bims-instec Biomed News
on Intestinal stem cells and chemoresistance in colon cancer and intestinal regeneration
Issue of 2024‒06‒23
twenty-one papers selected by
Maria-Virginia Giolito, Université Catholique de Louvain

  1. Cancers (Basel). 2024 May 28. pii: 2040. [Epub ahead of print]16(11):
      Genetic mutations and chronic inflammation of the colon contribute to the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). Using a murine model of inflammation-induced colon tumorigenesis, we determined how genetic mutations alter colon tumor cell differentiation. Inflammation induced by enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF) colonization of multiple intestinal neoplasia (MinApcΔ716/+) mice triggers loss of heterozygosity of Apc causing colon tumor formation. Here, we report that the addition of BRAFV600E mutation (BRAFF-V600ELgr5tm1(Cre/ERT2)CleMinApcΔ716/+, BLM) or knocking out Msh2 (Msh2LoxP/LoxPVil1-creMinApcΔ716/+, MSH2KO) in the Min model altered colon tumor differentiation. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we uncovered the differences between BLM, Min, and MSH2KO tumors at a single-cell resolution. BLM tumors showed an increase in differentiated tumor epithelial cell lineages and a reduction in the tumor stem cell population. Interestingly, the tumor stem cell population of BLM tumors had revival colon stem cell characteristics with low WNT signaling and an increase in RevCSC marker gene expression. In contrast, MSH2KO tumors were characterized by an increased tumor stem cell population that had higher WNT signaling activity compared to Min tumors. Furthermore, overall BLM tumors had higher expression of transcription factors that drive differentiation, such as Cdx2, than Min tumors. Using RNA velocity, we identified additional potential regulators of BLM tumor differentiation such as NDRG1. The role of CDX2 and NDRG1 as putative regulators for BLM tumor cell differentiation was verified using organoids derived from BLM tumors. Our results demonstrate the critical connections between genetic mutations and cell differentiation in inflammation-induced colon tumorigenesis. Understanding such roles will deepen our understanding of inflammation-associated colon cancer.
    Keywords:  BRAF mutation; MSI; WNT signaling; colon tumor differentiation; genetic mutations
  2. Nat Genet. 2024 Jun 20.
      According to conventional views, colon cancer originates from stem cells. However, inflammation, a key risk factor for colon cancer, has been shown to suppress intestinal stemness. Here, we used Paneth cells as a model to assess the capacity of differentiated lineages to trigger tumorigenesis in the context of inflammation in mice. Upon inflammation, Paneth cell-specific Apc mutations led to intestinal tumors reminiscent not only of those arising in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, but also of a larger fraction of human sporadic colon cancers. The latter is possibly because of the inflammatory consequences of western-style dietary habits, a major colon cancer risk factor. Machine learning methods designed to predict the cell-of-origin of cancer from patient-derived tumor samples confirmed that, in a substantial fraction of sporadic cases, the origins of colon cancer reside in secretory lineages and not in stem cells.
  3. J Cell Sci. 2024 Jun 21. pii: jcs.261914. [Epub ahead of print]
      PTPRK is a receptor tyrosine phosphatase linked to the regulation of growth factor signalling and tumour suppression. It is stabilized at the plasma membrane by trans homophilic interactions upon cell-cell contact. It regulates cell-cell adhesion, but is also reported to regulate numerous cancer-associated signalling pathways. However, its signalling mechanism remains to be determined. Here, we find that PTPRK regulates cell adhesion signalling, suppresses invasion and promotes collective, directed migration in colorectal cancer cells. In vivo, PTPRK supports recovery from inflammation-induced colitis. In addition, we confirm that PTPRK functions as a tumour suppressor in the mouse colon and in colorectal cancer xenografts. PTPRK regulates growth factor and adhesion signalling, and suppresses epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Contrary to the prevailing notion that PTPRK directly dephosphorylates EGFR, we find that PTPRK regulation of both EGFR and EMT is independent of its catalytic function. This suggests that additional adaptor and scaffold functions are important features of PTPRK signalling.
