bims-nenemi Biomed News
on Neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and mitochondria
Issue of 2024‒05‒05
ten papers selected by
Marco Tigano, Thomas Jefferson University

  1. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2024 Apr 29. 10(1): 93
      Loss-of-function variants in the PRKN gene encoding the ubiquitin E3 ligase PARKIN cause autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Extensive in vitro and in vivo studies have reported that PARKIN is involved in multiple pathways of mitochondrial quality control, including mitochondrial degradation and biogenesis. However, these findings are surrounded by substantial controversy due to conflicting experimental data. In addition, the existing PARKIN-deficient mouse models have failed to faithfully recapitulate PD phenotypes. Therefore, we have investigated the mitochondrial role of PARKIN during ageing and in response to stress by employing a series of conditional Parkin knockout mice. We report that PARKIN loss does not affect oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) levels in the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle of aged mice. We also demonstrate that PARKIN deficiency does not exacerbate the brain defects and the pro-inflammatory phenotype observed in mice carrying high levels of mtDNA mutations. To rule out compensatory mechanisms activated during embryonic development of Parkin-deficient mice, we generated a mouse model where loss of PARKIN was induced in adult dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Surprisingly, also these mice did not show motor impairment or neurodegeneration, and no major transcriptional changes were found in isolated midbrain DA neurons. Finally, we report a patient with compound heterozygous PRKN pathogenic variants that lacks PARKIN and has developed PD. The PARKIN deficiency did not impair OXPHOS activities or induce mitochondrial pathology in skeletal muscle from the patient. Altogether, our results argue that PARKIN is dispensable for OXPHOS function in adult mammalian tissues.
  2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 May 07. 121(19): e2317703121
      Fluorescence labeling of chemically fixed specimens, especially immunolabeling, plays a vital role in super-resolution imaging as it offers a convenient way to visualize cellular structures like mitochondria or the distribution of biomolecules with high detail. Despite the development of various distinct probes that enable super-resolved stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging of mitochondria in live cells, most of these membrane-potential-dependent fluorophores cannot be retained well in mitochondria after chemical fixation. This lack of suitable mitochondrial probes has limited STED imaging of mitochondria to live cell samples. In this study, we introduce a mitochondria-specific probe, PK Mito Orange FX (PKMO FX), which features a fixation-driven cross-linking motif and accumulates in the mitochondrial inner membrane. It exhibits high fluorescence retention after chemical fixation and efficient depletion at 775 nm, enabling nanoscopic imaging both before and after aldehyde fixation. We demonstrate the compatibility of this probe with conventional immunolabeling and other strategies commonly used for fluorescence labeling of fixed samples. Moreover, we show that PKMO FX facilitates correlative super-resolution light and electron microscopy, enabling the correlation of multicolor fluorescence images and transmission EM images via the characteristic mitochondrial pattern. Our probe further expands the mitochondrial toolkit for multimodal microscopy at nanometer resolutions.
    Keywords:  CLEM; fixation; mitochondrial imaging; super-resolution imaging
  3. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 26. pii: S2211-1247(24)00466-2. [Epub ahead of print]43(5): 114138
      Pathogens target vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) to inhibit lysosomal acidification or lysosomal fusion, causing lysosomal dysfunction. However, it remains unknown whether cells can detect dysfunctional lysosomes and initiate an immune response. In this study, we discover that dysfunction of lysosomes caused by inactivation of V-ATPase enhances innate immunity against bacterial infections. We find that lysosomal V-ATPase interacts with DVE-1, whose nuclear localization serves as a proxy for the induction of mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt). The inactivation of V-ATPase promotes the nuclear localization of DVE-1, activating UPRmt and inducing downstream immune response genes. Furthermore, pathogen resistance conferred by inactivation of V-ATPase requires dve-1 and its downstream immune effectors. Interestingly, animals grow slower after vha RNAi, suggesting that the vha-RNAi-induced immune response costs the most energy through activation of DVE-1, which trades off with growth. This study reveals how dysfunctional lysosomes can trigger an immune response, emphasizing the importance of conserving energy during immune defense.
