bims-iorami Biomed News
on Ionising Radiation and Mitochondria
Issue of 2023‒10‒29
two papers selected by
Chenxiao Yu, Soochow University

  1. Cancer Discov. 2023 Oct 27. OF1
      Minority mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (miMOMP) during senescence drives the SASP.
  2. CA Cancer J Clin. 2023 Oct 25.
      The progression of cancer involves a critical step in which malignant cells escape from control by the immune system. Antineoplastic agents are particularly efficient when they succeed in restoring such control (immunosurveillance) or at least establish an equilibrium state that slows down disease progression. This is true not only for immunotherapies, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), but also for conventional chemotherapy, targeted anticancer agents, and radiation therapy. Thus, therapeutics that stress and kill cancer cells while provoking a tumor-targeting immune response, referred to as immunogenic cell death, are particularly useful in combination with ICIs. Modern oncology regimens are increasingly using such combinations, which are referred to as chemoimmunotherapy, as well as combinations of multiple ICIs. However, the latter are generally associated with severe side effects compared with single-agent ICIs. Of note, the success of these combinatorial strategies against locally advanced or metastatic cancers is now spurring successful attempts to move them past the postoperative (adjuvant) setting to the preoperative (neoadjuvant) setting, even for patients with operable cancers. Here, the authors critically discuss the importance of immunosurveillance in modern clinical cancer management.
    Keywords:  cancer immunotherapy; chemotherapy; immune checkpoint blockade; radiation therapy; targeted therapy; tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes