bims-mitdis Biomed News
on Mitochondrial disorders
Issue of 2024‒05‒05
forty-two papers selected by
Catalina Vasilescu, Helmholz Munich

  1. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Apr 29. pii: S1043-2760(24)00088-2. [Epub ahead of print]
      Skeletal muscle has a major impact on total body metabolism and obesity, and is characterized by dynamic regulation of substrate utilization. While it is accepted that acute increases in mitochondrial matrix Ca2+ increase carbohydrate usage to augment ATP production, recent studies in mice with deleted genes for components of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) complex have suggested a more complicated regulatory scenario. Indeed, mice with a deleted Mcu gene in muscle, which lack acute mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, have greater fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and less adiposity. By contrast, mice deleted for the inhibitory Mcub gene in skeletal muscle, which have greater acute mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, antithetically display reduced FAO and progressive obesity. In this review we discuss the emerging concept that dynamic fluxing of mitochondrial matrix Ca2+ regulates metabolism.
    Keywords:  Ca(2+) signaling; metabolism; mitochondria; obesity; skeletal muscle
  2. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2024 Apr 29. 10(1): 93
      Loss-of-function variants in the PRKN gene encoding the ubiquitin E3 ligase PARKIN cause autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Extensive in vitro and in vivo studies have reported that PARKIN is involved in multiple pathways of mitochondrial quality control, including mitochondrial degradation and biogenesis. However, these findings are surrounded by substantial controversy due to conflicting experimental data. In addition, the existing PARKIN-deficient mouse models have failed to faithfully recapitulate PD phenotypes. Therefore, we have investigated the mitochondrial role of PARKIN during ageing and in response to stress by employing a series of conditional Parkin knockout mice. We report that PARKIN loss does not affect oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) levels in the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle of aged mice. We also demonstrate that PARKIN deficiency does not exacerbate the brain defects and the pro-inflammatory phenotype observed in mice carrying high levels of mtDNA mutations. To rule out compensatory mechanisms activated during embryonic development of Parkin-deficient mice, we generated a mouse model where loss of PARKIN was induced in adult dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Surprisingly, also these mice did not show motor impairment or neurodegeneration, and no major transcriptional changes were found in isolated midbrain DA neurons. Finally, we report a patient with compound heterozygous PRKN pathogenic variants that lacks PARKIN and has developed PD. The PARKIN deficiency did not impair OXPHOS activities or induce mitochondrial pathology in skeletal muscle from the patient. Altogether, our results argue that PARKIN is dispensable for OXPHOS function in adult mammalian tissues.
  3. Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 29. 15(1): 3631
      Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (iPD) is believed to have a heterogeneous pathophysiology, but molecular disease subtypes have not been identified. Here, we show that iPD can be stratified according to the severity of neuronal respiratory complex I (CI) deficiency, and identify two emerging disease subtypes with distinct molecular and clinical profiles. The CI deficient (CI-PD) subtype accounts for approximately a fourth of all cases, and is characterized by anatomically widespread neuronal CI deficiency, a distinct cell type-specific gene expression profile, increased load of neuronal mtDNA deletions, and a predilection for non-tremor dominant motor phenotypes. In contrast, the non-CI deficient (nCI-PD) subtype exhibits no evidence of mitochondrial impairment outside the dopaminergic substantia nigra and has a predilection for a tremor dominant phenotype. These findings constitute a step towards resolving the biological heterogeneity of iPD with implications for both mechanistic understanding and treatment strategies.
  4. Cell Metab. 2024 Apr 15. pii: S1550-4131(23)00472-2. [Epub ahead of print]
    MoTrPAC Study Group
      Mitochondria have diverse functions critical to whole-body metabolic homeostasis. Endurance training alters mitochondrial activity, but systematic characterization of these adaptations is lacking. Here, the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium mapped the temporal, multi-omic changes in mitochondrial analytes across 19 tissues in male and female rats trained for 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks. Training elicited substantial changes in the adrenal gland, brown adipose, colon, heart, and skeletal muscle. The colon showed non-linear response dynamics, whereas mitochondrial pathways were downregulated in brown adipose and adrenal tissues. Protein acetylation increased in the liver, with a shift in lipid metabolism, whereas oxidative proteins increased in striated muscles. Exercise-upregulated networks were downregulated in human diabetes and cirrhosis. Knockdown of the central network protein 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 10 (HSD17B10) elevated oxygen consumption, indicative of metabolic stress. We provide a multi-omic, multi-tissue, temporal atlas of the mitochondrial response to exercise training and identify candidates linked to mitochondrial dysfunction.
    Keywords:  HSD17B10; acetylome; aerobic; exercise; metabolism; metabolomics; mitochondria; multi-omics; proteomics; transcriptomics
  5. Nat Metab. 2024 Apr 30.
      The oxidative phosphorylation system1 in mammalian mitochondria plays a key role in transducing energy from ingested nutrients2. Mitochondrial metabolism is dynamic and can be reprogrammed to support both catabolic and anabolic reactions, depending on physiological demands or disease states. Rewiring of mitochondrial metabolism is intricately linked to metabolic diseases and promotes tumour growth3-5. Here, we demonstrate that oral treatment with an inhibitor of mitochondrial transcription (IMT)6 shifts whole-animal metabolism towards fatty acid oxidation, which, in turn, leads to rapid normalization of body weight, reversal of hepatosteatosis and restoration of normal glucose tolerance in male mice on a high-fat diet. Paradoxically, the IMT treatment causes a severe reduction of oxidative phosphorylation capacity concomitant with marked upregulation of fatty acid oxidation in the liver, as determined by proteomics and metabolomics analyses. The IMT treatment leads to a marked reduction of complex I, the main dehydrogenase feeding electrons into the ubiquinone (Q) pool, whereas the levels of electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase and other dehydrogenases connected to the Q pool are increased. This rewiring of metabolism caused by reduced mtDNA expression in the liver provides a principle for drug treatment of obesity and obesity-related pathology.
  6. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 May 07. 121(19): e2317703121
      Fluorescence labeling of chemically fixed specimens, especially immunolabeling, plays a vital role in super-resolution imaging as it offers a convenient way to visualize cellular structures like mitochondria or the distribution of biomolecules with high detail. Despite the development of various distinct probes that enable super-resolved stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging of mitochondria in live cells, most of these membrane-potential-dependent fluorophores cannot be retained well in mitochondria after chemical fixation. This lack of suitable mitochondrial probes has limited STED imaging of mitochondria to live cell samples. In this study, we introduce a mitochondria-specific probe, PK Mito Orange FX (PKMO FX), which features a fixation-driven cross-linking motif and accumulates in the mitochondrial inner membrane. It exhibits high fluorescence retention after chemical fixation and efficient depletion at 775 nm, enabling nanoscopic imaging both before and after aldehyde fixation. We demonstrate the compatibility of this probe with conventional immunolabeling and other strategies commonly used for fluorescence labeling of fixed samples. Moreover, we show that PKMO FX facilitates correlative super-resolution light and electron microscopy, enabling the correlation of multicolor fluorescence images and transmission EM images via the characteristic mitochondrial pattern. Our probe further expands the mitochondrial toolkit for multimodal microscopy at nanometer resolutions.
