bims-celmim Biomed News
on Cellular and mitochondrial metabolism
Issue of 2024‒06‒23
34 papers selected by
Marc Segarra Mondejar

  1. FEBS Open Bio. 2024 Jun 12.
      Exploring cellular responses necessitates studying real-time metabolic pathway kinetics, considering the adaptable nature of cells. Glycolysis and glutaminolysis are interconnected pathways fundamental to driving cellular metabolism, generating both energy and essential biosynthetic molecules. While prior studies explored glycolysis tracking, this research focuses on monitoring the kinetics of the glutaminolysis pathway by evaluating the effect of glutamine availability on glycolytic kinetics and by investigating the impact of a stimulator (oligomycin) and inhibitor (2DG) on the glycolytic flux in the presence of glutamine. Additionally, we adapted a rate equation model to provide improved understanding of the pathway kinetics. The experimental and simulated results indicate a significant reduction in extracellular lactate production in the presence of glutamine, reflecting a shift from glycolysis towards oxidative phosphorylation, due to the additional contribution of glutamine to energy production through the ETC (electron transport chain), reducing the glycolytic load. Oligomycin, an ETC inhibitor, increases lactate production to the original glycolytic level, despite the presence of glutamine. Nevertheless, its mechanism is influenced by the presence of glutamine, as predicted by the model. Conversely, 2DG notably reduces lactate production, affirming its glycolytic origin. The gradual increase in lactate production under the influence of 2DG implies increased activation of glutaminolysis as an alternative energy source. The model also simulates the varying metabolic responses under varying carbon/modulator concentrations. In conclusion, the kinetic model described here contributes to the understanding of changes in intracellular metabolites and their interrelationships in a way which would be challenging to obtain solely through kinetic assays.
    Keywords:  glutaminolysis; glycolysis; metabolic pathways; numerical kinetic model; real‐time and in situ monitoring
  2. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 20. 15(1): 5265
      Mitochondria require an extensive proteome to maintain a variety of metabolic reactions, and changes in cellular demand depend on rapid adaptation of the mitochondrial protein composition. The TOM complex, the organellar entry gate for mitochondrial precursors in the outer membrane, is a target for cytosolic kinases to modulate protein influx. DYRK1A phosphorylation of the carrier import receptor TOM70 at Ser91 enables its efficient docking and thus transfer of precursor proteins to the TOM complex. Here, we probe TOM70 phosphorylation in molecular detail and find that TOM70 is not a CK2 target nor import receptor for MIC19 as previously suggested. Instead, we identify TOM20 as a MIC19 import receptor and show off-target inhibition of the DYRK1A-TOM70 axis with the clinically used CK2 inhibitor CX4945 which activates TOM20-dependent import pathways. Taken together, modulation of DYRK1A signalling adapts the central mitochondrial protein entry gate via synchronization of TOM70- and TOM20-dependent import pathways for metabolic rewiring. Thus, DYRK1A emerges as a cytosolic surveillance kinase to regulate and fine-tune mitochondrial protein biogenesis.
  3. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 21. 15(1): 5299
      Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency in cellular processes, drives metabolic activities and biosynthesis. Despite its importance, understanding intracellular ATP dynamics' impact on bioproduction and exploiting it for enhanced bioproduction remains largely unexplored. Here, we harness an ATP biosensor to dissect ATP dynamics across different growth phases and carbon sources in multiple microbial strains. We find transient ATP accumulations during the transition from exponential to stationary growth phases in various conditions, coinciding with fatty acid (FA) and polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida, respectively. We identify carbon sources (acetate for E. coli, oleate for P. putida) that elevate steady-state ATP levels and boost FA and PHA production. Moreover, we employ ATP dynamics as a diagnostic tool to assess metabolic burden, revealing bottlenecks that limit limonene bioproduction. Our results not only elucidate the relationship between ATP dynamics and bioproduction but also showcase its value in enhancing bioproduction in various microbial species.
  4. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jun 18. 121(25): e2402384121
      Loss of mitochondrial electron transport complex (ETC) function in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in vivo results in RPE dedifferentiation and progressive photoreceptor degeneration, and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration. Xenogenic expression of alternative oxidases in mammalian cells and tissues mitigates phenotypes arising from some mitochondrial electron transport defects, but can exacerbate others. We expressed an alternative oxidase from Ciona intestinalis (AOX) in ETC-deficient murine RPE in vivo to assess the retinal consequences of stimulating coenzyme Q oxidation and respiration without ATP generation. RPE-restricted expression of AOX in this context is surprisingly beneficial. This focused intervention mitigates RPE mTORC1 activation, dedifferentiation, hypertrophy, stress marker expression, pseudohypoxia, and aerobic glycolysis. These RPE cell autonomous changes are accompanied by increased glucose delivery to photoreceptors with attendant improvements in photoreceptor structure and function. RPE-restricted AOX expression normalizes accumulated levels of succinate and 2-hydroxyglutarate in ETC-deficient RPE, and counteracts deficiencies in numerous neural retinal metabolites. These features can be attributed to the activation of mitochondrial inner membrane flavoproteins such as succinate dehydrogenase and proline dehydrogenase, and alleviation of inhibition of 2-oxyglutarate-dependent dioxygenases such as prolyl hydroxylases and epigenetic modifiers. Our work underscores the importance to outer retinal health of coenzyme Q oxidation in the RPE and identifies a metabolic network critical for photoreceptor survival in the context of RPE mitochondrial dysfunction.