    Keywords:  Tyrosine phosphatase; Cell adhesion; Tumour suppression; epithelial to mesenchymal transition; Signalling
  4. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jun 05. pii: 6220. [Epub ahead of print]25(11):
      The cancer stem cell (SC) theory proposes that a population of SCs serves as the driving force behind fundamental tumor processes, including metastasis, recurrence, and resistance to therapy. The standard of care for patients with stage III and high-risk stage II colorectal cancer (CRC) includes surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Fluoropyrimidines and their combination with oxaliplatin increased the cure rates, being able to eradicate the occult metastatic SC in a fraction of patients. The treatment for unresectable metastatic CRC is based on chemotherapy, antibodies to VEGF and EGFR, and tyrosine-kinase inhibitors. Immunotherapy is used in MSI-H tumors. Currently used drugs target dividing cells and, while often effective at debulking tumor mass, these agents have largely failed to cure metastatic disease. SCs are generated either due to genetic and epigenetic alterations in stem/progenitor cells or to the dedifferentiation of somatic cells where diverse signaling pathways such as Wnt/β-catenin, Hedgehog, Notch, TGF-β/SMAD, PI3K/Akt/mTOR, NF-κB, JAK/STAT, DNA damage response, and Hippo-YAP play a key role. Anti-neoplastic treatments could be improved by elimination of SCs, becoming an attractive target for the design of novel agents. Here, we present a review of clinical trials assessing the efficacy of targeted treatment focusing on these pathways in CRC.
    Keywords:  cancer stem cell; clinical trial; colorectal cancer; molecular targeted therapies
  5. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 22. pii: 2024.03.19.585805. [Epub ahead of print]
      The tumor microenvironment consists of resident tumor cells organized within a compositionally diverse, three-dimensional (3D) extracellular matrix (ECM) network that cannot be replicated in vitro using bottom-up synthesis. We report a new self-assembly system to engineer ECM-rich 3D MatriSpheres wherein tumor cells actively organize and concentrate microgram quantities of decellularized ECM dispersions which modulate cell phenotype. 3D colorectal cancer (CRC) MatriSpheres were created using decellularized small intestine submucosa (SIS) as an orthotopic ECM source that had greater proteomic homology to CRC tumor ECM than traditional ECM formulations such as Matrigel. SIS ECM was rapidly concentrated from its environment and assembled into ECM-rich 3D stroma-like regions by mouse and human CRC cell lines within 4-5 days via a mechanism that was rheologically distinct from bulk hydrogel formation. Both ECM organization and transcriptional regulation by 3D ECM cues affected programs of malignancy, lipid metabolism, and immunoregulation that corresponded with an in vivo MC38 tumor cell subpopulation identified via single cell RNA sequencing. This 3D modeling approach stimulates tumor specific tissue morphogenesis that incorporates the complexities of both cancer cell and ECM compartments in a scalable, spontaneous assembly process that may further facilitate precision medicine.
  6. iScience. 2024 Jun 21. 27(6): 110072
      The intestine is vulnerable to chemotherapy-induced damage due to the high rate of intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) proliferation. We have developed a human intestinal organoid-based 3D model system to study the direct effect of chemotherapy-induced IEC damage on T cell behavior. Exposure of intestinal organoids to busulfan, fludarabine, and clofarabine induced damage-related responses affecting both the capacity to regenerate and transcriptional reprogramming. In ex vivo co-culture assays, prior intestinal organoid damage resulted in increased T cell activation, proliferation, and migration. We identified galectin-9 (Gal-9) as a key molecule released by damaged organoids. The use of anti-Gal-9 blocking antibodies or CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Gal-9 knock-out prevented intestinal organoid damage-induced T cell proliferation, interferon-gamma release, and migration. Increased levels of Gal-9 were found early after HSCT chemotherapeutic conditioning in the plasma of patients who later developed acute GVHD. Taken together, chemotherapy-induced intestinal damage can influence T cell behavior in a Gal-9-dependent manner which may provide novel strategies for therapeutic intervention.
    Keywords:  Cancer; Immunology; Molecular biology; Stem cells research
  7. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jun 19.