    Keywords:  C. elegans; CP: Immunology; UPR(mt); V-ATPase; immunity; lysosomes; mitochondria; mitochondrial surveillance; pathogen
  4. Curr Biol. 2024 Apr 24. pii: S0960-9822(24)00468-8. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial cristae architecture is crucial for optimal respiratory function of the organelle. Cristae shape is maintained in part by the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) complex. While MICOS is required for normal cristae morphology, the precise mechanistic role of each of the seven human MICOS subunits, and how the complex coordinates with other cristae-shaping factors, has not been fully determined. Here, we examine the MICOS complex in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a minimal model whose genome only encodes for four core subunits. Using an unbiased proteomics approach, we identify a poorly characterized inner mitochondrial membrane protein that interacts with MICOS and is required to maintain cristae morphology, which we name Mmc1. We demonstrate that Mmc1 works in concert with MICOS to promote normal mitochondrial morphology and respiratory function. Mmc1 is a distant relative of the dynamin superfamily of proteins (DSPs), GTPases, which are well established to shape and remodel membranes. Similar to DSPs, Mmc1 self-associates and forms high-molecular-weight assemblies. Interestingly, however, Mmc1 is a pseudoenzyme that lacks key residues required for GTP binding and hydrolysis, suggesting that it does not dynamically remodel membranes. These data are consistent with the model that Mmc1 stabilizes cristae architecture by acting as a scaffold to support cristae ultrastructure on the matrix side of the inner membrane. Our study reveals a new class of proteins that evolved early in fungal phylogeny and is required for the maintenance of cristae architecture. This highlights the possibility that functionally analogous proteins work with MICOS to establish cristae morphology in metazoans.
    Keywords:  MICOS; cristae; dynamin; fission yeast; membrane remodeling; mitochondria; pseudoenzyme
  5. Comput Biol Med. 2024 Apr 23. pii: S0010-4825(24)00595-X. [Epub ahead of print]175 108511
      BACKGROUND: Mitochondria are the metabolic hubs of cells, regulating energy production and antigen presentation, which are essential for activation, proliferation, and function of immune cells. Recent evidence indicates that mitochondrial antigen presentation may have an impact on diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and autoimmune diseases. However, there is limited knowledge about the mechanisms that regulate the presentation of mitochondrial antigens in these diseases.METHODS: In the current study, RNA sequencing was performed on labial minor salivary gland (LSG) from 25 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) and 14 non-pSS aged controls. Additionally, we obtained gene expression omnibus datasets associated with PD patients from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) databases. Single-sample Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (ssGSEA), ESTIMATE and Spearman correlations were conducted to explore the association between mitochondrial related genes and the immune system. Furthermore, we applied weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to identify hub mitochondria-related genes and investigate the correlated networks in both diseases. Single cell transcriptome analysis, immunohistochemical (IHC) staining and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were used to verify the activation of the hub mitochondria-related pathway. Pearson correlations and the CIBERSORT algorithms were employed to further reveal the correlation between hub mitochondria-related pathways and immune infiltration.
    RESULTS: The transcriptome analysis revealed the presence of overlapping mitochondria-related genes and mitochondrial DNA damage in patients with pSS and PD. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), the senescence marker p53, and the inflammatory markers CD45 and Bcl-2 were found to be regionally distributed in LSGs of pSS patients. WGCNA analysis identified the STING pathway as the central mitochondria-related pathway closely associated with the immune system. Single cell analysis, IHC staining, and qRT-PCR confirmed the activation of the STING pathway. Subsequent, bioinformatic analysis revealed the proportion of infiltrating immune cells in the STING-high and STING-low groups of pSS and PD. Furthermore, the study demonstrated the association of the STING pathway with innate and adaptive immune cells, as well as functional cells, in the immune microenvironment of PD and pSS.
    CONCLUSION: Our study uncovered a central pathway that connects mitochondrial dysfunction and the immune microenvironment in PD and pSS, potentially offering valuable insights into therapeutic targets for these conditions.
    Keywords:  Mitochondria; Mitochondrial metabolism; Parkinson's disease; Primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS); Transcriptome
  6. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2024 Apr 30. pii: S0955-0674(24)00043-7. [Epub ahead of print]88 102364
      First identified in dividing cells as revolving clusters of actin filaments, these are now understood as mitochondrially-associated actin waves that are active throughout the cell cycle. These waves are formed from the polymerization of actin onto a subset of mitochondria. Within minutes, this F-actin depolymerizes while newly formed actin filaments assemble onto neighboring mitochondria. In interphase, actin waves locally fragment the mitochondrial network, enhancing mitochondrial content mixing to maintain organelle homeostasis. In dividing cells actin waves spatially mix mitochondria in the mother cell to ensure equitable partitioning of these organelles between daughter cells. Progress has been made in understanding the consequences of actin cycling as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms, but many questions remain, and here we review these elements. Also, we draw parallels between mitochondrially-associated actin cycling and cortical actin waves. These dynamic systems highlight the remarkable plasticity of the actin cytoskeleton.
