bims-miholp Biomed News
on Mitochondria, hormesis and lifespan programming
Issue of 2024‒06‒16
eleven papers selected by
Guillermo Martínez Corrales, Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona

  1. Pathobiology. 2024 Jun 11.
      PURPOSE: ATF4, a stress-responsive transcription factor that upregulates adaptive genes, is a potential prognostic marker and modulator of glutamine metabolism in breast cancer. However, its exact role remains to be elucidated.METHODS: ATF4 expression was evaluated at genomic and transcriptomic levels using METABRIC (n=1980), GeneMiner (n=4712) and KM-Plotter datasets. Proteomic expression was assessed via immunohistochemistry (n=2225) in the Nottingham Primary Breast Carcinoma Series. ATF4 genomic copy number (CN) variation and mRNA/protein in association with clinicopathological parameters, amino acid transporters (AATs), and patient outcome was investigated.
    RESULTS: Genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic overexpression of ATF4 was associated with more aggressive ER-negative tumours. ATF4 mRNA and protein expression were significantly associated with increased expression of glutamine related AATs including SLC1A5 (p<0.01) and SLC7A11 (p<0.02). High ATF4 and SLC1A5 protein expression was significantly associated with shorter breast cancer-specific survival (p<0.01), especially in ER+ tumours (p<0.01), while high ATF4 and SLC7A11 protein expression was associated with shorter survival (p<0.01).
    CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a complex interplay between ATF4 and AATs in breast cancer biology and underscore the potential role for ATF4 as a prognostic marker in ER+ breast cancer, offering a unique opportunity for risk stratification and personalised treatment strategies.
  2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jun 18. 121(25): e2321228121
      Ciliary defects are linked to ciliopathies, but impairments in the sensory cilia of Caenorhabditis elegans neurons extend lifespan, a phenomenon with previously unclear mechanisms. Our study reveals that neuronal cilia defects trigger the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum (UPRER) within intestinal cells, a process dependent on the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling transcription factor and the release of neuronal signaling molecules. While inhibiting UPRER doesn't alter the lifespan of wild-type worms, it normalizes the extended lifespan of ciliary mutants. Notably, deactivating the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel TAX-4 on the ciliary membrane promotes lifespan extension through a UPRER-dependent mechanism. Conversely, constitutive activation of TAX-4 attenuates intestinal UPRER in ciliary mutants. Administering a CNG channel blocker to worm larvae activates intestinal UPRER and increases adult longevity. These findings suggest that ciliary dysfunction in sensory neurons triggers intestinal UPRER, contributing to lifespan extension and implying that transiently inhibiting ciliary channel activity may effectively prolong lifespan.
    Keywords:  CNG channel; UPRER; lifespan; neuronal cilia
  3. J Physiol Biochem. 2024 Jun 12.
      Mitochondrial functionality and its regulation are tightly controlled through a balanced crosstalk between the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA interactions. Epigenetic signatures like methylation, hydroxymethylation and miRNAs have been reported in mitochondria. In addition, epigenetic signatures encoded by nuclear DNA are also imported to mitochondria and regulate the gene expression dynamics of the mitochondrial genome. Alteration in the interplay of these epigenetic modifications results in the pathogenesis of various disorders like neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, metabolic disorders, cancer, aging and senescence. These modifications result in higher ROS production, increased mitochondrial copy number and disruption in the replication process. In addition, various miRNAs are associated with regulating and expressing important mitochondrial gene families like COX, OXPHOS, ND and DNMT. Epigenetic changes are reversible and therefore therapeutic interventions like changing the target modifications can be utilized to repair or prevent mitochondrial insufficiency by reversing the changed gene expression. Identifying these mitochondrial-specific epigenetic signatures has the potential for early diagnosis and treatment responses for many diseases caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. In the present review, different mitoepigenetic modifications have been discussed in association with the development of various diseases by focusing on alteration in gene expression and dysregulation of specific signaling pathways. However, this area is still in its infancy and future research is warranted to draw better conclusions.