    Keywords:  alternative oxidase; coenzyme Q; mitochondrial dysfunction; retinal pigment epithelium; succinate
  5. Cell. 2024 Jun 20. pii: S0092-8674(24)00452-5. [Epub ahead of print]187(13): 3303-3318.e18
      Gamete formation and subsequent offspring development often involve extended phases of suspended cellular development or even dormancy. How cells adapt to recover and resume growth remains poorly understood. Here, we visualized budding yeast cells undergoing meiosis by cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) and discovered elaborate filamentous assemblies decorating the nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria. To determine filament composition, we developed a "filament identification" (FilamentID) workflow that combines multiscale cryoET/cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) analyses of partially lysed cells or organelles. FilamentID identified the mitochondrial filaments as being composed of the conserved aldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4ALDH2 and the nucleoplasmic/cytoplasmic filaments as consisting of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase Acs1ACSS2. Structural characterization further revealed the mechanism underlying polymerization and enabled us to genetically perturb filament formation. Acs1 polymerization facilitates the recovery of chronologically aged spores and, more generally, the cell cycle re-entry of starved cells. FilamentID is broadly applicable to characterize filaments of unknown identity in diverse cellular contexts.
    Keywords:  cellular stress; in situ structure; integrative structural biology; metabolism; method development; multiscale imaging; protein filaments; quiescence; starvation
  6. Elife. 2024 Jun 20. pii: RP87518. [Epub ahead of print]12
      Mitochondria are the cellular energy hub and central target of metabolic regulation. Mitochondria also facilitate proteostasis through pathways such as the 'mitochondria as guardian in cytosol' (MAGIC) whereby cytosolic misfolded proteins (MPs) are imported into and degraded inside mitochondria. In this study, a genome-wide screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae uncovered that Snf1, the yeast AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), inhibits the import of MPs into mitochondria while promoting mitochondrial biogenesis under glucose starvation. We show that this inhibition requires a downstream transcription factor regulating mitochondrial gene expression and is likely to be conferred through substrate competition and mitochondrial import channel selectivity. We further show that Snf1/AMPK activation protects mitochondrial fitness in yeast and human cells under stress induced by MPs such as those associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
    Keywords:  AMPK; MAGIC; S. cerevisiae; cell biology; human; metabolism; misfolded protein; mitochondria; protein import; proteostasis
  7. Sci Rep. 2024 06 19. 14(1): 14178
      Increasing evidence supports the hypothesis that cancer progression is under mitochondrial control. Mitochondrial fission plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of cancer cell homeostasis. The inhibition of DRP1, the main regulator of mitochondrial fission, with the mitochondrial division inhibitor (mdivi-1) had been associated with cancer cell sensitivity to chemotherapeutics and decrease proliferation. Here, using breast cancer cells we find that mdivi-1 induces the detachment of the cells, leading to a bulk of floating cells that conserved their viability. Despite a decrease in their proliferative and clonogenic capabilities, these floating cells maintain the capacity to re-adhere upon re-seeding and retain their migratory and invasive potential. Interestingly, the cell detachment induced by mdivi-1 is independent of DRP1 but relies on inhibition of mitochondrial complex I. Furthermore, mdivi-1 induces cell detachment rely on glucose and the pentose phosphate pathway. Our data evidence a novel DRP1-independent effect of mdivi-1 in the attachment of cancer cells. The generation of floating viable cells restricts the use of mdivi-1 as a therapeutic agent and demonstrates that mdivi-1 effect on cancer cells are more complex than anticipated.
    Keywords:  Cancer; Cell detachment; Mdivi-1; Metabolism; Mitochondrial complex I
  8. Dev Cell. 2024 Jun 11. pii: S1534-5807(24)00361-7. [Epub ahead of print]
      Development consists of a highly ordered suite of steps and transitions, like choreography. Although these sequences are often evolutionarily conserved, they can display species variations in duration and speed, thereby modifying final organ size or function. Despite their evolutionary significance, the mechanisms underlying species-specific scaling of developmental tempo have remained unclear. Here, we will review recent findings that implicate global cellular mechanisms, particularly intermediary and protein metabolism, as species-specific modifiers of developmental tempo. In various systems, from somitic cell oscillations to neuronal development, metabolic pathways display species differences. These have been linked to mitochondrial metabolism, which can influence the species-specific speed of developmental transitions. Thus, intermediary metabolic pathways regulate developmental tempo together with other global processes, including proteostasis and chromatin remodeling. By linking metabolism and the evolution of developmental trajectories, these findings provide opportunities to decipher how species-specific cellular timing can influence organism fitness.
