bims-midhyp Biomed News
on Mitochondrial dysfunction and hypoxia
Issue of 2023‒11‒26
ten papers selected by
Alia Abukiwan, University of Heidelberg

  1. Free Radic Biol Med. 2023 Nov 16. pii: S0891-5849(23)01101-2. [Epub ahead of print]
      OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a progressive disease with vascular remodeling as a critical structural alteration. We have previously shown that metabolic reprogramming is an early initiating mechanism in animal models of PH. This metabolic dysregulation has been linked to remodeling the mitochondrial network to favor fission. However, whether the mitochondrial fission/fusion balance underlies the metabolic reprogramming found early in PH development is unknown.METHODS: Utilizing a rat early model of PH, in conjunction with cultured pulmonary endothelial cells (PECs), we utilized metabolic flux assays, Seahorse Bioassays, measurements of electron transport chain (ETC) complex activity, fluorescent microscopy, and molecular approaches to investigate the link between the disruption of mitochondrial dynamics and the early metabolic changes that occur in PH.
    RESULTS: We observed increased fusion mediators, including Mfn1, Mfn2, and Opa1, and unchanged fission mediators, including Drp1 and Fis1, in a two-week monocrotaline-induced PH animal model (early-stage PH). We were able to establish a connection between increases in fusion mediator Mfn1 and metabolic reprogramming. Using an adenoviral expression system to enhance Mfn1 levels in pulmonary endothelial cells and utilizing 13C-glucose labeled substrate, we found increased production of 13C lactate and decreased TCA cycle metabolites, revealing a Warburg phenotype. The use of a 13C5-glutamine substrate showed evidence that hyperfusion also induces oxidative carboxylation. The increase in glycolysis was linked to increased hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) protein levels secondary to the disruption of cellular bioenergetics and higher levels of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mt-ROS). The elevation in mt-ROS correlated with attenuated ETC complexes I and III activities. Utilizing a mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant to suppress mt-ROS, limited HIF-1α protein levels, which reduced cellular glycolysis and reestablished mitochondrial membrane potential.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data connects mitochondrial fusion-mediated mt-ROS to the Warburg phenotype in early-stage PH development.
    Keywords:  Glycolysis; Metabolomics; Mitochondrial function; Mitofusin; Pulmonary hypertension
  2. Chem Biol Interact. 2023 Nov 17. pii: S0009-2797(23)00475-1. [Epub ahead of print] 110808
      Renal fibrosis is a common outcome of various renal injuries, leading to structural destruction and functional decline of the kidney, and is also a critical prognostic indicator and determinant in renal diseases therapy. Hypoxia is induced in different stress and injuries in kidney, and the hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) are activated in the context of hypoxia in response and regulation the hypoxia in time. Under stress and hypoxia conditions, HIF-1α increases rapidly and regulates intracellular energy metabolism, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and inflammation. Through reprogramming cellular metabolism, HIF-1α can directly or indirectly induce abnormal accumulation of metabolites, changes in cellular epigenetic modifications, and activation of fibrotic signals. HIF-1α protein expression and activity are regulated by various posttranslational modifications. The drugs targeting HIF-1α can regulate the downstream cascade signals by inhibiting HIF-1α activity or promoting its degradation. As the renal fibrosis is affected by renal diseases, different diseases may trigger different mechanisms which will affect the therapy effect. Therefore, comprehensive analysis of the role and contribution of HIF-1α in occurrence and progression of renal fibrosis, and determination the appropriate intervention time of HIF-1α in the process of renal fibrosis are important ideas to explore effective treatment strategies. This study reviews the regulation of HIF-1α and its mediated complex cascade reactions in renal fibrosis, and lists some drugs targeting HIF-1α that used in preclinical studies, to provide new insight for the study of the renal fibrosis mechanism.
