bims-celmim Biomed News
on Cellular and mitochondrial metabolism
Issue of 2024‒05‒26
25 papers selected by
Marc Segarra Mondejar

  1. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2024 May 17. pii: S0167-4889(24)00096-X. [Epub ahead of print] 119753
      "Metabolic aging" refers to the gradual decline in cellular metabolic function across various tissues due to defective hormonal signaling, impaired nutrient sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, replicative stress, and cellular senescence. While this process usually corresponds with chronological aging, the recent increase in metabolic diseases and cancers occurring at younger ages in humans suggests the premature onset of cellular fatigue and metabolic aging. Autophagy, a cellular housekeeping process facilitated by lysosomes, plays a crucial role in maintaining tissue rejuvenation and health. However, various environmental toxins, hormones, lifestyle changes, and nutrient imbalances can disrupt autophagy in humans. In this review, we explore the connection between autophagy and cellular metabolism, its regulation by extrinsic factors and its modulation to prevent the early onset of metabolic aging.
    Keywords:  Autophagy; Cellular homeostasis; Disease; Metabolic aging; Metabolism
  2. FEBS Lett. 2024 May;598(10): 1252-1273
      Over the past two decades, we have witnessed a growing appreciation for the importance of membrane contact sites (CS) in facilitating direct communication between organelles. CS are tiny regions where the membranes of two organelles meet but do not fuse and allow the transfer of metabolites between organelles, playing crucial roles in the coordination of cellular metabolic activities. The significant advancements in imaging techniques and molecular and cell biology research have revealed that CS are more complex than what originally thought, and as they are extremely dynamic, they can remodel their shape, composition, and functions in accordance with metabolic and environmental changes and can occur between more than two organelles. Here, we describe how recent studies led to the identification of a three-way mitochondria-ER-lipid droplet CS and discuss the emerging functions of these contacts in maintaining lipid storage, homeostasis, and balance. We also summarize the properties and functions of key protein components localized at the mitochondria-ER-lipid droplet interface, with a special focus on lipid transfer proteins. Understanding tripartite CS is essential for unraveling the complexities of inter-organelle communication and cooperation within cells.
    Keywords:  MAM; contact sites; fatty acids; lipid metabolism; lipid transfer proteins
  3. Cell. 2024 May 23. pii: S0092-8674(24)00463-X. [Epub ahead of print]187(11): 2601-2627
      Mitochondria reside at the crossroads of catabolic and anabolic metabolism-the essence of life. How their structure and function are dynamically tuned in response to tissue-specific needs for energy, growth repair, and renewal is being increasingly understood. Mitochondria respond to intrinsic and extrinsic stresses and can alter cell and organismal function by inducing metabolic signaling within cells and to distal cells and tissues. Here, we review how the centrality of mitochondrial functions manifests in health and a broad spectrum of diseases and aging.
  4. Biomolecules. 2024 May 20. pii: 602. [Epub ahead of print]14(5):
      Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a ubiquitous molecule found within all cells, acting as a crucial coenzyme in numerous metabolic reactions. It plays a vital role in energy metabolism, cellular signaling, and DNA repair. Notably, NAD levels decline naturally with age, and this decline is associated with the development of various age-related diseases. Despite this established link, current genome-scale metabolic models, which offer powerful tools for understanding cellular metabolism, do not account for the dynamic changes in NAD concentration. This impedes our understanding of a fluctuating NAD level's impact on cellular metabolism and its contribution to age-related pathologies. To bridge this gap in our knowledge, we have devised a novel method that integrates altered NAD concentration into genome-scale models of human metabolism. This approach allows us to accurately reflect the changes in fatty acid metabolism, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation observed experimentally in an engineered human cell line with a compromised level of subcellular NAD.
    Keywords:  FBA; NAD; constraint-based model; genome-scale metabolic modeling; proteomics; proteomics integration
  5. Nat Commun. 2024 May 18. 15(1): 4244
      Cysteine metabolism occurs across cellular compartments to support diverse biological functions and prevent the induction of ferroptosis. Though the disruption of cytosolic cysteine metabolism is implicated in this form of cell death, it is unknown whether the substantial cysteine metabolism resident within the mitochondria is similarly pertinent to ferroptosis. Here, we show that despite the rapid depletion of intracellular cysteine upon loss of extracellular cystine, cysteine-dependent synthesis of Fe-S clusters persists in the mitochondria of lung cancer cells. This promotes a retention of respiratory function and a maintenance of the mitochondrial redox state. Under these limiting conditions, we find that glutathione catabolism by CHAC1 supports the mitochondrial cysteine pool to sustain the function of the Fe-S proteins critical to oxidative metabolism. We find that disrupting Fe-S cluster synthesis under cysteine restriction protects against the induction of ferroptosis, suggesting that the preservation of mitochondrial function is antagonistic to survival under starved conditions. Overall, our findings implicate mitochondrial cysteine metabolism in the induction of ferroptosis and reveal a mechanism of mitochondrial resilience in response to nutrient stress.
  6. J Biol Chem. 2024 May 21. pii: S0021-9258(24)01904-5. [Epub ahead of print] 107403
      Mitochondria and lysosomes are two organelles that carry out both signaling and metabolic roles in cells. Recent evidence has shown that mitochondria and lysosomes are dependent on one another, as primary defects in one cause secondary defects in the other. Although there are functional impairments in both cases, the signaling consequences of primary mitochondrial dysfunction and lysosomal defects are dissimilar. Here, we used RNA sequencing to obtain transcriptomes from cells with primary mitochondrial or lysosomal defects to identify the global cellular consequences associated with mitochondrial or lysosomal dysfunction. We used these data to determine the pathways affected by defects in both organelles, which revealed a prominent role for the cholesterol synthesis pathway. We observed a transcriptional up-regulated of this pathway in cellular and murine models of lysosomal defects, while it is transcriptionally down-regulated in cellular and murine models of mitochondrial defects. We identified a role for the post-transcriptional regulation of transcription factor SREBF1, a master regulator of cholesterol and lipid biosynthesis, in models of mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency. Furthermore, we found that retention of Ca2+ in lysosomes of cells with mitochondrial respiratory chain defects contributes to the differential regulation of the cholesterol synthesis pathway in the mitochondrial and lysosomal defects tested. Finally, we verified in vivo, using a model of mitochondria-associated disease in C. elegans, that normalization of lysosomal Ca2+ levels results in partial rescue of the developmental delay induced by the respiratory chain deficiency.
  7. Nat Commun. 2024 May 20. 15(1): 4277
      Elevated intracellular sodium Nai adversely affects mitochondrial metabolism and is a common feature of heart failure. The reversibility of acute Na induced metabolic changes is evaluated in Langendorff perfused rat hearts using the Na/K ATPase inhibitor ouabain and the myosin-uncoupler para-aminoblebbistatin to maintain constant energetic demand. Elevated Nai decreases Gibb's free energy of ATP hydrolysis, increases the TCA cycle intermediates succinate and fumarate, decreases ETC activity at Complexes I, II and III, and causes a redox shift of CoQ to CoQH2, which are all reversed on lowering Nai to baseline levels. Pseudo hypoxia and stabilization of HIF-1α is observed despite normal tissue oxygenation. Inhibition of mitochondrial Na/Ca-exchange with CGP-37517 or treatment with the mitochondrial ROS scavenger MitoQ prevents the metabolic alterations during Nai elevation. Elevated Nai plays a reversible role in the metabolic and functional changes and is a novel therapeutic target to correct metabolic dysfunction in heart failure.
  8. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2024 May 20. pii: S0167-4889(24)00095-8. [Epub ahead of print] 119752
      Preserving a functional mitochondrial network is crucial for cellular well-being, considering the pivotal role of mitochondria in ensuring cellular survival, especially under stressful conditions. Mitophagy, the selective removal of damaged mitochondria through autophagy, plays a pivotal role in preserving cellular homeostasis by preventing the production of harmful reactive oxygen species from dysfunctional mitochondria. While the involvement of mitophagy in neurodegenerative diseases has been thoroughly investigated, it is becoming increasingly evident that mitophagy plays a significant role in cancer biology. Perturbations in mitophagy pathways lead to suboptimal mitochondrial quality control, catalyzing various aspects of carcinogenesis, including establishing metabolic plasticity, stemness, metabolic reconfiguration of cancer-associated fibroblasts, and immunomodulation. While mitophagy performs a delicate balancing act at the intersection of cell survival and cell death, mounting evidence indicates that, particularly in the context of stress responses induced by cancer therapy, it predominantly promotes cell survival. Here, we showcase an overview of the current understanding of the role of mitophagy in cancer biology and its potential as a target for cancer therapy. Gaining a more comprehensive insight into the interaction between cancer therapy and mitophagy has the potential to reveal novel targets and pathways, paving the way for enhanced treatment strategies for therapy-resistant tumors in the near future.
    Keywords:  Anticancer therapeutics; Drug resistance; Metabolic rewiring; Mitophagy; Pathway mechanism; Stemness maintenance
  9. bioRxiv. 2024 May 06. pii: 2024.05.03.592013. [Epub ahead of print]
      Proliferating cancer cells actively utilize anabolic processes for biomass production, including de novo biosynthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, and fatty acids. The key enzyme of the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway, fatty acid synthase (FASN), is widely recognized as a promising therapeutic target in cancer and other health conditions 1,2 . Here, we establish a metabolic signature of FASN inhibition using a panel of pharmacological inhibitors (GSK2194069, TVB-2640, TVB-3166, C75, cerulenin, and Fasnall). We find that the activity of commonly used FASN inhibitors is inconsistent with the metabolic signature of FASN inhibition (accumulation of malonate, succinate, malonyl coenzyme A, succinyl coenzyme A, and other metabolic perturbations). Moreover, we show that one of these putative FASN inhibitors, Fasnall, is a respiratory Complex I inhibitor that mimics FASN inhibition through NADH accumulation and consequent depletion of the tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites. We demonstrate that Fasnall impairs tumor growth in several oxidative phosphorylation-dependent cancer models, including combination therapy-resistant melanoma patient-derived xenografts. Fasnall administration does not reproduce neurological side effects in mice reported for other Complex I inhibitors 3,4 . Our results have significant implications for understanding the FASN role in human health and disease and provide evidence of therapeutic potential for Complex I inhibitors with fast systemic clearance. Our findings also highlight the continuing need for validation of small molecule inhibitors to distinguish high-quality chemical probes and to expand the understanding of their application.
  10. J Cell Biol. 2024 Aug 05. pii: e202309145. [Epub ahead of print]223(8):
      Autophagy is an important metabolic pathway that can non-selectively recycle cellular material or lead to targeted degradation of protein aggregates or damaged organelles. Autophagosome formation starts with autophagy factors accumulating on lipid vesicles containing ATG9. These phagophores attach to donor membranes, expand via ATG2-mediated lipid transfer, capture cargo, and mature into autophagosomes, ultimately fusing with lysosomes for their degradation. Autophagy can be activated by nutrient stress, for example, by a reduction in the cellular levels of amino acids. In contrast, how autophagy is regulated by low cellular ATP levels via the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an important therapeutic target, is less clear. Using live-cell imaging and an automated image analysis pipeline, we systematically dissect how nutrient starvation regulates autophagosome biogenesis. We demonstrate that glucose starvation downregulates autophagosome maturation by AMPK-mediated inhibition of phagophore tethering to donor membrane. Our results clarify AMPKs regulatory role in autophagy and highlight its potential as a therapeutic target to reduce autophagy.
  11. J Cell Biol. 2024 Sep 02. pii: e202308144. [Epub ahead of print]223(9):
      The mitochondria-ER-cortex anchor (MECA) forms a tripartite membrane contact site between mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the plasma membrane (PM). The core component of MECA, Num1, interacts with the PM and mitochondria via two distinct lipid-binding domains; however, the molecular mechanism by which Num1 interacts with the ER is unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Num1 contains a FFAT motif in its C-terminus that interacts with the integral ER membrane protein Scs2. While dispensable for Num1's functions in mitochondrial tethering and dynein anchoring, the FFAT motif is required for Num1's role in promoting mitochondrial division. Unexpectedly, we also reveal a novel function of MECA in regulating the distribution of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI(4)P). Breaking Num1 association with any of the three membranes it tethers results in an accumulation of PI(4)P on the PM, likely via disrupting Sac1-mediated PI(4)P turnover. This work establishes MECA as an important regulatory hub that spatially organizes mitochondria, ER, and PM to coordinate crucial cellular functions.
  12. Light Sci Appl. 2024 May 24. 13(1): 116
      Mitochondria are crucial organelles closely associated with cellular metabolism and function. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes a variety of transcripts and proteins essential for cellular function. However, the interaction between the inner membrane (IM) and mtDNA remains elusive due to the limitations in spatiotemporal resolution offered by conventional microscopy and the absence of suitable in vivo probes specifically targeting the IM. Here, we have developed a novel fluorescence probe called HBmito Crimson, characterized by exceptional photostability, fluorogenicity within lipid membranes, and low saturation power. We successfully achieved over 500 frames of low-power stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) imaging to visualize the IM dynamics, with a spatial resolution of 40 nm. By utilizing dual-color imaging of the IM and mtDNA, it has been uncovered that mtDNA tends to habitat at mitochondrial tips or branch points, exhibiting an overall spatially uniform distribution. Notably, the dynamics of mitochondria are intricately associated with the positioning of mtDNA, and fusion consistently occurs in close proximity to mtDNA to minimize pressure during cristae remodeling. In healthy cells, >66% of the mitochondria are Class III (i.e., mitochondria >5 μm or with >12 cristae), while it dropped to <18% in ferroptosis. Mitochondrial dynamics, orchestrated by cristae remodeling, foster the even distribution of mtDNA. Conversely, in conditions of apoptosis and ferroptosis where the cristae structure is compromised, mtDNA distribution becomes irregular. These findings, achieved with unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution, reveal the intricate interplay between cristae and mtDNA and provide insights into the driving forces behind mtDNA distribution.
  13. Cell Stem Cell. 2024 May 14. pii: S1934-5909(24)00176-0. [Epub ahead of print]
      Aging generally predisposes stem cells to functional decline, impairing tissue homeostasis. Here, we report that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) acquire metabolic resilience that promotes cell survival. High-resolution real-time ATP analysis with glucose tracing and metabolic flux analysis revealed that old HSCs reprogram their metabolism to activate the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), becoming more resistant to oxidative stress and less dependent on glycolytic ATP production at steady state. As a result, old HSCs can survive without glycolysis, adapting to the physiological cytokine environment in bone marrow. Mechanistically, old HSCs enhance mitochondrial complex II metabolism during stress to promote ATP production. Furthermore, increased succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 1 (SDHAF1) in old HSCs, induced by physiological low-concentration thrombopoietin (TPO) exposure, enables rapid mitochondrial ATP production upon metabolic stress, thereby improving survival. This study provides insight into the acquisition of resilience through metabolic reprogramming in old HSCs and its molecular basis to ameliorate age-related hematopoietic abnormalities.
