bims-crepig Biomed News
on Chromatin regulation and epigenetics in cell fate and cancer
Issue of 2024‒06‒09
twenty papers selected by
Connor Rogerson, University of Cambridge

  1. Genome Biol. 2024 Jun 06. 25(1): 146
      BACKGROUND: DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification which has numerous roles in modulating genome function. Its levels are spatially correlated across the genome, typically high in repressed regions but low in transcription factor (TF) binding sites and active regulatory regions. However, the mechanisms establishing genome-wide and TF binding site methylation patterns are still unclear.RESULTS: Here we use a comparative approach to investigate the association of DNA methylation to TF binding evolution in mammals. Specifically, we experimentally profile DNA methylation and combine this with published occupancy profiles of five distinct TFs (CTCF, CEBPA, HNF4A, ONECUT1, FOXA1) in the liver of five mammalian species (human, macaque, mouse, rat, dog). TF binding sites are lowly methylated, but they often also have intermediate methylation levels. Furthermore, biding sites are influenced by the methylation status of CpGs in their wider binding regions even when CpGs are absent from the core binding motif. Employing a classification and clustering approach, we extract distinct and species-conserved patterns of DNA methylation levels at TF binding regions. CEBPA, HNF4A, ONECUT1, and FOXA1 share the same methylation patterns, while CTCF's differ. These patterns characterize alternative functions and chromatin landscapes of TF-bound regions. Leveraging our phylogenetic framework, we find DNA methylation gain upon evolutionary loss of TF occupancy, indicating coordinated evolution. Furthermore, each methylation pattern has its own evolutionary trajectory reflecting its genomic contexts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our epigenomic analyses indicate a role for DNA methylation in TF binding changes across species including that specific DNA methylation profiles characterize TF binding and are associated with their regulatory activity, chromatin contexts, and evolutionary trajectories.
    Keywords:  DNA methylation; Evolution; Mammals; Transcription factor binding
  2. Genome Biol. 2024 Jun 03. 25(1): 142
      BACKGROUND: Like its parent base 5-methylcytosine (5mC), 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is a direct epigenetic modification of cytosines in the context of CpG dinucleotides. 5hmC is the most abundant oxidized form of 5mC, generated through the action of TET dioxygenases at gene bodies of actively-transcribed genes and at active or lineage-specific enhancers. Although such enrichments are reported for 5hmC, to date, predictive models of gene expression state or putative regulatory regions for genes using 5hmC have not been developed.RESULTS: Here, by using only 5hmC enrichment in genic regions and their vicinity, we develop neural network models that predict gene expression state across 49 cell types. We show that our deep neural network models distinguish high vs low expression state utilizing only 5hmC levels and these predictive models generalize to unseen cell types. Further, in order to leverage 5hmC signal in distal enhancers for expression prediction, we employ an Activity-by-Contact model and also develop a graph convolutional neural network model with both utilizing Hi-C data and 5hmC enrichment to prioritize enhancer-promoter links. These approaches identify known and novel putative enhancers for key genes in multiple immune cell subsets.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our work highlights the importance of 5hmC in gene regulation through proximal and distal mechanisms and provides a framework to link it to genome function. With the recent advances in 6-letter DNA sequencing by short and long-read techniques, profiling of 5mC and 5hmC may be done routinely in the near future, hence, providing a broad range of applications for the methods developed here.
  3. Sci Adv. 2024 Jun 07. 10(23): eadn2955
      The hierarchical chromatin organization begins with formation of nucleosomes, which fold into chromatin domains punctuated by boundaries and ultimately chromosomes. In a hierarchal organization, lower levels shape higher levels. However, the dependence of higher-order 3D chromatin organization on the nucleosome-level organization has not been studied in cells. We investigated the relationship between nucleosome-level organization and higher-order chromatin organization by perturbing nucleosomes across the genome by deleting Imitation SWItch (ISWI) and Chromodomain Helicase DNA-binding (CHD1) chromatin remodeling factors in budding yeast. We find that changes in nucleosome-level properties are accompanied by changes in 3D chromatin organization. Short-range chromatin contacts up to a few kilo-base pairs decrease, chromatin domains weaken, and boundary strength decreases. Boundary strength scales with accessibility and moderately with width of nucleosome-depleted region. Change in nucleosome positioning seems to alter the stiffness of chromatin, which can affect formation of chromatin contacts. Our results suggest a biomechanical "bottom-up" mechanism by which nucleosome distribution across genome shapes 3D chromatin organization.
