bims-evares Biomed News
on Evaluation of research
Issue of 2024‒05‒26
sixty-one papers selected by
Thomas Krichel, Open Library Society

  1. Cureus. 2024 Apr;16(4): e58490
      The impact of general anesthetics on brain function development is one of the top frontier issues of public concern. However, little bibliometric analysis has investigated this territory systematically. Our study aimed to visualize the publications between 2000 and 2023 to inspire the trends and hotspots in anesthetic neurodevelopmental toxicity research. Publications from 2000 to 2023 were collected from the Web of Science Core Collection. CiteSpace was utilized to plot and analyze the network maps of countries, institutions, authors, journals, and keywords associated with these publications. A total of 864 publications, consisting of 786 original articles and 78 reviews, were extracted from 2000 to 2023. The annual publications have increased constantly over the past two decades. The USA and the People's Republic of China were the leading driving forces in this field. Harvard University was the most productive institution. Zhang Y published the most related articles, and Jevtovic-Todorovic V was mostly cited in this field. The most prolific journal was Pediatric Anesthesia, and the most frequently co-cited journal was Anesthesiology. Keywords were divided into nine clusters: "apoptosis", "propofol", "developing brain", "cognitive dysfunction", "neuronal cell degeneration", "brain", "neuroinflammation", "local anesthesia", and "oxygen therapy". The strongest citation bursts in earlier years were "learning disability", "cell death", and "cognitive function". The emerging trends in the coming years were "awake regional anesthesia", "behavioral outcome", and "infancy general anesthesia compared to spinal anesthesia". We conclude that anesthetic-induced neurotoxicity has received growing attention in the past two decades. Our findings evaluated the present status and research trends in this area, which may provide help for exploring further potential prospects on hot topics and frontiers.
    Keywords:  bibliometric analysis; general anesthesia; neurotoxicity; publications; research trends
  2. Front Oncol. 2024 ;14 1355353
      Aim: The overamplification of human epidermal growth factor (HER2) in breast cancer (BC) has been the subject of numerous research publications since its discovery in 1987. This is the first bibliometric analysis (BA) conducted on HER2-positive (HER2+) BC. The purpose of this BA is to analyze the published research on HER2+ BC from 1987 to 2024, highlighting the most significant scientific literature, as well as the main contributing authors and journals, and evaluating the impact of clinical and lab-based publications on HER2+ BC research.Methods: The Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) was searched using the terms "Breast cancer" OR "Breast carcinoma" OR "Breast tumor" AND "HER2 positive" OR "HER2+". The search was limited by publication year (1987-2024) and only full English articles were included. WoS returned 7,469 relevant results, and from this dataset, a bibliometric analysis was conducted using the "analyze results" and "journal citation report" functions in WoS and the VOSviewer 1.6.16 software to generate bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis of authors.
    Results: The analysis encompassed a total of 7,469 publications, revealing a notable increase in the annual number of publications, particularly in recent years. The United States, China, Italy, Germany, and Spain were the top five most prolific countries. The top five significant institutions that published HER2+ research were the University of Texas System, Unicancer, UTMD Anderson Cancer Center, Harvard University, and University of California System. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Clinical Cancer Research, and Clinical Breast Cancer were the top three notable journals with the highest number of HER2+ BC publications. Dennis Slamon (Nc = 45,411, H-index = 51) and Jose Baselga (Nc = 32,592, H-index = 55) were the most prolific authors. Evolving research topics include anti-HER2 therapy in the neoadjuvant setting, treatment of metastatic HER2+ BC, and overcoming therapy resistance.
    Conclusion: This study provides an overview of HER2+ BC research published over the past three decades. It provides insight into the most cited papers and authors, and the core journals, and identifies new trends. These manuscripts have had the highest impact in the field and reflect the continued evolution of HER2 as a therapeutic target in BC.
    Keywords:  HER2+; analysis; anti-HER2; bibliometric; breast cancer; trastuzumab
  3. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e30955
      Background: As a fatal disease, cytokine storm has garnered research attention in recent years. Nonetheless, as the body of related studies expands, a thorough and impartial evaluation of the current status of research on cytokine storms remains absent. Consequently, this study aimed to thoroughly explore the research landscape and evolution of cytokine storm utilizing bibliometric and knowledge graph approaches.Methods: Research articles and reviews centered on cytokine storms were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection database. For bibliometric analysis, tools such as Excel 365, CiteSpace, VOSviewer, and the Bibliometrix R package were utilized.
    Results: This bibliometric analysis encompassed 6647 articles published between 2004 and 2022. The quantity of pertinent articles and citation frequency exhibited a yearly upward trend, with a sharp increase starting in 2020. Network analysis of collaborations reveals that the United States holds a dominant position in this area, boasting the largest publication count and leading institutions. Frontiers in Immunology ranks as the leading journal for the largest publication count in this area. Stephan A. Grupp, a prominent researcher in this area, has authored the largest publication count and has the second-highest citation frequency. Research trends and keyword evaluations show that the connection between cytokine storm and COVID-19, as well as cytokine storm treatment, are hot topics in research. Furthermore, research on cytokine storm and COVID-19 sits at the forefront in this area.
    Conclusion: This study employed bibliometric analysis to create a visual representation of cytokine storm research, revealing current trends and burgeoning topics in this area for the first time. It will provide valuable insights, helping scholars pinpoint critical research areas and potential collaborators.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; COVID-19; Citespace; Cytokine storm; VOSviewer
  4. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 May 24. 103(21): e38198
      Over the past 10 years, hip arthroscopy has been increasingly employed to effectively diagnose and safely treat a range of hip pathologies. With research related to hip arthroscopy continually expanding, the number of articles connected with hip arthroscopy has also consistently grown. We aimed to investigate trends and hotspots in hip arthroscopy-related research, and analyze the top 100 most-cited articles on hip arthroscopy. We searched for ("hip arthroscopy") AND ("article" OR "review") AND "English" in the Web of Science database from 1900 to 2022, which was used to obtain all publications relating to hip arthroscopy. Distribution of country, affiliated institution, journal, authors, citation frequency and keywords were analyzed using VOSviewer. A total of 1094 articles were selected from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) from 1900 to 2022. The number of publications concerning hip arthroscopy displayed an ascending trend over time. Among the countries, the United States emerged as the largest contributor to the number of articles. The highest prolific institution was American Hip Institute. Among the journals, the highest-ranking journal was "Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery," with 8316 citation counts and 262 articles. The area of greatest research interest was diagnosis and therapy in the field. The scientific articles on the subject of hip arthroscopy have risen continuously in recent years. The United States was the most influential country and made the most significant contributions to this field globally. We identified the research direction and trend for the first time and provided the most recent bibliometric analysis on hip arthroscopy, which may assist researchers in conducting studies on hip arthroscopy.
  5. J Med Syst. 2024 May 18. 48(1): 52
      This study aimed to analyze the current landscape of ChatGPT application in the medical field, assessing the current collaboration patterns and research topic hotspots to understand the impact and trends. By conducting a search in the Web of Science, we collected literature related to the applications of ChatGPT in medicine, covering the period from January 1, 2000 up to January 16, 2024. Bibliometric analyses were performed using CiteSpace (V6.2., Drexel University, PA, USA) and Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp.,WA, USA) to map the collaboration among countries/regions, the distribution of institutions and authors, and clustering of keywords. A total of 574 eligible articles were included, with 97.74% published in 2023. These articles span various disciplines, particularly in Health Care Sciences Services, with extensive international collaboration involving 73 countries. In terms of countries/regions studied, USA, India, and China led in the number of publications. USA ot only published nearly half of the total number of papers but also exhibits a highest collaborative capability. Regarding the co-occurrence of institutions and scholars, the National University of Singapore and Harvard University held significant influence in the cooperation network, with the top three authors in terms of publications being Wiwanitkit V (10 articles), Seth I (9 articles), Klang E (7 articles), and Kleebayoon A (7 articles). Through keyword clustering, the study identified 9 research theme clusters, among which "digital health"was not only the largest in scale but also had the most citations. The study highlights ChatGPT's cross-disciplinary nature and collaborative research in medicine, showcasing its growth potential, particularly in digital health and clinical decision support. Future exploration should examine the socio-economic and cultural impacts of this trend, along with ChatGPT's specific technical uses in medical practice.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; ChatGPT; Citespace; Clustering analysis
  6. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e30315
      In this study, bibliometric analysis was carried out to comprehend the global research trends, hotspots, scientific frontiers, and output characteristics of the links between dendritic cells (DCs) and allergic diseases from 2004 to 2023. Publications and their recorded information were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC). VOSviewer and Citespace were used to visualize the hotspots and trends of research area. ChemBio 3D, Autodock tools, and Discovery Studio were used to visualize the molecular docking results of hotspots. A total of 4861 articles were retrieved. The number of publications (Np) was in a high and stable state. Years 2011 and 2017 were two peaks in Np. The largest contributor in terms of publications, scholars, and affiliations was the USA. The paper published in NATURE MEDICINE (IF: 82.9) and written by Trompette, A in 2006 had the highest global citation score (GCS). Keywords, such as "asthma," "t-cells," "inflammation," "expression," "atopic dermatitis," "food allergy," "gut microbiota," "murine model," and "cytokines related to immunity" appeared the most frequently. Most of the binding free energy of the key active components of Saposhnikovia divaricata docked with toll-like receptor proteins well. This bibliometric study aimed to help better comprehend the present state and make decisions from a macro viewpoint.
    Keywords:  Allergic diseases; Bibliometric analysis; Dendritic cells; Molecular docking; Visualization
  7. Heliyon. 2024 May 15. 10(9): e30760
      Background: With the rapid global spread of COVID-19, it has become evident that the virus can lead to multisystem complications, leading to a significant increase in related publications. Bibliometrics serves as a valuable tool for identifying highly cited literature and research hotspots within specific areas.Objective: The aim of this study is to identify current research hotspots and future trends in COVID-19 complications.
    Methods: The dataset was obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection, covering COVID-19 complications from December 8, 2019, to October 31, 2022. Various aspects, including publication general information, authors, journals, co-cited authors, co-cited references, research hotspots, and future trends, were subjected to analysis. Visual analysis was conducted using VOSviewer, The Online Analysis Platform of Literature Metrology, and Charticulator.