    Keywords:  developmental timing; evolution; metabolism; mitochondria; neoteny
  9. Front Oncol. 2024 ;14 1402351
      Metabolic reprogramming is a cellular process in which cells modify their metabolic patterns to meet energy requirements, promote proliferation, and enhance resistance to external stressors. This process also introduces new functionalities to the cells. The 'Warburg effect' is a well-studied example of metabolic reprogramming observed during tumorigenesis. Recent studies have shown that kidney cells undergo various forms of metabolic reprogramming following injury. Moreover, metabolic reprogramming plays a crucial role in the progression, prognosis, and treatment of kidney cancer. This review offers a comprehensive examination of renal cancer, metabolic reprogramming, and its implications in kidney cancer. It also discusses recent advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of renal cancer.
    Keywords:  amino acid metabolism; glucose metabolism; metabolism reprogramming; renal cancer; treatment
  10. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2024 Jun 19. pii: S0959-437X(24)00072-8. [Epub ahead of print]87 102223
      Tissue homeostasis is intricately linked to cellular metabolism and metabolite exchange within the tissue microenvironment. The orchestration of adaptive cellular responses during injury and repair depends critically upon metabolic adaptation. This adaptation, in turn, shapes cell fate decisions required for the restoration of tissue homeostasis. Understanding the nuances of metabolic processes within the tissue context and comprehending the intricate communication between cells is therefore imperative for unraveling the complexity of tissue homeostasis and the processes of injury and repair. In this review, we focus on mass spectrometry imaging as an advanced platform with the potential to provide such comprehensive insights into the metabolic instruction governing tissue function. Recent advances in this technology allow to decipher the intricate metabolic networks that determine cellular behavior in the context of tissue resilience, injury, and repair. These insights not only advance our fundamental understanding of tissue biology but also hold implications for therapeutic interventions by targeting metabolic pathways critical for maintaining tissue homeostasis.
  11. Cancer Lett. 2024 Jun 19. pii: S0304-3835(24)00471-3. [Epub ahead of print] 217076
      Understanding of the metabolic reprogramming has revolutionized our insights into tumor progression and potential treatment. This review concentrates on the aberrant metabolic pathways in cancer cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME). Cancer cells differ from normal cells in their metabolic processing of glucose, amino acids, and lipids in order to adapt to heightened biosynthetic and energy needs. These metabolic shifts, which crucially alter lactic acid, amino acid and lipid metabolism, affect not only tumor cell proliferation but also TME dynamics. This review also explores the reprogramming of various immune cells in the TME. From a therapeutic standpoint, targeting these metabolic alterations represents a novel cancer treatment strategy. This review also discusses approaches targeting the regulation of metabolism of different nutrients in tumor cells and influencing the tumor microenvironment to enhance the immune response. In summary, this review summarizes metabolic reprogramming in cancer and its potential as a target for innovative therapeutic strategies, offering fresh perspectives on cancer treatment.
    Keywords:  Immune cell; Immunotherapy; Tumor metabolic reprogramming; Tumor microenvironment
  12. Neurochem Res. 2024 Jun 19.
      The glucose analogue 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) has frequently been used as a tool to study cellular glucose uptake and to inhibit glycolysis. Exposure of primary cultured astrocytes to 2DG caused a time- and concentration-dependent cellular accumulation of 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate (2DG6P) that was accompanied by a rapid initial decline in cellular ATP content. Inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration as well as inhibitors of mitochondrial uptake of pyruvate and activated fatty acids accelerated the ATP loss, demonstrating that mitochondrial ATP regeneration contributes to the partial maintenance of the ATP content in 2DG-treated astrocytes. After a 30 min exposure to 10 mM 2DG the specific content of cellular 2DG6P had accumulated to around 150 nmol/mg, while cellular ATP was lowered by 50% to around 16 nmol/mg. Following such a 2DG6P-loading of astrocytes, glycolytic lactate production from applied glucose was severely impaired during the initial 60 min of incubation, but was reestablished during longer incubation concomitant with a loss in cellular 2DG6P content. In contrast to glycolysis, the glucose-dependent NADPH regeneration via the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) was only weakly affected in 2DG6P-loaded astrocytes and in cells that were coincubated with glucose in the presence of an excess of 2DG. Additionally, in the presence of 2DG PPP-dependent WST1 reduction was found to have doubled compared to hexose-free control incubations, indicating that cellular 2DG6P can serve as substrate for NADPH regeneration by the astrocytic PPP. The data presented provide new insights on the metabolic consequences of a 2DG exposure on the energy and glucose metabolism of astrocytes and demonstrate the reversibility of the inhibitory potential of a 2DG-treatment on the glucose metabolism of cultured astrocytes.
