Results Probl Cell Differ. 2024 ;73 3-23
Compartmentalization of cellular components is critical to the spatiotemporal and environmental regulation of biochemical activities inside a cell, ensures the proper division of cellular labor and resources, and increases the efficiency of metabolic processes. However, compartmentalization also poses a challenge as organelles often need to communicate across these compartments to complete reaction pathways. These communication signals are often critical aspects of the cellular response to changing environmental conditions. A central signaling hub in the cell, the nucleus communicates with mitochondria, lysosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi body to ensure optimal organellar and cellular performance. Here we review different mechanisms by which these organelles communicate with the nucleus, focusing on anterograde and retrograde signaling of mitochondria, localization-based signaling of lysosomes, the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum, and evidence for nucleus-Golgi signaling. We also include a brief overview of some less well-characterized mechanisms of communication between non-nuclear organelles.
Keywords: Endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi; Inter-organellar communication; Lysosomes; Mitochondria; Nucleus