    Results: There were 4597 articles in the study. The top three countries with the most published articles are the USA (n = 1350, 29.4 %), China (n = 765, 16.6 %), and Italy (n = 623, 13.6 %). USA and China have the closest collaborative relationship. The institute with the largest number of publications is Huazhong University of Science and Technology, followed by Harvard Medical School. Nevertheless, half of the top 10 institutes belong to the USA. "Rezaei, Nima" published 13 articles and ranked first, followed by "Yaghi, Shadi" with 12 articles and "Frontera, Jennifer" with 12 articles. The journal with the largest number of publications is "Journal of Clinical Medicine". The top 3 co-cited authors are "Zhou, Fei", "Guan, Wei-Jie", "Huang, Chaolin". The top 3 co-cited references addressed COVID-19's clinical features in China and noticed that COVID-19 patients had a wide range of complications. We also list four research hotspots.
    Conclusions: This study conducted a bibliometric visual analysis of the literature on COVID-19 complications and summarized the current research hotspots. This study may provide valuable insights into the complications of COVID-19.
    Keywords:  ACE2; Bibliometrics; COVID-19; Complications; VOSviewer
  8. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2024 ;pii: e-rbgo4. [Epub ahead of print]46
      Objective: To classify the bibliometric indicators of online scientific research on placentophagy.Methods: A bibliometric study was conducted to quantify the scientific production of authors and institutions with the aim of highlighting the growth and impact of these publications nationally and internationally. The Bradford Law, network maps, and textual statistics were used, with searches conducted in libraries and databases in October 2021.
    Results: The sample consisted of 64 articles, whose primary authors were associated with 49 institutions, and mostly with degrees in anthropology. The United States of America was the country that published the most papers on the theme, and most studies were reviews with individual production. Through the term analysis, it was found that the predominant themes regarding placentophagy were the following: Alternative therapy for women's health, methodologies used for research in this area, period of placenta ingestion (postpartum period), and its benefits.
    Conclusion: The bibliometric indicators found are essential for the development of future research.
    Keywords:  Alternative therapies; Bibliometric indicators; Placenta; Postpartum period; Pregnancy
  9. Front Aging Neurosci. 2024 ;16 1402347
      Background: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is commonly defined as a transitional subclinical state between normal aging and dementia. A growing body of research indicates that health behaviors may play a protective role against cognitive decline and could potentially slow down the progression from MCI to dementia. The aim of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of literature focusing on health behaviors and MCI to summarize the factors and evidence regarding the influence of health behaviors on MCI.Methods: The study performed a bibliometric analysis by retrieving publications from the Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index sub-databases within the Web of Science Core Collection. Utilizing VOSviewer and CiteSpace software, a total of 2,843 eligible articles underwent co-citation, co-keywords, and clustering analyses. This methodology aimed to investigate the current status, trends, major research questions, and potential future directions within the research domain.
    Results: The bibliometric analysis indicates that research on healthy behaviors in individuals with MCI originated in 2002 and experienced rapid growth in 2014, reflecting the increasing global interest in this area. The United States emerged as the primary contributor, accounting for more than one-third of the total scientific output with 982 articles. Journals that published the most articles on MCI-related health behaviors included "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease," "Neurobiology of Aging," "Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience," and other geriatrics-related journals. High-impact papers identified by VOSviewer predominantly cover concepts related to MCI, such as diagnostic criteria, assessment, and multifactorial interventions. Co-occurrence keyword analysis highlights five research hotspots in health behavior associated with MCI: exercise, diet, risk factors and preventive measures for dementia, cognitive decline-related biomarkers, and clinical trials.
    Conclusion: This study provides a comprehensive review of literature on health behavior in individuals with MCI, emphasizing influential documents and journals. It outlines research trends and key focal points, offering valuable insights for researchers to comprehend significant contributions and steer future studies.
    Keywords:  bibliometric analysis; cognitive impairment; exercise; health behavior; mild cognitive impairment
  10. Int J Ophthalmol. 2024 ;17(5): 940-950
      AIM: To gain insights into the global research hotspots and trends of myopia.METHODS: Articles were downloaded from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2022 from the Science Core Database website and were mainly statistically analyzed by bibliometrics software.
    RESULTS: A total of 444 institutions in 87 countries published 4124 articles. Between 2013 and 2022, China had the highest number of publications (n=1865) and the highest H-index (61). Sun Yat-sen University had the highest number of publications (n=229) and the highest H-index (33). Ophthalmology is the main category in related journals. Citations from 2020 to 2022 highlight keywords of options and reference, child health (pediatrics), myopic traction mechanism, public health, and machine learning, which represent research frontiers.
    CONCLUSION: Myopia has become a hot research field. China and Chinese institutions have the strongest academic influence in the field from 2013 to 2022. The main driver of myopic research is still medical or ophthalmologists. This study highlights the importance of public health in addressing the global rise in myopia, especially its impact on children's health. At present, a unified theoretical system is still needed. Accurate surgical and therapeutic solutions must be proposed for people with different characteristics to manage and intervene refractive errors. In addition, the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) models are also reflected in disease monitoring and prediction.
    Keywords:  bibliometric analysis; global trends; myopia
  11. Mil Med. 2024 May 18. pii: usae178. [Epub ahead of print]
      INTRODUCTION: Spinal cord injuries often lead to significant motor and sensory deficits, as well as autonomic dysfunction. Compared with normal spinal injuries, combat-related spinal injuries (CRSIs) are usually more complex and challenging to treat because of multiple traumas, firing-line treatments, and arduous initial treatments on a battlefield. Yet numerous issues remain unresolved about clinical treatment and scientific research. The enhancement of CRSI diagnosis and treatment quality by military surgeons and nurses is imperative. The objective of this study is to identify the frontiers, hotspots, and trends among recent research, summarize the development process of clinical trials, and visualize them systematically.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected publications from CRSI based on the Core Collection of Web of Science for 30 years from January 1, 1993 to May 1, 2023.Visualizations of the knowledge maps were produced using VOSviewer and CiteSpace software. We examined annual trends of publications and distribution patterns, the number of publications, as well as the research hotspots.
    RESULTS: Among 201 documents, it was found that there was a stable upward trend in publications. There were 2 rapid growth stages during the 30 years. Among all countries, the USA contributed the most publications, along with the highest influence and the most international cooperation. Military Medicine was the journal of the maximum publications, whereas the Spine journal was the most influential one. Keyword co-occurrence analysis and trend topics analysis revealed that these articles focused 5 distinct categories for CRSI.
    CONCLUSIONS: As the first bibliometric study focused on CRSI, we demonstrated the evolution of the field and provided future research directions. We summarized the hotspots and 5 clusters published. This would serve as a useful guide for clinicians and scientists regarding CRSI global impacts.
  12. Front Physiol. 2024 ;15 1326392
      Background: Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are severe respiratory conditions with complex pathogenesis, in which endothelial cells (ECs) play a key role. Despite numerous studies on ALI/ARDS and ECs, a bibliometric analysis focusing on the field is lacking. This study aims to fill this gap by employing bibliometric techniques, offering an overarching perspective on the current research landscape, major contributors, and emerging trends within the field of ALI/ARDS and ECs.Methods: Leveraging the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database, we conducted a comprehensive search for literature relevant to ALI/ARDS and ECs. Utilizing Python, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace, we performed a bibliometric analysis on the corpus of publications within this field.
    Results: This study analyzed 972 articles from 978 research institutions across 40 countries or regions, with a total of 5,277 authors contributing. These papers have been published in 323 different journals, spanning 62 distinct research areas. The first articles in this field were published in 2011, and there has been a general upward trend in annual publications since. The United States, Germany, and China are the principal contributors, with Joe G. N. Garcia from the University of Arizona identified as the leading authority in this field. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology has the highest publication count, while Frontiers in Immunology has been increasingly focusing on this field in recent years. "Cell Biology" stands as the most prolific research area within the field. Finally, this study identifies endothelial glycocalyx, oxidative stress, pyroptosis, TLRs, NF-κB, and NLRP3 as key terms representing research hotspots and emerging frontiers in this field.
    Conclusion: This bibliometric analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the research landscape surrounding ALI/ARDS and ECs. It reveals an increasing academic focus on ALI/ARDS and ECs, particularly in the United States, Germany, and China. Our analysis also identifies several emerging trends and research hotspots, such as endothelial glycocalyx, oxidative stress, and pyroptosis, indicating directions for future research. The findings can guide scholars, clinicians, and policymakers in targeting research gaps and setting priorities to advance the field.
    Keywords:  acute lung injury; acute respiratory distress syndrome; bibliometric analysis; endothelial cells; hotspots
  13. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 May 24. 103(21): e38257
      BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are forms of inflammatory bowel disease affecting approximately 1% of the population. Their typical features include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Extraintestinal manifestations may coincide with or precede the diagnosis of these diseases. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is one such extraintestinal manifestation. Although many papers on this field have been published, bibliometric analysis still needs to be conducted. This article summarizes the current research progress through a bibliometric study, provides an overview of the research status in this field, and analyzes recent research trends.METHODS: Publications on inflammatory bowel disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis from January 1, 2008, to August 31, 2023, were extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection. VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used to perform a bibliometric and visual study.
    RESULTS: There are 1499 relevant articles, and the number of articles in this field has been relatively stable in recent years. The results indicate that Karlson TH from the University of Oslo has the highest cumulative number of publications. The institution with the highest publication output is the Mayo Clinic, and the United States leads in article production, occupying a dominant position. Keyword analysis reveals 4079 keywords, with primary sclerosing cholangitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcerative colitis being the most frequently occurring keywords.
    CONCLUSION: Research on the association between inflammatory bowel disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis is steadily advancing, with the United States leading in publication output globally. China needs to invest more in research in this area, and collaboration among institutions should be strengthened. The research hotspots revolve around the association between inflammatory bowel disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis, gut microbiota, and other fields.
  14. Heliyon. 2024 May 15. 10(9): e30424
      Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide, and the functional status of the gut plays a key role in patients' prognosis. Recent publications have explored the gut association with stroke, but few articles have been published that specifically address a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the gut microbiota and its association with stroke. To address this gap, we used bibliometric methods to examine the landscape of research concerning the gut and stroke over approximately two decades, utilizing the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC). On November 1, 2022, a search was conducted for English-language articles published between 2002 and 2022, with only including original articles. Visual and statistical analyses were performed using CiteSpace, VOSviewer, and Bibliometrix 4.1.0 Package. After screening relevant articles, the results revealed that the number of articles published in this field has progressively increased during the last two decades. In particular, the total number of publications rapidly increased year by year from 2014. Among them, China ranked first in the world with a total of 227 publications. Authorship analysis highlighted Wang Z as the most prolific author, with 18 publications and an H-index of 14, highlighting significant contributions to this field. Meanwhile, the Southern Medical University of China was identified as the most productive institution. Moreover, analysis of keywords revealed that 'cerebral ischemia', 'intestinal microbiota', 'gut microbiota', and 'trimethylamine N-oxide' were popular topics searched, and research on the relationship between stroke and the gut continues to be a research hotspot. In summary, this study presents an overview of the progress and emerging trends in research on the relationship between stroke and gut health over the past two decades, providing a valuable resource for researchers aiming to understand the current state of the field and identify potential directions for future studies.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; Gut; Gut microbiota; Stroke; Visualization
  15. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2024 Apr 19. pii: S2212-4403(24)00163-9. [Epub ahead of print]
      OBJECTIVE: This study utilized bibliometric methodologies to explore the body of research presented at the World Workshop on Oral Medicine (WWOM) over the past 35 years.METHODS: A systematic tracking of articles across 8 editions of WWOM was conducted using databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed. Comprehensive bibliographic analysis and data visualization were executed through Bibliometrix, Rstudio, and VOSviewer, facilitating an in-depth examination of citation metrics and collaborative networks.
