bims-mitdis Biomed News
on Mitochondrial disorders
Issue of 2024‒07‒07
forty papers selected by
Catalina Vasilescu, Helmholz Munich

  1. Free Radic Biol Med. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S0891-5849(24)00536-7. [Epub ahead of print]222 317-330
      Mitochondrial transporters facilitate the translocation of metabolites between the cytoplasm and mitochondria and are critical for mitochondrial functional integrity. Although many mitochondrial transporters are associated with metabolic diseases, how they regulate mitochondrial function and their metabolic contributions at the cellular level are largely unknown. Here, we show that mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) transporter SLC25A19 is required for mitochondrial respiration. SLC25A19 deficiency leads to reduced cell viability, increased integrated stress response (ISR), enhanced glycolysis and elevated cell sensitivity to 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) treatment. Through a series of biochemical assays, we found that the depletion of mitochondrial NADH is the primary cause of the impaired mitochondrial respiration in SLC25A19 deficient cells. We also showed involvement of SLC25A19 in regulating the enzymatic activities of complexes I and III, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, malate-aspartate shuttle and amino acid metabolism. Consistently, addition of idebenone, an analog of coenzyme Q10, restores mitochondrial respiration and cell viability in SLC25A19 deficient cells. Together, our findings provide new insight into the functions of SLC25A19 in mitochondrial and cellular physiology, and suggest that restoring mitochondrial respiration could be a novel strategy for treating SLC25A19-associated disorders.
    Keywords:  Electron transport chain; Idebenone; Mitochondrial respiration; Mitochondrial transporter; NADH; SLC25A19; TPP
  2. J Biol Chem. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S0021-9258(24)01999-9. [Epub ahead of print] 107498
      Mitochondria are the nexus of cellular energy metabolism and major signaling hubs that integrate information from within and without the cell to implement cell function. Mitochondria harbor a distinct polyploid genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), that encodes respiratory chain components required for energy production. MtDNA mutation and depletion have been linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome in humans. At the cellular and subcellular levels, mtDNA synthesis is coordinated by membrane contact sites implicated in lipid transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum, tying genome maintenance to lipid storage and homeostasis. Here, we examine the relationship between mtDNA and lipid trafficking, the influence of lipotoxicity on mtDNA integrity, and how lipid metabolism may be disrupted in primary mtDNA disease.
    Keywords:  Mitochondria; lipid metabolism; lipotoxicity; mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA); mitochondrial metabolism
  3. Nat Commun. 2024 Jul 05. 15(1): 5664
      Mitochondrial gene expression relies on mitoribosomes to translate mitochondrial mRNAs. The biogenesis of mitoribosomes is an intricate process involving multiple assembly factors. Among these factors, GTP-binding proteins (GTPBPs) play important roles. In bacterial systems, numerous GTPBPs are required for ribosome subunit maturation, with EngB being a GTPBP involved in the ribosomal large subunit assembly. In this study, we focus on exploring the function of GTPBP8, the human homolog of EngB. We find that ablation of GTPBP8 leads to the inhibition of mitochondrial translation, resulting in significant impairment of oxidative phosphorylation. Structural analysis of mitoribosomes from GTPBP8 knock-out cells shows the accumulation of mitoribosomal large subunit assembly intermediates that are incapable of forming functional monosomes. Furthermore, fPAR-CLIP analysis reveals that GTPBP8 is an RNA-binding protein that interacts specifically with the mitochondrial ribosome large subunit 16 S rRNA. Our study highlights the role of GTPBP8 as a component of the mitochondrial gene expression machinery involved in mitochondrial large subunit maturation.
  4. Nat Genet. 2024 Jul 01.
      Mitochondria carry their own genetic information encoding for a subset of protein-coding genes and translational machinery essential for cellular respiration and metabolism. Despite its small size, the mitochondrial genome, its natural genetic variation and molecular phenotypes have been challenging to study using bulk sequencing approaches, due to its variation in cellular copy number, non-Mendelian modes of inheritance and propensity for mutations. Here we highlight emerging strategies designed to capture mitochondrial genetic variation across individual cells for lineage tracing and studying mitochondrial genetics in primary human cells and clinical specimens. We review recent advances surrounding single-cell mitochondrial genome sequencing and its integration with functional genomic readouts, including leveraging somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations as clonal markers that can resolve cellular population dynamics in complex human tissues. Finally, we discuss how single-cell whole mitochondrial genome sequencing approaches can be utilized to investigate mitochondrial genetics and its contribution to cellular heterogeneity and disease.
  5. J Clin Invest. 2024 Jul 01. pii: e175560. [Epub ahead of print]134(13):
      Mitochondria-related neurodegenerative diseases have been implicated in the disruption of primary cilia function. Mutation in an intrinsic mitochondrial complex I component NDUFAF2 has been identified in Leigh syndrome, a severe inherited mitochondriopathy. Mutations in ARMC9, which encodes a basal body protein, cause Joubert syndrome, a ciliopathy with defects in the brain, kidney, and eye. Here, we report a mechanistic link between mitochondria metabolism and primary cilia signaling. We discovered that loss of NDUFAF2 caused both mitochondrial and ciliary defects in vitro and in vivo and identified NDUFAF2 as a binding partner for ARMC9. We also found that NDUFAF2 was both necessary and sufficient for cilia formation and that exogenous expression of NDUFAF2 rescued the ciliary and mitochondrial defects observed in cells from patients with known ARMC9 deficiency. NAD+ supplementation restored mitochondrial and ciliary dysfunction in ARMC9-deficient cells and zebrafish and ameliorated the ocular motility and motor deficits of a patient with ARMC9 deficiency. The present results provide a compelling mechanistic link, supported by evidence from human studies, between primary cilia and mitochondrial signaling. Importantly, our findings have significant implications for the development of therapeutic approaches targeting ciliopathies.
