bims-mionch Biomed News
on Mitochondrial ion channels
Issue of 2024–09–22
four papers selected by
Gun Kim, Seoul National University

  1. Pharmacol Res. 2024 Sep 14. pii: S1043-6618(24)00354-2. [Epub ahead of print]208 107409
      The pathogenesis of liver diseases is multifaceted and intricate, posing a persistent global public health challenge with limited therapeutic options. Therefore, further research into liver diseases is imperative for better comprehension and advancement in treatment strategies. Numerous studies have confirmed the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria as key organelles driving liver diseases. Notably, the mitochondrial-associated ER membranes (MAMs) establish a physical and functional connection between the ER and mitochondria, highlighting the importance of inter-organelle communication in maintaining their functional homeostasis. This review delves into the intricate architecture and regulative mechanism of the integrated MAM that facilitate the physiological transfer of signals and substances between organelles. Additionally, we also provide a detailed overview regarding the varied pathogenic roles of malfunctioning MAM in liver diseases, focusing on its involvement in the progression of ER stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and Ca2+ transfer, as well as the disruption of lipid and glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, the current challenges and prospects associated with MAM in liver disease research are thoroughly discussed. In conclusion, elucidating the specific structure and function of MAM in different liver diseases may pave the way for novel therapeutic strategies.
    Keywords:  Calcium homeostasis; ER stress; Liver diseases; Mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes; Mitochondrial dysfunction
  2. aBIOTECH. 2024 Sep;5(3): 362-367
      Besides providing energy to sustain life, mitochondria also play crucial roles in stress response and programmed cell death. The mitochondrial hallmark lipid, cardiolipin (CL), is essential to the maintenance of mitochondrial structure and function. However, how mitochondria and CL are involved in stress response is not as well defined in plants as in animal and yeast cells. We previously revealed a role for CL in mitochondrial fission and in heat stress response in Arabidopsis. To further determine the involvement of mitochondria and CL in plant heat response, here we treated Arabidopsis seedlings with varied lengths of acute heat stress. These treatments resulted in decreases in mitochondrial membrane potential, disruption of mitochondrial ultrastructure, accumulation of mitochondrial reactive-oxygen species (ROS), and redistribution of CL to the outer mitochondrial membrane and to a novel type of vesicle. The level of the observed changes correlated with the severeness of the heat stress, indicating the strong relevance of these processes to stress response. Our findings provide the basis for studying mechanisms underpinning the role of mitochondria and CL in plant stress response.
    Keywords:  Cardiolipin redistribution and externalization; Cristae structure; High temperature; Mitochondrial membrane potential; Plant heat stress response
  3. Mol Neurobiol. 2024 Sep 14.
      SUMOylation is a post-translational modification that attaches a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) group to a target protein via SUMO ligases, while deSUMOylation refers to the removal of this SUMO group by sentrin-specific proteases (SENPs). Although the functions of these processes have been well described in the nucleus, the role of SUMOylation and deSUMOylation in regulating ion channels is emerging as a novel area of study. Despite this, their contributions to pain signaling remain less clear. Therefore, this review consolidates the current evidence on the link(s) between SUMOylation, deSUMOylation, and pain, with a specific focus on ion channels expressed in the sensory system. Additionally, we explore the role of SUMOylation in the expression and function of kinases, vesicle proteins, and transcription factors, which result in the modulation of certain ion channels contributing to pain. Altogether, this review aims to highlight the relationship between SUMOylation and deSUMOylation in the modulation of ion channels, ultimately exploring the potential therapeutic role of these processes in chronic pain.
    Keywords:  DeSUMOylation; Ion channels; Pain; SUMOylation
  4. Front Mol Biosci. 2024 ;11 1455153
      Biological membranes are complex, heterogeneous, and dynamic systems that play roles in the compartmentalization and protection of cells from the environment. It is still a challenge to elucidate kinetics and real-time transport routes for molecules through biological membranes in live cells. Currently, by developing and employing super-resolution microscopy; increasing evidence indicates channels and transporter nano-organization and dynamics within membranes play an important role in these regulatory mechanisms. Here we review recent advances and discuss the major advantages and disadvantages of using super-resolution microscopy to investigate protein organization and transport within plasma membranes.
    Keywords:  bioimaging data analysis; biological membranes; live cell imaging; membrane receptors; nanodomains; super-resolution microscopy