      Retinol saturase (RetSat) is an oxidoreductase involved in lipid metabolism and the cellular sensitivity to peroxides. RetSat is highly expressed in metabolic organs like liver and adipose tissue and its global loss in mice increases body weight and adiposity. The regulation of RetSat expression and its function in the intestine are unexplored. Here, we show that RetSat is present in different segments of the digestive system, localizes to intestinal epithelial cells, and is upregulated by feeding mice high-fat diet (HFD). Intestine-specific RetSat deletion in adult mice did not affect nutrient absorption and energy homeostasis basally, but lowered body weight gain and fat mass of HFD-fed mice, potentially via increasing locomotor activity. Moreover, jejunal expression of genes related to β-oxidation and cholesterol efflux were decreased and colonic cholesterol content reduced upon RetSat deletion. In colitis, which we show to downregulate intestinal RetSat expression in humans and mice, RetSat ablation improved epithelial architecture of the murine colon. Thus, intestinal RetSat expression is regulated by dietary interventions and inflammation, and its loss reduces weight gain upon HFD-feeding and alleviates epithelial damage upon injury.
    Keywords:  RetSat; colitis; intestine; obesity
  8. Mol Ther. 2024 Jun 17. pii: S1525-0016(24)00405-2. [Epub ahead of print]
      HER2 amplification occurs in about 5% of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases and is associated only partially with clinical response to combined HER2/EGFR targeted treatment. An alternative approach based on adoptive cell therapy (ACT) using T-cells engineered with anti-HER2 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) proved to be toxic due to "on-target off-tumor" activity. Here we describe a combinatorial strategy to safely target HER2 amplification and CEA expression in CRC using a synNotch-CAR based artificial regulatory network. The natural killer cell line NK-92 was engineered with an anti-HER2 synNotch receptor driving the expression of a CAR against CEA only when engaged. After being transduced and sorted for HER2-driven CAR expression, cells were cloned. The clone with optimal performances in terms of specificity and amplitude of CAR induction demonstrated significant activity in vitro and in vivo specifically against HER2amp/CEA+ CRC models, with no effects on cells with physiological HER2 levels. The HER2-synNotch/CEA-CAR-NK system provides an innovative, scalable and safe off-the shelf cell therapy approach with potential against HER2amp CRC resistant or partially responsive to HER2/EGFR blockade.
  9. Discov Oncol. 2024 Jun 21. 15(1): 238
      BACKGROUND: By complexing poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) in reaction to broke strand, PAR polymerase1 (PARP1) acts as the key enzyme participated in DNA repair. However, recent studies suggest that unrepaired DNA breaks results in persistent PARP1 activation, which leads to a progressively reduce in hexokinase1 (HK1) activity and cell death. PARP-1 is TCF-4/β-A novel co activator of gene transactivation induced by catenin may play a role in the development of colorectal cancer. The molecular mechanism of PARP1 remains elusive.METHODS: 212 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients who had the operation at our hospital were recruited. PARP1 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Stable CRC cell lines with low or high PARP1 expression were constructed. Survival analysis was computed based on PARP1 expression. The cell proliferation was tested by CCK-8 and Colony formation assay. The interaction of PARP1 and XRCC2 was detected by immunoprecipitation (IP) analysis.
    RESULTS: Compared with matching adjacent noncancerous tissue, PARP1 was upregulated in CRC tissue which was correlated with the degree of differentiation, TNM stage, depth of invasion, metastasis, and survival. In addition, after constructing CRC stable cell lines with abnormal expression of PARP1, we found that overexpression of PARP1 promoted proliferation, and demonstrated the interaction between PARP1 and XRCC2 in CRC cells through immunoprecipitation (IP) analysis. Moreover, the inhibitor of XRCC2 can suppress the in vitro proliferation arousing by upregulation of PARP1.
    CONCLUSIONS: PARP1 was upregulated in CRC cells and promoted cell proliferation. Furthermore, the expression status of PARP1 was significantly correlated with some clinicopathological features and 5-year survival.