    Keywords:  Cell biology; Neurodegeneration; Neurological disorders; Ophthalmology; Retinopathy
  6. PLoS Biol. 2024 Jul;22(7): e3002671
      Mitochondrial shape and network formation have been primarily associated with the well-established processes of fission and fusion. However, recent research has unveiled an intricate and multifaceted landscape of mitochondrial morphology that extends far beyond the conventional fission-fusion paradigm. These less-explored dimensions harbor numerous unresolved mysteries. This review navigates through diverse processes influencing mitochondrial shape and network formation, highlighting the intriguing complexities and gaps in our understanding of mitochondrial architecture. The exploration encompasses various scales, from biophysical principles governing membrane dynamics to molecular machineries shaping mitochondria, presenting a roadmap for future research in this evolving field.
  7. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2024 Jun 28.
      BACKGROUND: Primary mitochondrial diseases (PMDs) are the most common inborn errors of energy metabolism, with a combined prevalence of 1 in 4300. They can result from mutations in either nuclear DNA (nDNA) or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). These disorders are multisystemic and mainly affect high energy-demanding tissues, such as muscle and the central nervous system (CNS). Among many clinical features of CNS involvement, parkinsonism is one of the most common movement disorders in PMDs.METHODS: This review provides a pragmatic educational overview of the most recent advances in the field of mitochondrial parkinsonism, from pathophysiology and genetic etiologies to phenotype and diagnosis.
    RESULTS: mtDNA maintenance and mitochondrial dynamics alterations represent the principal mechanisms underlying mitochondrial parkinsonism. It can be present in isolation, alongside other movement disorders or, more commonly, as part of a multisystemic phenotype. Mutations in several nuclear-encoded genes (ie, POLG, TWNK, SPG7, and OPA1) and, more rarely, mtDNA mutations, are responsible for mitochondrial parkinsonism. Progressive external opthalmoplegia and optic atrophy may guide genetic etiology identification.
    CONCLUSION: A comprehensive deep-phenotyping approach is needed to reach a diagnosis of mitochondrial parkinsonism, which lacks distinctive clinical features and exemplifies the intricate genotype-phenotype interplay of PMDs.
    Keywords:  mitochondrial parkinsonism; neurogenetics; parkinsonism; primary mitochondrial diseases
  8. Cell. 2024 Jun 26. pii: S0092-8674(24)00650-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      The ability of mitochondria to coordinate stress responses across tissues is critical for health. In C. elegans, neurons experiencing mitochondrial stress elicit an inter-tissue signaling pathway through the release of mitokine signals, such as serotonin or the Wnt ligand EGL-20, which activate the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRMT) in the periphery to promote organismal health and lifespan. We find that germline mitochondria play a surprising role in neuron-to-periphery UPRMT signaling. Specifically, we find that germline mitochondria signal downstream of neuronal mitokines, Wnt and serotonin, and upstream of lipid metabolic pathways in the periphery to regulate UPRMT activation. We also find that the germline tissue itself is essential for UPRMT signaling. We propose that the germline has a central signaling role in coordinating mitochondrial stress responses across tissues, and germline mitochondria play a defining role in this coordination because of their inherent roles in germline integrity and inter-tissue signaling.
    Keywords:  C. elegans; aging; germline; lipids; mitochondria; mtUPR; proteostasis; stress response
  9. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 22. pii: 2024.06.18.599628. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria are central to cellular metabolism; hence, their dysfunction contributes to a wide array of human diseases including cancer, cardiopathy, neurodegeneration, and heritable pathologies such as Barth syndrome. Cardiolipin, the signature phospholipid of the mitochondrion promotes proper cristae morphology, bioenergetic functions, and directly affects metabolic reactions carried out in mitochondrial membranes. To match tissue-specific metabolic demands, cardiolipin typically undergoes an acyl tail remodeling process with the final step carried out by the phospholipid-lysophospholipid transacylase tafazzin. Mutations in the tafazzin gene are the primary cause of Barth syndrome. Here, we investigated how defects in cardiolipin biosynthesis and remodeling impact metabolic flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle and associated pathways in yeast. Nuclear magnetic resonance was used to monitor in real-time the metabolic fate of 13 C 3 -pyruvate in isolated mitochondria from three isogenic yeast strains. We compared mitochondria from a wild-type strain to mitochondria from a Δ taz1 strain that lacks tafazzin and contains lower amounts of unremodeled cardiolipin, and mitochondria from a Δ crd1 strain that lacks cardiolipin synthase and cannot synthesize cardiolipin. We found that the 13 C-label from the pyruvate substrate was distributed through about twelve metabolites. Several of the identified metabolites were specific to yeast pathways, including branched chain amino acids and fusel alcohol synthesis. Most metabolites showed similar kinetics amongst the different strains but mevalonate and α-ketoglutarate, as well as the NAD+/NADH couple measured in separate nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, showed pronounced differences. Taken together, the results show that cardiolipin remodeling influences pyruvate metabolism, tricarboxylic acid cycle flux, and the levels of mitochondrial nucleotides.