    RESULTS: The investigation revealed that WWOM, held in 6 cities spanning four countries and addressing 33 distinct topics, demonstrated an annual citation growth rate of 8.29%, with an average of 49.31 citations per article. Notably, WWOM IV garnered the highest number of citations (1,342), reaching its peak in 2021 with 365 citations. Key contributors to the most-cited articles include Al-Hashimi, Dawes, and Syrjänen et al. Since its inception, the workshops have engaged 505 faculty members from 37 nations, with significant participation from the Americas and Europe, notably the United States and the United Kingdom, which also led in terms of publications. Network analysis delineated 6 country clusters, underscoring robust connections between the US and the UK. Co-authorship analysis revealed 18 clusters involving 267 authors.
    CONCLUSION: The influence of the WWOM on the field of oral medicine is clearly demonstrated by the outcomes of its publications, reflecting a collaborative effort to enhance comprehension and treatment modalities for patients with oral diseases. The study's findings provide insights into future research directions within the WWOM legacy.
  16. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 May 24. 103(21): e37657
      BACKGROUND: Acne is a prevalent inflammatory condition of the pilosebaceous unit, which seriously affects the appearance and mental health of patients. Bibliometrics is the statistical analysis of academic literature in a certain field. We aimed to characterize the 100 most cited articles on acne from a bibliometric perspective, as well as explore the frontier hotspots and trends of acne.METHODS: A search was conducted on the Web of Science database on August 8, 2023. we employed the terms "acne," "acne Vulgaris," and "common acne" in our search. The top 100 articles with the most citations throughout the time frame of 2014 to 2023 were discovered and assessed. The visualization study was carried out using bibliometric tools such as CiteSpace 6.2.R4, VOSviewer 1.6.18, and MapChart.
    RESULTS: The top 100 most cited articles were published between 2014 and 2021, originated from a diverse range of 48 countries, with a predominant focus on the United States of America (USA) and Germany. The top 100 papers were cited between 50 and 712 times. Dreno B, from Nantes University, was the most frequently nominated author. With 12 papers, the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology contributed the most to the top 100 list. Alongside the term "acne", the following terms or phrases were observed frequency in the top 100 articles, Cutibacterium acnes, sebaceous, western diet, antibiotic resistance, staphylococcus-epidermidis, insulinlike growth factor 1, benzoyl peroxide, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Alongside the term "acne", terms or phrases such as Cutibacterium acnes, sebaceous, western diet, antibiotic resistance, staphylococcus-epidermidis, insulinlike growth factor 1, benzoyl peroxide, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc also have a high frequency in the top 100 articles.
    CONCLUSION: This analysis summarizes the shifting trends of acne research over the last decades. Research on acne is currently flourishing. The related pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies have been the focus of current research and developmental trends in future research.
  17. Cureus. 2024 May;16(5): e60511
      Background Frailty, within the context of heart failure (HF), is strongly linked to poor patient outcomes. Investigating the vulnerable condition of individuals with HF is crucial, not only for medical reasons but also as a significant public health challenge, especially among the elderly population where both HF and frailty are common. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize HF patients with frailty over those without such symptoms. To begin, promptly assessing the impact of academic research in this area is crucial, considering factors such as geographical regions, authors, journals, and institutions. Additionally, it is important to explore current topics and identify potential areas that could inspire future researchers to conduct further studies to advance public health. Methodology We conducted a search in the Web of Science Core Collection database to identify articles and reviews in the English language focusing on frailty and HF which were published from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2023. To perform bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer (v.1.6.18) and CiteSpace (v.6.1.R2) were utilized. Results A total of 1,381 original English-language articles were gathered, comprising 1,162 articles and 219 reviews. The quantity of research publications in this area has experienced significant growth since 2013. Among all countries, the United States has contributed the largest number of publications, accounting for 409 articles (29.62% of the total). Additionally, the United States has received the highest number of citations, being cited a total of 13,329 times, as well as boasting the greatest total link strength. Duke University stands out as the institution with the highest number of research papers, having published 40 articles (2.90% of the total). It has also received the most citations, with a total of 2,455 times, and possesses the highest total link strength, which amounts to 212. Within the realm of prolific authors, Kentaro Kamiya from Kitasato University emerges as the most productive, having authored 28 articles (2.03% of the total). When considering scholarly journals, "Esc Heart Failure" contains the highest number of articles pertaining to frailty and HF, publishing a noteworthy 36 articles (2.61% of the total). Noteworthy keywords within this field encompass frailty, heart failure, elderly, mortality, and cardiovascular disease. Over the past five years, the most popular keywords have centered around "frailty syndrome," "sarcopenia," and "therapeutic interventions." Conclusions Research on frailty and HF at a global scale has experienced substantial growth between 2000 and 2023, demonstrating a prospective field for further exploration with potential advantages from ongoing progress. Prospective studies could prioritize the enhancement of cardiac rehabilitation for patients coping with HF and frailty while ensuring the preservation of their overall quality of life.
    Keywords:  bibliometrics; citespace; frailty; heart failure; quantitative analyses; vosviewer
  18. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2024 Jan 01. 13(1): 83-90
      BACKGROUND: The convergence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and tuberculosis (TB) may lead to increased mortality and complications, so the underlying mechanism is under investigation. Therefore, a bibliometric analysis was performed to describe the bibliometric indicators of publications evaluating the relationship between TB and DM2.METHODS: A descriptive and observational bibliometric study was conducted using the Scopus database to identify documents published from 2016-2023, for which free and controlled terms (Medical subject headings and Emtree) were used. The variables collected comprised the number of published documents, institutions, countries, authors, journals, and type of collaboration, which were exported to Excel 2016 and analyzed with SciVal.
    RESULTS: A total of 456 documents, 1624 authors, and 2173 citations were identified, with Medicine and Immunology-Microbiology being the subcategories with the highest and lowest number of documents (367 and 80 documents), respectively, with a strong decreasing trend correlation (R2: 0.95; P < 0.5) between the number and year of publication. While the country with the highest production was China (71 papers), the country with the highest citation was the United States (952 citations). In terms of authors, the highest production was by the American Venketaraman, and the highest impact was by the Asian Kimberly To. The institution with the highest number of papers was the Western University of Health Sciences, while Stellenbosch had the highest impact.
    CONCLUSION: Although the scientific productivity of DM2 and TB have reported growth rates of 158.75% and 7.3%, respectively, our results found a decreasing trend in publications associating these two diseases. The thematic evolution of the concepts in both diseases suggests that the relationship between them is not yet known, so future studies evaluating the underlying mechanisms of this comorbidity are suggested.
  19. Front Immunol. 2024 ;15 1397338
      Objectives: This manuscript undertakes a systematic examination of the research landscape concerning global Cryptococcus species and their dynamism with the host immune system spanning the past decade. It furnishes a detailed survey of leading knowledge institutions and critical focal points in this area, utilizing bibliometric analysis.Methods: VOSviewer and CiteSpace software platforms were employed to systematically analyze and graphically depict the relevant literature indexed in the WoSCC database over the preceding ten years.
    Results: In the interval between October 1, 2013, and October 1, 2023, a corpus of 795 publications was amassed. The primary research institutions involved in this study include Duke University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Sydney. The leading trio of nations, in terms of publication volume, comprises the United States, China, and Brazil. Among the most prolific authors are Casadevall, Arturo; Wormley, Floyd L., Jr.; and Olszewski, Michal A., with the most highly cited author being Perfect, Jr. The most esteemed journal is Mbio, while Infection and Immunity commands the highest citation frequency, and the Journal of Clinical Microbiology boasts the most significant impact factor. Present research foci encompass the intricate interactions between Cryptococcus pathogenesis and host immunity, alongside immune mechanisms, complications, and immunotherapies.
    Conclusion: This represents the first exhaustive scholarly review and bibliometric scrutiny of the evolving landscapes in Cryptococcus research and its interactions with the host immune system. The analyses delineated herein provide insights into prevailing research foci and trajectories, thus furnishing critical directions for subsequent inquiries in this domain.
    Keywords:  Cryptococcus spp.; bibliometric analysis; cryptococcosis; host immune responses; visualization techniques
  20. Immun Inflamm Dis. 2024 May;12(5): e1277
      BACKGROUND: Kawasaki disease (KD) is an autoimmune disease with cardiovascular disease as its main complication, mainly affecting children under 5 years old. KD treatment has made tremendous progress in recent years, but intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance remains a major dilemma. Bibliometric analysis had not been used previously to summarize and analyze publications related to IVIG resistance in KD. This study aimed to provide an overview of the knowledge framework and research hotspots in this field through bibliometrics, and provide references for future basic and clinical research.METHODS: Through bibliometric analysis of relevant literature published on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database between 1997 and 2023, we investigated the cooccurrence and collaboration relationships among countries, institutions, journals, and authors and summarized key research topics and hotspots.
    RESULTS: Following screening, a total of 364 publications were downloaded, comprising 328 articles and 36 reviews. The number of articles on IVIG resistance increased year on year and the top three most productive countries were China, Japan, and the United States. Frontiers in Pediatrics had the most published articles, and the Journal of Pediatrics had the most citations. IVIG resistance had been studied by 1889 authors, of whom Kuo Ho Chang had published the most papers.
    CONCLUSION: Research in the field was focused on risk factors, therapy (atorvastatin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors), pathogenesis (gene expression), and similar diseases (multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, MIS-C). "Treatment," "risk factor," and "prediction" were important keywords, providing a valuable reference for scholars studying this field. We suggest that, in the future, more active international collaborations are carried out to study the pathogenesis of IVIG insensitivity, using high-throughput sequencing technology. We also recommend that machine learning techniques are applied to explore the predictive variables of IVIG resistance.