    Keywords:  ATP; Astrocytes; Deoxyglucose; Glucose; Glycolysis; Pentose phosphate pathway
  13. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 19. 15(1): 5206
      Disrupted glucose metabolism and protein misfolding are key characteristics of age-related neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease, however their mechanistic linkage is largely unexplored. The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway utilizes glucose and uridine-5'-triphosphate to generate N-linked glycans required for protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we find that Parkinson's patient midbrain cultures accumulate glucose and uridine-5'-triphosphate, while N-glycan synthesis rates are reduced. Impaired glucose flux occurred by selective reduction of the rate-limiting enzyme, GFPT2, through disrupted signaling between the unfolded protein response and the hexosamine pathway. Failure of the unfolded protein response and reduced N-glycosylation caused immature lysosomal hydrolases to misfold and accumulate, while accelerating glucose flux through the hexosamine pathway rescued hydrolase function and reduced pathological α-synuclein. Our data indicate that the hexosamine pathway integrates glucose metabolism with lysosomal activity, and its failure in Parkinson's disease occurs by uncoupling of the unfolded protein response-hexosamine pathway axis. These findings offer new methods to restore proteostasis by hexosamine pathway enhancement.
  14. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jun 11. pii: S1043-2760(24)00123-1. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria are double membrane-bound organelles the network morphology of which in cells is shaped by opposing events of fusion and fission executed by dynamin-like GTPases. Mutations in these genes can perturb the form and functions of mitochondria in cell and animal models of mitochondrial diseases. An expanding array of chemical, mechanical, and genetic stressors can converge on mitochondrial-shaping proteins and disrupt mitochondrial morphology. In recent years, studies aimed at disentangling the multiple roles of mitochondrial-shaping proteins beyond fission or fusion have provided insights into the homeostatic relevance of mitochondrial morphology. Here, I review the pleiotropy of mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins with the aim of understanding whether mitochondrial morphology is important for cell and tissue physiology.
    Keywords:  fission and fusion; genetic disease; mitochondrial dynamics; mitochondrial dysfunction; mitochondrial morphology
  15. Sci Rep. 2024 06 15. 14(1): 13862
      Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a systemic disease that affects energy metabolism in various remote organs in murine models of ischemic AKI. However, AKI-mediated effects in the liver have not been comprehensively assessed. After inducing ischemic AKI in 8-10-week-old, male C57BL/6 mice, mass spectrometry metabolomics revealed that the liver had the most distinct phenotype 24 h after AKI versus 4 h and 7 days. Follow up studies with in vivo [13C6]-glucose tracing on liver and kidney 24 h after AKI revealed 4 major findings: (1) increased flux through glycolysis and the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle in both kidney and liver; (2) depleted hepatic glutathione levels and its intermediates despite unchanged level of reactive oxygen species, suggesting glutathione consumption exceeds production due to systemic oxidative stress after AKI; (3) hepatic ATP depletion despite unchanged rate of mitochondrial respiration, suggesting increased ATP consumption relative to production; (4) increased hepatic and renal urea cycle intermediates suggesting hypercatabolism and upregulation of the urea cycle independent of impaired renal clearance of nitrogenous waste. Taken together, this is the first study to describe the hepatic metabolome after ischemic AKI in a murine model and demonstrates that there is significant liver-kidney crosstalk after AKI.
  16. Dev Cell. 2024 May 20. pii: S1534-5807(24)00295-8. [Epub ahead of print]
      Selective degradation of damaged mitochondria by autophagy (mitophagy) is proposed to play an important role in cellular homeostasis. However, the molecular mechanisms and the requirement of mitochondrial quality control by mitophagy for cellular physiology are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrated that primary human cells maintain highly active basal mitophagy initiated by mitochondrial superoxide signaling. Mitophagy was found to be mediated by PINK1/Parkin-dependent pathway involving p62 as a selective autophagy receptor (SAR). Importantly, this pathway was suppressed upon the induction of cellular senescence and in naturally aged cells, leading to a robust shutdown of mitophagy. Inhibition of mitophagy in proliferating cells was sufficient to trigger the senescence program, while reactivation of mitophagy was necessary for the anti-senescence effects of NAD precursors or rapamycin. Furthermore, reactivation of mitophagy by a p62-targeting small molecule rescued markers of cellular aging, which establishes mitochondrial quality control as a promising target for anti-aging interventions.
    Keywords:  PINK1; Parkin; aging; autophagy; mitophagy; nicotinamide; nicotinamide riboside; p62; rapamycin; redox; senescence
  17. J Cell Sci. 2024 Jun 19. pii: jcs.261268. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria, which act as sensors of metabolic homeostasis and metabolite signaling, form a dynamic intracellular network of continuously changing shape, size, and localization to respond to localized cellular energy demands. Mitochondrial dynamics and function depend on interactions with the F-actin cytoskeleton that are poorly understood. Here, we show that SET domain protein 3 (SETD3), a recently described actin histidine methyltransferase, directly methylates actin Histidine-73 and enhances F-actin polymerization on mitochondria. SETD3 is a mechano-sensitive enzyme which is localized on the outer mitochondrial membrane and promotes actin polymerization around mitochondrias. SETD3 loss of function leads to diminished F-actin around mitochondria and a decrease in mitochondrial branch length, branch number, and mitochondrial movement. Our functional analysis revealed that SETD3 is required for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial complex I assembly, and function. Our data further indicate that SETD3 regulates F-actin formation around mitochondria and is essential for maintaining mitochondrial morphology, movement, and function. Finally, we discovered that SETD3 levels are regulated by ECM stiffness and regulate mitochondrial shape in response to changes in ECM stiffness. These findings provide new insight into the mechanism for F-actin polymerization around mitochondria.