  4. Immunity. 2024 May 29. pii: S1074-7613(24)00262-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      Macrophages elicit immune responses to pathogens through induction of inflammatory genes. Here, we examined the role of three variants of the SWI/SNF nucleosome remodeling complex-cBAF, ncBAF, and PBAF-in the macrophage response to bacterial endotoxin (lipid A). All three SWI/SNF variants were prebound in macrophages and retargeted to genomic sites undergoing changes in chromatin accessibility following stimulation. Cooperative binding of all three variants associated with de novo chromatin opening and latent enhancer activation. Isolated binding of ncBAF and PBAF, in contrast, associated with activation and repression of active enhancers, respectively. Chemical and genetic perturbations of variant-specific subunits revealed pathway-specific regulation in the activation of lipid A response genes, corresponding to requirement for cBAF and ncBAF in inflammatory and interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) activation, respectively, consistent with differential engagement of SWI/SNF variants by signal-responsive transcription factors. Thus, functional diversity among SWI/SNF variants enables increased regulatory control of innate immune transcriptional programs, with potential for specific therapeutic targeting.
    Keywords:  ARID1A; BAF complex; BRD9; SWI/SNF complex; TLR; chromatin remodeling; enhancer; inflammation; macrophage; toll like receptor; transcriptional regulation
  5. Sci Adv. 2024 Jun 07. 10(23): eadn5175
      Inheritance of epigenetic information is critical for maintaining cell identity. The transfer of parental histone H3-H4 tetramers, the primary carrier of epigenetic modifications on histone proteins, represents a crucial yet poorly understood step in the inheritance of epigenetic information. Here, we show the lagging strand DNA polymerase, Pol δ, interacts directly with H3-H4 and that the interaction between Pol δ and the sliding clamp PCNA regulates parental histone transfer to lagging strands, most likely independent of their roles in DNA synthesis. When combined, mutations at Pol δ and Mcm2 that compromise parental histone transfer result in a greater reduction in nucleosome occupancy at nascent chromatin than mutations in either alone. Last, PCNA contributes to nucleosome positioning on nascent chromatin. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the PCNA-Pol δ complex couples lagging strand DNA synthesis to parental H3-H4 transfer, facilitating epigenetic inheritance.
  6. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 07. 15(1): 4883
      The human methyltransferase and transcriptional coactivator MLL4 and its paralog MLL3 are frequently mutated in cancer. MLL4 and MLL3 monomethylate histone H3K4 and contain a set of uncharacterized PHD fingers. Here, we report a novel function of the PHD2 and PHD3 (PHD2/3) fingers of MLL4 and MLL3 that bind to ASXL2, a component of the Polycomb repressive H2AK119 deubiquitinase (PR-DUB) complex. The structure of MLL4 PHD2/3 in complex with the MLL-binding helix (MBH) of ASXL2 and mutational analyses reveal the molecular mechanism which is conserved in homologous ASXL1 and ASXL3. The native interaction of the Trithorax MLL3/4 complexes with the PR-DUB complex in vivo depends solely on MBH of ASXL1/2, coupling the two histone modifying activities. ChIP-seq analysis in embryonic stem cells demonstrates that MBH of ASXL1/2 is required for the deubiquitinase BAP1 recruitment to MLL4-bound active enhancers. Our findings suggest an ASXL1/2-dependent functional link between the MLL3/4 and PR-DUB complexes.
