mimics Myo19 deficiency effects on ER-mitochondria contacts and cristae structure, while Mtx3 deletion does not. Notably, the loss of Myo19 and Miro1/2 alters mitochondrial lipid composition, reducing cardiolipin and its precursors, suggesting Myo19 and Miro1/2 influence cristae indirectly via lipid transfer at ER-mitochondria contact sites.
    Keywords:  Cristae organization; Lipid transfer; Mitochondria; Myosin; Rho GTPases
  8. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2025 Jan 27.
      Activation of Ca2+ channels in Ca2+ stores in organelles and the plasma membrane generates cytoplasmic calcium ([Ca2+]c) signals that control almost every aspect of cell function, including metabolism, vesicle fusion and contraction. Mitochondria have a high capacity for Ca2+ uptake and chelation, alongside efficient Ca2+ release mechanisms. Still, mitochondria do not store Ca2+ in a prolonged manner under physiological conditions and lack the capacity to generate global [Ca2+]c signals. However, mitochondria take up Ca2+ at high local [Ca2+]c signals that originate from neighbouring organelles, and also during sustained global elevations of [Ca2+]c. Accumulated Ca2+ in the mitochondria stimulates oxidative metabolism and upon return to the cytoplasm, can produce spatially confined rises in [Ca2+]c to exert control over processes that are sensitive to Ca2+. Thus, the mitochondrial handling of [Ca2+]c is of physiological relevance. Furthermore, dysregulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ handling can contribute to debilitating diseases. We discuss the mechanisms and relevance of mitochondria in local and global calcium signals.
  9. Nat Commun. 2025 Jan 24. 16(1): 978
      Many essential proteins require pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, the active form of vitamin B6, as a cofactor for their activity. These include enzymes important for amino acid metabolism, one-carbon metabolism, polyamine synthesis, erythropoiesis, and neurotransmitter metabolism. A third of all mammalian pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes are localized in the mitochondria; however, the molecular machinery involved in the regulation of mitochondrial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate levels in mammals remains unknown. In this study, we used a genome-wide CRISPR interference screen in erythroleukemia cells and organellar metabolomics to identify the mitochondrial inner membrane protein SLC25A38 as a regulator of mitochondrial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Loss of SLC25A38 causes depletion of mitochondrial, but not cellular, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, and impairs cellular proliferation under both physiological and low vitamin B6 conditions. Metabolic changes associated with SLC25A38 loss suggest impaired mitochondrial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymatic reactions, including serine to glycine conversion catalyzed by serine hydroxymethyltransferase-2 as well as ornithine aminotransferase. The proliferation defect of SLC25A38-null K562 cells in physiological and low vitamin B6 media can be explained by the loss of serine hydroxymethyltransferase-2-dependent production of one-carbon units and downstream de novo nucleotide synthesis. Our work points to a role for SLC25A38 in mitochondrial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate accumulation and provides insights into the pathology of congenital sideroblastic anemia.
  10. Cell Death Dis. 2025 Jan 28. 16(1): 52
      Mitochondrial quality control is crucial for the homeostasis of the mitochondrial network. The balance between mitophagy and biogenesis is needed to reduce cerebral ischemia-induced cell death. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) represents an adaptation mechanism of CNS that increases tolerance to lethal cerebral ischemia. It has been demonstrated that hypoxia-induced Seven in absentia Homolog 2 (Siah2) E3-ligase activation influences mitochondrial dynamics promoting the degradation of mitochondrial proteins. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the role of Siah2 in the IPC-induced neuroprotection in in vitro and in vivo models of IPC. To this aim, cortical neurons were exposed to 30-min oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD, sublethal insult) followed by 3 h OGD plus reoxygenation (lethal insult). Our results revealed that the mitochondrial depolarization induced by hypoxia activates Siah2 at the mitochondrial level and increases LC3-II protein expression, a marker of mitophagy, an effect counteracted by the reoxygenation phase. By contrast, hypoxia reduced the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α), a marker of mitochondrial biogenesis, whereas its expression was increased after reoxygenation thus improving mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial calcium content, and mitochondrial morphology, hence leading to neuroprotection in IPC. Furthermore, Siah2 silencing confirmed these results. Collectively, these findings indicate that the balance between mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis, due to the activation of the Siah2-E3-ligase, might play a role in IPC-induced neuroprotection.