  10. Br J Haematol. 2024 Jun 30.
      Erythroid cells undergo a highly complex maturation process, resulting in dynamic changes that generate red blood cells (RBCs) highly rich in haemoglobin. The end stages of the erythroid cell maturation process primarily include chromatin condensation and nuclear polarization, followed by nuclear expulsion called enucleation and clearance of mitochondria and other organelles to finally generate mature RBCs. While healthy RBCs are devoid of mitochondria, recent evidence suggests that mitochondria are actively implicated in the processes of erythroid cell maturation, erythroblast enucleation and RBC production. However, the extent of mitochondrial participation that occurs during these ultimate steps is not completely understood. This is specifically important since abnormal RBC retention of mitochondria or mitochondrial DNA contributes to the pathophysiology of sickle cell and other disorders. Here we review some of the key findings so far that elucidate the importance of this process in various aspects of erythroid maturation and RBC production under homeostasis and disease conditions.
    Keywords:  RBCs; erythropoiesis; mitochondria; mitochondrial biogenesis; mitochondrial metabolism; mitophagy; terminal erythroid maturation
  11. STAR Protoc. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S2666-1667(24)00326-5. [Epub ahead of print]5(3): 103161
      Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is mitochondria rich, enabling high oxidative metabolism for non-shivering thermogenesis. The release of large/small extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing mitochondria or mitochondrial fragments, termed mito-EVs, may support mitochondrial quality control or intercellular communication. We present a protocol to isolate and characterize mito-EVs. We detail steps for BAT processing, cell debris removal, differential centrifugation (dC), and mito-EV analysis by flow cytometry and immunoblotting assays. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Rosina et al.1.
    Keywords:  Cell Biology; Cell Membrane; Cell culture; Flow Cytometry; Metabolism; Molecular Biology; Protein Biochemistry
  12. Cell Metab. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S1550-4131(24)00227-4. [Epub ahead of print]36(7): 1433-1435
      Small peptides have previously been reported to be encoded in mitochondrial rRNA and translated by cytosolic ribosomes. In this issue of Cell Metabolism, Hu et al. use mass spectrometry to identify a cytosolically translated protein, encoded instead in mitochondrial mRNA, that is surprisingly targeted back into the mitochondrial matrix.
  13. Cell Biochem Funct. 2024 Jul;42(5): e4082
      Calcium (Ca2+) has been observed as the most important ion involved in a series of cellular processes and its homeostasis is critical for normal cellular functions. Mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) complex has been recognized as the most important calcium-specific channel located in the inner mitochondrial membrane and is one of the major players in maintaining the Ca2+ homeostasis by transporting Ca2+ across the mitochondrial membrane. Furthermore, dysregulation of the mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis has been orchestrated to neurodegenerative response. This necessitates quantitative evaluation of the MCU-dependent mROS production and subsequent cellular responses for more specific therapeutic interventions against neurodegenerative disorders. Towards this goal, here we present a biological regulatory network of MCU to dynamically simulate the MCU-mediated ROS production and its response in neurodegeneration. Previously, ruthenium complex RuRed and its derivatives have been reported to show low nM to high µM potency against MCU to maintain cytosolic Ca2+ (cCa2+) homeostasis by modulating mitochondrial Ca2+ (mCa2+) uptake. Therefore, structural modeling and dynamic simulation of MCU pore-forming subunit is performed to probe the interaction profiling of previously reported Ru265 and its derivatives compounds with MCU. The current study highlighted MCU as a potential drug target in neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, ASP261 and GLU264 amino acid residues in DIME motif of MCU pore-forming subunits are identified as crucial for modulating the activity of MCU in neurodegenerative disorders.
    Keywords:  BRN; MCU; RuRed; calcium; mROS; mitochondria; neurodegeneration
  14. Mol Genet Metab. 2024 Jun 24. pii: S1096-7192(24)00404-9. [Epub ahead of print]142(4): 108520
      The malate aspartate shuttle (MAS) plays a pivotal role in transporting cytosolic reducing equivalents - electrons - into the mitochondria for energy conversion at the electron transport chain (ETC) and in the process of oxidative phosphorylation. The MAS consists of two pairs of cytosolic and mitochondrial isoenzymes (malate dehydrogenases 1 and 2; and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminases 1 and 2) and two transporters (malate-2-oxoglutarate carrier and aspartate glutamate carrier (AGC), the latter of which has two tissue-dependent isoforms AGC1 and AGC2). While the inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to NADH, the MAS forms one of the main routes for mitochondrial electron uptake by promoting uptake of malate. Inherited bi-allelic pathogenic variants in five of the seven components of the MAS have been described hitherto and cause a wide spectrum of symptoms including early-onset epileptic encephalopathy. This review provides an overview of reported patients suffering from MAS deficiencies. In addition, we give an overview of diagnostic procedures and research performed on patient-derived cellular models and tissues. Current cellular models are briefly discussed and novel ways to achieve a better understanding of MAS deficiencies are highlighted.