    Keywords:  Epigenetic change; HIF-1α; Hypoxia; Metabolic reprogramming; Renal fibrosis; Therapy
  3. Sci Rep. 2023 Nov 23. 13(1): 20541
      Ocular hypertension during glaucoma can lead to hypoxia, activation of the HIF transcription factors, and a metabolic shift toward glycolysis. This study aims to test whether chronic HIF activation and the attendant metabolic reprogramming can initiate glaucoma-associated pathology independently of ocular hypertension. HIF-1α stabilization was induced in mice for 2 and 4 weeks by inhibiting prolyl hydroxylases using the small molecule Roxadustat. HIF-1α stabilization and the expression of its downstream bioenergetic targets were investigated in the retina by immunofluorescence, capillary electrophoresis, and biochemical enzyme activity assays. Roxadustat dosing resulted in significant stabilization of HIF-1α in the retina by 4 weeks, and upregulation in glycolysis-associated proteins (GLUT3, PDK-1) and enzyme activity in both neurons and glia. Accordingly, succinate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial marker MTCO1, and citrate synthase activity were significantly decreased at 4 weeks, while mitophagy was significantly increased. TUNEL assay showed significant apoptosis of cells in the retina, and PERG amplitude was significantly decreased with 4 weeks of HIF-1α stabilization. A significant increase in AMPK activation and glial hypertrophy, concomitant with decreases in retinal ganglion cell function and inner retina cell death suggests that chronic HIF-1α stabilization alone is detrimental to retina metabolic homeostasis and cellular survival.
  4. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2023 Nov 24.
      Every cell must satisfy basic requirements for nutrient sensing, utilization and recycling through macromolecular breakdown to coordinate programmes for growth, repair and stress adaptation. The lysosome orchestrates these key functions through the synchronised interplay between hydrolytic enzymes, nutrient transporters and signalling factors, which together enable metabolic coordination with other organelles and regulation of specific gene expression programmes. In this Review, we discuss recent findings on lysosome-dependent signalling pathways, focusing on how the lysosome senses nutrient availability through its physical and functional association with mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and how, in response, the microphthalmia/transcription factor E (MiT/TFE) transcription factors exert feedback regulation on lysosome biogenesis. We also highlight the emerging interactions of lysosomes with other organelles, which contribute to cellular homeostasis. Lastly, we discuss how lysosome dysfunction contributes to diverse disease pathologies and how inherited mutations that compromise lysosomal hydrolysis, transport or signalling components lead to multi-organ disorders with severe metabolic and neurological impact. A deeper comprehension of lysosomal composition and function, at both the cellular and organismal level, may uncover fundamental insights into human physiology and disease.
  5. J Pineal Res. 2023 Nov 20. e12925
      Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Novel and effective therapies for ischemic stroke are urgently needed. Here, we report that melatonin receptor 1A (MT1) agonist ramelteon is a neuroprotective drug candidate as demonstrated by comprehensive experimental models of ischemic stroke, including a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) mouse model of cerebral ischemia in vivo, organotypic hippocampal slice cultures ex vivo, and cultured neurons in vitro; the neuroprotective effects of ramelteon are diminished in MT1-knockout (KO) mice and MT1-KO cultured neurons. For the first time, we report that the MT1 receptor is significantly depleted in the brain of MCAO mice, and ramelteon treatment significantly recovers the brain MT1 losses in MCAO mice, which is further explained by the Connectivity Map L1000 bioinformatic analysis that shows gene-expression signatures of MCAO mice are negatively connected to melatonin receptor agonist like Ramelteon. We demonstrate that ramelteon improves the cerebral blood flow signals in ischemic stroke that is potentially mediated, at least, partly by mechanisms of activating endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Our results also show that the neuroprotection of ramelteon counteracts reactive oxygen species-induced oxidative stress and activates the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2/heme oxygenase-1 pathway. Ramelteon inhibits the mitochondrial and autophagic death pathways in MCAO mice and cultured neurons, consistent with gene set enrichment analysis from a bioinformatics perspective angle. Our data suggest that Ramelteon is a potential neuroprotective drug candidate, and MT1 is the neuroprotective target for ischemic stroke, which provides new insights into stroke therapy. MT1-KO mice and cultured neurons may provide animal and cellular models of accelerated ischemic damage and neuronal cell death.