    Keywords:  Colorectal cancer; PARP1; Progression; XRCC2
  10. Am J Clin Pathol. 2024 Jun 13. pii: aqae066. [Epub ahead of print]
      OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins and β2-microglobulin (B2M) in tumor cells and the relationship with immune microenvironment and outcome in colorectal cancer (CRC).METHODS: A total of 953 CRC cases were evaluated by immunohistochemistry for HLA class I, HLA class II, and B2M. The expression level of these biomarkers was correlated with clinicopathologic information, BRAF V600E and mismatch repair (MMR) proteins, and the quantitated expression levels of immune cells (CD8 and CD163) and immune regulatory proteins (FoxP3, programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 [PD-L1], and LAG3).
    RESULTS: We found that B2M-low tumors were statistically correlated with aggressive histologic features, including higher stage, higher grade, extramural venous invasion, perineural invasion, and distant metastasis. Expression of B2M was positively correlated (R2 = 0.3) and significantly associated with MMR-deficient tumors (P < .001); B2M-low tumors were also associated with an "immune cold"' microenvironment, including a reduced number of immune cells (CD8 and CD163), reduced expression of immune regulatory proteins by immune cells (PD-L1, FoxP3, and LAG3), and reduced tumor cell expression of PD-L1. These B2M-low tumors correlated with lower disease-specific survival (P = .018), a finding that maintained significance only for the proficient MMR cohort (P = .037).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that B2M expression may support predictive models for both outcome and checkpoint inhibitor therapy treatment response for colorectal adenocarcinoma.
    Keywords:  check point inhibitor; colon cancer; immune microenvironment; prognosis; β2-microglobulin
  11. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Jun 15. 15(6): 417
      Chemotherapy is a crucial treatment for colorectal tumors. However, its efficacy is restricted by chemoresistance. Recently, Golgi dispersal has been suggested to be a potential response to chemotherapy, particularly to drugs that induce DNA damage. However, the underlying mechanisms by which Golgi dispersal enhances the capacity to resist DNA-damaging agents remain unclear. Here, we demonstrated that DNA-damaging agents triggered Golgi dispersal in colorectal cancer (CRC), and cancer stem cells (CSCs) possessed a greater degree of Golgi dispersal compared with differentiated cancer cells (non-CSCs). We further revealed that Golgi dispersal conferred resistance against the lethal effects of DNA-damaging agents. Momentously, Golgi dispersal activated the Golgi stress response via the PKCα/GSK3α/TFE3 axis, resulting in enhanced protein and vesicle trafficking, which facilitated drug efflux through ABCG2. Identification of Golgi dispersal indicated an unexpected pathway regulating chemoresistance in CRC.
  12. Carcinogenesis. 2024 Jun 13. pii: bgae040. [Epub ahead of print]
      BRAF V600E, one of the most frequent mutations in the MAPK pathway, confers poor prognosis to colorectal cancers (CRCs), partly because of chemotherapeutic resistance. Oncogene-induced DNA damage responses (DDRs) that primarily activate p53 are important mechanistic barriers to the malignant transformation of cells; however, the mechanism underlying this impairment in cancer remains unknown. Here, we evaluated the responses of BRAFV600E-induced DDRs in two CRC cell lines, SW48 and LIM1215, both of which harbor wild-type TP53, KRAS, and BRAF. BRAFV600E transduction exhibited distinct phenotypes in these cells: SW48 cell proliferation markedly decreased, whereas that of LIM1215 increased. BRAFV600E expression induced the activation of oncogene-induced DDR signaling in SW48 cells, but not in LIM1215 cells, whereas chemotherapeutic agents similarly activated DDRs in both cell lines. Knockdown experiments revealed that these responses in SW48 cells were mediated by p53-p21 pathway activation. Comet assay (both alkaline and neutral) revealed that BRAFV600E increased single-strand breaks to the same extent in both cell lines; however, in case of LIM1215 cells, it only facilitated double-strand breaks. Furthermore, the proliferation of LIM1215 cells, wherein no oncogene-induced DDRs occurred, was synergistically inhibited upon MDM2 inhibitor-mediated p53 activation combined with MEK inhibition. Taken together, these distinct DDR signaling responses highlight the novel characteristics of BRAFV600E-mutated CRC cells and define the therapeutic potential of p53 activation combined with MAPK inhibition against TP53 wild-type CRC harboring a BRAFV600E mutation.