    Keywords:  Epigenetics; Hydroxymethylation; Methylation; miRNAs; mito-miRNAs; mt-DNA
  4. bioRxiv. 2024 May 28. pii: 2024.05.27.596106. [Epub ahead of print]
      Metabolic adaptations in response to changes in energy supply and demand are essential for survival. The mitochondrial calcium uniporter coordinates metabolic homeostasis by regulating TCA cycle activation, mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and cellular calcium signaling. However, a comprehensive analysis of uniporter-regulated mitochondrial metabolic pathways has remained unexplored. Here, we investigate the metabolic consequences of uniporter loss- and gain-of-function, and identify a key transcriptional regulator that mediates these effects. Using gene expression profiling and proteomic, we find that loss of uniporter function increases the expression of proteins in the branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) catabolism pathway. Activity is further augmented through phosphorylation of the enzyme that catalyzes this pathway's committed step. Conversely, in the liver cancer fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC)-which we demonstrate to have high mitochondrial calcium levels- expression of BCAA catabolism enzymes is suppressed. We also observe uniporter-dependent suppression of the transcription factor KLF15, a master regulator of liver metabolic gene expression, including those involved in BCAA catabolism. Notably, loss of uniporter activity upregulates KLF15, along with its transcriptional target ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC), a component of the urea cycle, suggesting that uniporter hyperactivation may contribute to the hyperammonemia observed in FLC patients. Collectively, we establish that FLC has increased mitochondrial calcium levels, and identify an important role for mitochondrial calcium signaling in metabolic adaptation through the transcriptional regulation of metabolism.
  5. Arch Med Res. 2024 Jun 10. pii: S0188-4409(24)00067-5. [Epub ahead of print]55(5): 103014
      The rise in life expectancy has significantly increased the occurrence of age-related chronic diseases, leading to escalating expenses for both society and individuals. Among the main factors influencing health and lifespan, lifestyle takes a forefront position. Specifically, nutrition, mental activity, and physical exercise influence the molecular and functional mechanisms that contribute to the prevention of major age-related diseases. Gaining deeper insights into the mechanisms that drive the positive effects of healthy lifestyles is valuable for creating interventions to prevent or postpone the development of chronic degenerative diseases. This review summarizes the main mechanisms that underlie the positive effect of lifestyle factors in counteracting the major age-related diseases involving brain health, musculoskeletal function, cancer, frailty, and cardiovascular diseases, among others. This knowledge will help to identify high-risk populations for targeted intervention trials and discover new biomarkers associated with healthy aging.
    Keywords:  Age-related diseases; Brain health; Healthy aging; Healthy diet; Lifestyle factors; Physical activity
  6. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 01. pii: 2024.05.31.596851. [Epub ahead of print]
      Adipocytes distributed throughout the body play crucial roles in lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis. Regional differences among adipocytes influence normal function and disease susceptibility, but the mechanisms driving this regional heterogeneity remain poorly understood. Here, we report a genetic crosstalk between the Bithorax Complex ( BX-C ) genes and Wnt/Wingless signaling that orchestrates regional differences among adipocytes in Drosophila larvae. Abdominal adipocytes, characterized by the exclusive expression of abdominal A ( abd-A ) and Abdominal B ( Abd-B ), exhibit distinct features compared to thoracic adipocytes, with Wnt signaling further amplifying these disparities. Depletion of BX-C genes in adipocytes reduces fat accumulation, delays larval-pupal transition, and eventually leads to pupal lethality. Depleting Abd-A or Abd-B reduces Wnt target gene expression, thereby attenuating Wnt signaling-induced lipid mobilization. Conversely, Wnt signaling stimulated abd-A transcription, suggesting a feedforward loop that amplifies the interplay between Wnt signaling and BX-C in adipocytes. These findings elucidate how the crosstalk between cell-autonomous BX-C gene expression and Wnt signaling define unique metabolic behaviors in adipocytes in different anatomical regions of fat body, delineating larval adipose tissue domains.
  7. bioRxiv. 2024 May 30. pii: 2024.05.27.595950. [Epub ahead of print]
      The capacity to deal with stress declines during the aging process, and preservation of cellular stress responses is critical to healthy aging. The unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum (UPRER) is one such conserved mechanism, which is critical for the maintenance of several major functions of the ER during stress, including protein folding and lipid metabolism. Hyperactivation of the UPRER by overexpression of the major transcription factor, xbp-1s, solely in neurons drives lifespan extension as neurons send a neurotransmitter-based signal to other tissue to activate UPRER in a non-autonomous fashion. Previous work identified serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons in this signaling paradigm. To further expand our understanding of the neural circuitry that underlies the non-autonomous signaling of ER stress, we activated UPRER solely in glutamatergic, octopaminergic, and GABAergic neurons in C. elegans and paired whole-body transcriptomic analysis with functional assays. We found that UPRER-induced signals from glutamatergic neurons increased expression of canonical protein homeostasis pathways and octopaminergic neurons promoted pathogen response pathways, while minor, but statistically significant changes were observed in lipid metabolism-related genes with GABAergic UPRER activation. These findings provide further evidence for the distinct role neuronal subtypes play in driving the diverse response to ER stress.