    Keywords:  CLEM; fixation; mitochondrial imaging; super-resolution imaging
  7. Curr Biol. 2024 Apr 24. pii: S0960-9822(24)00468-8. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondrial cristae architecture is crucial for optimal respiratory function of the organelle. Cristae shape is maintained in part by the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) complex. While MICOS is required for normal cristae morphology, the precise mechanistic role of each of the seven human MICOS subunits, and how the complex coordinates with other cristae-shaping factors, has not been fully determined. Here, we examine the MICOS complex in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a minimal model whose genome only encodes for four core subunits. Using an unbiased proteomics approach, we identify a poorly characterized inner mitochondrial membrane protein that interacts with MICOS and is required to maintain cristae morphology, which we name Mmc1. We demonstrate that Mmc1 works in concert with MICOS to promote normal mitochondrial morphology and respiratory function. Mmc1 is a distant relative of the dynamin superfamily of proteins (DSPs), GTPases, which are well established to shape and remodel membranes. Similar to DSPs, Mmc1 self-associates and forms high-molecular-weight assemblies. Interestingly, however, Mmc1 is a pseudoenzyme that lacks key residues required for GTP binding and hydrolysis, suggesting that it does not dynamically remodel membranes. These data are consistent with the model that Mmc1 stabilizes cristae architecture by acting as a scaffold to support cristae ultrastructure on the matrix side of the inner membrane. Our study reveals a new class of proteins that evolved early in fungal phylogeny and is required for the maintenance of cristae architecture. This highlights the possibility that functionally analogous proteins work with MICOS to establish cristae morphology in metazoans.
    Keywords:  MICOS; cristae; dynamin; fission yeast; membrane remodeling; mitochondria; pseudoenzyme
  8. medRxiv. 2024 Apr 20. pii: 2024.04.15.24305876. [Epub ahead of print]
    Undiagnosed Diseases Network
      Rare and ultra-rare genetic conditions are estimated to impact nearly 1 in 17 people worldwide, yet accurately pinpointing the diagnostic variants underlying each of these conditions remains a formidable challenge. Because comprehensive, in vivo functional assessment of all possible genetic variants is infeasible, clinicians instead consider in silico variant pathogenicity predictions to distinguish plausibly disease-causing from benign variants across the genome. However, in the most difficult undiagnosed cases, such as those accepted to the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), existing pathogenicity predictions cannot reliably discern true etiological variant(s) from other deleterious candidate variants that were prioritized through N-of-1 efforts. Pinpointing the disease-causing variant from a pool of plausible candidates remains a largely manual effort requiring extensive clinical workups, functional and experimental assays, and eventual identification of genotype- and phenotype-matched individuals. Here, we introduce VarPPUD, a tool trained on prioritized variants from UDN cases, that leverages gene-, amino acid-, and nucleotide-level features to discern pathogenic variants from other deleterious variants that are unlikely to be confirmed as disease relevant. VarPPUD achieves a cross-validated accuracy of 79.3% and precision of 77.5% on a held-out subset of uniquely challenging UDN cases, respectively representing an average 18.6% and 23.4% improvement over nine traditional pathogenicity prediction approaches on this task. We validate VarPPUD's ability to discriminate likely from unlikely pathogenic variants on synthetic, GAN-generated candidate variants as well. Finally, we show how VarPPUD can be probed to evaluate each input feature's importance and contribution toward prediction-an essential step toward understanding the distinct characteristics of newly-uncovered disease-causing variants.Significance Statement: Patients with chronic, undiagnosed and underdiagnosed genetic conditions often endure expensive and excruciating years-long diagnostic odysseys without clear results. In many instances, clinical genome sequencing of patients and their family members fails to reveal known disease-causing variants, although compelling variants of uncertain significance are frequently encountered. Existing computational tools struggle to reliably differentiate truly disease-causing variants from other plausible candidate variants within these prioritized sets. Consequently, the confirmation of disease-causing variants often necessitates extensive experimental follow-up, including studies in model organisms and identification of other similarly presenting genotype-matched individuals, a process that can extend for several years. Here, we present VarPPUD, a tool trained specifically to distinguish likely from unlikely to be confirmed pathogenic variants that were prioritized across cases in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. By evaluating the importance and impact of different input feature values on prediction, we gain deeper insights into the distinctive attributes of difficult-to-identify diagnostic variants. For patients who remain undiagnosed following comprehensive whole genome sequencing, our new method VarPPUD may reveal pathogenic variants amid a pool of candidate variants, thereby advancing diagnostic efforts where progress has otherwise stalled.
  9. Free Radic Biol Med. 2024 Apr 25. pii: S0891-5849(24)00421-0. [Epub ahead of print]219 195-214
      Mitochondria congregate central reactions in energy metabolism, many of which involve electron transfer. As such, they are expected to both respond to changes in nutrient supply and demand and also provide signals that integrate energy metabolism intracellularly. In this review, we discuss how mitochondrial bioenergetics and reactive oxygen species production is impacted by dietary interventions that change nutrient availability and impact on aging, such as calorie restriction. We also discuss how dietary interventions alter mitochondrial Ca2+ transport, regulating both mitochondrial and cytosolic processes modulated by this ion. Overall, a plethora of literature data support the idea that mitochondrial oxidants and calcium transport act as integrating signals coordinating the response to changes in nutritional supply and demand in cells, tissues, and animals.
  10. Redox Biol. 2024 Apr 29. pii: S2213-2317(24)00152-6. [Epub ahead of print]73 103174
      Ribosomes mediate protein synthesis, which is one of the most energy-demanding activities within the cell, and mitochondria are one of the main sources generating energy. How mitochondrial morphology and functions are adjusted to cope with ribosomal defects, which can impair protein synthesis and affect cell viability, is poorly understood. Here, we used the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces Pombe as a model organism to investigate the interplay between ribosome and mitochondria. We found that a ribosomal insult, caused by the absence of Rpl2702, activates a signaling pathway involving Sty1/MAPK and mTOR to modulate mitochondrial morphology and functions. Specifically, we demonstrated that Sty1/MAPK induces mitochondrial fragmentation in a mTOR-independent manner while both Sty1/MAPK and mTOR increases the levels of mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS). Moreover, we demonstrated that Sty1/MAPK acts upstream of Tor1/TORC2 and Tor1/TORC2 and is required to activate Tor2/TORC1. The enhancements of mitochondrial membrane potential and mROS function to promote proliferation of cells bearing ribosomal defects. Hence, our study reveals a previously uncharacterized Sty1/MAPK-mTOR signaling axis that regulates mitochondrial morphology and functions in response to ribosomal insults and provides new insights into the molecular and physiological adaptations of cells to impaired protein synthesis.