    Keywords:  Cytoskeleton; Mechanotransduction; Mitochondrial dynamics; Post-translational modifications
  18. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jun 18. 121(25): e2318535121
      The heart beats approximately 100,000 times per day in humans, imposing substantial energetic demands on cardiac muscle. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential energy source for normal function of cardiac muscle during each beat, as it powers ion transport, intracellular Ca2+ handling, and actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling. Despite this, the impact of excitation-contraction coupling on the intracellular ATP concentration ([ATP]i) in myocytes is poorly understood. Here, we conducted real-time measurements of [ATP]i in ventricular myocytes using a genetically encoded ATP fluorescent reporter. Our data reveal rapid beat-to-beat variations in [ATP]i. Notably, diastolic [ATP]i was <1 mM, which is eightfold to 10-fold lower than previously estimated. Accordingly, ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels were active at physiological [ATP]i. Cells exhibited two distinct types of ATP fluctuations during an action potential: net increases (Mode 1) or decreases (Mode 2) in [ATP]i. Mode 1 [ATP]i increases necessitated Ca2+ entry and release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and were associated with increases in mitochondrial Ca2+. By contrast, decreases in mitochondrial Ca2+ accompanied Mode 2 [ATP]i decreases. Down-regulation of the protein mitofusin 2 reduced the magnitude of [ATP]i fluctuations, indicating that SR-mitochondrial coupling plays a crucial role in the dynamic control of ATP levels. Activation of β-adrenergic receptors decreased [ATP]i, underscoring the energetic impact of this signaling pathway. Finally, our work suggests that cross-bridge cycling is the largest consumer of ATP in a ventricular myocyte during an action potential. These findings provide insights into the energetic demands of EC coupling and highlight the dynamic nature of ATP concentrations in cardiac muscle.
    Keywords:  calcium; electrometabolic coupling; mitochondria; mitofusin 2
  19. Med Oncol. 2024 Jun 15. 41(7): 176
      Asparagine is a non-essential amino acid crucial for protein biosynthesis and function, and therefore cell maintenance and growth. Furthermore, this amino acid has an important role in regulating several metabolic pathways, such as tricarboxylic acid cycle and the urea cycle. When compared to normal cells, tumor cells typically present a higher demand for asparagine, making it a compelling target for therapy. In this review article, we investigate different facets of asparagine bioavailability intricate role in malignant tumors raised from solid organs. We take a comprehensive look at asparagine synthetase expression and regulation in cancer, including the impact on tumor growth and metastasis. Moreover, we explore asparagine depletion through L-asparaginase as a potential therapeutic method for aggressive solid tumors, approaching different formulations of the enzyme and combinatory therapies. In summary, here we delve into studies about endogenous and exogenous asparagine availability in solid cancers, analyzing therapeutic implications and future challenges.
    Keywords:  Amino acid deprivation; Biopharmaceutical; Cancer metabolism; Metastasis
  20. iScience. 2024 Jun 21. 27(6): 109994
      Mitofusin-2 (MFN2), a large GTPase residing in the mitochondrial outer membrane and mutated in Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 disease (CMT2A), is a regulator of mitochondrial fusion and tethering with the ER. The role of MFN2 in mitochondrial transport has however remained elusive. Like MFN2, acetylated microtubules play key roles in mitochondria dynamics. Nevertheless, it is unknown if the α-tubulin acetylation cycle functionally interacts with MFN2. Here, we show that mitochondrial contacts with microtubules are sites of α-tubulin acetylation, which occurs through MFN2-mediated recruitment of α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1 (ATAT1). This activity is critical for MFN2-dependent regulation of mitochondria transport, and axonal degeneration caused by CMT2A MFN2 associated R94W and T105M mutations may depend on the inability to release ATAT1 at sites of mitochondrial contacts with microtubules. Our findings reveal a function for mitochondria in α-tubulin acetylation and suggest that disruption of this activity plays a role in the onset of MFN2-dependent CMT2A.
    Keywords:  Cell biology; Lipidomics; Molecular biology
  21. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 15. 15(1): 5119
      One open question in the biology of growth factor receptors is how a quantitative input (i.e., ligand concentration) is decoded by the cell to produce specific response(s). Here, we show that an EGFR endocytic mechanism, non-clathrin endocytosis (NCE), which is activated only at high ligand concentrations and targets receptor to degradation, requires a tripartite organelle platform involving the plasma membrane (PM), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. At these contact sites, EGFR-dependent, ER-generated Ca2+ oscillations are sensed by mitochondria, leading to increased metabolism and ATP production. Locally released ATP is required for cortical actin remodeling and EGFR-NCE vesicle fission. The same biochemical circuitry is also needed for an effector function of EGFR, i.e., collective motility. The multiorganelle signaling platform herein described mediates direct communication between EGFR signaling and mitochondrial metabolism, and is predicted to have a broad impact on cell physiology as it is activated by another growth factor receptor, HGFR/MET.