    Keywords:  BRAF V600E; DNA damage response; TP53; colorectal cancer
  13. Eur J Cancer. 2024 Jun 10. pii: S0959-8049(24)00816-5. [Epub ahead of print]207 114160
      BACKGROUND: The liver is the most frequent site of metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC). This study aimed to assess the response rate and survival outcomes in metastatic CRC patients with non-liver metastases (NLM) compared to those with liver metastases (LM) across different lines of treatment.METHODS: A total of 17,924 mCRC patients included in 26 trials from the ARCAD CRC database were analyzed. The analysis was conducted based on the presence or absence of LM across different treatment groups: chemotherapy (CT) alone, CT + anti-VEGF, CT + anti-EGFR in KRAS wild-type tumors, within the first-line (1 L) and second-line (2 L), and patients enrolled in third-line (≥3 L) trials treated with trifluridine/tipiracil or regorafenib or placebo. The endpoints were overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall response rate (ORR).
    RESULTS: Out of the 17,924 patients, 14,066 had LM (30.6 % with only liver involvement and 69.4 % with liver and other metastatic sites), while 3858 patients had NLM. In the CT alone and CT + anti-VEGF subgroups, NLM patients showed better OS and PFS in the 1 L and 2 L settings. However, in the CT + anti-EGFR 1 L and 2 L subgroups, there was no significant difference in OS and PFS between NLM and LM patients. In the ≥ 3 L subgroups, better OS and PFS were observed in NLM patients. ORRs were higher in LM patients than in NLM patients across all cohorts treated in the 1 L and only in the anti-EGFR cohort in the 2 L.
    CONCLUSION: LM is a poor prognostic factor for mCRC increasing from 1 L to ≥ 3 L except for patients in 1 L and 2 L receiving CT+anti-EGFR. These data justify using LM as a stratification factor in future trials for patients with unresectable mCRC.
    Keywords:  Chemotherapy; Liver metastatic colorectal cancer; Prognostic value; Targeted therapy
  14. Mol Cancer Ther. 2024 Jun 21.
      We have demonstrated that Claudin-2 is required for colorectal cancer (CRC) liver metastasis. Expression of Claudin-2 in primary CRC is associated with poor survival and is highly expressed in liver metastases. Claudin-2 also promotes breast cancer liver metastasis by enabling seeding and cancer cell survival. These observations support Claudin-2 as a potential therapeutic target for managing patients with liver metastases. Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are promising anti-tumor therapeutics that combine the specific targeting ability of monoclonal antibodies with the potent cell killing activity of cytotoxic drugs. Here we report the generation of twenty-eight anti-Claudin-2 antibodies for which the binding specificities, the cross-reactivity with Claudin family members and the cross-species reactivity were assessed by flow cytometry analysis. Multiple drug conjugates were tested and PNU was selected for conjugation with anti-Claudin-2 antibodies binding either extracellular loop 1 or extracellular loop 2. Anti-Claudin-2 ADCs were efficiently internalized and effective at killing Claudin-2-expressing CRC cancer cells in vitro. Importantly, PNU-conjugated-anti-Claudin-2 ADCs impaired the development of replacement type CRC liver metastases in vivo, using established CRC cell lines and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of CRC liver metastases. Our results suggest that the development of ADCs targeting Claudin-2 is a promising therapeutic strategy for managing CRC liver-metastatic patients that present with replacement type liver metastases.
  15. J Transl Med. 2024 Jun 20. 22(1): 587
      BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a serious global health burden because of its high morbidity and mortality rates. Hypoxia and massive lactate production are hallmarks of the CRC microenvironment. However, the effects of hypoxia and lactate metabolism on CRC have not been fully elucidated. This study aimed to develop a novel molecular subtyping based on hypoxia-related genes (HRGs) and lactate metabolism-related genes (LMRGs) and construct a signature to predict the prognosis of patients with CRC and treatment efficacy.METHODS: Bulk and single-cell RNA-sequencing and clinical data of CRC were downloaded from the TCGA and GEO databases. HRGs and LMRGs were obtained from the Molecular Signatures Database. The R software package DESeq2 was used to perform differential expression analysis. Molecular subtyping was performed using unsupervised clustering. A predictive signature was developed using univariate Cox regression, random forest model, LASSO, and multivariate Cox regression analyses. Finally, the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents before and after hypoxia was verified using in vitro experiments.