    Keywords:  MAPK; Mitochondria; Ribosome; Schizosaccharomyces pombe; mTOR
  11. Cell Rep. 2024 Apr 26. pii: S2211-1247(24)00476-5. [Epub ahead of print] 114148
      Coenzyme Q (CoQ) deficiency syndrome is conventionally treated with limited efficacy using exogenous CoQ10. Poor outcomes result from low absorption and bioavailability of CoQ10 and the clinical heterogenicity of the disease. Here, we demonstrate that supplementation with 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4HB), the precursor of the benzoquinone ring in the CoQ biosynthetic pathway, completely rescues multisystemic disease and perinatal lethality in a mouse model of CoQ deficiency. 4HB stimulates endogenous CoQ biosynthesis in tissues of Coq2 mutant mice, normalizing mitochondrial function and rescuing cardiac insufficiency, edema, and neurodevelopmental delay. In contrast, exogenous CoQ10 supplementation falls short in fully restoring the phenotype. The treatment is translatable to human use, as proven by in vitro studies in skin fibroblasts from patients with pathogenic variants in COQ2. The therapeutic approach extends to other disorders characterized by deficiencies in the production of 4HB and early steps of CoQ biosynthesis and instances of secondary CoQ deficiency.
    Keywords:  4-hydroxybenzoic acid; CP: Metabolism; CoQ biosynthesis; cardiac insufficiency; coenzyme Q deficiency; metabolic disorders; mitochondrial diseases; neurodevelopmental disorders; perinatal lethality; pharmacological therapy; translational medicine
  12. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2024 Jun;50(3): e12977
      AIM: Leigh syndrome (LS), the most common paediatric presentation of genetic mitochondrial dysfunction, is a multi-system disorder characterised by severe neurologic and metabolic abnormalities. Symmetric, bilateral, progressive necrotizing lesions in the brainstem are defining features of the disease. Patients are often symptom free in early life but typically develop symptoms by about 2 years of age. The mechanisms underlying disease onset and progression in LS remain obscure. Recent studies have shown that the immune system causally drives disease in the Ndufs4(-/-) mouse model of LS: treatment of Ndufs4(-/-) mice with the macrophage-depleting Csf1r inhibitor pexidartinib prevents disease. While the precise mechanisms leading to immune activation and immune factors involved in disease progression have not yet been determined, interferon-gamma (IFNγ) and interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP10) were found to be significantly elevated in Ndufs4(-/-) brainstem, implicating these factors in disease. Here, we aimed to explore the role of IFNγ and IP10 in LS.METHODS: To establish the role of IFNγ and IP10 in LS, we generated IFNγ and IP10 deficient Ndufs4(-/-)/Ifng(-/-) and Ndufs4(-/-)/IP10(-/-) double knockout animals, as well as IFNγ and IP10 heterozygous, Ndufs4(-/-)/Ifng(+/-) and Ndufs4(-/-)/IP10(+/-), animals. We monitored disease onset and progression to define the impact of heterozygous or homozygous loss of IFNγ and IP10 in LS.
    RESULTS: Loss of IP10 does not significantly impact the onset or progression of disease in the Ndufs4(-/-) model. IFNγ loss significantly extends survival and delays disease progression in a gene dosage-dependent manner, though the benefits are modest compared to Csf1r inhibition.
    CONCLUSIONS: IFNγ contributes to disease onset and progression in LS. Our findings suggest that IFNγ targeting therapies may provide some benefits in genetic mitochondrial disease, but targeting IFNγ alone would likely yield only modest benefits in LS.
    Keywords:  Leigh disease; chemokine CXCL10; interferon‐gamma; mitochondrial diseases
  13. Hum Genomics. 2024 Apr 29. 18(1): 44
      BACKGROUND: A major obstacle faced by families with rare diseases is obtaining a genetic diagnosis. The average "diagnostic odyssey" lasts over five years and causal variants are identified in under 50%, even when capturing variants genome-wide. To aid in the interpretation and prioritization of the vast number of variants detected, computational methods are proliferating. Knowing which tools are most effective remains unclear. To evaluate the performance of computational methods, and to encourage innovation in method development, we designed a Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) community challenge to place variant prioritization models head-to-head in a real-life clinical diagnostic setting.METHODS: We utilized genome sequencing (GS) data from families sequenced in the Rare Genomes Project (RGP), a direct-to-participant research study on the utility of GS for rare disease diagnosis and gene discovery. Challenge predictors were provided with a dataset of variant calls and phenotype terms from 175 RGP individuals (65 families), including 35 solved training set families with causal variants specified, and 30 unlabeled test set families (14 solved, 16 unsolved). We tasked teams to identify causal variants in as many families as possible. Predictors submitted variant predictions with estimated probability of causal relationship (EPCR) values. Model performance was determined by two metrics, a weighted score based on the rank position of causal variants, and the maximum F-measure, based on precision and recall of causal variants across all EPCR values.
    RESULTS: Sixteen teams submitted predictions from 52 models, some with manual review incorporated. Top performers recalled causal variants in up to 13 of 14 solved families within the top 5 ranked variants. Newly discovered diagnostic variants were returned to two previously unsolved families following confirmatory RNA sequencing, and two novel disease gene candidates were entered into Matchmaker Exchange. In one example, RNA sequencing demonstrated aberrant splicing due to a deep intronic indel in ASNS, identified in trans with a frameshift variant in an unsolved proband with phenotypes consistent with asparagine synthetase deficiency.
    CONCLUSIONS: Model methodology and performance was highly variable. Models weighing call quality, allele frequency, predicted deleteriousness, segregation, and phenotype were effective in identifying causal variants, and models open to phenotype expansion and non-coding variants were able to capture more difficult diagnoses and discover new diagnoses. Overall, computational models can significantly aid variant prioritization. For use in diagnostics, detailed review and conservative assessment of prioritized variants against established criteria is needed.
    Keywords:  Best practices; Genome interpretation; Genome sequencing; Rare disease; Variant prioritization
  14. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2024 Apr;9(4): 519-521
    Keywords:  heart failure; hypertrophy; mitochondrial calcium overload; mitochondrial calcium uniporter; reactive oxygen species
  15. Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 May 03.