  22. Trends Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 11. pii: S0962-8924(24)00095-3. [Epub ahead of print]
      Cell homeostasis and function rely on well-orchestrated communication between different organelles. This communication is ensured by signaling pathways and membrane contact sites between organelles. Many players involved in organelle crosstalk have been identified, predominantly proteins and ions. The role of lipids in interorganelle communication remains poorly understood. With the development and broader availability of methods to quantify lipids, as well as improved spatiotemporal resolution in detecting different lipid species, the contribution of lipids to organelle interactions starts to be evident. However, the specific roles of various lipid molecules in intracellular communication remain to be studied systematically. We summarize new insights in the interorganelle communication field from the perspective of organelles and discuss the roles played by lipids in these complex processes.
    Keywords:  endoplasmic reticulum; interorganelle communication; lipids; lysosomes; mitochondria; nucleus; peroxisomes
  23. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 20. 15(1): 5285
      Enzymes of the central metabolism tend to assemble into transient supramolecular complexes. However, the functional significance of the interactions, particularly between enzymes catalyzing non-consecutive reactions, remains unclear. Here, by co-localizing two non-consecutive enzymes of the TCA cycle from Bacillus subtilis, malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD), in phase separated droplets we show that MDH-ICD interaction leads to enzyme agglomeration with a concomitant enhancement of ICD catalytic rate and an apparent sequestration of its reaction product, 2-oxoglutarate. Theory demonstrates that MDH-mediated clustering of ICD molecules explains the observed phenomena. In vivo analyses reveal that MDH overexpression leads to accumulation of 2-oxoglutarate and reduction of fluxes flowing through both the catabolic and anabolic branches of the carbon-nitrogen intersection occupied by 2-oxoglutarate, resulting in impeded ammonium assimilation and reduced biomass production. Our findings suggest that the MDH-ICD interaction is an important coordinator of carbon-nitrogen metabolism.
  24. Chempluschem. 2024 Jun 12. e202400138
      Autonomous generation of energy, specifically adenosine triphosphate (ATP), is critical for sustaining the engineered functionalities of synthetic cells constructed from the bottom-up. In this mini-review, we categorize studies on ATP-producing synthetic cells into three different approaches: photosynthetic mechanisms, mitochondrial respiration mimicry, and utilization of non-conventional approaches such as exploiting synthetic metabolic pathways. Within this framework, we evaluate the strengths and limitations of each approach and provide directions for future research endeavors. We also introduce a concept of building ATP-generating synthetic organelle that will enable us to mimic cellular respiration in a simpler way than current strategies. This review aims to highlight the importance of energy self-production in synthetic cells, providing suggestions and ideas that may help overcome some longstanding challenges in this field.
    Keywords:  Synthetic cell * Synthetic organelle * Energy self-production * ATP synthesis
  25. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 18.
      One hundred and fifty years ago, Johann Thudichum described sphingolipids as unusual "Sphinx-like" lipids from the brain. Today, we know that thousands of sphingolipid molecules mediate many essential functions in embryonic development and normal physiology. In addition, sphingolipid metabolism and signalling pathways are dysregulated in a wide range of pathologies, and therapeutic agents that target sphingolipids are now used to treat several human diseases. However, our understanding of sphingolipid regulation at cellular and organismal levels and their functions in developmental, physiological and pathological settings is rudimentary. In this Review, we discuss recent advances in sphingolipid pathways in different organelles, how secreted sphingolipid mediators modulate physiology and disease, progress in sphingolipid-targeted therapeutic and diagnostic research, and the trans-cellular sphingolipid metabolic networks between microbiota and mammals. Advances in sphingolipid biology have led to a deeper understanding of mammalian physiology and may lead to progress in the management of many diseases.
  26. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jun 25. 121(26): e2405524121
      Aminotransferases (ATs) are an ancient enzyme family that play central roles in core nitrogen metabolism, essential to all organisms. However, many of the AT enzyme functions remain poorly defined, limiting our fundamental understanding of the nitrogen metabolic networks that exist in different organisms. Here, we traced the deep evolutionary history of the AT family by analyzing AT enzymes from 90 species spanning the tree of life (ToL). We found that each organism has maintained a relatively small and constant number of ATs. Mapping the distribution of ATs across the ToL uncovered that many essential AT reactions are carried out by taxon-specific AT enzymes due to wide-spread nonorthologous gene displacements. This complex evolutionary history explains the difficulty of homology-based AT functional prediction. Biochemical characterization of diverse aromatic ATs further revealed their broad substrate specificity, unlike other core metabolic enzymes that evolved to catalyze specific reactions today. Interestingly, however, we found that these AT enzymes that diverged over billion years share common signatures of multisubstrate specificity by employing different nonconserved active site residues. These findings illustrate that AT family enzymes had leveraged their inherent substrate promiscuity to maintain a small yet distinct set of multifunctional AT enzymes in different taxa. This evolutionary history of versatile ATs likely contributed to the establishment of robust and diverse nitrogen metabolic networks that exist throughout the ToL. The study provides a critical foundation to systematically determine diverse AT functions and underlying nitrogen metabolic networks across the ToL.