    Keywords:  Kawasaki disease; bibliometrics; intravenous immunoglobulin resistance
  21. Clin Ophthalmol. 2024 ;18 1313-1328
      Background: Laser therapy has been proven as an effective technique for managing ophthalmological disorders. To guide future research, we conducted a bibliometric analysis of laser applications in eye diseases from 1990 to 2022, aiming to identify key themes and trends.Methods: We retrieved 3027 publications from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC). Bibliometrix was used for science mapping of the literature, while VOSviewer and CiteSpace were applied to visualize co-authorship, co-citation, co-occurrence, and bibliographic coupling networks.
    Results: From a co-citation reference network, we identified 52 distinct clusters. Our analysis uncovered three main research trends. The first trend revolves around the potential evolution of corneal laser surgery techniques, shifting from the treatment of refractive errors to broader applications in biomedical optics. The second trend illustrates the advancement of laser applications in treating a range of disorders, from retinal and ocular surface diseases to glaucoma. The third trend focuses on the innovative uses of established technologies.
    Conclusion: This study offers significant insights into the evolution of laser applications in ophthalmology over the past 30 years, which will undoubtedly assist scientists in directing further research in this promising field.
    Keywords:  CiteSpace; bibliometric; laser; research trend; systematic review
  22. World Neurosurg. 2024 May 22. pii: S1878-8750(24)00868-4. [Epub ahead of print]
      The analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of research on the Intestinal barrier damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI), elucidate specific mechanisms, and address knowledge gaps to help guide the development of targeted therapeutic interventions and improve outcomes for individuals with TBI.A total of 2,756 relevant publications by 13,778 authors affiliated within 3,198 institutions in 79 countries were retrieved from the Web of Science. These publications have been indexed by 1,139 journals and cited 158, 525 references. The most productive author in this field was Sikiric P, and the University of Pittsburgh was identified as the most influential institution. The United States was found to be the leading country in terms of article output and held a dominant position in this field. The International Journal of Molecular Sciences was identified as a major source of publications in this area. In terms of collaboration, the cooperation between the United States and China was found to be the most extensive among countries, institutions, and authors, indicating a high level of influence in this field. Keyword co-occurrence network analysis revealed several hotspots in this field, including the microbiome-gut-brain axis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, cellular autophagy, ischemia-reperfusion, tight junctions, and intestinal permeability. The analysis of keyword citation bursts suggested that ecological imbalance and gut microbiota may be the forefront of future research. The findings of this study can serve as a reference and guiding perspective for future research in this field.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; Collaboration network; Intestinal barrier damage; Keyword co-occurrence network; Traumatic brain injury; citation burst analysis; highly cited paper; visualization
  23. Saudi Dent J. 2024 May;36(5): 778-788
      Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the most cited articles on vital pulp therapies.Methodology: Bibliographical data related to the abstract, citations, keywords, and other relevant information was extracted using different combinations of keywords. Further evaluation and visualization of the selected data were performed with the help of various tools, including MS Excel, Microsoft Word, Google open refine, BibExcel, and VOS viewer. An initial search revealed 91 documents, of which 40 were chosen for further analysis. We used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Spearman correlation coefficient test, and our adopted significance level was p < 0.05.
    Results: In total, the articles received 1,905 citations, with six of them receiving at least 100 citations. Among the top 40 articles, the United States of America (10 articles) and Ireland (6 articles) were the countries with the highest number of cited articles. The journals "Journal of Endodontics" (14 articles; 650 citations) and "International Endodontic Journal" (13 articles; 577 citations) published most of the articles among the 50 most cited ones. Duncan H. was the author with the highest number of works cited (11 articles; 339 citations). Of the articles, systematic reviews accounted for 32%, literature reviews for 14%, in vitro experimental studies for 12%, clinical trials for 8%. Among the biomaterials used in vital pulp therapies, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was discussed in 37 articles (74%), followed by calcium hydroxide, mentioned in 30 studies (60%). Interestingly, the publication year did not demonstrate a significant impact on citation count.
    Conclusion: The present study provided a detailed list of the top 50 most cited and classic articles on vital pulp therapies. This will help researchers, students, and clinicians in the field of endodontics with an impressive source of information.
    Keywords:  Bibliometrics; Dental Materials; Dental Pulp Capping; Endodontics; Pulpotomy
  24. J Tradit Chin Med. 2024 Jun;44(3): 595-608
      OBJECTIVE: To present a bibliometric analysis of global scientific publications on the nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment of insomnia with regard to influential institutions, publications, countries, research hotspots, trends, and frontiers.METHODS: A literature review was conducted by searching the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases to identify all publications related to the nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment of insomnia from 2000 to 2021. Eligible publications were reviewed, including annual publication increments, citation analyses, international collaborations, and keyword analyses. The data were analysed using CiteSpace (vers5.8.R3, 6.1.R2 and 6.1.6, College of Computing and Informatics, Philadelphia, PA, USA) and virtualized by knowledge maps. RESULTS:In total, 9832 publications were included in this analysis. The results from the WoSCC showed that the United States of America (Count = 2268, 40.33%), Stanford University (Count = 141, 2.51%), and the United States Department of Health and Human Services were the leading country, institute, and funding agency regarding the number of publications, respectively. 'Cognitive-behavioural therapy" was the most popular research topic generated from the cocited reference. The most frequently co-occurring keywords were insomnia, cognitive behavioural therapy, disorder, depression, quality of life, Meta-analysis, older adult, sleep, prevalence and efficacy, while keywords including clinical practice guideline, guideline, and Tai Chi remained popular after 2021. Circadian rhythm was the strongest research frontier for 2000-2021. In China, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Count = 69, 4.79%) was the most productive institute in this field. The most frequently co-occurring keywords from Chinese literature were sleep disorder, sleep quality, acupuncture and moxibustion, Parkinson's disease, transcranial magnetic stimulation, health education, music therapy, chronic insomnia, quality of life, and nonmotor symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine was the strongest research frontier for 2019-2021.
    CONCLUSION: This bibliometric study provides an exhaustive mapping encompassing pertinent institute, publications, influential articles, researchers and topics of the global trend of nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment for insomnia. The results show that the research trend has shifted from primary studies on the efficacy and safety of nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment for insomnia to comorbidity studies. Clinical practice guidelines will potentially become the research frontier for this field post-2021. The findings are important for researchers, clinicians, journal editors, and policy-makers working in the field of nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment for insomnia to understand the strengths and potentials in the current studies and guide future clinical practice, research, and science policy.
    Keywords:  CiteSpace; bibliometrics; cognitive behavioral therapy; complementary therapies; hypnotics and sedatives; scientometrics; visualization analysis
  25. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 May 24. 103(21): e38264
      BACKGROUND: This study aimed to comprehensively analyze research related to hypertension and atrial fibrillation, 2 common cardiovascular diseases with significant global public health implications, using bibliometric methods from 2003 to 2022.METHODS: From the Web of Science Core Collection database, literature on the theme of hypertension and atrial fibrillation was retrieved. Subsequently, comprehensive bibliometric analyses were conducted across multiple dimensions utilizing software tools such as VOSviewer, Citespace, Pajek, Scimago Graphica, and ClusterProfiler. These analyses encompassed examinations of the literature according to country/region, institution, authors, journals, citation relationships, and keywords.
    RESULTS: It revealed an increasing interest and shifting focus in research over the years. The analysis covered 7936 relevant publications, demonstrating a gradual rise in research activity regarding hypertension combined with atrial fibrillation over the past 2 decades, with a stable growth trend in research outcomes. Geographically, Europe and the Americas, particularly the United States, have shown the most active research in this field, while China has also gained importance in recent years. Regarding institutional contributions, internationally renowned institutions such as the University of Birmingham and the Mayo Clinic have emerged as core forces in this research direction. Additionally, Professor Lip Gregory, with his prolific research output, has stood out among numerous scholars. The American Journal of Cardiology has become a primary platform for publishing research related to hypertension and atrial fibrillation, highlighting its central role in advancing knowledge dissemination in this field. The research focus has shifted from exploring the pathophysiological mechanisms to investigating the treatment of complications and risk factors associated with hypertension and atrial fibrillation. Future research will focus on in-depth exploration of genetic and molecular mechanisms, causal relationship exploration through Mendelian randomization studies, and the application of machine learning techniques in prediction and treatment, aiming to promote the development of precision medicine for cardiovascular diseases.
    CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive overview of the developmental trajectory of research on hypertension and atrial fibrillation, presenting novel insights into trends and future research directions, thus offering information support and guidance for research in this crucial field of cardiovascular medicine.
  26. Yi Chuan. 2024 May 20. 46(5): 360-372
      In order to understand the progress and frontier in the application of BSA(bulked segregant analysis) method in crop breeding and to reflect objectively the contribution of different countries, institutions and researchers in this field at home and abroad, this study analyzed 2111 items in the WOS (Web of Science) database from 2000 to 2023 and 446 items in the CNKI (China National through Knowledge Infrastructure) database from 2003 to 2023, regarding the researches of the application of BSA in crop breeding, basing on bibliometric analysis methods using CiteSpace software including keyword co-occurrence analysis, highlight word analysis, keyword clustering analysis, clustering timeline analysis and author co-citation. The results showed that there was an consistent increasing trend in the publication number of the application of BSA in crop breeding both in the domestic and foreign journals year by year. Ranking of the top countries according to the number of publications was China, the United States and India. The Huazhong Agricultural University displayed the highest number of publications in the CNKI database, while the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was found to have the highest number of publications in the WOS database. The published articles related to the application of BSA in crop breeding abroad mainly focused on the disciplines such as plant science, agronomy, horticulture and genetics, while those in China mainly concentrated on such disciplines as plant science, plant protection, horticulture and biology. The top three authors in terms of influence in the field of appling BSA in crop breeding were Michelmore RW, Kosambi DD and Li H, while Michelmore RW, Lander ES and Li H had closer cooperations with other authors. The top three crops relating to the studies of BSA were rice(Oryza sativa), soybean(Glycine max), corn(Zea mays L.) with the hot spot traits of disease resistance and plant height domestically. The top three crops involving the studies of BSA were rice, Arabidopsis thaliana and wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) with hot spot traits of disease resistance abroad. Up to now, BSA was mainly used to localize and functionally verify the candidate genes linking target traits and the mutated genes in crops in the domestical documents, while the foreign published studies based on BSA were mainly focused on the fine mapping and functional verification of target trait genes aiming at the revelation of genetic mechanisms in crops. Research frontier analysis indicated that rice, peanuts(Arachis hypogaea L.), upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) would be the main objects of studies concerning application of BSA in crop breeding with the hot topics of crop mutants and crop metabolites in the future.