  11. Nucleic Acids Res. 2025 Jan 24. pii: gkae1325. [Epub ahead of print]53(3):
      Mitochondrial rRNAs play important roles in regulating mtDNA-encoded gene expression and energy metabolism subsequently. However, the proteins that regulate mitochondrial 16S rRNA processing remain poorly understood. Herein, we generated adipose-specific Wbscr16-/-mice and cells, both of which exhibited dramatic mitochondrial changes. Subsequently, WBSCR16 was identified as a 16S rRNA-binding protein essential for the cleavage of 16S rRNA-mt-tRNALeu, facilitating 16S rRNA processing and mitochondrial ribosome assembly. Additionally, WBSCR16 recruited RNase P subunit MRPP3 to nascent 16S rRNA and assisted in this specific cleavage. Furthermore, evidence showed that adipose-specific Wbscr16 ablation promotes energy wasting via lipid preference in brown adipose tissue, leading to excess energy expenditure and resistance to obesity. In contrast, overexpression of WBSCR16 upregulated 16S rRNA processing and induced a preference for glucose utilization in both transgenic mouse models and cultured cells. These findings suggest that WBSCR16 plays essential roles in mitochondrial 16S rRNA processing in mammals, and is the key mitochondrial protein to balance glucose and lipid metabolism.
  12. PLoS Genet. 2025 Jan 27. 21(1): e1011580
      A bidirectional nucleus-mitochondria communication is essential for homeostasis and stress. By acting as critical molecules, the nuclear-encoded lncRNAs (nulncRNAs) have been implicated in the nucleus-to-mitochondria anterograde regulation. However, role of mitochondrial-derived lncRNAs (mtlncRNAs) in the mitochondria-to-nucleus retrograde regulation remains elusive. Here, we identify functional implication of the mtlncRNAs MDL1AS, lncND5 and lncCyt b in retrograde regulation. Mediated by HuR and PNPT1 proteins, the mtlncRNAs undergo a mitochondria-to-nucleus traveling and then regulate a network of nuclear genes. Moreover, as an example of the functional consequence, we showed that the nuclear-translocated lncCyt b cooperates with the splicing factor hnRNPA2B1 to influence several aspects of cell metabolism including glycolysis, possibly through their regulatory effect on the post-transcriptional processing of related nuclear genes. This study advances our knowledge in mitochondrial biology and provides new insights into the role of mtlncRNAs in mitochondria-nucleus communications.
  13. Nat Commun. 2025 Jan 25. 16(1): 1021
      The 40S ribosomal subunit recycling pathway is an integral link in the cellular quality control network, occurring after translational errors have been corrected by the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) machinery. Despite our understanding of its role, the impact of translation quality control on cellular metabolism remains poorly understood. Here, we reveal a conserved role of the 40S ribosomal subunit recycling (USP10-G3BP1) complex in regulating mitochondrial dynamics and function. The complex binds to fission-fusion proteins located at mitochondrial hotspots, regulating the functional assembly of endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact sites (ERMCSs). Furthermore, it alters the activity of mTORC1/2 pathways, suggesting a link between quality control and energy fluctuations. Effective communication is essential for resolving proteostasis-related stresses. Our study illustrates that the USP10-G3BP1 complex acts as a hub that interacts with various pathways to adapt to environmental stimuli promptly. It advances our molecular understanding of RQC regulation and helps explain the pathogenesis of human proteostasis and mitochondrial dysfunction diseases.
  14. Nat Commun. 2025 Jan 29. 16(1): 1160
      Ferroptosis is a form of iron-dependent programmed cell death, which is distinct from apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy. Mitochondria play a critical role in initiating and amplifying ferroptosis in cancer cells. Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1 (VDAC1) embedded in the mitochondrial outer membrane, exerts roles in regulation of ferroptosis. However, the mechanisms of VDAC1 oligomerization in regulating ferroptosis are not well elucidated. Here, we identify that a VDAC1 binding protein V-Set and Transmembrane Domain Containing 2 Like (VSTM2L), mainly localized to mitochondria, is positively associated with prostate cancer (PCa) progression, and a key regulator of ferroptosis. Moreover, VSTM2L knockdown in PCa cells enhances the sensitivity of RSL3-induced ferroptosis. Mechanistically, VSTM2L forms complex with VDAC1 and hexokinase 2 (HK2), enhancing their binding affinity and preventing VDAC1 oligomerization, thereby inhibiting ferroptosis and maintaining mitochondria homeostasis in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, our findings reveal a pivotal role for mitochondria-localized VSTM2L in driving ferroptosis resistance and highlight its potential as a ferroptosis-inducing therapeutic target for the treatment of PCa.