bims-mitrat Biomed News
on Mitochondrial Transplantation and Transfer
Issue of 2024‒07‒28
ten papers selected by
Gökhan Burçin Kubat, Gulhane Health Sciences Institute

  1. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Jul 22. e2401077
      Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), is a major global health concern, particularly affecting those with weakened immune systems, including the elderly. CD4+ T cell response is crucial for immunity against M.tb, but chronic infections and aging can lead to T cell exhaustion and senescence, worsening TB disease. Mitochondrial dysfunction, prevalent in aging and chronic diseases, disrupts cellular metabolism, increases oxidative stress, and impairs T-cell functions. This study investigates the effect of mitochondrial transplantation (mito-transfer) on CD4+ T cell differentiation and function in aged mouse models and human CD4+ T cells from elderly individuals. Mito-transfer in naïve CD4+ T cells is found to promote protective effector and memory T cell generation during M.tb infection in mice. Additionally, it improves elderly human T cell function by increasing mitochondrial mass and altering cytokine production, thereby reducing markers of exhaustion and senescence. These findings suggest mito-transfer as a novel approach to enhance aged CD4+ T cell functionality, potentially benefiting immune responses in the elderly and chronic TB patients. This has broader implications for diseases where mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to T-cell exhaustion and senescence.
    Keywords:  CD4+ T Cells; T cell exhaustion; T cell senescence; cellular reprogramming; immune aging; immunometabolism; mitochondrial dysfunction; mitochondrial reprogramming; mitochondrial transplantation; oxidative stress; tuberculosis
  2. iScience. 2024 Jul 19. 27(7): 110309
      Mitochondrial dysfunction and Müller cells gliosis are significant pathological characteristics of retinal degeneration (RD) and causing blinding. Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment for RD, the recently accepted therapeutic mechanism is cell fusion induced materials transfer. However, whether materials including mitochondrial transfer between grafted stem cells and recipient's cells contribute to suppressing gliosis and mechanism are unclear. In present study, we demonstrated that bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) transferred mitochondria to Müller cells by cell fusion and tunneling nanotubes. BMSCs-derived mitochondria (BMSCs-mito) were integrated into mitochondrial network of Müller cells, improving mitochondrial function, reducing oxidative stress and gliosis, which protected visual function partially in the degenerative rat retina. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that BMSCs-mito increased mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and facilitated mitochondrial fusion in damaged Müller cells. It suggests that mitochondrial transfer from BMSCs remodels Müller cells metabolism and suppresses gliosis; thus, delaying the degenerative progression of RD.
    Keywords:  cell biology; sensory neuroscience
  3. J Neurosci. 2024 Jul 25. pii: e0879242024. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial population maintenance in neurons is essential for neuron function and survival. Contact sites between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are poised to regulate mitochondrial homeostasis in neurons. These contact sites can function to facilitate transfer of calcium and lipids between the organelles and have been shown to regulate aspects of mitochondrial fission and fusion dynamics. VapB is an ER membrane protein present at a subset of ER-mitochondria contact sites. Mutations in VapB cause neurodegenerative disease. Specifically, a proline-to-serine mutation at amino acid 56 (P56S), correlates with susceptibility to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) type 8. Given the relationship between failed mitochondrial health and neurodegenerative disease, we investigated the function of VapB in mitochondrial population maintenance. We demonstrate that transgenic expression of VapBP56S in zebrafish larvae (sex undetermined) increased mitochondrial biogenesis, causing increased mitochondrial population size in the axon terminal. Expression of wild type VapB did not alter biogenesis but, instead, increased mitophagy in the axon terminal. Using genetic manipulations to independently increase mitochondrial biogenesis in zebrafish neurons, we show that biogenesis is normally balanced by mitophagy to maintain a constant mitochondrial population size. VapBP56S transgenics fail to increase mitophagy to compensate for the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis, suggesting an impaired mitophagic response. Finally, using a synthetic ER-mitochondria tether, we show that VapB's function in mitochondrial turnover is likely independent of ER-mitochondrial tethering by contact sites. Our findings demonstrate that VapB can control mitochondrial turnover in the axon terminal, and this function is altered by the P56S ALS-linked mutation.Significance statement Mitochondrial population dysfunction is tightly tied to neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS. Maintenance of the mitochondrial population in neurons requires the birth of new mitochondria and the degradation of damaged organelles. ER-mitochondrial contact site proteins are in a position to regulate both processes in neurons. Our work demonstrates that an ALS-associated mutation in the contact site protein VapB disrupts both processes, identifying VapB as a mediator of regulated mitochondrial turnover to maintain a steady-state mitochondrial population.