    Keywords:  BSA; CiteSpace; bibliometric analysis; crop breeding
  27. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e31001
      Background and aims: The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel has become a focus in pain research. However, there are no bibliometric studies that systematically analyze the existing research in this area. This study aimed to provide a systematic review of the existing literature on TRPA1 using a bibliometric analysis.Methods: Published literature in the field of TRPA1 was collected from the Web of Science Core Collection database. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of publications, countries, institutions, authors, journals, and other entries were conducted using Excel, VOSview, and Citespace software to provide insight into global research hotspots and trends in the TRPA1 field.
    Results: This study included 1189 scientific products published in 398 journals from 52 countries. The United States of America (n = 367) had the most publications, ahead of Japan (n = 212) and China (n = 199). The University of Florence (n = 55) was the most productive institution and Pierangelo Geppetti (n = 46) was the most productive author. PLoS One (n = 40) published the most articles on TRPA1. Pain, cold, inflammation, covalent modification, hyperalgesia, and oxidative stress were the most common keywords used in the studies.
    Conclusion: This study provides the first bibliometric analysis of TRPA1 publications. The physiological functions of TRPA1, TRPA1, and neuropathic pain, TRPA1 as a therapeutic target, and agonists of TRPA1 are trending in TRPA1 research. Neuropathic pain, apoptosis, and sensitization could be focus areas of future research. This study provides important insight in the field of TRPA1 research.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; Citespace; Research trends; TRPA1; VOSviewer
  28. Nurse Educ Pract. 2024 May 14. pii: S1471-5953(24)00122-7. [Epub ahead of print]78 103993
      BACKGROUND: The rising gamification in educational contexts has been driven by its potential to increase student motivation, engagement, interest and learning outcomes. Thanks to these effects, gamification has gained popularity in health education. Due to the increase in studies on gamification in health education in recent years, this study has been carried out to present the studies in the relevant literature to researchers.AIM: This study presents a quantitative mapping of gamification in health education through a bibliometric analysis of its publications.
    METHODS: In this study, a total of 475 articles were analyzed by searching "health education*" and "gamif*" and similar terms from Web of Science and Scopus databases. R bibliometric package program was used for the analysis. 1971 authors contributed to the studies, which were spread between 2012 and 2024. The number of studies on gamification in the field of health education has grown in recent years. In particular, it was seen that 2018 can be seen as the breaking point and the highest number of publications was in 2023, with 101 publications.
    RESULTS: The descriptive results showed that Zhang, X. was the most productive author, Nurse Education Today and BMC Medical Education were the most productive journals and the United States was the most productive country. It is concluded that terms such as gamification, medical education, game-based learning, education, serious games, simulation and e-learning are the most frequently used words in gamification studies in the field of health education. It has been observed that the concept of gamification is trending, especially in 2018-2023, with a frequency of 150 uses.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is expected to guide researchers in terms of key points for future research on gamification in health education contexts. It is expected that the knowledge provided by this study will enable researchers to be involved in this field and/or focus their research more effectively.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; Gamification; Health; Nursing education; Nursing students
  29. Sensors (Basel). 2024 May 12. pii: 3082. [Epub ahead of print]24(10):
      More sustainable biosensor production is growing in importance, allowing for the development of technological solutions for several industries, such as those in the health, chemical, and food sectors. Tracking the latest advancements in biosensors' scientific production is fundamental to determining the opportunities for the future of the biosensing field. This article aims to map scientific production in the biosensors field by running a bibliometric analysis of journal articles registered in the Web of Science database under biosensor-related vital concepts. The key concepts were selected by researchers and biosensor technology developers working on the BioAssembler Horizon project. The findings lead to identifying the scientific and technological knowledge base on biosensing devices and tracking the main scientific organisations developing this technology throughout the COVID-19 period (2019-2023). The institutional origin of the publications characterised the global distribution of related knowledge competencies and research partnerships. These results are discussed, shedding light on the scientific, economic, political, and structural factors that contribute to the formation of a scientific knowledge-based focus on the performance and design of these sensors. Moreover, the lack of scientific ties between the three axes of organisations producing expertise in this area (China, USA, and Russia) points towards the need to find synergies through new mechanisms of co-authorship and collaboration.
    Keywords:  bibliometric analysis; biosensors; nanotechnology markets; sustainable MEMS
  30. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2024 May 15. pii: S0952-3278(24)00009-7. [Epub ahead of print]201 102615
      Omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable and crucial nutrients that are pivotal in promoting cardiovascular well-being, enhancing cognitive function, and regulating the body's inflammatory response. This study employed bibliometric analysis to investigate the progression of omega-3 fatty acids research. We used the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) to find articles about omega-3 fatty acids published from January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2023. The bibliometric analysis and visualization were conducted using VOSviewer and CiteSpace. This analysis contained a total of 18,764 articles that were focused on omega-3 fatty acids. Among these articles, the nations with the highest number of publications were the United States, China, and Spain. The United States held the greatest influence. The journal Nutrients had the most publications related to this search. Upon analyzing the highly referenced literature, we discovered there is ongoing debate on the potential benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for illnesses. Moreover, the time-overlapping network analysis of keywords finds investigating the impact of omega-3 fatty acids dietary supplementation on gut microbiota is a promising area of future research. Ultimately, bibliometrics could help researchers comprehend the trajectory of development, noticeable topics, and scholarly impact within omega-3 fatty acids linked domains, thereby offering substantial backing for future investigations of greater depth.
    Keywords:  Bibliometrics; CiteSpace; Omega-3 fatty acids; PUFAs; VOSviewer
  31. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e30938
      The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of the academic research into wine marketing over the last three decades. Data from 1135 wine marketing-related research documents published 1990-2022 in the Web of Science and Scopus databases were employed. Using mainly co-word analysis and bibliographic coupling, the key themes of the discipline were identified. A longitudinal analysis identified the topic's evolution and current research trends. Results show that wine marketing research has grown sharply in recent years. From the pioneering studies that examined consumers' behaviours and wine price drivers, the discipline evolved to address burgeoning themes such as sustainability, social media (digital marketing) and wine tourism, which evidences the interest that academics have shown in enhancing knowledge in the area.
    Keywords:  Bibliographic coupling; Bibliometric analysis; Co-word analysis; Research trends; Review; Science mapping; Wine marketing
  32. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2024 May 15. 16(5): 2181-2199
      BACKGROUND: Recent reviews have outlined the main nanomaterials used in relation to gastrointestinal tumors and described the basic properties of these materials. However, the research hotspots and trends in the application of nanomaterials in gastric cancer (GC) remain obscure.AIM: To demonstrate the knowledge structure and evolutionary trends of research into the application of nanomaterials in GC.
    METHODS: Publications related to the application of nanomaterials in GC were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection for this systematic review and bibliometric study. VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used for bibliometric and visualization analyses.
    RESULTS: From 2000 to 2022, the application of nanomaterials in GC developed rapidly. The keyword co-occurrence analysis showed that the related research topics were divided into three clusters: (1) The application of nanomaterials in GC treatment; (2) The application and toxicity of nanomaterials in GC diagnosis; and (3) The effects of nanomaterials on the biological behavior of GC cells. Complexes, silver nanoparticles, and green synthesis are the latest high-frequency keywords that represent promising future research directions.
    CONCLUSION: The application of nanomaterials in GC diagnosis and treatment and the mechanisms of their effects on GC cells have been major themes in this field over the past 23 years.
    Keywords:  Bibliometrics; CiteSpace; Drug delivery; Gastric cancer; Nanomaterials; Systematic review; VOSviewer
  33. Sensors (Basel). 2024 May 17. pii: 3199. [Epub ahead of print]24(10):
      Gait and balance have emerged as a critical area of research in health technology. Gait and balance studies have been affected by the researchers' slow follow-up of research advances due to the absence of visual inspection of the study literature across decades. This study uses advanced search methods to analyse the literature on gait and balance in older adults from 1993 to 2022 in the Web of Science (WoS) database to gain a better understanding of the current status and trends in the field for the first time. The study analysed 4484 academic publications including journal articles and conference proceedings on gait and balance in older adults. Bibliometric analysis methods were applied to examine the publication year, number of publications, discipline distribution, journal distribution, research institutions, application fields, test methods, analysis theories, and influencing factors in the field of gait and balance. The results indicate that the publication of relevant research documents has been steadily increasing from 1993 to 2022. The United States (US) exhibits the highest number of publications with 1742 articles. The keyword "elderly person" exhibits a strong citation burst strength of 18.04, indicating a significant focus on research related to the health of older adults. With a burst factor of 20.46, Harvard University has made impressive strides in the subject. The University of Pittsburgh displayed high research skills in the area of gait and balance with a burst factor of 7.7 and a publication count of 103. The research on gait and balance mainly focuses on physical performance evaluation approaches, and the primary study methods include experimental investigations, computational modelling, and observational studies. The field of gait and balance research is increasingly intertwined with computer science and artificial intelligence (AI), paving the way for intelligent monitoring of gait and balance in the elderly. Moving forward, the future of gait and balance research is anticipated to highlight the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration, intelligence-driven approaches, and advanced visualization techniques.
    Keywords:  clustering analysis; gait and balance; global ageing; interrelated literature research; scientometric method
  34. World J Diabetes. 2024 May 15. 15(5): 1021-1044
      BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia, which has increased the global medical burden and is also the main cause of death in most countries.AIM: To understand the knowledge structure of global development status, research focus, and future trend of the relationship between diabetes and metabolomics in the past 20 years.
    METHODS: The articles about the relationship between diabetes and metabolomics in the Web of Science Core Collection were retrieved from 2002 to October 23, 2023, and the relevant information was analyzed using CiteSpace6.2.2R (CiteSpace), VOSviewer6.1.18 (VOSviewer), and Bibliometrix software under R language.
    RESULTS: A total of 3123 publications were included from 2002 to 2022. In the past two decades, the number of publications and citations in this field has continued to increase. The United States, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, and other relevant funds, institutions, and authors have significantly contributed to this field. Scientific Reports and PLoS One are the journals with the most publications and the most citations. Through keyword co-occurrence and cluster analysis, the closely related keywords are "insulin resistance", "risk", "obesity", "oxidative stress", "metabolomics", "metabolites" and "biomarkers". Keyword clustering included cardiovascular disease, gut microbiota, metabonomics, diabetic nephropathy, molecular docking, gestational diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. Burst detection analysis of keyword depicted that "Gene", "microbiota", "validation", "kidney disease", "antioxidant activity", "untargeted metabolomics", "management", and "accumulation" are knowledge frontiers in recent years.