    Keywords:  core metabolism; enzyme family evolution; multifunctional enzymes; nitrogen metabolism; substrate promiscuity
  27. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 17. 15(1): 5167
      Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a pivotal flavoprotein connecting the folate and methionine methyl cycles, catalyzing the conversion of methylenetetrahydrofolate to methyltetrahydrofolate. Human MTHFR (hMTHFR) undergoes elaborate allosteric regulation involving protein phosphorylation and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)-dependent inhibition, though other factors such as subunit orientation and FAD status remain understudied due to the lack of a functional structural model. Here, we report crystal structures of Chaetomium thermophilum MTHFR (cMTHFR) in both active (R) and inhibited (T) states. We reveal FAD occlusion by Tyr361 in the T-state, which prevents substrate interaction. Remarkably, the inhibited form of cMTHFR accommodates two AdoMet molecules per subunit. In addition, we conducted a detailed investigation of the phosphorylation sites in hMTHFR, three of which were previously unidentified. Based on the structural framework provided by our cMTHFR model, we propose a possible mechanism to explain the allosteric structural transition of MTHFR, including the impact of phosphorylation on AdoMet-dependent inhibition.
  28. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Jun 20.
      Mitochondria are cellular factories for energy production, calcium homeostasis and iron metabolism, but they also have an unequivocal and central role in intrinsic apoptosis through the release of cytochrome c. While the subsequent activation of proteolytic caspases ensures that cell death proceeds in the absence of collateral inflammation, other phlogistic cell death pathways have been implicated in using, or engaging, mitochondria. Here we discuss the emerging complexities of intrinsic apoptosis controlled by the BCL-2 family of proteins. We highlight the emerging theory that non-lethal mitochondrial apoptotic signalling has diverse biological roles that impact cancer, innate immunity and ageing. Finally, we delineate the role of mitochondria in other forms of cell death, such as pyroptosis, ferroptosis and necroptosis, and discuss mitochondria as central hubs for the intersection and coordination of cell death signalling pathways, underscoring their potential for therapeutic manipulation.
  29. bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 27. pii: 2024.04.26.591321. [Epub ahead of print]
      The cross-regulation of metabolism and trafficking is not well understood for the vital sphingolipids and cholesterol constituents of cellular compartments. While reports are starting to surface on how sphingolipids like sphingomyelin (SM) dysregulate cholesterol levels in different cellular compartments (Jiang et al., 2022), limited research is available on the mechanisms driving the relationship between sphingolipids and cholesterol homeostasis, or its biological implications. Previously, we have identified sphingolipid metabolism as a unique vulnerability for IDH1 mut gliomas via a rational drug design. Herein, we show how modulating sphingolipid levels affects cholesterol homeostasis in brain tumors. However, we unexpectedly discovered for the first time that C17 sphingosine and NDMS addition to cancer cells alters cholesterol homeostasis by impacting its cellular synthesis, uptake, and efflux leading to a net decrease in cholesterol levels and inducing apoptosis. Our results reflect a reverse correlation between the levels of sphingosines, NDMS, and unesterified, free cholesterol in the cells. We show that increasing sphingosine and NDMS (a sphingosine analog) levels alter not only the trafficking of cholesterol between membranes but also the efflux and synthesis of cholesterol. We also demonstrate that despite the effort to remove free cholesterol by ABCA1-mediated efflux or by suppressing machinery for the influx (LDLR) and biosynthetic pathway (HMGCR), apoptosis is inevitable for IDH1 mut glioma cells. This is the first study that shows how altering sphingosine levels directly affects cholesterol homeostasis in cancer cells and can be used to manipulate this relationship to induce apoptosis in IDH1 mut gliomas.
  30. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 15. 15(1): 5120
      Calmodulin transduces [Ca2+] information regulating the rhythmic Ca2+ cycling between the sarcoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm during contraction and relaxation in cardiac and skeletal muscle. However, the structural dynamics by which calmodulin modulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channel, the ryanodine receptor, at physiologically relevant [Ca2+] is unknown. Using fluorescence lifetime FRET, we resolve different structural states of calmodulin and Ca2+-driven shifts in the conformation of calmodulin bound to ryanodine receptor. Skeletal and cardiac ryanodine receptor isoforms show different calmodulin-ryanodine receptor conformations, as well as binding and structural kinetics with 0.2-ms resolution, which reflect different functional roles of calmodulin. These FRET methods provide insight into the physiological calmodulin-ryanodine receptor structural states, revealing additional distinct structural states that complement cryo-EM models that are based on less physiological conditions. This technology will drive future studies on pathological calmodulin-ryanodine receptor interactions and dynamics with other important ryanodine receptor bound modulators.