      COQ7 pathogenetic variants cause primary CoQ10 deficiency and a clinical phenotype of encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, or multisystemic disorder. Early diagnosis is essential for promptly starting CoQ10 supplementation. Here, we report novel compound heterozygous variants in the COQ7 gene responsible for a prenatal onset (20 weeks of gestation) of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and intestinal dysmotility in a Bangladesh consanguineous family with two affected siblings. The main clinical findings were dysmorphisms, recurrent intestinal occlusions that required ileostomy, left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy, ascending aorta dilation, arterial hypertension, renal dysfunction, diffuse skin desquamation, axial hypotonia, neurodevelopmental delay, and growth retardation. Exome sequencing revealed compound heterozygous rare variants in the COQ7 gene, c.613_617delGCCGGinsCAT (p.Ala205HisfsTer48) and c.403A>G (p.Met135Val). In silico analysis and functional in vitro studies confirmed the pathogenicity of the variants responsible for abolished activities of complexes I + III and II + III in muscle homogenate, severe decrease of CoQ10 levels, and reduced basal and maximal respiration in patients' fibroblasts. The first proband deceased at 14 months of age, whereas supplementation with a high dose of CoQ10 (30 mg/kg/day) since the first days of life modified the clinical course in the second child, showing a recovery of milestones acquirement at the last follow-up (18 months of age). Our study expands the clinical spectrum of primary CoQ10 deficiency due to COQ7 gene defects and highlights the essential role of multidisciplinary and combined approaches for a timely diagnosis.
  16. medRxiv. 2024 Apr 19. pii: 2024.04.18.24305861. [Epub ahead of print]
    Undiagnosed Diseases Network
      The biological mechanisms giving rise to the extreme symptoms exhibited by rare disease patients are complex, heterogenous, and difficult to discern. Understanding these mechanisms is critical for developing treatments that address the underlying causes of diseases rather than merely the presenting symptoms. Moreover, the same dysfunctional biological mechanisms implicated in rare recessive diseases may also lead to milder and potentially preventable symptoms in carriers in the general population. Seizures are a common, extreme phenotype that can result from diverse and often elusive biological pathways in patients with ultrarare or undiagnosed disorders. In this pilot study, we present an approach to understand the biological pathways leading to seizures in patients from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) by analyzing aggregated genotype and phenotype data from the UK Biobank (UKB). Specifically, we look for enriched phenotypes across UKB participants who harbor rare variants in the same gene known or suspected to be causally implicated in a UDN patient's recessively manifesting disorder. Analyzing these milder but related associated phenotypes in UKB participants can provide insight into the disease-causing molecular mechanisms at play in the rare disease UDN patient. We present six vignettes of undiagnosed patients experiencing seizures as part of their recessive genetic condition, and we discuss the potential mechanisms underlying the spectrum of symptoms associated with UKB participants to the severe presentations exhibited by UDN patients. We find that in our set of rare disease patients, seizures may result from diverse, multi-step pathways that involve multiple body systems. Analyses of large-scale population cohorts such as the UKB can be a critical tool to further our understanding of rare diseases in general.
  17. Mov Disord. 2024 Apr 30.
      BACKGROUND: The MRPS36 gene encodes a recently identified component of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC), a key enzyme of the Krebs cycle catalyzing the oxidative decarboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate to succinyl-CoA. Defective OGDHC activity causes a clinically variable metabolic disorder characterized by global developmental delay, severe neurological impairment, liver failure, and early-onset lactic acidosis.METHODS: We investigated the molecular cause underlying Leigh syndrome with bilateral striatal necrosis in two siblings through exome sequencing. Functional studies included measurement of the OGDHC enzymatic activity and MRPS36 mRNA levels in fibroblasts, assessment of protein stability in transfected cells, and structural analysis. A literature review was performed to define the etiological and phenotypic spectrum of OGDHC deficiency.
    RESULTS: In the two affected brothers, exome sequencing identified a homozygous nonsense variant (c.283G>T, p.Glu95*) of MRPS36. The variant did not affect transcript processing and stability, nor protein levels, but resulted in a shorter protein lacking nine residues that contribute to the structural and functional organization of the OGDHC complex. OGDHC enzymatic activity was significantly reduced. The review of previously reported cases of OGDHC deficiency supports the association of this enzymatic defect with Leigh phenotypic spectrum and early-onset movement disorder. Slightly elevated plasma levels of glutamate and glutamine were observed in our and literature patients with OGDHC defect.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings point to MRPS36 as a new disease gene implicated in Leigh syndrome. The slight elevation of plasma levels of glutamate and glutamine observed in patients with OGDHC deficiency represents a candidate metabolic signature of this neurometabolic disorder. © 2024 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
    Keywords:  2‐oxoglutaratedehydrogenase complex; Leigh syndrome; chorea; dystonia; mitochondrial disorders
  18. Methods Mol Biol. 2024 ;2803 75-86
      Mitochondria within a cardiomyocyte form a highly dynamic network that undergoes fusion and fission events in response to acute and chronic stressors, such as hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus. Changes in mitochondrial architecture and morphology not only reflect their capacity for oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis but also impact their subcellular localization and interaction with other organelles. The role of these ultrastructural abnormalities in modulating electrophysiological properties and excitation-contraction coupling remains largely unknown and warrants direct investigation considering the growing appreciation of the functional and structural coupling between the mitochondrial network, the calcium cycling machinery, and sarcolemmal ion channels in the cardiac myocyte. In this Methods in Molecular Biology chapter, we provide a protocol that allows for a quantitative assessment of mitochondrial shape and morphology in control and diabetic hearts that had undergone detailed electrophysiological measurements using high resolution optical action potential (AP) mapping.
    Keywords:  Diabetes Mellitus; Electron Microscopy; Mitochondria; Myocardium; Optical Mapping
  19. Exp Mol Med. 2024 May 01.
      Traditionally, mitochondria are considered sites of energy production. However, recent studies have suggested that mitochondria are signaling organelles that are involved in intracellular interactions with other organelles. Remarkably, stressed mitochondria appear to induce a beneficial response that restores mitochondrial function and cellular homeostasis. These mitochondrial stress-centered signaling pathways have been rapidly elucidated in multiple organisms. In this review, we examine current perspectives on how mitochondria communicate with the rest of the cell, highlighting mitochondria-to-nucleus (mitonuclear) communication under various stresses. Our understanding of mitochondria as signaling organelles may provide new insights into disease susceptibility and lifespan extension.
  20. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2024 May 01.