  15. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg. 2024 Jun 28. pii: S0005-2728(24)00457-2. [Epub ahead of print]1865(4): 149487
      ɣ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a four‑carbon amino acid acting as the main inhibitory transmitter in the invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems. The metabolism of GABA is well compartmentalized in the cell and the uptake of cytosolic GABA into the mitochondrial matrix is required for its degradation. A previous study carried out in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster indicated that the mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier (AGC) is responsible for mitochondrial GABA accumulation. Here, we investigated the transport of GABA catalysed by the human and D. melanogaster AGC proteins through a well-established method for the study of the substrate specificity and the kinetic parameters of the mitochondrial carriers. In this experimental system, the D. melanogaster spliced AGC isoforms (Aralar1-PA and Aralar1-PE) and the human AGC isoforms (AGC1/aralar1 and AGC2/citrin) are unable to transport GABA both in homo- and in hetero-exchange with either glutamate or aspartate, i.e. the canonical substrates of AGC. Moreover, GABA has no inhibitory effect on the exchange activities catalysed by the investigated AGCs. Our data demonstrate that AGC does not transport GABA and the molecular identity of the GABA transporter in human and D. melanogaster mitochondria remains unknown.
    Keywords:  AGC; Aralar; Citrin; GABA; Mitochondrial carriers
  16. Mitochondrion. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S1567-7249(24)00085-0. [Epub ahead of print]78 101927
      Mitochondrial protein/gene mutations and expression variations contribute to the pathogenesis of various diseases, such as neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. Detailed studies on mitochondrial protein-encoding (MPE) genes across diseases can provide clues for novel therapeutic strategies. Here, we collected, compiled, and manually curated the MPE gene mutation and expression variations data and their association with diseases in a single platform named mitoPADdb. The database contains 810 genes with 18,356 mutations and 1284 qualitative expression variations associated with 1793 diseases, grouped into 15 categories. It allows users to perform a comparative quantitative gene expression analysis for 317 transcriptomic studies across disease categories. Further, it provides information on MPE genes-associated molecular pathways. The mitoPADdb is a valuable resource for investigating mitochondrial dysfunction-related diseases. It can be accessed via
    Keywords:  Database; Diseases; Expression variation; Mitochondrial protein; Mutation; Pathway; Transcript expression
  17. Neurotherapeutics. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S1878-7479(24)00077-1. [Epub ahead of print]21(4): e00391
      Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy is a clinical stage therapeutic modality for neurological disorders. A common genetic defect in myriad monogenic neurological disorders is nonsense mutations that account for about 11% of all human pathogenic mutations. Stop codon readthrough by suppressor transfer RNA (sup-tRNA) has long been sought as a potential gene therapy approach to target nonsense mutations, but hindered by inefficient in vivo delivery. The rapid advances in AAV delivery technology have not only powered gene therapy development but also enabled in vivo preclinical assessment of a range of nucleic acid therapeutics, such as sup-tRNA. Compared with conventional AAV gene therapy that delivers a transgene to produce therapeutic proteins, AAV-delivered sup-tRNA has several advantages, such as small gene sizes and operating within the endogenous gene expression regulation, which are important considerations for treating some neurological disorders. This review will first examine sup-tRNA designs and delivery by AAV vectors. We will then analyze how AAV-delivered sup-tRNA can potentially address some neurological disorders that are challenging to conventional gene therapy, followed by discussing available mouse models of neurological diseases for in vivo preclinical testing. Potential challenges for AAV-delivered sup-tRNA to achieve therapeutic efficacy and safety will also be discussed.
    Keywords:  AAV; Neurological disorder; Nonsense mutation; Premature termination codon; Suppressor tRNA
  18. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 21. pii: 2024.06.21.600105. [Epub ahead of print]
      Local metabolic demand within cells varies widely and the extent to which individual mitochondria can be specialized to meet these functional needs is unclear. We examined the subcellular distribution of MICOS, a spatial and functional organizer of mitochondria, and discovered that it dynamically enriches at the tip of a minor population of mitochondria in the cell periphery that we term METEORs. METEORs have a unique composition; MICOS enrichment sites are depleted of mtDNA and matrix proteins and contain high levels of the Ca2+ uniporter MCU, suggesting a functional specialization. METEORs are also enriched for the myosin MYO19, which promotes their trafficking to a small subset of filopodia. We identify a positive correlation between the length of filopodia and the presence of METEORs and show that elimination of mitochondria from filopodia impairs cellular motility. Our data reveal a novel type of mitochondrial heterogeneity and suggest compositionally specialized mitochondria support cell migration.
  19. Genet Med. 2024 Jun 26. pii: S1098-3600(24)00133-3. [Epub ahead of print] 101199
    Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGoR) Consortium
      Since the first novel gene discovery for a Mendelian condition was made via exome sequencing (ES), the rapid increase in the number of genes known to underlie Mendelian conditions coupled with the adoption of exome (and more recently, genome) sequencing by diagnostic testing labs has changed the landscape of genomic testing for rare disease. Specifically, many individuals suspected to have a Mendelian condition are now routinely offered clinical ES. This commonly results in a precise genetic diagnosis but frequently overlooks the identification of novel candidate genes. Such candidates are also less likely to be identified in the absence of large-scale gene discovery research programs. Accordingly, clinical laboratories have both the opportunity, and some might argue a responsibility, to contribute to novel gene discovery which should in turn increase the diagnostic yield for many conditions. However, clinical diagnostic laboratories must necessarily balance priorities for throughput, turnaround time, cost efficiency, clinician preferences, and regulatory constraints, and often do not have the infrastructure or resources to effectively participate in either clinical translational or basic genome science research efforts. For these and other reasons, many laboratories have historically refrained from broadly sharing potentially pathogenic variants in novel genes via networks like Matchmaker Exchange, much less reporting such results to ordering providers. Efforts to report such results are further complicated by a lack of guidelines for clinical reporting and interpretation of variants in novel candidate genes. Nevertheless, there are myriad benefits for many stakeholders, including patients/families, clinicians, researchers, if clinical laboratories systematically and routinely identify, share, and report novel candidate genes. To facilitate this change in practice, we developed criteria for triaging, sharing, and reporting novel candidate genes that are most likely to be promptly validated as underlying a Mendelian condition and translated to use in clinical settings.