    RESULTS: We classified 575 patients with CRC into three molecular subtypes and were able to distinguish their prognoses clearly. The C1 subtype, which exhibits high levels of hypoxia, has a low proportion of CD8 + T cells and a high proportion of macrophages. The expression of immune checkpoint genes is generally elevated in C1 patients with severe immune dysfunction. Subsequently, we constructed a predictive model, the HLM score, which effectively predicts the prognosis of patients with CRC and the efficacy of immunotherapy. The HLM score was validated in GSE39582, GSE106584, GSE17536, and IMvigor210 datasets. Patients with high HLM scores exhibit high infiltration of CD8 + exhausted T cells (Tex), especially terminal Tex, and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)-Tex in the immune microenvironment. Finally, in vitro experiments confirmed that CRC cell lines were less sensitive to 5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan under hypoxic conditions.
    CONCLUSION: We constructed novel hypoxia- and lactate metabolism-related molecular subtypes and revealed their immunological and genetic characteristics. We also developed an HLM scoring system that could be used to predict the prognosis and efficacy of immunotherapy in patients with CRC.
    Keywords:  Colorectal cancer; Hypoxia; Immune microenvironment; Lactate metabolism; Molecular subtype; Prognosis
  16. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jun 05. pii: 6209. [Epub ahead of print]25(11):
      Tuft cells are more than guardian chemosensory elements of the digestive tract. They produce a variety of immunological effector molecules in response to stimulation; moreover, they are essential for defense against protozoa and nematodes. Beyond the description of their characteristics, this review aims to elucidate the potential pathogenic and therapeutic roles of colonic tuft cells in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer, focusing on their primarily immunomodulatory action. Regarding inflammatory bowel disease, tuft cells are implicated in both maintaining the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier and in tissue repair and regeneration processes. In addition to maintaining intestinal homeostasis, they display complex immune-regulatory functions. During the development of colorectal cancer, tuft cells can promote the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, alter the gastrointestinal microenvironment, and modulate both the anti-tumor immune response and the tumor microenvironment. A wide variety of their biological functions can be targeted for anti-inflammatory or anti-tumor therapies; however, the adverse side effects of immunomodulatory actions must be strictly considered.
    Keywords:  anti-inflammatory; anti-tumor; colorectal cancer; immune response; inflammatory bowel disease; therapy; tuft cell
  17. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Jun 21. 15(6): 438
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a major global cause of cancer-related mortality, lacking effective biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Revealing the critical pathogenic factors of CRC and the underlying mechanisms would offer potential therapeutic strategies for clinical application. G protein signaling (RGS) protein family modulators play essential role within regulating downstream signaling of GPCR receptors, with function in cancers unclear. Our study focused on the expression patterns of RGS proteins in CRC, identifying Regulator of G protein signaling 16 (RGS16) as a prospective diagnostic and therapeutic target. Analyzing 899 CRC tissues revealed elevated RGS16 levels, correlating with clinicopathological features and CRC prognosis by immunohistochemistry (IHC) combined with microarray. We confirmed the elevated RGS16 protein level in CRC, and found that patients with RGS16-high tumors exhibited decreased disease-specific survival (DSS) and disease-free survival (DFS) compared to those with low RGS16 expression. Functional assays demonstrated that RGS16 promoted the CRC progression, knockdown of RGS16 led to significantly increased apoptosis rates of CRC in vitro and in vivo. Notably, we also confirmed these phenotypes of RGS16 in organoids originated from resected primary human CRC tissues. Mechanistically, RGS16 restrained JNK/P38-mediated apoptosis in CRC cells through disrupting the recruitment of TAB2/TAK1 to TRAF6. This study provides insights into addressing the challenges posed by CRC, offering avenues for clinical translation.
  18. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 13.