  7. EMBO J. 2024 Jun 03.
      Constitutive heterochromatin is essential for transcriptional silencing and genome integrity. The establishment of constitutive heterochromatin in early embryos and its role in early fruitfly development are unknown. Lysine 9 trimethylation of histone H3 (H3K9me3) and recruitment of its epigenetic reader, heterochromatin protein 1a (HP1a), are hallmarks of constitutive heterochromatin. Here, we show that H3K9me3 is transmitted from the maternal germline to the next generation. Maternally inherited H3K9me3, and the histone methyltransferases (HMT) depositing it, are required for the organization of constitutive heterochromatin: early embryos lacking H3K9 methylation display de-condensation of pericentromeric regions, centromere-centromere de-clustering, mitotic defects, and nuclear shape irregularities, resulting in embryo lethality. Unexpectedly, quantitative CUT&Tag and 4D microscopy measurements of HP1a coupled with biophysical modeling revealed that H3K9me2/3 is largely dispensable for HP1a recruitment. Instead, the main function of H3K9me2/3 at this developmental stage is to drive HP1a clustering and subsequent heterochromatin compaction. Our results show that HP1a binding to constitutive heterochromatin in the absence of H3K9me2/3 is not sufficient to promote proper embryo development and heterochromatin formation. The loss of H3K9 HMTs and H3K9 methylation alters genome organization and hinders embryonic development.
    Keywords:  Constitutive Heterochromatin; Early Embryogenesis; H3K9 Methylation; HP1a Clusters; Intergenerational Inheritance
  8. Nat Neurosci. 2024 Jun 03.
      Transcription factors (TFs) orchestrate gene expression programs crucial for brain function, but we lack detailed information about TF binding in human brain tissue. We generated a multiomic resource (ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, RNA-seq, DNA methylation) on bulk tissues and sorted nuclei from several postmortem brain regions, including binding maps for more than 100 TFs. We demonstrate improved measurements of TF activity, including motif recognition and gene expression modeling, upon identification and removal of high TF occupancy regions. Further, predictive TF binding models demonstrate a bias for these high-occupancy sites. Neuronal TFs SATB2 and TBR1 bind unique regions depleted for such sites and promote neuronal gene expression. Binding sites for TFs, including TBR1 and PKNOX1, are enriched for risk variants associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, predominantly in neurons. This work, titled BrainTF, is a powerful resource for future studies seeking to understand the roles of specific TFs in regulating gene expression in the human brain.
  9. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 07.
      Despite a distinct developmental origin, extraembryonic cells in mice contribute to gut endoderm and converge to transcriptionally resemble their embryonic counterparts. Notably, all extraembryonic progenitors share a non-canonical epigenome, raising several pertinent questions, including whether this landscape is reset to match the embryonic regulation and if extraembryonic cells persist into later development. Here we developed a two-colour lineage-tracing strategy to track and isolate extraembryonic cells over time. We find that extraembryonic gut cells display substantial memory of their developmental origin including retention of the original DNA methylation landscape and resulting transcriptional signatures. Furthermore, we show that extraembryonic gut cells undergo programmed cell death and neighbouring embryonic cells clear their remnants via non-professional phagocytosis. By midgestation, we no longer detect extraembryonic cells in the wild-type gut, whereas they persist and differentiate further in p53-mutant embryos. Our study provides key insights into the molecular and developmental fate of extraembryonic cells inside the embryo.
  10. Mol Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 06.
      Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary malignant bone tumor affecting the pediatric population with high potential to metastasize. However, insights into the molecular features enabling its metastatic potential are limited. We mapped the active chromatin landscapes of OS tumors by integrating histone H3 lysine acetylated chromatin state (n=13), chromatin accessibility profiles (n=11) and gene expression (n=13) to understand the differences in their active chromatin profiles and its impact on molecular mechanisms driving the malignant phenotypes. Primary OS tumors from patients with metastasis (primary met) have a distinct active chromatin landscape compared to those without metastasis (localized). This difference shapes the transcriptional profile of OS. We identified novel candidate genes, including PPP1R1B, PREX1 and IGF2BP1, which exhibit increased chromatin activity in primary met. Loss of PREX1 in primary met OS cells significantly diminishes OS proliferation, invasion, migration, and colony formation capacity. Differential chromatin activity in primary met is associated with genes regulating cytoskeleton organization, cellular adhesion, and extracellular matrix suggestive of their role in facilitating OS metastasis. Chromatin profiling of tumors from metastatic lung lesions shows increased chromatin activity in genes involved in cell migration and Wnt pathway. This data demonstrates that metastatic potential is intrinsically present in primary metastatic tumors, with cellular chromatin profiles further adapting for successful dissemination, migration, and colonization at the distal site. Implications: Our study demonstrates that metastatic potential is intrinsic to primary metastatic osteosarcoma tumors, with chromatin profiles further adapting for successful dissemination, migration and colonization at distal metastatic site.