  20. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Jul 03. 15(7): 477
      Mitochondrial dysfunction can elicit multiple inflammatory pathways, especially when apoptotic caspases are inhibited. Such an inflammatory program is negatively regulated by the autophagic disposal of permeabilized mitochondria. Recent data demonstrate that the ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins is essential for NEMO-driven NF-kB activation downstream of mitochondrial permeabilization.
  21. Aging Cell. 2024 Jul 02. e14262
      The dynamicity of the mitochondrial network is crucial for meeting the ever-changing metabolic and energy needs of the cell. Mitochondrial fission promotes the degradation and distribution of mitochondria, while mitochondrial fusion maintains mitochondrial function through the complementation of mitochondrial components. Previously, we have reported that mitochondrial networks are tubular, interconnected, and well-organized in young, healthy C. elegans, but become fragmented and disorganized with advancing age and in models of age-associated neurodegenerative disease. In this work, we examine the effects of increasing mitochondrial fission or mitochondrial fusion capacity by ubiquitously overexpressing the mitochondrial fission gene drp-1 or the mitochondrial fusion genes fzo-1 and eat-3, individually or in combination. We then measured mitochondrial function, mitochondrial network morphology, physiologic rates, stress resistance, and lifespan. Surprisingly, we found that overexpression of either mitochondrial fission or fusion machinery both resulted in an increase in mitochondrial fragmentation. Similarly, both mitochondrial fission and mitochondrial fusion overexpression strains have extended lifespans and increased stress resistance, which in the case of the mitochondrial fusion overexpression strains appears to be at least partially due to the upregulation of multiple pathways of cellular resilience in these strains. Overall, our work demonstrates that increasing the expression of mitochondrial fission or fusion genes extends lifespan and improves biological resilience without promoting the maintenance of a youthful mitochondrial network morphology. This work highlights the importance of the mitochondria for both resilience and longevity.
    Keywords:   C. elegans ; aging; biological resilience; genetics; lifespan; mitochondria; mitochondrial fission; mitochondrial fusion
  22. J Biol Chem. 2024 Jun 29. pii: S0021-9258(24)02020-9. [Epub ahead of print] 107519
      The mitochondrial ribosome (mitoribosome) is responsible for the synthesis of key oxidative phosphorylation subunits encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Defects in mitoribosomal function therefore can have serious consequences for the bioenergetic capacity of the cell. Mutation of the conserved mitoribosomal mL44 protein has been directly linked to childhood cardiomyopathy and progressive neurophysiology issues. To further explore the functional significance of the mL44 protein in supporting mitochondrial protein synthesis we have performed a mutagenesis study of the yeast mL44 homolog, the MrpL3/mL44 protein. We specifically investigated the conserved hydrophobic pocket region of the MrpL3/mL44 protein, where the known disease-related residue in the human mL44 protein (L156R) is located. While our findings identify a number of residues in this region critical for MrpL3/mL44's ability to support the assembly of translationally active mitoribosomes, the introduction of the disease-related mutation into the equivalent position in the yeast protein (residue A186) was found not have a major impact on function. The human and yeast mL44 proteins share many similarities in sequence and structure, however results presented here indicate that these two proteins have diverged somewhat in evolution. Finally, we observed that mutation of the MrpL3/mL44 does not impact the translation of all mitochondrial encoded proteins equally, suggesting the mitochondrial translation system may exhibit a transcript hierarchy and prioritization.
  23. Circ Res. 2024 Jul 05. 135(2): 372-396
      Despite clinical and scientific advancements, heart failure is the major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Both mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation contribute to the development and progression of heart failure. Although inflammation is crucial to reparative healing following acute cardiomyocyte injury, chronic inflammation damages the heart, impairs function, and decreases cardiac output. Mitochondria, which comprise one third of cardiomyocyte volume, may prove a potential therapeutic target for heart failure. Known primarily for energy production, mitochondria are also involved in other processes including calcium homeostasis and the regulation of cellular apoptosis. Mitochondrial function is closely related to morphology, which alters through mitochondrial dynamics, thus ensuring that the energy needs of the cell are met. However, in heart failure, changes in substrate use lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired myocyte function. This review discusses mitochondrial and cristae dynamics, including the role of the mitochondria contact site and cristae organizing system complex in mitochondrial ultrastructure changes. Additionally, this review covers the role of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites, mitochondrial communication via nanotunnels, and altered metabolite production during heart failure. We highlight these often-neglected factors and promising clinical mitochondrial targets for heart failure.