      PURPOSE: In this single-institution phase II investigator-initiated study we assessed the ability of MAPK and VEGF pathway blockade to overcome resistance to immunotherapy in microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer (MSS mCRC).PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with MSS, BRAF wild-type mCRC who progressed on ≥2 prior lines of therapy received pembrolizumab, binimetinib, and bevacizumab until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. After a safety run-in, patients were randomized to a 7-day run-in of binimetinib or simultaneous initiation of all study drugs, to explore whether MEK inhibition may increase tumor immunogenicity. The primary endpoint was objective response rate in all patients combined (ORR, by RECIST v1.1).
    RESULTS: Fifty patients received study drug treatment; 54% were male with median age 55 years (range 31-79). The primary endpoint, ORR, was 12.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.5-24.3%), which was not statistically different than the historical control data of 5% (p=0.038, exceeding pre-specified threshold of 0.025). The disease control rate was 70.0% (95% CI 55.4-82.1%), median progression-free survival 5.9 months (95% CI 4.2-8.7 months), and median overall survival 9.3 months (95% CI 6.7-12.2 months). No difference in efficacy was observed between the randomized cohorts. Grade 3 and 4 adverse events were observed in 56% and 8% of patients, respectively; the most common were rash (12%) and increased aspartate aminotransferase (12%).
    CONCLUSION: Pembrolizumab, binimetinib, and bevacizumab failed to meet its primary endpoint of higher ORR compared to historical control data, demonstrated a high disease control rate, and demonstrated acceptable tolerability in refractory MSS mCRC.
  19. iScience. 2024 Jun 21. 27(6): 110060
      Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play a major role in reorganizing the physical tumor micro-environment and changing tissue stiffness. Herein, using an engineered three-dimensional (3D) model that mimics the tumor's native biomechanical environment, we characterized the changes in matrix stiffness caused by six patient-specific colorectal CAF populations. After 21 days of culture, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was performed to precisely measure the local changes in tissue stiffness. Each CAF population exhibited heterogeneity in remodeling capabilities, with some patient-derived cells stiffening the matrix and others softening it. Tissue stiffening was mainly attributed to active contraction of the matrix by the cells, whereas the softening was due to enzymatic activity of matrix-cleaving proteins. This measured heterogeneity was lost when the CAFs were cocultured with colorectal cancer cells, as all samples significantly soften the tissue. The interplay between cancer cells and CAFs was critical as it altered any heterogeneity exhibited by CAFs alone.
    Keywords:  biomechanics; cancer; cell biology; stem cells research
  20. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024 Jun 17. pii: S1567-5769(24)01008-7. [Epub ahead of print]137 112487
      BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most malignant tumor in the world. 5-fluorouracil (5‑FU) -based chemotherapy is the first-line chemotherapy scheme for CRC, whereas acquired drug resistance poses a huge obstacle to curing CRC patients and the mechanism is still obscure. Therefore, identification of genes associated with 5‑FU chemotherapy and seeking second-line treatment are necessary means to improve survival and prognosis of patients with CRC.METHODS: The Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) database and Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) database were used to identify CRC-related genes and potential second-line therapies for 5-FU-resistant CRC. The single-cell RNA sequencing data for CRC tissues were obtained from a GEO dataset. The relationship between ITGA2 and 5-FU-resistant was investigated in vitro and in vivo models.
    RESULTS: ACOX1 and ITGA2 were identified as risk biomarkers associated with 5-FU-resistance. We developed a risk signature, consisting of ACOX1 and ITGA2, that was able to distinguish well between 5-FU-resistance and 5-FU-sensitive. The single-cell sequencing data showed that ITGA2 was mainly enriched in malignant cells. ITGA2 was negatively correlated with IC50 values of most small molecule inhibitors, of which selumetinib had the highest negative correlation. Finally, knocking down ITGA2 can make 5-FU-resistant CRC cells sensitive to 5-FU and combining with selumetinib can improve the therapeutic effect of 5-FU resistant cells.
    CONCLUSION: In summary, our findings demonstrated the critical role of ITGA2 in enhancing chemotherapy resistance in CRC cells and suggested that selumetinib can restore the sensitivity of chemotherapy-resistant CRC cells to 5-FU by inhibiting ITGA2 expression.
    Keywords:  5-FU-resistance; Colorectal cancer (CRC); ITGA2; Selumetinib