    CONCLUSION: The relationship between metabolomics and diabetes is receiving extensive attention. Diabetic nephropathy, diabetic cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease are key diseases for future research in this field. Gut microbiota, molecular docking, and untargeted metabolomics are key research directions in the future. Antioxidant activity, gene, validation, mass spectrometry, management, and accumulation are at the forefront of knowledge frontiers in this field.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; CiteSpace; Diabetes; Metabolomics; VOSviewer
  35. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e31132
      The study indicates that while research has demonstrated the potential of coffee to mitigate liver damage, a comprehensive quantitative analysis of its effects has yet to be conducted. This study seeks to explore the current landscape and focal points of research on coffee consumption's impact on the liver from 2013 to 2023. Articles published within this timeframe were retrieved from the Web of Science database and subjected to analysis using R software, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace software. A total of 1106 articles primarily focused on coffee's impact on liver health were analyzed. The frequency of publication exhibited a significant increase from 2013 to 2023. The United States emerged as the leading contributor in publications and international collaborations, particularly with institutions such as Harvard Medical School and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Noteworthy journals in this domain included "Nutrients" and "Hepatology" Commonly occurring keywords encompassed components, chlorogenic acids, oxidative stress, and liver. The study highlighted coffee's potential benefits in preventing cardiovascular and liver diseases, attributed to mechanisms such as antioxidant activity and modulation of hepatic cells. Through bibliometric analysis, this study offers valuable insights into the research status and emphasis on coffee's effects on liver health, serving as a significant reference for future investigations in this area.
    Keywords:  Analysis; Bibliometric; Coffee; Liver
  36. Heliyon. 2024 May 30. 10(10): e31045
      Purpose: - This research conducted a thorough literature review to analyze current research on Employee Green Behavior (EGB) and its contexts. It identified key areas of emphasis in EGB and provided a precise roadmap for future research.Design/methodology/approach: The research on employee green behavior will be visually represented using bibliometric analysis. Additionally, we provided a comprehensive overview of the correlation between relevant theories and determinants of employee green behavior. We also offered specific suggestions for future research to deepen consumer researchers' understanding of this concept.
    Findings: A bibliometric analysis was conducted on 275 journal articles regarding employee green behavior sourced from the Web of Science database spanning 2012 to 2023. The study revealed an increasing focus on employee green behavior research across diverse fields such as management, economics, psychology, sociology, and law. China, the United States, and Italy emerged as the top three countries both in publication volume and literature centrality. The academic literature primarily centers on investigating antecedent variables of green employee behavior, broadly categorized into corporate social responsibility, organizational support, green human resource management, transformational and ethical leadership, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, responsible leadership, intentions, values, organizational identification, and organizational climate. To comprehensively analyze prior studies, content analysis was performed, outlining and scrutinizing four empirical areas including antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes of employee green behavior. While research on antecedents and influencing mechanisms of green loyalty was prevalent among the influencing variables, boundary conditions such as moderators received relatively less attention.
    Originality/value: This comprehensive literature review offers a clear understanding of the conceptual content, organization, and assessment of employee green behavior. Furthermore, it includes a bibliometric analysis of 275 papers on employee green behavior published between 2012 and 2023 in the Web of Science database. The text analysis reveals insights into the theoretical foundation, antecedent and outcome variables, and processes of employee green behavior, providing valuable guidance for future research.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; Content analysis; Employee green behavior; Organizational sustainability; Web of science
  37. J Pak Med Assoc. 2024 May;74(5): 934-938
      Objective: To analyse the characteristics of research published from Pakistan on paediatric critical care medicine.METHODS: The exploratory study was conducted at the Aga Khan University, Karachi from July 2021 to March 2022, and comprised a comprehensive search on MedLine, Google Scholar and PakMediNet databases for literature from Pakistan pertaining to paediatric critical care medicine published between January 2010 and December 2021. The search was done using appropriate key words. Conference abstracts and papers authored by paediatric intensivists with unrelated topics were excluded. Data was extracted on a structured spreadsheet, and was subjected to bibliometric analysis. Data was analysed using SPSS 20.
    RESULTS: Of the 7,514 studies identified, 146(1.94%) were analysed. These were published in 51 journals with a frequency of 13.3 per year. There were 107(73.3%) original articles, 96(65.8%) were published in PubMed-indexed journals, and 35(24%) were published in locally indexed journals. Further, 100(69.4%) papers were published from 5 paediatric intensive care units in Karachi, and 81(56%) were contributed by a single private-sector hospital. The total citation count was 1072, with 2(1.4%) papers receiving >50 citations. There was a linear trend with some skewing and an annual growth rate of >15%.
    Conclusion: Publications from Pakistan related to paediatric critical care medicine showed positive linear growth. There was a paucity of multicentre studies, randomised controlled trials, and high-impact publications.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis, Paediatric critical care medicine, Publications, Pakistan, Research.
  38. Front Aging Neurosci. 2024 ;16 1378260
      Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive and behavioral decline. Acrolein, an environmental pollutant and endogenous compound, is implicated in AD development. This research employs bibliometric analysis to assess current trends and key areas concerning acrolein-AD interaction.Methods: The Web of Science was used to extensively review literature on acrolein and AD. Relevant data were systematically gathered and analyzed using VOSviewer, CiteSpace, and an online bibliometric tool.
    Results: We identified 120 English publications in this specialized field across 19 journals. The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease was the most prominent. The primary contributors, both in terms of scientific output and influence, were the USA, the University of Kentucky, and Ramassamy C, representing countries/regions, institutions, and authors, respectively. In this field, the primary focus was on thoroughly studying acrolein, its roles, and its mechanisms in AD utilizing both in vivo and in vitro approaches. A significant portion of the research was based on proteomics, revealing complex molecular processes. The main focuses in the field were "oxidative stress," "lipid peroxidation," "amyloid-beta," and "cognitive impairment." Anticipated future research trajectories focus on the involvement of the internalization pathway, covering key areas such as synaptic dysfunction, metabolism, mechanisms, associations, neuroinflammation, inhibitors, tau phosphorylation, acrolein toxicity, brain infarction, antioxidants, chemistry, drug delivery, and dementia. Our analysis also supported our previous hypothesis that acrolein can interact with amyloid-beta to form a protein adduct leading to AD-like pathology and altering natural immune responses.
    Conclusion: This study provides a broad and all-encompassing view of the topic, offering valuable insights and guidance to fellow researchers. These emerging directions underscore the continuous exploration of the complexities associated with AD. The analyses and findings aim to enhance our understanding of the intricate relationship between acrolein and AD for future research.
    Keywords:  Alzheimer’s disease; Web of Science; acrolein; amyloid-beta; bibliometrics; oxidative stress
  39. Metabolites. 2024 May 08. pii: 272. [Epub ahead of print]14(5):
      Transcriptomics and metabolomics offer distinct advantages in investigating the differentially expressed genes and cellular entities that have the greatest influence on end-phenotype, making them crucial techniques for studying plant quality and environmental responses. While numerous relevant articles have been published, a comprehensive summary is currently lacking. This review aimed to understand the global and longitudinal research trends of transcriptomics and metabolomics in plant quality and environmental response (TMPQE). Utilizing bibliometric methods, we presented a comprehensive science mapping of the social structure, conceptual framework, and intellectual foundation of TMPQE. We uncovered that TMPQE research has been categorized into three distinct stages since 2020. A citation analysis of the 29 most cited articles, coupled with a content analysis of recent works (2020-2023), highlight five potential research streams in plant quality and environmental responses: (1) biosynthetic pathways, (2) abiotic stress, (3) biotic stress, (4) development and ripening, and (5) methodologies and tools. Current trends and future directions are shaped by technological advancements, species diversity, evolving research themes, and an environmental ecology focus. Overall, this review provides a novel and comprehensive perspective to understand the longitudinal trend on TMPQE.
    Keywords:  bibliometric analysis; environmental response; metabolome; plant quality; research stream; transcriptome
  40. Foods. 2024 May 13. pii: 1510. [Epub ahead of print]13(10):
      Illicium verum Hook. f. is a globally significant spice, which is recognized in China as a food-medicine homolog and extensively utilized across the pharmaceutical, food, and spice industries. China boasts the world's leading resources of I. verum, yet its comprehensive utilization remains relatively underexplored. Through a resource survey of I. verum and the application of bibliometric visualization using CiteSpace, this study analyzed 324 papers published in the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC) from 1962 to 2023 and 353 core documents from China's three major databases (CNKI, Wanfang Database, and VIP Database). I. verum from Guangxi province towards various southern provinces in China, with autumn fruits exhibited superior quality and market value over their spring fruits. Literature in WOSCC emerged earlier, with a research emphasis on food science technology and pharmacology pharmacy domains. WOSCC research on I. verum could be divided into two phases: an embryonic period (1962-2001) and a growth period (2002-2023), showing an overall upward trend in publication. The three major Chinese databases contain a larger number of publications, with a focus on the food sector, which could be categorized into three stages: an embryonic period (1990-1999), a growth period (2000-2010), and a stable period (2011-2023), with an overall downward trend in publication. Both Chinese and international research hotspots converge on the medical applications of I. verum, with antioxidant bioactivity research emerging as a prevailing trend. This study delineated the resource distribution of I. verum across China and identified the research hotspots and trends both in China and internationally. The findings are beneficial for guiding researchers in swiftly establishing their research focus and furnishing decision-makers with a comprehensive reference for industry information.
    Keywords:  CiteSpace; Illicium verum; bibliometrics; resource
  41. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2024 May 15. 16(5): 2200-2218
      BACKGROUND: The lack of specific symptoms of gastric cancer (GC) causes great challenges in its early diagnosis. Thus it is essential to identify the risk factors for early diagnosis and treatment of GC and to improve the survival rates.AIM: To assist physicians in identifying changes in the output of publications and research hotspots related to risk factors for GC, constructing a list of key risk factors, and providing a reference for early identification of patients at high risk for GC.
    METHODS: Research articles on risk factors for GC were searched in the Web of Science core collection, and relevant information was extracted after screening. The literature was analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2019, CiteSpace V, and VOSviewer 1.6.18.
    RESULTS: A total of 2514 papers from 72 countries and 2507 research institutions were retrieved. China (n = 1061), National Cancer Center (n = 138), and Shoichiro Tsugane (n = 36) were the most productive country, institution, or author, respectively. The research hotspots in the study of risk factors for GC are summarized in four areas, namely: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, single nucleotide polymorphism, bio-diagnostic markers, and GC risk prediction models.