    Keywords:  cardiovascular diseases; heart failure; hypertension; mitochondria; myocardium
  24. Nature. 2024 Jul;631(8019): 28
    Keywords:  Gene therapy; Genetics; Public health; Technology
  25. Mol Metab. 2024 Jul 01. pii: S2212-8778(24)00114-5. [Epub ahead of print] 101983
      Mitochondria facilitate thousands of biochemical reactions, covering a broad spectrum of anabolic and catabolic processes. Here we demonstrate that the adipocyte mitochondrial proteome is markedly altered across multiple models of insulin resistance and reveal a consistent decrease in the level of the mitochondrial processing peptidase miPEP. To experimentally test this observation, we generated adipocyte-specific miPEP knockout mice to interrogate its role in the aetiology of insulin resistance. We observed a strong phenotype characterised by enhanced insulin sensitivity and reduced adiposity, despite normal food intake and physical activity. Strikingly, these phenotypes vanished when mice were housed at thermoneutrality, suggesting that metabolic protection conferred by miPEP deletion hinges upon a thermoregulatory process. Tissue specific analysis of miPEP deficient mice revealed an increment in muscle metabolism, and upregulation of the protein FBP2 that is involved in ATP hydrolysis in the gluconeogenic pathway. These findings suggest that miPEP deletion initiates a compensatory increase in skeletal muscle metabolism acting as a protective mechanism against diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance.
    Keywords:  Adipose Tissue; Insulin Resistance; Metabolism; Mitochondria; Peptidases; Skeletal Muscle
  26. Cell Metab. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S1550-4131(24)00236-5. [Epub ahead of print]36(7): 1436-1438
      The factors determining levels of pathogenic mitochondrial DNA in cells and tissues are critical to disease pathology but remain poorly understood and contentious. In Nature, Kotrys et al. published a single-cell-based analysis casting fresh light on this thorny problem and introduced a powerful new investigative tool.
  27. Res Sq. 2024 Jun 18. pii: [Epub ahead of print]
      The Cystine-xCT transporter-Glutathione (GSH)-GPX4 axis is the canonical pathway to protect against ferroptosis. While not required for ferroptosis-inducing compounds (FINs) targeting GPX4, FINs targeting the xCT transporter require mitochondria and its lipid peroxidation to trigger ferroptosis. However, the mechanism underlying the difference between these FINs is still unknown. Given that cysteine is also required for coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis, here we show that CoA supplementation specifically prevents ferroptosis induced by xCT inhibitors but not GPX4 inhibitors. We find that, auranofin, a thioredoxin reductase inhibitor, abolishes the protective effect of CoA. We also find that CoA availability determines the enzymatic activity of thioredoxin reductase, but not thioredoxin. Importantly, the mitochondrial thioredoxin system, but not the cytosolic thioredoxin system, determines CoA-mediated ferroptosis inhibition. Our data show that the CoA regulates the in vitro enzymatic activity of mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase (TXNRD2) by covalently modifying the thiol group of cysteine (CoAlation) on Cys-483. Replacing Cys-483 with alanine on TXNRD2 abolishes its in vitro enzymatic activity and ability to protect cells from ferroptosis. Targeting xCT to limit cysteine import and, therefore, CoA biosynthesis reduced CoAlation on TXNRD2, an effect that was rescued by CoA supplementation. Furthermore, the fibroblasts from patients with disrupted CoA metabolism demonstrate increased mitochondrial lipid peroxidation. In organotypic brain slice cultures, inhibition of CoA biosynthesis leads to an oxidized thioredoxin system, mitochondrial lipid peroxidation, and loss in cell viability, which were all rescued by ferrostatin-1. These findings identify CoA-mediated post-translation modification to regulate the thioredoxin system as an alternative ferroptosis protection pathway with potential clinical relevance for patients with disrupted CoA metabolism.
  28. Mitochondrion. 2024 Jun 27. pii: S1567-7249(24)00084-9. [Epub ahead of print]78 101926
      Mitochondria are singular cell organelles essential for many cellular functions, which includes responding to stress, regulating calcium levels, maintaining protein homeostasis, and coordinating apoptosis response. The vitality of cells, therefore, hinges on the optimal functioning of these dynamic organelles. Mitochondrial Quality Control Mechanisms (MQCM) play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and functionality of mitochondria. Perturbations in these mechanisms have been closely associated with the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Compelling evidence suggests that targeting specific pathways within the MQCM could potentially offer a therapeutic avenue for rescuing mitochondrial integrity and mitigating the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. The intricate interplay of cellular stress, protein misfolding, and impaired quality control mechanisms provides a nuanced understanding of the underlying pathology. Consequently, unravelling the specific MQCM dysregulation in neurodegenerative disorders becomes paramount for developing targeted therapeutic strategies. This review delves into the impaired MQCM pathways implicated in neurodegenerative disorders and explores emerging therapeutic interventions. By shedding light on pharmaceutical and genetic manipulations aimed at restoring MQCM efficiency, the discussion aims to provide insights into novel strategies for ameliorating the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Understanding and addressing mitochondrial quality control mechanisms not only underscore their significance in cellular health but also offer a promising frontier for advancing therapeutic approaches in the realm of neurodegenerative disorders.