      Humans derive fatty acids (FA) from exogenous dietary sources and/or endogenous synthesis from acetyl-CoA, although some FA are solely derived from exogenous sources ("essential FA"). Once inside cells, FA may undergo a wide variety of different modifications, which include their activation to their corresponding CoA ester, the introduction of double bonds, the 2- and ω-hydroxylation and chain elongation, thereby generating a cellular FA pool which can be used for the synthesis of more complex lipids. The biological properties of complex lipids are very much determined by their molecular composition in terms of the FA incorporated into these lipid species. This immediately explains the existence of a range of genetic diseases in man, often with severe clinical consequences caused by variants in one of the many genes coding for enzymes responsible for these FA modifications. It is the purpose of this review to describe the current state of knowledge about FA homeostasis and the genetic diseases involved. This includes the disorders of FA activation, desaturation, 2- and ω-hydroxylation, and chain elongation, but also the disorders of FA breakdown, including disorders of peroxisomal and mitochondrial α- and β-oxidation.
    Keywords:  (phospho)lipid metabolism; 2‐hydroxylation; fatty acid elongation; mitochondrial disorders; peroxisomal disorders; sphingolipid metabolism; ω‐hydroxylation
  21. Circulation. 2024 Apr 30.
      BACKGROUND: Myocardial mitochondrial dysfunction underpins the pathogenesis of heart failure (HF), yet therapeutic options to restore myocardial mitochondrial function are scarce. Epigenetic modifications of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), such as methylation, play a pivotal role in modulating mitochondrial homeostasis. However, their involvement in HF remains unclear.METHODS: Experimental HF models were established through continuous angiotensin II and phenylephrine (AngII/PE) infusion or prolonged myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. The landscape of N6-methyladenine (6mA) methylation within failing cardiomyocyte mtDNA was characterized using high-resolution mass spectrometry and methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing. A tamoxifen-inducible cardiomyocyte-specific Mettl4 knockout mouse model and adeno-associated virus vectors designed for cardiomyocyte-targeted manipulation of METTL4 (methyltransferase-like protein 4) expression were used to ascertain the role of mtDNA 6mA and its methyltransferase METTL4 in HF.
    RESULTS: METTL4 was predominantly localized within adult cardiomyocyte mitochondria. 6mA modifications were significantly more abundant in mtDNA than in nuclear DNA. Postnatal cardiomyocyte maturation presented with a reduction in 6mA levels within mtDNA, coinciding with a decrease in METTL4 expression. However, an increase in both mtDNA 6mA level and METTL4 expression was observed in failing adult cardiomyocytes, suggesting a shift toward a neonatal-like state. METTL4 preferentially targeted mtDNA promoter regions, which resulted in interference with transcription initiation complex assembly, mtDNA transcriptional stalling, and ultimately mitochondrial dysfunction. Amplifying cardiomyocyte mtDNA 6mA through METTL4 overexpression led to spontaneous mitochondrial dysfunction and HF phenotypes. The transcription factor p53 was identified as a direct regulator of METTL4 transcription in response to HF-provoking stress, thereby revealing a stress-responsive mechanism that controls METTL4 expression and mtDNA 6mA. Cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of the Mettl4 gene eliminated mtDNA 6mA excess, preserved mitochondrial function, and mitigated the development of HF upon continuous infusion of AngII/PE. In addition, specific silencing of METTL4 in cardiomyocytes restored mitochondrial function and offered therapeutic relief in mice with preexisting HF, irrespective of whether the condition was induced by AngII/PE infusion or myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings identify a pivotal role of cardiomyocyte mtDNA 6mA and the corresponding methyltransferase, METTL4, in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial dysfunction and HF. Targeted suppression of METTL4 to rectify mtDNA 6mA excess emerges as a promising strategy for developing mitochondria-focused HF interventions.
    Keywords:  DNA, mitochondrial; heart failure; methylation; methyltransferases; mitochondrial diseases
  22. BMJ Case Rep. 2024 Apr 29. pii: e259426. [Epub ahead of print]17(4):
      The POLG mutation, a leading cause of mitochondrial diseases, exhibits a wide-ranging age of onset and a complex clinical presentation. We encountered an atypical clinical profile in an elderly man with a POLG mutation, characterised by a stroke-like episode, chronic insomnia and transient oculomasticatory rhythmic movement. History revealed chronic constipation since his 50s and progressive bilateral ophthalmoplegia since his early 60s. Subsequently, he had experienced acute encephalopathy and later developed chronic insomnia. The present neurological examination showed bilateral complete ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, and rhythmic ocular and jaw movements. Imaging indicated findings suggestive of a stroke-like episode and eventual genetic analysis revealed a homozygous missense mutation in the POLG gene. This case expands the clinical spectrum of POLG mutations in individuals over 60 years, showcasing the rare combination of a stroke-like episode, chronic insomnia and oculomasticatory rhythmic movement.
    Keywords:  Genetics; Neuro genetics; Neurology
  23. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Apr 27. pii: gkae293. [Epub ahead of print]
      Spatial transcriptomic (ST) techniques help us understand the gene expression levels in specific parts of tissues and organs, providing insights into their biological functions. Even though ST dataset provides information on the gene expression and its location for each sample, it is challenging to compare spatial gene expression patterns across tissue samples with different shapes and coordinates. Here, we propose a method, SpatialSPM, that reconstructs ST data into multi-dimensional image matrices to ensure comparability across different samples through spatial registration process. We demonstrated the applicability of this method by kidney and mouse olfactory bulb datasets as well as mouse brain ST datasets to investigate and directly compare gene expression in a specific anatomical region of interest, pixel by pixel, across various biological statuses. Beyond traditional analyses, SpatialSPM is capable of generating statistical parametric maps, including T-scores and Pearson correlation coefficients. This feature enables the identification of specific regions exhibiting differentially expressed genes across tissue samples, enhancing the depth and specificity of ST studies. Our approach provides an efficient way to analyze ST datasets and may offer detailed insights into various biological conditions.
  24. Nature. 2024 May 01.
    Keywords:  Cardiovascular biology; Cell biology; Diabetes; Regeneration
  25. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2024 May 02. 19(1): 183
      BACKGROUND: With over 7000 Mendelian disorders, identifying children with a specific rare genetic disorder diagnosis through structured electronic medical record data is challenging given incompleteness of records, inaccurate medical diagnosis coding, as well as heterogeneity in clinical symptoms and procedures for specific disorders. We sought to develop a digital phenotyping algorithm (PheIndex) using electronic medical records to identify children aged 0-3 diagnosed with genetic disorders or who present with illness with an increased risk for genetic disorders.RESULTS: Through expert opinion, we established 13 criteria for the algorithm and derived a score and a classification. The performance of each criterion and the classification were validated by chart review. PheIndex identified 1,088 children out of 93,154 live births who may be at an increased risk for genetic disorders. Chart review demonstrated that the algorithm achieved 90% sensitivity, 97% specificity, and 94% accuracy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PheIndex algorithm can help identify when a rare genetic disorder may be present, alerting providers to consider ordering a diagnostic genetic test and/or referring a patient to a medical geneticist.
