bims-madeba Biomed News
on Mal de débarquement syndrome
Issue of 2020‒01‒19
two papers selected by
Jun Maruta
Mount Sinai Health System

  1. Semin Neurol. 2020 Jan 14.
      Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) was defined for the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders in 2017. It is a chronic vestibular disorder that manifests with waxing and waning symptoms of dizziness, unsteadiness, or nonspinning vertigo that last for 3 months or more and are exacerbated by upright posture, active or passive motion of self, and exposure to environments with complex or moving visual stimuli. Triggers of PPPD include a wide variety of conditions that may cause vestibular symptoms or disrupt balance functioning, including neuro-otologic and other medical conditions and psychological distress. The diagnosis is made by identifying key symptoms in patients' histories and conducting physical examinations and diagnostic testing of sufficient detail to establish PPPD as opposed to other illnesses. Ongoing research is providing insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying PPPD and support for multimodality treatment plans incorporating specially adapted vestibular rehabilitation, serotonergic medications, and cognitive-behavior therapy.
  2. J Clin Neurosci. 2020 Jan 13. pii: S0967-5868(19)31434-1. [Epub ahead of print]
      The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) in a tertiary vertigo clinic. This was a cross-sectional study that included consecutive patients examined in the Vertigo clinic of the University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia. The following data were extracted from the electronic hospital records: age, sex, the duration of symptoms, initial trigger event, results of the caloric testing, video head impulse test (vHIT) for all six semicircular canals and ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMP and cVEMP). During the study period 147 consecutive patients with dizziness were examined and 28 (19%) were diagnosed with PPPD, 68% of them were women and the mean age was 59.5 ± 15 years. The median duration of symptoms was 23 months. The most common initial event was vestibular neuritis in 39.3% of patients, followed by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in 10.7% of patients. Caloric testing was performed in 25 patients. It revealed six cases of unilateral canal paresis. vHIT was performed in 24 patients. There were 13 pathological responses with three cases of lateral canal dysfunction, two cases of posterior, one case of anterior and seven cases of multiple canals affection. VEMP was performed in 23 patients. There were five isolated oVEMP pathologies, one isolated cVEMP pathology and 11 findings of a combined oVEMP and cVEMP pathology. This study provides clinical and neurophysiological data on PPPD and indicates the utility of complete neurophysiological assessment of vestibular function in this group of patients.
    Keywords:  Neurophysiology; Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness; Vertigo