    Keywords:  Alzheimer’s disease; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Huntington’s disease; Mitochondrial quality control mechanisms; Neurodegenerative disorders; Parkinson’s disease
  29. ACS Cent Sci. 2024 Jun 26. 10(6): 1231-1241
      Mitochondrial thermogenesis is a process in which heat is generated by mitochondrial respiration. In living organisms, the thermogenic mechanisms that maintain body temperature have been studied extensively in fat cells with little knowledge on how mitochondrial heat may act beyond energy expenditure. Here, we highlight that the exothermic oxygen reduction reaction (ΔH f° = -286 kJ/mol) is the main source of the protonophore-induced mitochondrial thermogenesis, and this heat is conducted to other cellular organelles, including the nucleus. As a result, mitochondrial heat that reached the nucleus initiated the classical heat shock response, including the formation of nuclear stress granules and the localization of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) to chromatin. Consequently, activated HSF1 increases the level of gene expression associated with the response to thermal stress in mammalian cells. Our results illustrate heat generated within the cells as a potential source of mitochondria-nucleus communication and expand our understanding of the biological functions of mitochondria in cell physiology.
  30. Cell Signal. 2024 Jul 02. pii: S0898-6568(24)00252-3. [Epub ahead of print] 111284
      The mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex (MCUc), serving as the specific channel for calcium influx into the mitochondrial matrix, is integral to calcium homeostasis and cellular integrity. Given its importance, ongoing research spans various disease models to understand the properties of the MCUc in pathophysiological contexts, but reported a different conclusion. Therefore, this review delves into the profound connection between MCUc-mediated calcium transients and cellular signaling pathways, mitochondrial dynamics, metabolism, and cell death. Additionally, we shed light on the recent advancements concerning the structural intricacies and auxiliary components of the MCUc in both resting and activated states. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on novel extrinsic and intrinsic regulators of the MCUc and their therapeutic implications across a spectrum of diseases. Meanwhile, we employed molecular docking simulations and identified candidate traditional Chinese medicine components with potential binding sites to the MCUc, potentially offering insights for further research on MCUc modulation.
    Keywords:  Calcium homeostasis; Mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex; Mitochondrial pathophysiology
  31. Mol Metab. 2024 Jul 01. pii: S2212-8778(24)00113-3. [Epub ahead of print] 101982
      OBJECTIVE: Hepatic Ca2+ signaling has been identified as a crucial key factor in driving gluconeogenesis. The involvement of mitochondria in hormone-induced Ca2+ signaling and their contribution to metabolic activity remain, however, poorly understood. Moreover, the molecular mechanism governing the mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux signaling remains unresolved. This study investigates the role of the Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, in modulating hepatic mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux, and examines its physiological significance in hormonal hepatic Ca2+ signaling, gluconeogenesis, and mitochondrial bioenergetics.METHODS: Primary mouse hepatocytes from both an AAV-mediated conditional hepatic-specific and a total mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, knock-out (KO) mouse models were employed for fluorescent monitoring of purinergic and glucagon/vasopressin-dependent mitochondrial and cytosolic hepatic Ca2+ responses in cultured hepatocytes. Isolated liver mitochondria and permeabilized primary hepatocytes were utilized to analyze the ion-dependence of Ca2+ efflux. Utilizing the conditional hepatic-specific NCLX KO model, the rate of gluconeogenesis was assessed first through the monitoring of glucose levels in fasted mice in vivo and by subjecting the fasted mice to a pyruvate tolerance test while monitoring blood glucose. Additionally, cultured primary hepatocytes from both genotypes were assessed in vitro for glucagon-dependent glucose production and cellular bioenergetics through glucose oxidase assay and Seahorse respirometry, respectively.
    RESULTS: Analysis of Ca2+ responses in isolated liver mitochondria and cultured primary hepatocytes from NCLX KO versus WT mice showed that NCLX serves as the principal mechanism for mitochondrial calcium extrusion in hepatocytes. We then determined the role of NCLX in glucagon and vasopressin-induced Ca2+ oscillations. Consistent with previous studies, glucagon and vasopressin triggered Ca2+ oscillations in WT hepatocytes, however, the deletion of NCLX resulted in selective elimination of mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, Ca2+ oscillations or level of IP3R1 expression, underscoring NCLX's pivotal role in mitochondrial Ca2+ regulation. Subsequent in vivo investigation for hepatic NCLX role in gluconeogenesis revealed that, as opposed to WT mice which maintained normoglycemic blood glucose levels when fasted, conditional hepatic-specific NCLX KO mice exhibited a faster drop in glucose levels, becoming hypoglycemic, and with a compromised conversion of pyruvate to glucose when provided challenged under fasting conditions. Concurrent in vitro assessments showed impaired glucagon-dependent glucose production and compromised bioenergetics in KO hepatocytes, thereby underscoring NCLX's significant contribution to hepatic glucose metabolism.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study findings demonstrate that NCLX acts as the primary Ca2+ efflux mechanism in hepatocytes. NCLX is indispensable for the regulation of hormone-induced mitochondrial Ca2+ oscillations, mitochondrial metabolism and sustenance of hepatic gluconeogenesis.
