bims-musmir Biomed News
on microRNAs in muscle
Issue of 2025–03–16
seven papers selected by
Katarzyna Agnieszka Goljanek-Whysall, University of Galway

  1. Aging Cell. 2025 Mar 13. e70026
      Aging-related decreases in cardiac and skeletal muscle function are strongly associated with various comorbidities. Elamipretide (ELAM), a novel mitochondria-targeted peptide, has demonstrated broad therapeutic efficacy in ameliorating disease conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction across both clinical and pre-clinical models. Herein, we investigated the impact of 8-week ELAM treatment on pre- and post-measures of C57BL/6J mice frailty, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle function, coupled with post-treatment assessments of biological age and affected molecular pathways. We found that health status, as measured by frailty index, cardiac strain, diastolic function, and skeletal muscle force, is significantly diminished with age, with skeletal muscle force changing in a sex-dependent manner. Conversely, ELAM mitigated frailty accumulation and was able to partially reverse these declines, as evidenced by treatment-induced increases in cardiac strain and muscle fatigue resistance. Despite these improvements, we did not detect statistically significant changes in gene expression or DNA methylation profiles indicative of molecular reorganization or reduced biological age in most ELAM-treated groups. However, pathway analyses revealed that ELAM treatment showed pro-longevity shifts in gene expression, such as upregulation of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, mitochondrial translation, and oxidative phosphorylation, and downregulation of inflammation. Together, these results indicate that ELAM treatment is effective at mitigating signs of sarcopenia and cardiac dysfunction in an aging mouse model, but that these functional improvements occur independently of detectable changes in epigenetic and transcriptomic age. Thus, some age-related changes in function may be uncoupled from changes in molecular biological age.
    Keywords:  aging; aging biomarkers; cardiac dysfunction; elamipretide; epigenetic clocks; mitochondria; transcriptomic clocks
  2. Sci Rep. 2025 Mar 08. 15(1): 8101
      Growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF15) is a biomarker of multiple disease states and circulating GDF15 levels are increased during aging in both pre-clinical animal models and human studies. Accordingly, multiple stressors have been identified, including mitochondrial dysfunction, that lead to induction of Gdf15 expression downstream of the integrated stress response (ISR). For some disease states, the source of increased circulating GDF15 is evident based on the specific pathology. Aging, however, presents a less tractable system for understanding the source of increased plasma GDF15 levels in that cellular dysfunction with aging can be pleiotropic and heterogeneous. To better understand which organ or organs contribute to increased circulating GDF15 levels with age, and whether changes in metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunction were associated with these potential changes, we compared young 12-week-old and middle-aged 52-week-old C57BL/6 J mice using a series of metabolic phenotyping studies and by comparing circulating levels of GDF15 and tissue-specific patterns of Gdf15 expression. Overall, we found that Gdf15 expression was increased in skeletal muscle but not liver, white or brown adipose tissue, kidney or heart of middle-aged mice, and that insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial respiratory capacity were impaired in middle-aged mice. These data suggest that early changes in skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and metabolism contribute to increased circulating GDF15 levels observed during aging.
    Keywords:  Aging; Energy expenditure; Insulin resistance; Integrated stress response; Respirometry
  3. Front Pharmacol. 2025 ;16 1519278
      Cancer cachexia (CC) is characterized by significant skeletal muscle wasting, and contributes to diminished quality of life, while being associated with poorer response to treatment and with reduced survival. Chronic inflammation plays a central role in driving CC progression, within a complex interplay favoring catabolism. Although cachexia cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support, nutritional intervention shows promise for the prevention and treatment of the syndrome. Of special interest are nutrients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential and those that activate pathways involved in muscle mass synthesis and/or in the inhibition of muscle wasting. Extensive research has been carried out on novel nutritional supplements' power to mitigate CC impact, while the mechanisms through which some nutrients or bioactive compounds exert beneficial effects on muscle mass are still not totally clear. Here, we discuss the most studied supplements and nutritional strategies for dealing with muscle loss in CC.
    Keywords:  cancer cachexia; chronic inflammation; muscle wasting; nutritional supplementation; protein synthesis
  4. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2025 Mar 13. 37(1): 86
       BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia is a complex geriatric syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance. Nutritional factors, including food insecurity, have been reported to be important in the development of sarcopenia. However, evidence on the relationship between sarcopenia and food insecurity is limited, especially with longitudinal data.
    AIMS: This study aimed to examine the longitudinal association between sarcopenia, severe sarcopenia, and food insecurity in a nationally representative sample of older adults in Mexico.
    METHODS: We used data from the four waves (2009, 2014, 2017, 2021) of the World Health Organization Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health in Mexico. The sample consisted of 1,484 older adults aged 50 years or older. Sarcopenia was defined according to the criteria of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Food insecurity was assessed with two questions related to frequency of eating less and hunger due to lack of food in the last 12 months.
    RESULTS: Moderate (OR = 1.13; 95%CI: 1.09-1.20) and severe food insecurity (OR = 1.19; 95%CI: 1.11-1.27) significantly increased the longitudinal rates of sarcopenia or severe sarcopenia. Meanwhile, the incidence of severe food insecurity increased the cumulative incidence rate of sarcopenia and severe sarcopenia (OR = 1.91; 95%CI: 1.24-2.94).