  4. Hum Reprod. 2024 Jul 27. pii: deae170. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria are essential organelles with specialized functions, which play crucial roles in energy production, calcium homeostasis, and programmed cell death. In oocytes, mitochondrial populations are inherited maternally and are vital for developmental competence. Dysfunction in mitochondrial quality control mechanisms can lead to reproductive failure. Due to their central role in oocyte and embryo development, mitochondria have been investigated as potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets in assisted reproduction. Pharmacological agents that target mitochondrial function and show promise in improving assisted reproduction outcomes include antioxidant coenzyme Q10 and mitoquinone, mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway inhibitor rapamycin, and nicotinamide mononucleotide. Mitochondrial replacement therapies (MRTs) offer solutions for infertility and mitochondrial disorders. Autologous germline mitochondrial energy transfer initially showed promise but failed to demonstrate significant benefits in clinical trials. Maternal spindle transfer (MST) and pronuclear transfer hold potential for preventing mitochondrial disease transmission and improving oocyte quality. Clinical trials of MST have shown promising outcomes, but larger studies are needed to confirm safety and efficacy. However, ethical and legislative challenges complicate the widespread implementation of MRTs.
    Keywords:   in vitro fertilization; ROS; antioxidants; embryo; maternal spindle transfer (MST); mitochondrial replacement therapies; mtDNA; oocyte; pronuclear transfer (PNT)
  5. Sports Med. 2024 Jul 26.
      The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and physical function leads to a loss of independence and an increased reliance on health-care. Mitochondria are crucial in the aetiology of sarcopenia and have been identified as key targets for interventions that can attenuate declines in physical capacity. Exercise training is a primary intervention that reduces many of the deleterious effects of ageing in skeletal muscle quality and function. However, habitual levels of physical activity decline with age, making it necessary to implement adjunct treatments to maintain skeletal muscle mitochondrial health and physical function. This review provides an overview of the effects of ageing and exercise training on human skeletal muscle mitochondria and considers several supplements that have plausible mechanistic underpinning to improve physical function in ageing through their interactions with mitochondria. Several supplements, including MitoQ, urolithin A, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n3-PUFAs), and a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) can improve physical function in older individuals through a variety of inter-dependent mechanisms including increases in mitochondrial biogenesis and energetics, decreases in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species emission and oxidative damage, and improvements in mitochondrial quality control. While there is evidence that some nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursors can improve physical function in older individuals, such an outcome seems unrelated to and independent of changes in skeletal muscle mitochondrial function. Future research should investigate the safety and efficacy of compounds that can improve skeletal muscle health in preclinical models through mechanisms involving mitochondria, such as mitochondrial-derived peptides and mitochondrial uncouplers, with a view to extending the human health-span.
  6. Neuron. 2024 Jul 23. pii: S0896-6273(24)00491-4. [Epub ahead of print]
      Microglia are crucial for maintaining brain health and neuron function. Here, we report that microglia establish connections with neurons using tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) in both physiological and pathological conditions. These TNTs facilitate the rapid exchange of organelles, vesicles, and proteins. In neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, toxic aggregates of alpha-synuclein (α-syn) and tau accumulate within neurons. Our research demonstrates that microglia use TNTs to extract neurons from these aggregates, restoring neuronal health. Additionally, microglia share their healthy mitochondria with burdened neurons, reducing oxidative stress and normalizing gene expression. Disrupting mitochondrial function with antimycin A before TNT formation eliminates this neuroprotection. Moreover, co-culturing neurons with microglia and promoting TNT formation rescues suppressed neuronal activity caused by α-syn or tau aggregates. Notably, TNT-mediated aggregate transfer is compromised in microglia carrying Lrrk22(Gly2019Ser) or Trem2(T66M) and (R47H) mutations, suggesting a role in the pathology of these gene variants in neurodegenerative diseases.