    Keywords:  Algorithm; Clinical decision-making; Digital phenotyping; Pediatric genetic disorders
  26. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2024 May 01.
      Genetic sequencing technologies are evolving at a rapid pace with major implications for research and clinical practice. In this review, the authors provide an updated overview of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and emerging methodologies. NGS has tremendously improved sequencing output while being more time and cost-efficient in comparison to Sanger sequencing. The authors describe short-read sequencing approaches, such as sequencing by synthesis, ion semiconductor sequencing, and nanoball sequencing. Third-generation long-read sequencing now promises to overcome many of the limitations of short-read sequencing, such as the ability to reliably resolve repeat sequences and large genomic rearrangements. By combining complementary methods with massively parallel DNA sequencing, a greater insight into the biological context of disease mechanisms is now possible. Emerging methodologies, such as advances in nanopore technology, in situ nucleic acid sequencing, and microscopy-based sequencing, will continue the rapid evolution of this area. These new technologies hold many potential applications for hematological disorders, with the promise of precision and personalized medical care in the future.
  27. Prenat Diagn. 2024 Apr 30.
      OBJECTIVE: Single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) are of great significance in prenatal diagnosis as they are the leading cause of inherited single-gene disorders (SGDs). Identifying SNVs in a non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) scenario is particularly challenging for maternally inherited SNVs. We present an improved method to predict inherited SNVs from maternal or paternal origin in a genome-wide manner.METHODS: We performed SNV-NIPS based on the combination of fragments of cell free DNA (cfDNA) features, Bayesian inference and a machine-learning (ML) prediction refinement step using random forest (RF) classifiers trained on millions of non-pathogenic variants. We next evaluate the real-world performance of our refined method in a clinical setting by testing our models on 16 families with singleton pregnancies and varying fetal fraction (FF) levels, and validate the results over millions of inherited variants in each fetus.
    RESULTS: The average area under the ROC curve (AUC) values are 0.996 over all families for paternally inherited variants, 0.81 for the challenging maternally inherited variants, 0.86 for homozygous biallelic variants and 0.95 for compound heterozygous variants. Discriminative AUCs were achieved even in families with a low FF. We further investigate the performance of our method in correctly predicting SNVs in coding regions of clinically relevant genes and demonstrate significantly improved AUCs in these regions. Finally, we focus on the pathogenic variants in our cohort and show that our method correctly predicts if the fetus is unaffected or affected in all (10/10, 100%) of the families containing a pathogenic SNV.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we demonstrate our ability to perform genome-wide NIPS for maternal and homozygous biallelic variants and showcase the utility of our method in a clinical setting.
  28. Ann Hum Genet. 2024 May 01.
      INTRODUCTION: Long-read whole genome sequencing like Oxford Nanopore Technology, is increasingly being introduced in clinical settings. With its ability to simultaneously call sequence variation and DNA modifications including 5-methylcytosine, nanopore is a promising technology to improve diagnostics of imprinting disorders.METHODS: Currently, no tools to analyze DNA methylation patterns at known clinically relevant imprinted regions are available. Here we present NanoImprint, which generates an easily interpretable report, based on long-read nanopore sequencing, to use for identifying clinical relevant abnormalities in methylation levels at 14 imprinted regions and diagnosis of common imprinting disorders.
    RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: NanoImprint outputs a summarizing table and visualization plots displays methylation frequency (%) and chromosomal positions for all regions, with phased data color-coded for the two alleles. We demonstrate the utility of NanoImprint using three imprinting disorder samples from patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). NanoImprint script is available from
    Keywords:  DMR; DNA methylation; diagnostic tool; epigenetics; imprinting disorder; long‐read; nanopore; phasing; whole genome sequencing
  29. Nature. 2024 May 01.
      Ischaemic diseases such as critical limb ischaemia and myocardial infarction affect millions of people worldwide1. Transplanting endothelial cells (ECs) is a promising therapy in vascular medicine, but engrafting ECs typically necessitates co-transplanting perivascular supporting cells such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), which makes clinical implementation complicated2,3. The mechanisms that enable MSCs to facilitate EC engraftment remain elusive. Here we show that, under cellular stress, MSCs transfer mitochondria to ECs through tunnelling nanotubes, and that blocking this transfer impairs EC engraftment. We devised a strategy to artificially transplant mitochondria, transiently enhancing EC bioenergetics and enabling them to form functional vessels in ischaemic tissues without the support of MSCs. Notably, exogenous mitochondria did not integrate into the endogenous EC mitochondrial pool, but triggered mitophagy after internalization. Transplanted mitochondria co-localized with autophagosomes, and ablation of the PINK1-Parkin pathway negated the enhanced engraftment ability of ECs. Our findings reveal a mechanism that underlies the effects of mitochondrial transfer between mesenchymal and endothelial cells, and offer potential for a new approach for vascular cell therapy.
  30. Nature. 2024 Apr 29.
    Keywords:  CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing; Computational biology and bioinformatics; Machine learning
  31. J Audiol Otol. 2024 Apr;28(2): 88-92
      Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common sensory disorder, with a high Mendelian genetic contribution. Considering the genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of SNHL, the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies has revolutionized knowledge on its genomic architecture. Nonetheless, the conventional application of panel and exome sequencing in real-world practice is being challenged by the emerging need to explore the diagnostic capability of whole-genome sequencing, which enables the detection of both noncoding and structural variations. Small molecules and gene therapies represent good examples of how breakthroughs in genetic understanding can be translated into targeted therapies for SNHL. For example, targeted small molecules have been used to ameliorate autoinflammatory hearing loss caused by gain-of-function variants of NLRP3 and inner ear proteinopathy with OSBPL2 variants underlying dysfunctional autophagy. Strikingly, the successful outcomes of the first-in-human trial of OTOF gene therapy highlighted its potential in the treatment of various forms of genetic hearing loss. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based technologies are currently being developed for site-specific genome editing to treat human genetic disorders. These advancements have led to an era of genotype- and mechanism-based precision medicine in SNHL practice.