    CONCLUSION: In this study, we found that H. pylori infection is the most significant risk factor for GC; single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is the most dominant genetic factor for GC; bio-diagnostic markers are the most promising diagnostic modality for GC. GC risk prediction models are the latest current research hotspot. We conclude that the most important risk factors for the development of GC are H. pylori infection, SNP, smoking, diet, and alcohol.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; Gastric cancer; Research hotspots; Risk factor; VOSviewer
  42. Asian J Surg. 2024 May 18. pii: S1015-9584(24)00976-X. [Epub ahead of print]
    Keywords:  Acute lung injury; Bibliometric analysis; Ferroptosis; Pyroptosis
  43. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 May 14. pii: 1015. [Epub ahead of print]12(10):
      The high prevalence of postpartum depression makes it necessary for midwives and nurses to implement prenatal interventions for expectant mothers. The current study aims to investigate and highlight the importance of the digital training of nurses in order to help women mitigate the symptoms of postpartum depression and protect infants. To approach this, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to address the study's main objective. Articles were retrieved from the Scopus database for the timeframe 2000-2023. Data analysis was conducted using the statistical programming language R (version R-4.4.) and the bibliometric software VOSviewer (version 1.6.20) and Biblioshiny (version 4.1.4), focused on year, journal, and country. For this investigation, we selected a total of 31 MeSH keywords and sub-headings that exhibited significant frequencies. We consistently used six significant clusters of MeSH keywords. We obtained a total of 585 articles from the Scopus database that were major contributors to the field of PPD, as evidenced by their extensive publication of research articles and their influential role in the domain. The studies included a thorough analysis of depression research, the use of scales for diagnosing and screening PPD, psychological studies related to PPD, and the exploration of causes, mechanisms, outcomes, and genetic factors. Our study's results demonstrate a steady and significant increase in the availability of information on PPD. Importantly, the novelty of the current study lies in highlighting the need for a transition in the ways in which nurses and midwives are trained to mitigate postpartum disease by integrating emerging technologies into their practices. The knowledge provided here has the potential to serve as a foundation for future advancements in obstetric psychology, both presently and in the future.
    Keywords:  obstetric psychology; postpartum depression; psychological training
  44. Environ Pollut. 2024 May 22. pii: S0269-7491(24)00918-7. [Epub ahead of print] 124204
      Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from wetlands have exacerbated global warming, attracting worldwide attention. However, the research process and development trends in this field remain unknown. Herein, 1865 papers related to wetlands GHG emissions published from January 2000 to December 2023 were selected, and CiteSpace and VOSviewer were used for bibliometric analysis to visually analyze the publications distribution, research authors, organizations and countries, core journal and keywords, and discussed the research progress, trends and hotspots in the fields. Over the past 24 years, the research has gone through three phases: the "embryonic" stage (2000-2006), the accumulation stage (2007-2014), and the acceleration stage (2015-2023). China has played a pivotal role in this domain, publishing the most papers and working closely with the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Australia. In addition, this study synthesized 311 field observations from 123 publications to analyze the variability in GHG emissions and their driving factors in four different types of natural wetlands. The results suggested that the average carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in different wetlands were significantly different. River wetlands exhibited the highest GHG fluxes, while marsh wetlands demonstrated greater global warming potential (GWP). The average CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were 60.41 mg·m-2·h-1, 2.52 mg·m-2·h-1 and 0.05 mg·m-2·h-1, respectively. The GWP of Chinese natural wetlands was estimated as 648.72 Tg·CO2-eq·yr-1, and CH4 contributed the largest warming effect, accounting for 57.43%. Correlation analysis showed that geographical location, climate factors, and soil conditions collectively regulated GHG emissions from wetlands. The findings provide a new perspective on sustainable wetland management and reducing GHG emissions.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric review; Environmental drivers; Global warming potential; Greenhouse gas emissions; Wetlands
  45. Sci Total Environ. 2024 May 16. pii: S0048-9697(24)03406-5. [Epub ahead of print] 173259
      The contamination of microplastics in terrestrial geoenvironment (CMTG) is widespread and severe and has, received considerable attention. However, studies on CMTG are in their initial stages. The literature on CMTG published in the past decade was analyzed through bibliometric analysis, such as the annual publications, countries with the highest contributions, prolific authors, and author keywords. The sources, compositions, migrations and environmental impacts of CMTG are summarized, and possible future directions are proposed. This study analyzed the annual publications, countries with the highest contributions, prolific authors, and author keywords related to microplastics. The results demonstrated that 15,306 articles were published between 2014 and 2023. China is the leading country in terms of the total number of publications. The main sources of CMTG include landfills, agricultural non-point sources, sewage treatment systems and transportation systems. The composition of the CMTG exhibits significantly temporal and spatial variability from different sources. The migration paths of the CMTG were within the soil, groundwater seepage and wind transportation of suspended particles. Microplastics increase soil cohesion, decrease porosity, reduce pore scale, decrease air circulation, and increase water retention capacity, and the exudation of highly water-soluble additives in microplastics can cause secondary contamination of geological entities. Microplastics have an adverse effect on plant growth, animal digestion, microbial activity, energy and lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, and respiratory diseases in humans. It is recommended to develop more efficient and convenient quantitative testing methods for microplastics, formulate globally harmonized testing and evaluation standards, include microplastic testing in testing programs for contaminated soils, and develop efficient methods for the remediation of microplastic contaminated geological bodies.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; Contamination; Environment; Geological body; Health; Land; Microplastic; Migration
  46. JMIR Dermatol. 2024 May 21. 7 e40819
      This study underscores the persistent underrepresentation of women in academic dermatology leadership positions by examining the gender composition of editorial boards across top dermatology journals, emphasizing the urgent need for proactive strategies to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    Keywords:  diversity; editorial board; editors; equity; gender; inclusion; journals; publications; underrepresentation; women
  47. Anesth Analg. 2024 May 20.
      INTRODUCTION: Women continue to be underrepresented in academic anesthesiology. This study assessed guidelines in anesthesia journals over the past 5 years, evaluating differences in woman-led versus man-led guidelines in terms of author gender, quality, and changes over time. We hypothesized that anesthesia guidelines would be predominately man-led, and that there would be differences in quality between woman-led versus man-led guidelines.METHODS: All clinical practice guidelines published in the top 10 anesthesia journals were identified as per Clarivate Analytics Impact Factor between 2016 and 2020. Fifty-one guidelines were included for author, gender, and quality analysis using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument. Each guideline was assessed across 6 domains and 23 items and given an overall score, overall quality score, and overall rating/recommendation. Stratified and trend analyses were performed for woman-led versus man-led guidelines.
    RESULTS: Fifty out of 51 guidelines were included: 1 was excluded due to unidentifiable first-author gender. In total, 255 of 1052 (24%) authors were women, and woman-led guidelines (woman-first author) represented 12 of 50 (24%) overall guidelines. Eighteen percent (9 of 50) of guidelines had all-male authors, and a majority (26 of 50, 52%) had less than one-third of female authors. The overall number and percentage of woman-led guidelines did not change over time. There was a significantly higher percentage of female authors in woman-led versus man-led guidelines, median 39% vs 20% (P = .012), as well as a significantly higher number of female coauthors in guidelines that were woman-led median 3.5 vs 1.0, P = .049. For quality, there was no significant difference in the overall rating or objective quality of woman- versus man-led guidelines. However, there was a significant increase in the overall rating of all the guidelines over time (P = .010), driven by the increase in overall rating among man-led guidelines, P = .002. The overall score of guidelines did not increase over time; however, they increased in man-led but not woman-led guidelines. There was no significant correlation between the percentage of female authors per guideline and either overall score or overall rating.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a substantial disparity in the number of women leading and contributing to guidelines which has not improved over time. Woman-led guidelines included more women and a higher percentage of women. There was no difference in quality of guidelines by first-author gender or percentage of female authors. Further systematic and quota-driven sponsorship is needed to promote gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in anesthesia guidelines.
  48. Int Dent J. 2024 May 17. pii: S0020-6539(24)00124-2. [Epub ahead of print]
      OBJECTIVES: The rapidly ageing world has placed considerable demands on health and social care. To address this, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) have declared action for this decade (2021-2030) to promote healthy ageing. Operationalisation of successful ageing in the oral health context in terms of its dimensions and their interconnectedness was determined.METHODS: A citation analysis was conducted following a scoping review to determine oral health's relationship with 5 key dimensions of successful ageing. This included examining the occurrence and co-occurrence amongst dimensions and over time. Specific consideration of citations by country, journal type, and authors through overlay visualisation was performed to map their interconnectedness.
    RESULTS: The scoping review identified 263 publications covering 1730 specific terms. There was a growing interest in successful ageing in the oral health context, mostly in the past decade (2010 onwards; 65.8%, 173 publications). The dimension of key consideration was "health and ADLs" (activities of daily living); this dimension appeared in 97.3% of publications (n = 256) and was found earliest to emerge, with the greatest link strengths compared to other dimensions. Country-level variations in citation data were observed, and there was good citation interconnectedness between them. Key oracles for dissemination have been medical rather than dental-specific journals. Amongst authors, there was considerable interconnectedness in the field.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight how successful ageing in the oral health context has been studied, with implications for addressing the significance of oral health to older peoples' lives in line with the WHO and UN's agenda. Citation analyses identified the "known unknowns" area for further consideration, and these findings have the potential to inform how dental research may best move forward with the successful ageing agenda to bring about translational impact.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric analysis; Oral health; Successful ageing
  49. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024 May 22. pii: S0146-2806(24)00306-2. [Epub ahead of print] 102667
      Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality, disproportionately affecting low-income and low-middle-income countries (LICs/LMICs). Despite this, cardiology research commonly comes from affluent regions. This study assessed the authorship trends from LICs/LMICs in cardiology journals listed in PubMed from 2000 to 2022. The World Bank list was used to classify countries. The total number of articles published in the 138 cardiology journals was 529,359. The percentage of articles that included at least one author affiliated with LICs/LMICs institutions was 0.11% and 2.23%, respectively. Over the last decade, there has been an increase in the author's representation from LICs/LMICs; however, it is uneven, with some countries experiencing more significant increases (Zambia, Yemen, and Uganda for LICs, and India, Iran, and Lebanon for LMICs). Our findings highlight the inequity of research publication and invite our community to reflect on the need to develop strategies to improve representation from LICs/LMICs.
    Keywords:  Low-Income Countries; Lower-Middle-Income Countries; authorship; diversity; representation
  50. J Vitreoretin Dis. 2024 May-Jun;8(3):8(3): 280-285
      Purpose: To evaluate the demographic, educational, and scholarly characteristics of Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology-accredited vitreoretinal surgery fellowship program directors in the United States and Canada. Methods: Demographic, educational, and scholarly profiles of identified program directors were collated from online public resources. Characteristics were compared by sex, program size, ranking, and affiliation. Results: Eighty-one program directors (mean age [±SD] 54.7 ± 11.0 years) from 78 fellowship programs were identified. The minority were women (14.8%), who were on average 6 years younger than their male counterparts (P = .07). The majority of program directors had an academic affiliation (90.1%), most commonly professor (54.8%). The mean h-index, 5-year h-index, and m-quotient were 20.9 ± 14.9, 5.9 ± 4.4, and 0.82 ± 0.42, respectively. Compared with their counterparts, program directors of both "top 10" and large programs published more manuscripts (P < .05), accrued more citations (P < .05), and had a higher h-index (P < .05). Fellowship programs with female program directors had a significantly larger proportion of female retina faculty (P = .002). Conclusions: The backgrounds of vitreoretinal surgery program directors are diverse. However, women remain underrepresented in this position, highlighting an area with the potential for greater equity in ophthalmology.