    Keywords:  Aging; ER; neurons; stress
  8. JAR Life. 2024 ;13 88-92
      Biological age is a concept that uses bio-physiological parameters to account for individual heterogeneity in the biological processes driving aging and aims to enhance the prediction of age-related clinical conditions compared to chronological age. Although engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviors has been linked to a lower mortality risk and a reduced incidence of chronic diseases, it remains unclear to what extent these health benefits result from slowing the pace of the biological aging process. This short review summarized how modifiable lifestyle factors - including diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and the aggregate of multiple healthy behaviors - were associated with established estimates of biological age based on clinical or cellular/molecular markers, including Klemera-Doubal Method biological age, homeostatic dysregulation, phenotypic age, DNA methylation age, and telomere length. In brief, the available studies tend to show a consistent association of lifestyle factors with physiological measures of biological age, while findings regarding molecular-based metrics vary. The limited evidence highlights the need for further research in this field, particularly with a life-course approach.
    Keywords:  Healthy aging; age acceleration; biomarker of aging; epigenetic age; healthspan
  9. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 01. pii: 2024.06.01.596950. [Epub ahead of print]
      Age-related dopamine (DA) neuron loss is a primary feature of Parkinson's disease. However, it remains unclear whether similar biological processes occur during healthy aging, albeit to a lesser degree. We therefore determined whether midbrain DA neurons degenerate during aging in mice and humans. In mice, we identified no changes in midbrain neuron numbers throughout aging. Despite this, we found age-related decreases in midbrain mRNA expression of tyrosine hydroxylase ( Th ), the rate limiting enzyme of DA synthesis. Among midbrain glutamatergic cells, we similarly identified age-related declines in vesicular glutamate transporter 2 ( Vglut2 ) mRNA expression. In co-transmitting Th + / Vglut2 + neurons, Th and Vglut2 transcripts decreased with aging. Importantly, striatal Th and Vglut2 protein expression remained unchanged. In translating our findings to humans, we found no midbrain neurodegeneration during aging and identified age-related decreases in TH and VGLUT2 mRNA expression similar to mouse. Unlike mice, we discovered diminished density of striatal TH + dopaminergic terminals in aged human subjects. However, TH and VGLUT2 protein expression were unchanged in the remaining striatal boutons. Finally, in contrast to Th and Vglut2 mRNA, expression of most ribosomal genes in Th + neurons was either maintained or even upregulated during aging. This suggests a homeostatic mechanism where age-related declines in transcriptional efficiency are overcome by ongoing ribosomal translation. Overall, we demonstrate species-conserved transcriptional effects of aging in midbrain dopaminergic and glutamatergic neurons that are not accompanied by marked cell death or lower striatal protein expression. This opens the door to novel therapeutic approaches to maintain neurotransmission and bolster neuronal resilience.
  10. Microb Cell Fact. 2024 Jun 12. 23(1): 172
      There is increasing evidence that probiotic and commensal bacteria play a role in substrate metabolism, energy harvesting and intestinal homeostasis, and may exert immunomodulatory activities on human health. In addition, recent research suggests that these microorganisms interact with vitamins and minerals, promoting intestinal and metabolic well-being while producing vital microbial metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). In this regard, there is a flourishing field exploring the intricate dynamics between vitamins, minerals, SCFAs, and commensal/probiotic interactions. In this review, we summarize some of the major hypotheses beyond the mechanisms by which commensals/probiotics impact gut health and their additional effects on the absorption and metabolism of vitamins, minerals, and SCFAs. Our analysis includes comprehensive review of existing evidence from preclinical and clinical studies, with particular focus on the potential interaction between commensals/probiotics and micronutrients. Finally, we highlight knowledge gaps and outline directions for future research in this evolving field.
    Keywords:  Energy metabolism; Gut health; Immunity; Minerals; Probiotics; Synergy; Vitamins
  11. Front Toxicol. 2024 ;6 1381178
      The well-being of wildlife populations, ecosystem health, and human health are interlinked, and preserving wildlife is crucial for sustaining healthy ecosystems. Wildlife numbers, and in particular avian populations, have steeply declined over the past century, associated with anthropogenic factors originating from industry, urbanization, changing land use, habitat loss, pollution, emerging diseases, and climate change. All these factors combine to exert increasing stress and impair health for both humans and wildlife, with diminished metabolic, immune, and reproductive function, deteriorating overall health, and reduced longevity. The "toxic aging coin" suggests that these stressors may have dual impacts on aging-they can accelerate the aging process, and older individuals may struggle to cope with pollutants compared to younger ones. These responses are reflected in the health and productivity of individuals, and at a larger scale, the health and ability of populations to withstand disturbances. To understand the potential risk to health over the lifespan, it is important to articulate some of these global challenges and consider both their impacts on aging populations and on the aging process. In this review, we use the toxic aging coin and One Health conceptual frameworks to examine the interconnected health of humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. This exploration aims to develop proactive approaches for optimizing wildlife and human health.
    Keywords:  ecosystem resilience; exposome; human health; one health; pollution; sustainability; toxic coin; wildlife health