    Keywords:  Genetic hearing loss; Genetic therapy; Next-generation sequencing; Sensorineural hearing loss; Small molecule
  32. Toxicol Sci. 2024 Apr 27. pii: kfae055. [Epub ahead of print]
      Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) represents a major issue for pharmaceutical companies, being a potential cause of black-box warnings on marketed pharmaceuticals, or drug withdrawal from the market. Lipid accumulation in the liver also referred to as steatosis, may be secondary to impaired mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (mtFAO). However, an overall causal relationship between drug-induced mtFAO inhibition and the occurrence of steatosis in patients has not yet been established with a high number of pharmaceuticals. Hence, 32 steatogenic and 13 non-steatogenic drugs were tested for their ability to inhibit mtFAO in isolated mouse liver mitochondria. To this end, mitochondrial respiration was measured with palmitoyl-L-carnitine, palmitoyl-CoA + L-carnitine, or octanoyl-L-carnitine. This mtFAO tri-parametric assay was able to predict the occurrence of steatosis in patients with a sensitivity and positive predictive value above 88%. To get further information regarding the mechanism of drug-induced mtFAO impairment, mitochondrial respiration was also measured with malate/glutamate or succinate. Drugs such as diclofenac, methotrexate and troglitazone could inhibit mtFAO secondary to an impairment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, while dexamethasone, olanzapine and zidovudine appeared to impair mtFAO directly. Mitochondrial swelling, transmembrane potential and production of reactive oxygen species were also assessed for all compounds. Only the steatogenic drugs amiodarone, ketoconazole, lovastatin and toremifene altered all these 3 mitochondrial parameters. In conclusion, our tri-parametric mtFAO assay could be useful in predicting the occurrence of steatosis in patients. The combination of this assay with other mitochondrial parameters could also help to better understand the mechanism of drug-induced mtFAO inhibition.
    Keywords:  DILI; Fatty acid oxidation; Hepatotoxicity; Mitochondria; Respiratory chain; Steatosis
  33. Mitochondrion. 2024 Apr 30. pii: S1567-7249(24)00046-1. [Epub ahead of print]77 101888
      Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly prevalent chronic liver disease characterized by an elusive etiology. In its advanced stages, this condition can pose life-threatening implications. Mitochondrial dysfunction due to its impact on hepatic lipid homeostasis, cytokine release, ROS production, and cell death, contributes to the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Previous research reveals a direct link between NAFLD genetic predictors and mitochondrial dysfunction. The emphasis on the D-loop stems from its association with impaired mtDNA replication, underscoring its crucial role in NAFLD progression. We included 38 Iranian NAFLD patients (comprising 16 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver [NAFL] and 22 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis [NASH]), with matched blood and liver tissue samples collected from each to compare variations in the mitochondrial D-loop sequence within samples. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region was amplified using PCR, and variations were identified through sequencing. The resultant sequences were compared with the reference sequence of human mtDNA available in the MITOMAP Database for comparative analysis. In this study, 97 somatic mutations in the mtDNA D-loop region were identified in NAFLD patients. Our study revealed significant difference between the NAFLD patients and control group in 13 detected mutations (P ≤ 0.05). Novel mutations were discovered in hepatic tissues, while mutation 16220-16221ins C was found in both tissues and blood. A significant difference was found in the distribution of D310 and mt514-mt523 (CA)n repeat variations between NAFLD patients and the control group (P < 0.001). C to T and T to C transitions were the prevalent substitution among patients. Identification of the 16220-16221ins C mutation in both blood and tissue samples from NAFLD patients holds substantial promise as a potential diagnostic marker. However, further research is imperative to corroborate these findings.
    Keywords:  Biomarker; Diagnosis; Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop; Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
  34. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2024 Jun;39 101083
      Selective screening for inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) began in Cyprus in 1990. Over the last thirty-three years 7388 patients were investigated for IMD and 200 diagnoses were made (diagnostic yield 2.7%). The existence of a single laboratory of Biochemical Genetics for the whole island facilitated the creation of a national registry for IMD. The minimal prevalence of IMD in Cyprus is 53.3 cases per 100,000 live births. The most common group are disorders of amino acid metabolism (41.0%), followed by disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (16.5%), disorders of complex molecule degradation (16.5%), mitochondrial disorders (10.5%) and disorders of vitamin and co-factor metabolism (5.5%). Hyperphenylalaninaemia is the most common IMD (14.0%) followed by galactosaemia (7.0%), glutaric aciduria type I (5.5%) and MSUD (4.0%). Some disorders were found to have a relatively high incidence in specific communities, for example Sandhoff disease among the Cypriot Maronites and GM1 gangliosidosis in one particular area of the island. Other disorders were found to have a relatively higher overall incidence, compared to other Caucasian populations, for example galactosaemia, glutaric aciduria type I and MSUD, while fatty acid oxidation defects, Gaucher disease and classic PKU were found to have a relatively lower incidence. Molecular characterization of selected disorders revealed many novel genetic variants, specific to the Cypriot population.
    Keywords:  Cyprus; Inborn errors of metabolism; Inherited metabolic disorders; Prevalence; Registry; Selective screening
  35. EMBO Mol Med. 2024 Apr 29.
      Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by bilateral cyst formation. We showed that PKD cells and kidneys display metabolic alterations, including the Warburg effect and glutaminolysis, sustained in vitro by the enzyme asparagine synthetase (ASNS). Here, we used antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) against Asns in orthologous and slowly progressive PKD murine models and show that treatment leads to a drastic reduction of total kidney volume (measured by MRI) and a prominent rescue of renal function in the mouse. Mechanistically, the upregulation of an ATF4-ASNS axis in PKD is driven by the amino acid response (AAR) branch of the integrated stress response (ISR). Metabolic profiling of PKD or control kidneys treated with Asns-ASO or Scr-ASO revealed major changes in the mutants, several of which are rescued by Asns silencing in vivo. Indeed, ASNS drives glutamine-dependent de novo pyrimidine synthesis and proliferation in cystic epithelia. Notably, while several metabolic pathways were completely corrected by Asns-ASO, glycolysis was only partially restored. Accordingly, combining the glycolytic inhibitor 2DG with Asns-ASO further improved efficacy. Our studies identify a new therapeutic target and novel metabolic vulnerabilities in PKD.
    Keywords:  ADPKD; Antisense Oligonucleotides; Glutamine Metabolism; Glycolysis; Metabolic Reprogramming
  36. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2024 May 03. 21(1): 72
      BACKGROUND: Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease (PD), necessitate frequent clinical visits and monitoring to identify changes in motor symptoms and provide appropriate care. By applying machine learning techniques to video data, automated video analysis has emerged as a promising approach to track and analyze motor symptoms, which could facilitate more timely intervention. However, existing solutions often rely on specialized equipment and recording procedures, which limits their usability in unstructured settings like the home. In this study, we developed a method to detect PD symptoms from unstructured videos of clinical assessments, without the need for specialized equipment or recording procedures.METHODS: Twenty-eight individuals with Parkinson's disease completed a video-recorded motor examination that included the finger-to-nose and hand pronation-supination tasks. Clinical staff provided ground truth scores for the level of Parkinsonian symptoms present. For each video, we used a pre-existing model called PIXIE to measure the location of several joints on the person's body and quantify how they were moving. Features derived from the joint angles and trajectories, designed to be robust to recording angle, were then used to train two types of machine-learning classifiers (random forests and support vector machines) to detect the presence of PD symptoms.