  11. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 05.
      Dynamic epigenomic reprogramming occurs during mammalian oocyte maturation and early development. However, the underlying transcription circuitry remains poorly characterized. By mapping cis-regulatory elements using H3K27ac, we identified putative enhancers in mouse oocytes and early embryos distinct from those in adult tissues, enabling global transitions of regulatory landscapes around fertilization and implantation. Gene deserts harbour prevalent putative enhancers in fully grown oocytes linked to oocyte-specific genes and repeat activation. Embryo-specific enhancers are primed before zygotic genome activation and are restricted by oocyte-inherited H3K27me3. Putative enhancers in oocytes often manifest H3K4me3, bidirectional transcription, Pol II binding and can drive transcription in STARR-seq and a reporter assay. Finally, motif analysis of these elements identified crucial regulators of oogenesis, TCF3 and TCF12, the deficiency of which impairs activation of key oocyte genes and folliculogenesis. These data reveal distinctive regulatory landscapes and their interacting transcription factors that underpin the development of mammalian oocytes and early embryos.
  12. Cell Rep. 2024 Jun 02. pii: S2211-1247(24)00636-3. [Epub ahead of print]43(6): 114308
      Dendritic cell (DC) progenitors adapt their transcriptional program during development, generating different subsets. How chromatin modifications modulate these processes is unclear. Here, we investigate the impact of histone deacetylation on DCs by genetically deleting histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) or HDAC2 in hematopoietic progenitors and CD11c-expressing cells. While HDAC2 is not critical for DC development, HDAC1 deletion impairs pro-pDC and mature pDC generation and affects ESAM+cDC2 differentiation from tDCs and pre-cDC2s, whereas cDC1s are unchanged. HDAC1 knockdown in human hematopoietic cells also impairs cDC2 development, highlighting its crucial role across species. Multi-omics analyses reveal that HDAC1 controls expression, chromatin accessibility, and histone acetylation of the transcription factors IRF4, IRF8, and SPIB required for efficient development of cDC2 subsets. Without HDAC1, DCs switch immunologically, enhancing tumor surveillance through increased cDC1 maturation and interleukin-12 production, driving T helper 1-mediated immunity and CD8+ T cell recruitment. Our study reveals the importance of histone acetylation in DC development and anti-tumor immunity, suggesting DC-targeted therapeutic strategies for immuno-oncology.
    Keywords:  ATAC-seq; CP: Cancer; CP: Immunology; Cut&Run; HDAC; IRF; cDC1; cDC2; dendritic cell; epigenetics; pDC; tumor immunity
  13. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 05. 15(1): 4770
      SMARCB1, a subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, is the causative gene of rhabdoid tumors and epithelioid sarcomas. Here, we identify a paralog pair of CBP and p300 as a synthetic lethal target in SMARCB1-deficient cancers by using a dual siRNA screening method based on the "simultaneous inhibition of a paralog pair" concept. Treatment with CBP/p300 dual inhibitors suppresses growth of cell lines and tumor xenografts derived from SMARCB1-deficient cells but not from SMARCB1-proficient cells. SMARCB1-containing SWI/SNF complexes localize with H3K27me3 and its methyltransferase EZH2 at the promotor region of the KREMEN2 locus, resulting in transcriptional downregulation of KREMEN2. By contrast, SMARCB1 deficiency leads to localization of H3K27ac, and recruitment of its acetyltransferases CBP and p300, at the KREMEN2 locus, resulting in transcriptional upregulation of KREMEN2, which cooperates with the SMARCA1 chromatin remodeling complex. Simultaneous inhibition of CBP/p300 leads to transcriptional downregulation of KREMEN2, followed by apoptosis induction via monomerization of KREMEN1 due to a failure to interact with KREMEN2, which suppresses anti-apoptotic signaling pathways. Taken together, our findings indicate that simultaneous inhibitors of CBP/p300 could be promising therapeutic agents for SMARCB1-deficient cancers.