    Keywords:  Lrrk2 G2019S; Trem2; alpha-synuclein; intercellular transfer; microglia; mitochondria; neurons; oxidative stress; tau; tunneling nanotubes
  7. Mol Aspects Med. 2024 Jul 25. pii: S0098-2997(24)00052-9. [Epub ahead of print]99 101293
      Cancer-associated cachexia represents a multifactorial syndrome mainly characterized by muscle mass loss, which causes both a decrease in quality of life and anti-cancer therapy failure, among other consequences. The definition and diagnostic criteria of cachexia have changed and improved over time, including three different stages (pre-cachexia, cachexia, and refractory cachexia) and objective diagnostic markers. This metabolic wasting syndrome is characterized by a negative protein balance, and anti-cancer drugs like chemotherapy or immunotherapy exacerbate it through relatively unknown mechanisms. Due to its complexity, cachexia management involves a multidisciplinary strategy including not only nutritional and pharmacological interventions. Physical exercise has been proposed as a strategy to counteract the effects of cachexia on skeletal muscle, as it influences the mechanisms involved in the disease such as protein turnover, inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. This review will summarize the experimental and clinical evidence of the impact of physical exercise on cancer-associated cachexia.
    Keywords:  Cachexia; Cancer; Cancer patients; Experimental models; Molecular mechanisms; Physical exercise
  8. Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 23. 14(1): 16883
      The state of Maternal Protein Malnutrition (MPM) is associated with several deleterious effects, including inflammatory processes and dysregulation in oxidative balance, which can promote neurodegeneration. On the other hand, it is known that aerobic exercise can promote systemic health benefits, combating numerous chronic diseases. Therefore, we evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise training (AET) on indicators of mitochondrial bioenergetics, oxidative balance, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and neurotrophic factor in the prefrontal cortex of malnourished juvenile Wistar rats. Pregnant Wistar rats were fed with a diet containing 17% or 8% casein during pregnancy and lactation. At 30 days of life, male offspring were divided into 4 groups: Low-Protein Control (LS), Low-Protein Trained (LT), Normoprotein Control (NS), and Normoprotein Trained (NT). The trained groups performed an AET for 4 weeks, 5 days a week, 1 h a day per session. At 60 days of life, the animals were sacrificed and the skeletal muscle, and prefrontal cortex (PFC) were removed to evaluate the oxidative metabolism markers and gene expression of ATF-6, GRP78, PERK and BDNF. Our results showed that MPM impairs oxidative metabolism associated with higher oxidative and reticulum stress. However, AET restored the levels of indicators of mitochondrial bioenergetics, in addition to promoting resilience to cellular stress. AET at moderate intensity for 4 weeks in young Wistar rats can act as a non-pharmacological intervention in fighting against the deleterious effects of a protein-restricted maternal diet.
    Keywords:  Brain; Cellular stress; Maternal low protein diet; Oxidative stress; Physical exercise
  9. Mol Cell. 2024 Jul 25. pii: S1097-2765(24)00542-2. [Epub ahead of print]84(14): 2593-2595
      In this issue of Molecular Cell, Pilic et al.1 show that hexokinase, the first enzyme of glycolysis, forms perimitochondrial rings that prevent mitochondrial fragmentation when ATP levels drop.
  10. Nat Metab. 2024 Jul 24.
      Microglia are necessary for central nervous system (CNS) function during development and play roles in ageing, Alzheimer's disease and the response to demyelinating injury1-5. The mitochondrial respiratory chain (RC) is necessary for conventional T cell proliferation6 and macrophage-dependent immune responses7-10. However, whether mitochondrial RC is essential for microglia proliferation or function is not known. We conditionally deleted the mitochondrial complex III subunit Uqcrfs1 (Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1) in the microglia of adult mice to assess the requirement of microglial RC for survival, proliferation and adult CNS function in vivo. Notably, mitochondrial RC function was not required for survival or proliferation of microglia in vivo. RNA sequencing analysis showed that loss of RC function in microglia caused changes in gene expression distinct from aged or disease-associated microglia. Microglia-specific loss of mitochondrial RC function is not sufficient to induce cognitive decline. Amyloid-β plaque coverage decreased and microglial interaction with amyloid-β plaques increased in the hippocampus of 5xFAD mice with mitochondrial RC-deficient microglia. Microglia-specific loss of mitochondrial RC function did impair remyelination following an acute, reversible demyelinating event. Thus, mitochondrial respiration in microglia is dispensable for proliferation but is essential to maintain a proper response to CNS demyelinating injury.