  7. Cell Rep Med. 2024 May 02. pii: S2666-3791(24)00191-5. [Epub ahead of print] 101522
      Neuroinflammation plays a significant role in ischemic injury, which can be promoted by oxidized mitochondrial DNA (Ox-mtDNA). Cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 2 (CMPK2) regulates mtDNA replication, but its role in neuroinflammation and ischemic injury remains unknown. Here, we report that CMPK2 expression is upregulated in monocytes/macrophages and microglia post-stroke in humans and mice, respectively. Microglia/macrophage CMPK2 knockdown using the Cre recombination-dependent adeno-associated virus suppresses the inflammatory responses in the brain, reduces infarcts, and improves neurological outcomes in ischemic CX3CR1Cre/ERT2 mice. Mechanistically, CMPK2 knockdown limits newly synthesized mtDNA and Ox-mtDNA formation and subsequently blocks NLRP3 inflammasome activation in microglia/macrophages. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), as a CMPK2 inhibitor, is discovered to reduce neuroinflammation and ischemic injury in mice and prevent the inflammatory responses in primary human monocytes from ischemic patients. Thus, these findings identify CMPK2 as a promising therapeutic target for ischemic stroke and other brain disorders associated with neuroinflammation.
    Keywords:  CMPK2; NLRP3 inflammasome; Ox-mtDNA; human PBMC cells; microglia; stroke
  8. Sci Immunol. 2024 May 03. 9(95): eadk0865
      Dysregulated B cell cytokine production contributes to pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS); however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study we investigated how cytokine secretion by pro-inflammatory (GM-CSF-expressing) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10-expressing) B cells is regulated. Pro-inflammatory human B cells required increased oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) compared with anti-inflammatory B cells. OXPHOS reciprocally modulated pro- and anti-inflammatory B cell cytokines through regulation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) signaling. Partial inhibition of OXPHOS or ATP-signaling including with BTK inhibition resulted in an anti-inflammatory B cell cytokine shift, reversed the B cell cytokine imbalance in patients with MS, and ameliorated neuroinflammation in a myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalitis mouse model. Our study identifies how pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines are metabolically regulated in B cells and identifies ATP and its metabolites as a "fourth signal" that shapes B cell responses and is a potential target for restoring the B cell cytokine balance in autoimmune diseases.
  9. Nat Metab. 2024 Apr 30.
      The oxidative phosphorylation system1 in mammalian mitochondria plays a key role in transducing energy from ingested nutrients2. Mitochondrial metabolism is dynamic and can be reprogrammed to support both catabolic and anabolic reactions, depending on physiological demands or disease states. Rewiring of mitochondrial metabolism is intricately linked to metabolic diseases and promotes tumour growth3-5. Here, we demonstrate that oral treatment with an inhibitor of mitochondrial transcription (IMT)6 shifts whole-animal metabolism towards fatty acid oxidation, which, in turn, leads to rapid normalization of body weight, reversal of hepatosteatosis and restoration of normal glucose tolerance in male mice on a high-fat diet. Paradoxically, the IMT treatment causes a severe reduction of oxidative phosphorylation capacity concomitant with marked upregulation of fatty acid oxidation in the liver, as determined by proteomics and metabolomics analyses. The IMT treatment leads to a marked reduction of complex I, the main dehydrogenase feeding electrons into the ubiquinone (Q) pool, whereas the levels of electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase and other dehydrogenases connected to the Q pool are increased. This rewiring of metabolism caused by reduced mtDNA expression in the liver provides a principle for drug treatment of obesity and obesity-related pathology.
  10. J Am Chem Soc. 2024 Apr 29.
      Nucleic acids are mainly found in the mitochondria and nuclei of cells. Detecting nucleic acids in the mitochondrion and nucleus in cascade mode is crucial for understanding diverse biological processes. This study introduces a novel nucleic acid-based fluorescent styrene dye (SPP) that exhibits light-driven cascade migration from the mitochondrion to the nucleus. By introducing N-arylpyridine on one side of the styrene dye skeleton and a bis(2-ethylsulfanyl-ethy)-amino unit on the other side, we found that SPP exhibits excellent DNA specificity (16-fold, FDNA/Ffree) and a stronger binding force to nuclear DNA (-5.09 kcal/mol) than to mitochondrial DNA (-2.59 kcal/mol). SPP initially accumulates in the mitochondrion and then migrates to the nucleus within 10 s under light irradiation. By tracking the damage to nucleic acids in apoptotic cells, SPP allows the successful visualization of the differences between apoptosis and ferroptosis. Finally, a triphenylamine segment with photodynamic effects was incorporated into SPP to form a photosensitizer (MTPA-SPP), which targets the mitochondria for photosensitization and then migrates to the nucleus under light irradiation for enhanced photodynamic cancer cell treatment. This innovative nucleic acid-based fluorescent molecule with light-triggered mitochondrion-to-nucleus migration ability provides a feasible approach for the in situ identification of nucleic acids, monitoring of subcellular physiological events, and efficient photodynamic therapy.