    Keywords:  CBF; MRI; MT1 receptor; MT1−/− cultured neurons; MT1−/− mice; Nrf2/HO-1; ROS; Ramelteon; bioinformatics; ischemic stroke; mitochondrial and autophagic death pathways; p-eNOS/eNOS
  6. Biomedicines. 2023 Oct 24. pii: 2879. [Epub ahead of print]11(11):
      The Na,K-ATPase (NKA) pump plays essential roles for optimal function of the heart. NKA activity decreases in necropsy materials from ischemic heart disease, heart failure and in experimental models. Cellular adaptation to hypoxia is regulated by hypoxia-induced transcription factors (HIF); we tested whether HIFs are involved in regulating the expression and intracellular dynamics of the α2-isoform of NKA (α2-NKA). HIF-1α and HIF-2α expression was suppressed in H9c2 cardiomyocytes by adenoviral infection, where cells were kept in 1% O2 for 24 h. The silencing efficiency of HIFs was tested on the mRNA and protein expression. We measured the mRNA expression of α2-NKA in HIF-silenced and hypoxia-exposed cells. The membrane and intracellular expression of α2-NKA was measured after labelling the cell surface with NHS-SS-biotin, immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. Hypoxia increased the mRNA expression of α2-NKA 5-fold compared to normoxic cells in an HIF-2α-sensitive manner. The plasma membrane expression of α2-NKA increased in hypoxia by 2-fold and was fully prevented by HIF-2α silencing. Intracellular expression of α2-NKA was not affected. These results showed for the first time that in hypoxic cardiomyocytes α2-NKA is transcriptionally and translationally regulated by HIF-2α. The molecular mechanism behind this regulation needs further investigation.
    Keywords:  H9c2 cells; HIF; Na,K-ATPase; cardiac glycosides; heart failure; hypoxia; ischemic heart disease
  7. Biochem Soc Trans. 2023 Nov 21. pii: BST20230377. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria are vital to the functions of eukaryotic cells. Most mitochondrial proteins are transported into the organelle following their synthesis by cytoplasmic ribosomes. However, precise protein targeting is complex because the two diverse lipid membranes encase mitochondria. Efficient protein translocation across membranes and accurate sorting to specific sub-compartments require the cooperation of multiple factors. Any failure in mitochondrial protein import can disrupt organelle fitness. Proteins intended for mitochondria make up a significant portion of all proteins produced in the cytosol. Therefore, import defects causing their mislocalization can significantly stress cellular protein homeostasis. Recognition of this phenomenon has increased interest in molecular mechanisms that respond to import-related stress and restore proteostasis, which is the focus of this review. Significantly, disruptions in protein homeostasis link strongly to the pathology of several degenerative disorders highly relevant in ageing societies. A comprehensive understanding of protein import quality control will allow harnessing this machinery in therapeutic approaches.
    Keywords:  mitochondria; protein degradation; protein transport; proteostasis; proteotoxicity; stress
  8. Free Radic Biol Med. 2023 Nov 19. pii: S0891-5849(23)01114-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      Coronary ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury results from a blockage of blood supply to the heart followed by restoration of perfusion, leading to oxidative stress induced pathological processes. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2), a master antioxidant transcription factor, plays a key role in regulating redox signaling. Over the past decades, the field of metallomics has provided novel insights into the mechanism of pro-oxidant and antioxidant pathological processes. Both redox-active (e.g. Fe and Cu) and redox-inert (e.g. Zn and Mg) metals play unique roles in establishing redox balance under IR injury. Notably, Zn protects against oxidative stress in coronary IR injury by serving as a cofactor of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (SOD1) and proteins such as metallothionein (MT) and KEAP1/NRF2 mediated antioxidant defenses. An increase in labile Zn2+ inhibits proteasomal degradation and ubiquitination of NRF2 by modifying KEAP1 and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) conformations. Fe and Cu catalyse the formation of reactive oxygen species via the Fenton reaction and also serve as cofactors of antioxidant enzymes and can activate NRF2 antioxidant signaling. We review the evidence that Zn and redox-active metals Fe and Cu affect redox signaling in coronary cells during IR and the mechanisms by which oxidative stress influences cellular metal content. In view of the unique double-edged characteristics of metals, we aim to bridge the role of metals and NRF2 regulated redox signaling to antioxidant defenses in IR injury, with a long-term aim of informing the design and application of novel therapeutics.