    DISCUSSION: Since food insecurity is a modifiable structural factor, the implementation of specific programs to alleviate its deleterious consequences is warranted.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that moderate and severe food insecurity are associated with an increase in the rates of sarcopenia and severe sarcopenia over time.
    Keywords:  Food insecurity; Older adults; SAGE-Mexico; Sarcopenia
  5. Front Physiol. 2025 ;16 1534911
       Background: Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism while the mechanisms remain unclear. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and served as a potential therapeutic target. The study aimed to explore how aerobic exercise prevents chronic inflammation and insulin resistance (IR) in skeletal muscle.
    Methods: Fifty C57BL/6J male mice were divided into a normal (CON) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks, followed by treadmill training for 8 weeks. Glucose levels were evaluated by glucose tolerance test, insulin tolerance test and kits. Chronic inflammatory states were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescence stain. The role of miR-221-3p was determined using miRNA sequencing and dual luciferase reporter gene assays. Metabolic alterations in skeletal muscle were investigated by Real-time PCR and Western blot.
    Results: Aerobic exercise reduced body weight, fasting blood glucose gain, and improved insulin sensitivity. It suppressed inflammation by altering IL-1β, IL-10 levels, and macrophage polarization in the skeletal muscle. Moreover, exercise prevented chronic inflammation by diminished miR-221-3p and downstream JAK/STAT pathways.
    Conclusion: Aerobic exercise improved chronic inflammation and IR in the skeletal muscle, with miR-221-3p as a key modulator of macrophage polarization.
    Keywords:  aerobic exercise; insulin resistance; macrophage polarization; miR-221-3p; skeletal muscle
  6. bioRxiv. 2025 Feb 24. pii: 2025.02.20.638910. [Epub ahead of print]
      Macroautophagy (autophagy hereafter) captures intracellular components and delivers them to lysosomes for degradation and recycling 1 . In adult mice, autophagy sustains metabolism to prevent wasting by cachexia and to survive fasting, and also suppresses inflammation, liver steatosis, neurodegeneration, and lethality 2,3 . Defects in autophagy contribute to metabolic, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, however, the specific mechanisms involved were unclear 4 . Here we profiled metabolism and inflammation in adult mice with conditional, whole-body deficiency in an essential autophagy gene and found that autophagy deficiency altered fuel usage, and reduced ambulatory activity, energy expenditure, and food intake, and elevated circulating GDF15, CXCL10, and CCL2. While deletion of Gdf15 or Cxcl10 provided no or mild benefit, deletion of Ccl2 restored food intake, suppressed cachexia and rescued lethality of autophagy-deficient mice. To test if appetite suppression by CCL2 was responsible for lethal cachexia we performed single nucleus RNA sequencing of the hypothalamus, the center of appetite control in the brain. Notably, we found that autophagy deficiency was specifically toxic to PMCH and HCRT neurons that produce orexigenic neuropeptides that promote food intake, which was rescued by deficiency in CCL2. Finally, the restoration of food intake via leptin deficiency prevented lethal cachexia in autophagy-deficient mice. Our findings demonstrate a novel mechanism where autophagy prevents induction of a cachexia factor, CCL2, which damages neurons that maintain appetite, the destruction of which may be central to degenerative wasting conditions.
    Key points of paper: 1) Autophagy-deficient mice have reduced food intake, systemic inflammation, and cachexia2) CCL2, but not GDF15 or CXCL10, induces lethal cachexia caused by autophagy defect3) Autophagy-deficient mice have CCL2-dependent destruction of appetite-promoting neurons in the hypothalamus4) Leptin deficiency restores appetite and rescues lethal cachexia in autophagy-deficient mice5) Autophagy-deficient mice die from cachexia mediated by appetite loss6) Degenerative conditions due to impaired autophagy are caused by the inflammatory response to the damage7) Targeting CCL2 may be a viable approach to prevent degenerative wasting disorders.
  7. Autophagy. 2025 Mar 10.
      Mitochondrial quality control is critical in muscle to ensure contractile and metabolic function. BNIP3L/Nix is a BCL2 member, a mitophagy receptor, and has been implicated in muscle atrophy. Human genome-wide association studies (GWAS) suggest altered BNIP3L expression could predispose to mitochondrial disease. To investigate BNIP3L function, we generated a muscle-specific knockout model. bnip3l knockout mice displayed a ragged-red fiber phenotype, along with accumulation of mitochondria and endo/sarcoplasmic reticulum with altered morphology. Intriguingly, bnip3l knockout mice were more insulin sensitive with a corresponding increase in glycogen-rich muscle fibers. Kinome and gene expression analyses revealed that bnip3l knockout impairs NFAT and MSTN (myostatin) signaling, with alterations in muscle fiber-type and evidence of regeneration. Mechanistic experiments demonstrated that BNIP3L modulates mitophagy, along with reticulophagy leading to altered nuclear calcium signaling. Collectively, these observations identify novel roles for BNIP3L coordinating selective autophagy, oxidative gene expression, and signaling pathways that maintain the muscle phenotype.
    Keywords:  BNIP3L/Nix; calcium signaling; mitophagy; muscle; myostatin