    Keywords:  bibliometrics; equity; leadership; ophthalmology; vitreoretinal surgery
  51. Biomed Pharmacother. 2024 May 23. pii: S0753-3322(24)00687-5. [Epub ahead of print]176 116803
      Exosomes, endogenous vesicles secreted by cells, possess unique properties like high biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, targeting ability, long half-life, and blood-brain barrier permeability. They serve as crucial intercellular communication vectors in physiological processes and disease occurrence. Our comprehensive analysis of exosome-based drug delivery research from 2013 to 2023 revealed 2,476 authors from 717 institutions across 33 countries. Keyword clustering identified five research areas: drug delivery, mesenchymal stem cells, cancer immunotherapy, targeting ligands, surface modifications, and macrophages. The combination of exosome drug delivery technology with a proven clinical model enables the precise targeting of tumors with chemotherapy or radiosensitising agents, as well as facilitating gene therapy. This bibliometric analysis aims to characterize the current state and advance the clinical application of exosome-based drug delivery systems.
    Keywords:  Bibliometric; Citespace; Drug delivery; Exosome; Mesenchymal stem cell
  52. J Eval Clin Pract. 2024 May 19.
      RATIONALE: This study presents the first comprehensive analysis and mapping of scientific research on point-of-care testing (POCT) in infectious diseases, filling a gap in understanding the evolving landscape of this field. The identification of research themes and global contributions offers valuable insights.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This manuscript aims to analyse and map scientific research on POCT in the context of infectious diseases.
    METHODS: The study employed a comprehensive search strategy using terms related to POCT and infectious diseases. The search was conducted on the Scopus database, refining results based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The dataset of 1719 research articles was then subjected to descriptive analysis and mapping using VOSviewer.
    RESULTS: The research findings indicate an exponential growth in POCT-related publications, with 46.8% published post the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos One journal led in publication frequency, and Biosensors and Bioelectronics received the highest citations per article. North America and Western Europe dominated contributions, with notable participation from China, South Africa, and India. The research landscape revealed the following research themes: detection technologies, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosis, antibiotic optimisation, and schistosomiasis. Clinical trials focused on antibiotic prescribing, HIV, STIs, and specific infections. The findings suggest a shifting landscape towards POCT, emphasising the need for future planning and investment in healthcare systems. The research identifies areas for future exploration, such as the impact of POCT on antibiotic prescribing and its role in combating infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries.
    CONCLUSION: Implementation of POCT has the potential to revolutionise infectious disease management, improve patient outcomes, and reduce the global burden of diseases. Better public awareness, healthcare team management, and planning for POCT at entry points are crucial for societal benefit. Results demonstrated the evolving role of POCT in infectious disease management and prevention.
    Keywords:  COVID‐19; HIV; antibiotic resistance; infectious diseases; point‐of‐care testing; research
  53. Kidney Int Rep. 2024 Apr;9(4): 898-906
      Introduction: Women are underrepresented in the leadership of and participation in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We conducted a bibliometric review of nephrology RCTs to examine trial leadership by women and participation of women in nephrology RCTs.Methods: A bibliometric review of RCTs published in top medical, surgical, or nephrology journals was conducted using MEDLINE and EMBASE from January 2011 to December 2021. Leadership by women as corresponding authors, women trial participation, and trial characteristics were examined with duplicate independent data extraction. Logistic regression was used to examine associations between trial characteristics and women leadership and trial participation.
    Results: A total of 1770 studies were screened and 395 RCTs met eligibility criteria. The number (%) of women in corresponding, first, and last authorship positions were as follows: 89 (22%), 109 (28%), and 74 (19%), respectively, without change over time (P = 0.94). The median percentage (interquartile range [IQR]) of women trial participants was 39.0% (13.5%) with no difference between women or men lead authors (P = 0.15). Men lead authors were statistically less likely to enroll women in RCTs. Women lead authors were less likely to be funded by industry (odds ratio [OR]: 0.30; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.14-0.63; P = 0.002) or lead international trials (OR: 0.11; 95% CI: 0.01-0.83; P = 0.03). Trials with sex-specific eligibility criteria were more likely to have women leaders (OR: 2.56; 95% CI: 1.19-5.49; P = 0.02) than those without.
    Discussion: Gender inequalities in RCT leadership and RCT participation exist in nephrology and did not improve over time. Strategies to improve inequalities need to be implemented and evaluated.
    Keywords:  gender; kidney transplantation; nephrology; randomized trials; sex
  54. F1000Res. 2021 ;10 1291
      BACKGROUND: All parts of the research community have an interest in understanding research impact whether that is around the pathways to impact, processes around impact, methods for measurement, describing impact and so on. This proof of concept study explored the relationship between research funding and research impact using the case studies submitted to the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise in 2014 as a proxy for impact.METHODS: The paper describes an approach to link the REF impact case studies with the underpinning research grants present in the Researchfish dataset, primarily using the publications captured in both datasets. Where possible the methodology utilised unique identifiers such as Digital Object Identifiers and PubMed ID's, and where this was not possible the funding information within each publication was used.
    RESULTS: Through this automated approach 21% of the non-redacted case studies could be linked to a specific research grant. Additional qualitative analysis was then done for unlinked REF impact case studies, which involved reading the document to identify additional information to make the linkage. This approach was taken on 100 REF impact case studies selected at random and resulted in only seven having no identifiable research grants funding associated. The linked research grants were analysed to identify characteristics that are more frequently associated with these grants, than non-linked ones.
    CONCLUSIONS: This analysis did point to some interesting observations such as the grant funding linked to REF impact case studies are more likely to be longer, higher financial value, have more publications and be more collaborative (amongst other characteristics). These findings should be used with caution at present and not be over interpreted, this is due to the sample size for this proof of concept study and some potential limitations on the data which were not addressed at this stage.
    Keywords:  REF; Researchfish; digital-data; impact; linkage; research characteristics
  55. J Neurosurg. 2024 May 24. 1-10
      OBJECTIVE: The number of cerebrovascular (CV) surgeons has grown with the rise of endovascular neurosurgery. However, it is unclear whether the number of CV surgeon-scientists has concomitantly increased. With increasing numbers of CV neurosurgeons in the US workforce, the authors analyzed associated changes in National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) funding trends for CV surgeons over time.METHODS: Publicly available data were collected on currently practicing academic CV surgeons in the US. Inflation-adjusted NIH funding between 2009 and 2021 was surveyed using NIH RePORTER and Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research data. The K12 Neurosurgeon Research Career Development Program and NREF grant data were queried for CV-focused grants. Pearson R correlation, chi-square analysis, and the Mann-Whitney U-test were used for statistical analysis.
    RESULTS: From 2009 to 2021, NIH funding increased: in total (p = 0.0318), to neurosurgeons (p < 0.0001), to CV research projects (p < 0.0001), and to CV surgeons (p = 0.0018). During this time period, there has been an increase in the total number of CV surgeons (p < 0.0001), the number of NIH-funded CV surgeons (p = 0.0034), and the percentage of CV surgeons with NIH funding (p = 0.370). Additionally, active NIH grant dollars per CV surgeon (p = 0.0398) and the number of NIH grants per CV surgeon (p = 0.4257) have increased. Nevertheless, CV surgeons have been awarded a decreasing proportion of the overall pool of neurosurgeon-awarded NIH grants during this time period (p = 0.3095). In addition, there has been a significant decrease in the number of K08, K12, and K23 career development awards granted to CV surgeons during this time period (p = 0.0024). There was also a significant decline in the proportion of K12 (p = 0.0044) and downtrend in early-career NREF (p = 0.8978) grant applications and grants awarded during this time period. Finally, NIH-funded CV surgeons were more likely to have completed residency less recently (p = 0.001) and less likely to have completed an endovascular fellowship (p = 0.044) as compared with non-NIH-funded CV surgeons.
    CONCLUSIONS: The number of CV surgeons is increasing over time. While there has been a concomitant increase in the number of NIH-funded CV surgeons and the number of NIH grants awarded per CV surgeon in the past 12 years, there has also been a significant decrease in CV surgeons with K08, K12, and K23 career development awards and a downtrend in CV-focused K12 and early-career NREF applications and awarded grants. The latter findings suggest that the pipeline for future NIH-funded CV surgeons may be in decline.
    Keywords:  NIH funding; academic neurosurgery; cerebrovascular neurosurgery; endovascular neurosurgery; research funding; surgeon-scientist
  56. PLoS Biol. 2024 May;22(5): e3002612
      Scientific advances due to conceptual or technological innovations can be revealed by examining how research topics have evolved. But such topical evolution is difficult to uncover and quantify because of the large body of literature and the need for expert knowledge in a wide range of areas in a field. Using plant biology as an example, we used machine learning and language models to classify plant science citations into topics representing interconnected, evolving subfields. The changes in prevalence of topical records over the last 50 years reflect shifts in major research trends and recent radiation of new topics, as well as turnover of model species and vastly different plant science research trajectories among countries. Our approaches readily summarize the topical diversity and evolution of a scientific field with hundreds of thousands of relevant papers, and they can be applied broadly to other fields.
  57. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2024 May 24. 44(3): 1-4
      Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers often rely on the available scientific evidence to make strategic decisions. Systematic reviews (SRs) occupy an influential position in the hierarchy of scientific evidence. The findings of wellconducted SRs may provide valuable information to answer specific research questions1,2 and identify existing gaps for future research.3 Therefore, it is of supreme importance that SRs are published promptly, reducing as much as possible the time elapsed between the last date of the search for primary studies and the actual publication date. A study published in 2014 assessed the publication delay of SRs in orthodontics, revealing that the median time interval from the last search to publication was more than 1 year (13.2 months).4 Delays in the publication of SRs or original research articles may depend on author-related factors (eg, timing of resubmission after receiving feedback from reviewers) or journal-related factors (eg, time taken to process a submission).5-7 Regardless of the reasons, clinical recommendations and translation of SR findings may be affected by publication delay. We assessed the extent of publication delay of systematic reviews in dentistry with the purpose of addressing its implications and presenting potential solutions.