    Keywords:  Copper; Coronary artery; Hyperoxia; Hypoxia; Hypoxia-reoxygenation; Iron; Ischemia-reperfusion injury; Magnesium; Metal; NRF2; Oxidative stress; Oxygen; Physiological normoxia; Redox; Zinc
  9. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 Nov 19. 14(1): 336
      BACKGROUND: Kidney organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells (HiPSCs) hold huge applications for drug screening, disease modeling, and cell transplanting therapy. However, these applications are limited since kidney organoid cannot maintain complete morphology and function like human kidney. Kidney organoids are not well differentiated since the core of the organoid lacked oxygen, nutrition, and vasculature, which creates essential niches. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α (HIF-1α) serves as a critical regulator in vascularization and cell survival under hypoxia environment. Less is known about the role of HIF-1α in kidney organoids in this regard. This study tried to investigate the effect of HIF-1α in kidney organoid vascularization and related disease modeling.METHODS: For the vascularization study, kidney organoids were generated from human induced pluripotent stem cells. We overexpressed HIF-1α via plasmid transfection or treated DMOG (Dimethyloxallyl Glycine, an agent for HIF-1α stabilization and accumulation) in kidney progenitor cells to detect the endothelium. For the disease modeling study, we treated kidney organoid with cisplatin under hypoxia environment, with additional HIF-1α transfection.
    RESULT: HIF-1α overexpression elicited kidney organoid vascularization. The endothelial cells and angiotool analysis parameters were increased in HIF-1α plasmid-transfected and DMOG-treated organoids. These angiogenesis processes were partially blocked by VEGFR inhibitors, semaxanib or axitinib. Cisplatin-induced kidney injury (Cleaved caspase 3) was protected by HIF-1α through the upregulation of CD31 and SOD2.
    CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that HIF-1α elicited the process of kidney organoid vascularization and protected against cisplatin-induced kidney organoid injury in hypoxia environment.
    Keywords:  Cisplatin; HIF-1α; Kidney organoid; Vascularization
  10. Cell Death Differ. 2023 Nov 20.
      RNA modifications, known as the "epitranscriptome", represent a key layer of regulation that influences a wide array of biological processes in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These modifications, catalyzed by specific enzymes, often termed "writers", "readers", and "erasers", can dynamically alter the MSCs' transcriptomic landscape, thereby modulating cell differentiation, proliferation, and responses to environmental cues. These enzymes include members of the classes METTL, IGF2BP, WTAP, YTHD, FTO, NAT, and others. Many of these RNA-modifying agents are active during MSC lineage differentiation. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of different RNA modifications in MSCs, their roles in regulating stem cell behavior, and their implications in MSC-based therapies. It delves into how RNA modifications impact MSC biology, the functional significance of individual modifications, and the complex interplay among these modifications. We further discuss how these intricate regulatory mechanisms contribute to the functional diversity of MSCs, and how they might be harnessed for therapeutic applications. The review also highlights current challenges and potential future directions in the study of RNA modifications in MSCs, emphasizing the need for innovative tools to precisely map these modifications and decipher their context-specific effects. Collectively, this work paves the way for a deeper understanding of the role of the epitranscriptome in MSC biology, potentially advancing therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine and MSC-based therapies.