  14. Cell. 2024 Jun 03. pii: S0092-8674(24)00519-1. [Epub ahead of print]
      The cleavage of zygotes generates totipotent blastomeres. In human 8-cell blastomeres, zygotic genome activation (ZGA) occurs to initiate the ontogenesis program. However, capturing and maintaining totipotency in human cells pose significant challenges. Here, we realize culturing human totipotent blastomere-like cells (hTBLCs). We find that splicing inhibition can transiently reprogram human pluripotent stem cells into ZGA-like cells (ZLCs), which subsequently transition into stable hTBLCs after long-term passaging. Distinct from reported 8-cell-like cells (8CLCs), both ZLCs and hTBLCs widely silence pluripotent genes. Interestingly, ZLCs activate a particular group of ZGA-specific genes, and hTBLCs are enriched with pre-ZGA-specific genes. During spontaneous differentiation, hTBLCs re-enter the intermediate ZLC stage and further generate epiblast (EPI)-, primitive endoderm (PrE)-, and trophectoderm (TE)-like lineages, effectively recapitulating human pre-implantation development. Possessing both embryonic and extraembryonic developmental potency, hTBLCs can autonomously generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro without external cell signaling. In summary, our study provides key criteria and insights into human cell totipotency.
    Keywords:  ZGA-like cells; blastocyst-like structure; blastomere; pluripotent; splicing inhibition; stem cell culture; totipotency; totipotent blastomere-like cells; zygotic genomic activation
  15. Nature. 2024 Jun 05.
      Transcription is the primary regulatory step in gene expression. Divergent transcription initiation from promoters and enhancers produces stable RNAs from genes and unstable RNAs from enhancers1,2. Nascent RNA capture and sequencing assays simultaneously measure gene and enhancer activity in cell populations3. However, fundamental questions about the temporal regulation of transcription and enhancer-gene coordination remain unanswered, primarily because of the absence of a single-cell perspective on active transcription. In this study, we present scGRO-seq-a new single-cell nascent RNA sequencing assay that uses click chemistry-and unveil coordinated transcription throughout the genome. We demonstrate the episodic nature of transcription and the co-transcription of functionally related genes. scGRO-seq can estimate burst size and frequency by directly quantifying transcribing RNA polymerases in individual cells and can leverage replication-dependent non-polyadenylated histone gene transcription to elucidate cell cycle dynamics. The single-nucleotide spatial and temporal resolution of scGRO-seq enables the identification of networks of enhancers and genes. Our results suggest that the bursting of transcription at super-enhancers precedes bursting from associated genes. By imparting insights into the dynamic nature of global transcription and the origin and propagation of transcription signals, we demonstrate the ability of scGRO-seq to investigate the mechanisms of transcription regulation and the role of enhancers in gene expression.
  16. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 03. 15(1): 4729
      Cohesin mediates sister chromatid cohesion to enable chromosome segregation and DNA damage repair. To perform these functions, cohesin needs to be protected from WAPL, which otherwise releases cohesin from DNA. It has been proposed that cohesin is protected from WAPL by SORORIN. However, in vivo evidence for this antagonism is missing and SORORIN is only known to exist in vertebrates and insects. It is therefore unknown how important and widespread SORORIN's functions are. Here we report the identification of SORORIN orthologs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sor1) and Arabidopsis thaliana (AtSORORIN). sor1Δ mutants display cohesion defects, which are partially alleviated by wpl1Δ. Atsororin mutant plants display dwarfism, tissue specific cohesion defects and chromosome mis-segregation. Furthermore, Atsororin mutant plants are sterile and separate sister chromatids prematurely at anaphase I. The somatic, but not the meiotic deficiencies can be alleviated by loss of WAPL. These results provide in vivo evidence for SORORIN antagonizing WAPL, reveal that SORORIN is present in organisms beyond the animal kingdom and indicate that it has acquired tissue specific functions in plants.