  31. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 03. pii: 2023.08.22.554218. [Epub ahead of print]
      Mitochondria-ER membrane contact sites (MERCS) represent a fundamental ultrastructural feature underlying unique biochemistry and physiology in eukaryotic cells. The ER protein PDZD8 is required for the formation of MERCS in many cell types, however, its tethering partner on the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) is currently unknown. Here we identified the OMM protein FKBP8 as the tethering partner of PDZD8 using a combination of unbiased proximity proteomics, CRISPR-Cas9 endogenous protein tagging, Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) tomography, and correlative light-EM (CLEM). Single molecule tracking revealed highly dynamic diffusion properties of PDZD8 along the ER membrane with significant pauses and capture at MERCS. Overexpression of FKBP8 was sufficient to narrow the ER-OMM distance, whereas independent versus combined deletions of these two proteins demonstrated their interdependence for MERCS formation. Furthermore, PDZD8 enhances mitochondrial complexity in a FKBP8-dependent manner. Our results identify a novel ER-mitochondria tethering complex that regulates mitochondrial morphology in mammalian cells.
  32. Elife. 2024 Jun 18. pii: RP91597. [Epub ahead of print]12
      Untargeted metabolomic profiling through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) measures a vast array of metabolites within biospecimens, advancing drug development, disease diagnosis, and risk prediction. However, the low throughput of LC-MS poses a major challenge for biomarker discovery, annotation, and experimental comparison, necessitating the merging of multiple datasets. Current data pooling methods encounter practical limitations due to their vulnerability to data variations and hyperparameter dependence. Here, we introduce GromovMatcher, a flexible and user-friendly algorithm that automatically combines LC-MS datasets using optimal transport. By capitalizing on feature intensity correlation structures, GromovMatcher delivers superior alignment accuracy and robustness compared to existing approaches. This algorithm scales to thousands of features requiring minimal hyperparameter tuning. Manually curated datasets for validating alignment algorithms are limited in the field of untargeted metabolomics, and hence we develop a dataset split procedure to generate pairs of validation datasets to test the alignments produced by GromovMatcher and other methods. Applying our method to experimental patient studies of liver and pancreatic cancer, we discover shared metabolic features related to patient alcohol intake, demonstrating how GromovMatcher facilitates the search for biomarkers associated with lifestyle risk factors linked to several cancer types.
    Keywords:  Gromov-Wasserstein; LC-MS; cancer biology; cancer metabolism; computational biology; data integration; human; optimal transport; systems biology; untargeted metabolomics
  33. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jun 25. 121(26): e2314795121
      Oxytocin plays a critical role in regulating social behaviors, yet our understanding of its function in both neurological health and disease remains incomplete. Real-time oxytocin imaging probes with spatiotemporal resolution relevant to its endogenous signaling are required to fully elucidate oxytocin's role in the brain. Herein, we describe a near-infrared oxytocin nanosensor (nIROXT), a synthetic probe capable of imaging oxytocin in the brain without interference from its structural analogue, vasopressin. nIROXT leverages the inherent tissue-transparent fluorescence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and the molecular recognition capacity of an oxytocin receptor peptide fragment to selectively and reversibly image oxytocin. We employ these nanosensors to monitor electrically stimulated oxytocin release in brain tissue, revealing oxytocin release sites with a median size of 3 µm in the paraventricular nucleus of C57BL/6 mice, which putatively represents the spatial diffusion of oxytocin from its point of release. These data demonstrate that covalent SWCNT constructs, such as nIROXT, are powerful optical tools that can be leveraged to measure neuropeptide release in brain tissue.
    Keywords:  nanosensors; near infrared; neurochemical imaging; oxytocin; vasopressin
  34. Oncotarget. 2024 Jun 20. 15 392-399
      Prostate cancer (PCa) poses significant challenges in treatment, particularly when it progresses to a metastatic, castrate-resistant state. Conventional therapies, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal treatments, often fail due to toxicities, off-target effects, and acquired resistance. This research perspective defines an alternative therapeutic strategy focusing on the metabolic vulnerabilities of PCa cells, specifically their reliance on non-essential amino acids such as cysteine. Using an engineered enzyme cyst(e)inase to deplete the cysteine/cystine can induce oxidative stress and DNA damage in cancer cells. This depletion elevates reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, disrupts glutathione synthesis, and enhances DNA damage, leading to cancer cell death. The combinatorial use of cyst(e)inase with agents targeting antioxidant defenses, such as thioredoxins, further amplifies ROS accumulation and cytotoxicity in PCa cells. Overall, in this perspective provides a compressive overview of the previous work on manipulating amino acid metabolism and redox balance modulate the efficacy of DNA repair-targeted and immune checkpoint blockade therapies in prostate cancer.
    Keywords:  DNA damage; DNA repair; Immunotherpy; amino acid depletion; tumor immunity