    RESULTS: The support vector machine trained on the finger-to-nose task had an F1 score of 0.93 while the random forest trained on the same task yielded an F1 score of 0.85. The support vector machine and random forest trained on the hand pronation-supination task had F1 scores of 0.20 and 0.33, respectively.
    CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the feasibility of developing video analysis tools to track motor symptoms across variable perspectives. These tools do not work equally well for all tasks, however. This technology has the potential to overcome barriers to access for many individuals with degenerative neurological diseases like PD, providing them with a more convenient and timely method to monitor symptom progression, without requiring a structured video recording procedure. Ultimately, more frequent and objective home assessments of motor function could enable more precise telehealth optimization of interventions to improve clinical outcomes inside and outside of the clinic.
  37. ArXiv. 2024 Apr 16. pii: arXiv:2404.10807v1. [Epub ahead of print]
      Computational methods for assessing the likely impacts of mutations, known as variant effect predictors (VEPs), are widely used in the assessment and interpretation of human genetic variation, as well as in other applications like protein engineering. Many different VEPs have been released to date, and there is tremendous variability in their underlying algorithms and outputs, and in the ways in which the methodologies and predictions are shared. This leads to considerable challenges for end users in knowing which VEPs to use and how to use them. Here, to address these issues, we provide guidelines and recommendations for the release of novel VEPs. Emphasising open-source availability, transparent methodologies, clear variant effect score interpretations, standardised scales, accessible predictions, and rigorous training data disclosure, we aim to improve the usability and interpretability of VEPs, and promote their integration into analysis and evaluation pipelines. We also provide a large, categorised list of currently available VEPs, aiming to facilitate the discovery and encourage the usage of novel methods within the scientific community.
  38. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2024 Apr 28. 81(1): 198
      Neuromuscular diseases encompass a heterogeneous array of disorders characterized by varying onset ages, clinical presentations, severity, and progression. While these conditions can stem from acquired or inherited causes, this review specifically focuses on disorders arising from genetic abnormalities, excluding metabolic conditions. The pathogenic defect may primarily affect the anterior horn cells, the axonal or myelin component of peripheral nerves, the neuromuscular junction, or skeletal and/or cardiac muscles. While inherited neuromuscular disorders have been historically deemed not treatable, the advent of gene-based and molecular therapies is reshaping the treatment landscape for this group of condition. With the caveat that many products still fail to translate the positive results obtained in pre-clinical models to humans, both the technological development (e.g., implementation of tissue-specific vectors) as well as advances on the knowledge of pathogenetic mechanisms form a collective foundation for potentially curative approaches to these debilitating conditions. This review delineates the current panorama of therapies targeting the most prevalent forms of inherited neuromuscular diseases, emphasizing approved treatments and those already undergoing human testing, offering insights into the state-of-the-art interventions.
    Keywords:  Motor neuron disease; Myopathy; Neuromuscular junction; Neuropathy; Therapy
  39. Blood. 2024 04 30. pii: blood.2023023723. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mutations in UBA1, which are disease-defining for VEXAS syndrome, have been reported in patients diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Here, we define the prevalence and clinical associations of UBA1 mutations in a representative cohort of patients with MDS. Digital droplet PCR profiling of a selected cohort of 375 male patients lacking MDS disease-defining mutations or established WHO disease classification identified 28 patients (7%) with UBA1 p.M41T/V/L mutations. Using targeted sequencing of UBA1 in a representative MDS cohort (n=2,027), we identified an additional 27 variants in 26 patients (1%), which we classified as likely/pathogenic (n=12) and unknown significance (n=15). Among the total 40 patients with likely/pathogenic variants (2%), all were male and 63% were classified by WHO2016 as MDS-MLD/SLD. Patients had a median of one additional myeloid gene mutation, often in TET2 (n=12), DNMT3A (n=10), ASXL1 (n=3), or SF3B1 (n=3). Retrospective clinical review where possible showed that 83% (28/34) UBA1-mutant cases had VEXAS-associated diagnoses or inflammatory clinical presentation. The prevalence of UBA1-mutations in MDS patients argues for systematic screening for UBA1 in the management of MDS.
  40. Cell Metab. 2024 Apr 24. pii: S1550-4131(24)00130-X. [Epub ahead of print]
      Perivascular collagen deposition by activated fibroblasts promotes vascular stiffening and drives cardiovascular diseases such as pulmonary hypertension (PH). Whether and how vascular fibroblasts rewire their metabolism to sustain collagen biosynthesis remains unknown. Here, we found that inflammation, hypoxia, and mechanical stress converge on activating the transcriptional coactivators YAP and TAZ (WWTR1) in pulmonary arterial adventitial fibroblasts (PAAFs). Consequently, YAP and TAZ drive glutamine and serine catabolism to sustain proline and glycine anabolism and promote collagen biosynthesis. Pharmacologic or dietary intervention on proline and glycine anabolic demand decreases vascular stiffening and improves cardiovascular function in PH rodent models. By identifying the limiting metabolic pathways for vascular collagen biosynthesis, our findings provide guidance for incorporating metabolic and dietary interventions for treating cardiopulmonary vascular disease.
    Keywords:  cardiovascular disease; collagen metabolism; fibrosis; glutamine metabolism; metabolism; nutrition; pulmonary hypertension; serine metabolism; vascular fibroblast
  41. ACS Omega. 2024 Apr 23. 9(16): 17832-17838
      Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have garnered significant attention due to their potential applications in disease diagnostics and management. However, the process of isolating EVs, primarily from blood samples, is still suboptimal. This is mainly attributed to the abundant nature of soluble proteins and lipoproteins, which are often separated together with EVs in the end products of conventional isolation methods. As such, we devise a single-step charge-based EV isolation method by utilizing positively charged beads to selectively remove negatively charged major impurities from human plasma via electrostatic interaction. By carefully controlling the buffer pH, we successfully collected EVs from undesired plasma components with superior purity and yield compared to conventional EV collection methods. Moreover, the developed process is rapid, taking only about 20 min for overall EV isolation. The charge-based isolation can ultimately benefit the EV-based liquid biopsy field for the early diagnosis of various diseases.