  17. Cell Rep. 2024 May 31. pii: S2211-1247(24)00619-3. [Epub ahead of print]43(6): 114291
      Atoh7 is transiently expressed in retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and is required for retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation. In humans, a deletion in a distal non-coding regulatory region upstream of ATOH7 is associated with optic nerve atrophy and blindness. Here, we functionally interrogate the significance of the Atoh7 regulatory landscape to retinogenesis in mice. Deletion of the Atoh7 enhancer structure leads to RGC deficiency, optic nerve hypoplasia, and retinal blood vascular abnormalities, phenocopying inactivation of Atoh7. Further, loss of the Atoh7 remote enhancer impacts ipsilaterally projecting RGCs and disrupts proper axonal projections to the visual thalamus. Deletion of the Atoh7 remote enhancer is also associated with the dysregulation of axonogenesis genes, including the derepression of the axon repulsive cue Robo3. Our data provide insights into how Atoh7 enhancer elements function to promote RGC development and optic nerve formation and highlight a key role of Atoh7 in the transcriptional control of axon guidance molecules.
    Keywords:  CP: Developmental biology; CP: Neuroscience; cell fate; chromatin; retinal development; retinotectal map; transcription factor
  18. Cell Rep. 2024 Jun 05. pii: S2211-1247(24)00637-5. [Epub ahead of print]43(6): 114309
      Glioblastomas are the most common malignant brain tumors in adults; they are highly aggressive and heterogeneous and show a high degree of plasticity. Here, we show that methyltransferase-like 7B (METTL7B) is an essential regulator of lineage specification in glioblastoma, with an impact on both tumor size and invasiveness. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of these tumors and of cerebral organoids derived from expanded potential stem cells overexpressing METTL7B reveal a regulatory role for the gene in the neural stem cell-to-astrocyte differentiation trajectory. Mechanistically, METTL7B downregulates the expression of key neuronal differentiation players, including SALL2, via post-translational modifications of histone marks.
    Keywords:  CP: Cancer; CP: Stem cell research; METTL7B; SALL2; cancer stem cells; cerebral organoids; epigenetics; glioblastoma; in vivo models; lineage specification; neural stem cells; single-cell transcriptomic
  19. Mol Cell. 2024 May 27. pii: S1097-2765(24)00431-3. [Epub ahead of print]
      Integrator is a multi-subunit protein complex responsible for premature transcription termination of coding and non-coding RNAs. This is achieved via two enzymatic activities, RNA endonuclease and protein phosphatase, acting on the promoter-proximally paused RNA polymerase Ⅱ (RNAPⅡ). Yet, it remains unclear how Integrator assembly and recruitment are regulated and what the functions of many of its core subunits are. Here, we report the structures of two human Integrator sub-complexes: INTS10/13/14/15 and INTS5/8/10/15, and an integrative model of the fully assembled Integrator bound to the RNAPⅡ paused elongating complex (PEC). An in silico protein-protein interaction screen of over 1,500 human transcription factors (TFs) identified ZNF655 as a direct interacting partner of INTS13 within the fully assembled Integrator. We propose a model wherein INTS13 acts as a platform for the recruitment of TFs that could modulate the stability of the Integrator's association at specific loci and regulate transcription attenuation of the target genes.
    Keywords:  AlphaFold2; INTS; Integrator complex; PPIs; RNAPⅡ transcription; ZNF655; cryoEM; protein-protein interactions; transcription attenuation
  20. Nat Genet. 2024 Jun 07.
      Long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) is a retrotransposon group that constitutes 17% of the human genome and shows variable expression across cell types. However, the control of L1 expression and its function in gene regulation are incompletely understood. Here we show that L1 transcription activates long-range gene expression. Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening using a reporter driven by the L1 5' UTR in human cells identifies functionally diverse genes affecting L1 expression. Unexpectedly, altering L1 expression by knockout of regulatory genes impacts distant gene expression. L1s can physically contact their distal target genes, with these interactions becoming stronger upon L1 activation and weaker when L1 is silenced. Remarkably, L1s contact and activate genes essential for zygotic genome activation (ZGA), and L1 knockdown impairs ZGA, leading to developmental arrest in mouse embryos. These results characterize the regulation and function of L1 in long-range gene activation and reveal its importance in mammalian ZGA.