    Keywords:  Calcium signaling; Mitocondrial calcium; NCLX; gluconeogenesis; hepatic calcium signaling
  32. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg. 2024 Jul 01. pii: S0005-2728(24)00464-X. [Epub ahead of print] 149494
      Mitochondrial bioenergetics in females and males is different. Whether mitochondria from male and female brains display differences in mitochondrial enzymes is unknown. We measured the function of mitochondrial complexes from the brains of male and female macaques (Macaca mulatta). Cerebral tissue of macaques males exhibit elevated content and activity of mitochondrial complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and activity of complex II compared to females. No significant differences between sexes were found in the content of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and activities of cytochrome c oxidase and F1Fo ATPase. Our results, underscore the need for further investigations to elucidate sex-related mitochondrial distinctions in humans.
    Keywords:  ATPase; Mitochondria; Mitochondrial complex I; Primates; Sex; Succinate dehydrogenase; TCA cycle; α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
  33. Curr Protoc. 2024 Jul;4(7): e1094
      Short tandem repeat (STR) expansions are associated with more than 60 genetic disorders. The size and stability of these expansions correlate with the severity and age of onset of the disease. Therefore, being able to accurately detect the absolute length of STRs is important. Current diagnostic assays include laborious lab experiments, including repeat-primed PCR and Southern blotting, that still cannot precisely determine the exact length of very long repeat expansions. Optical genome mapping (OGM) is a cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative to traditional cytogenetic techniques and allows the comprehensive detection of chromosomal aberrations and structural variants >500 bp in length, including insertions, deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations, and copy number variants. Here, we provide methodological guidance for preparing samples and performing OGM as well as running the analysis pipelines and using the specific repeat expansion workflows to determine the exact repeat length of repeat expansions expanded beyond 500 bp. Together these protocols provide all details needed to analyze the length and stability of any repeat expansion with an expected repeat size difference from the expected wild-type allele of >500 bp. © 2024 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Genomic ultra-high-molecular-weight DNA isolation, labeling, and staining Basic Protocol 2: Data generation and genome mapping using the Bionano Saphyr® System Basic Protocol 3: Manual De Novo Assembly workflow Basic Protocol 4: Local guided assembly workflow Basic Protocol 5: EnFocus Fragile X workflow Basic Protocol 6: Molecule distance script workflow.
    Keywords:  optical genome mapping; repeat expansion disorders; somatic instability; structural variant analysis; whole genome analysis
  34. Life Sci Alliance. 2024 Sep;pii: e202302396. [Epub ahead of print]7(9):
      In addition to mitochondrial DNA, mitochondrial double-stranded RNA (mtdsRNA) is exported from mitochondria. However, specific channels for RNA transport have not been demonstrated. Here, we begin to characterize channel candidates for mtdsRNA export from the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol. Down-regulation of SUV3 resulted in the accumulation of mtdsRNAs in the matrix, whereas down-regulation of PNPase resulted in the export of mtdsRNAs to the cytosol. Targeting experiments show that PNPase functions in both the intermembrane space and matrix. Strand-specific sequencing of the double-stranded RNA confirms the mitochondrial origin. Inhibiting or down-regulating outer membrane proteins VDAC1/2 and BAK/BAX or inner membrane proteins PHB1/2 strongly attenuated the export of mtdsRNAs to the cytosol. The cytosolic mtdsRNAs subsequently localized to large granules containing the stress protein TIA-1 and activated the type 1 interferon stress response pathway. Abundant mtdsRNAs were detected in a subset of non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines that were glycolytic, indicating relevance in cancer biology. Thus, we propose that mtdsRNA is a new damage-associated molecular pattern that is exported from mitochondria in a regulated manner.
  35. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024 Jul 01.
      The mitochondrial chaperonin, mitochondrial heat shock protein 60 (mtHsp60), promotes the folding of newly imported and transiently misfolded proteins in the mitochondrial matrix, assisted by its co-chaperone mtHsp10. Despite its essential role in mitochondrial proteostasis, structural insights into how this chaperonin progresses through its ATP-dependent client folding cycle are not clear. Here, we determined cryo-EM structures of a hyperstable disease-associated human mtHsp60 mutant, V72I. Client density is identified in three distinct states, revealing interactions with the mtHsp60 apical domains and C termini that coordinate client positioning in the folding chamber. We further identify an asymmetric arrangement of the apical domains in the ATP state, in which an alternating up/down configuration positions interaction surfaces for simultaneous recruitment of mtHsp10 and client retention. Client is then fully encapsulated in mtHsp60-10, revealing prominent contacts at two discrete sites that potentially support maturation. These results identify distinct roles for the apical domains in coordinating client capture and progression through the chaperone cycle, supporting a conserved mechanism of group I chaperonin function.
  36. Biochem Soc Trans. 2024 Jul 03. pii: BST20231347. [Epub ahead of print]
      The major energy-producing reactions of biochemistry occur at biological membranes. Computational protein design now provides the opportunity to elucidate the underlying principles of these processes and to construct bioenergetic pathways on our own terms. Here, we review recent achievements in this endeavour of 'synthetic bioenergetics', with a particular focus on new enabling tools that facilitate the computational design of biocompatible de novo integral membrane proteins. We use recent examples to showcase some of the key computational approaches in current use and highlight that the overall philosophy of 'surface-swapping' - the replacement of solvent-facing residues with amino acids bearing lipid-soluble hydrophobic sidechains - is a promising avenue in membrane protein design. We conclude by highlighting outstanding design challenges and the emerging role of AI in sequence design and structure ideation.
    Keywords:  bioenergetics; protein design; transmembrane proteins