    Keywords:  SDHAF1; adenosine triphosphate; hematopoietic stem cell; mitochondria; stem cell aging; stem cell metabolism; thrombopoietin
  14. J Cell Sci. 2024 May 24. pii: jcs.261728. [Epub ahead of print]
      Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) are high-conductance channels that allow the regulated redistribution of Ca2+ from the ER to the cytosol and, at specialised membrane contact sites (MCS), to other organelles. Only a subset of IP3Rs release Ca2+ to the cytosol in response to IP3. These 'licensed' IP3Rs are associated with Kras-induced actin-interacting protein (KRAP) beneath the plasma membrane. It is unclear whether KRAP regulates IP3Rs at MCS. We show, using simultaneous measurements of Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix, that KRAP also licenses IP3Rs to release Ca2+ to mitochondria. Loss of KRAP abolishes cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ signals evoked by stimulation of IP3Rs via endogenous receptors. KRAP is located at ER-mitochondria membrane contact sites (ERMCS) populated by IP3R clusters. Using a proximity ligation assay between IP3R and voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), we show that loss of KRAP reduces the number of ERMCS. We conclude that KRAP regulates Ca2+ transfer from IP3Rs to mitochondria by both licensing IP3R activity and stabilizing ERMCS.
    Keywords:  Ca2+; Endoplasmic reticulum; HeLa cell; Histamine; IP3 receptor; KRAP; MCU; Membrane contact site; Mitochondria; Proximity ligation assay; VDAC1
  15. Nat Metab. 2024 May 24.
      The energy cost of neuronal activity is mainly sustained by glucose1,2. However, in an apparent paradox, neurons modestly metabolize glucose through glycolysis3-6, a circumstance that can be accounted for by the constant degradation of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase-fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 (PFKFB3)3,7,8, a key glycolysis-promoting enzyme. To evaluate the in vivo physiological importance of this hypoglycolytic metabolism, here we genetically engineered mice with their neurons transformed into active glycolytic cells through Pfkfb3 expression. In vivo molecular, biochemical and metabolic flux analyses of these neurons revealed an accumulation of anomalous mitochondria, complex I disassembly, bioenergetic deficiency and mitochondrial redox stress. Notably, glycolysis-mediated nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) reduction impaired sirtuin-dependent autophagy. Furthermore, these mice displayed cognitive decline and a metabolic syndrome that was mimicked by confining Pfkfb3 expression to hypothalamic neurons. Neuron-specific genetic ablation of mitochondrial redox stress or brain NAD+ restoration corrected these behavioural alterations. Thus, the weak glycolytic nature of neurons is required to sustain higher-order organismal functions.
  16. Cell Death Differ. 2024 May 22.
      Deregulated glucose metabolism termed the "Warburg effect" is a fundamental feature of cancers, including the colorectal cancer. This is typically characterized with an increased rate of glycolysis, and a concomitant reduced rate of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle metabolism as compared to the normal cells. How the TCA cycle is manipulated in cancer cells remains unknown. Here, we show that O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) regulates the TCA cycle in colorectal cancer cells. Depletion of OGT, the sole transferase of O-GlcNAc, significantly increases the TCA cycle metabolism in colorectal cancer cells. Mechanistically, OGT-catalyzed O-GlcNAc modification of c-Myc at serine 415 (S415) increases c-Myc stability, which transcriptionally upregulates the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (PDK2). PDK2 phosphorylates pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) to inhibit the activity of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which reduces mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism, suppresses reactive oxygen species production, and promotes xenograft tumor growth. Furthermore, c-Myc S415 glycosylation levels positively correlate with PDK2 expression levels in clinical colorectal tumor tissues. This study highlights the OGT-c-Myc-PDK2 axis as a key mechanism linking oncoprotein activation with deregulated glucose metabolism in colorectal cancer.
  17. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2024 May 24.
      The dependence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells on glutamine suggests the feasibility of targeting glutamine metabolism for therapy. However, drugs inhibiting glutamine uptake and breakdown have not shown promising outcomes. Therefore, investigating the mechanism of glutamine metabolism reprogramming in HCC cells is crucial. We used bioinformatics approaches to investigate the metabolic flux of glutamine in HCC cells and validated it using qRT-PCR and western blotting. HCC cells were cultured in glutamine-deprived medium, and changes in glutamate and ATP levels were monitored. Western blotting was employed to assess the expression of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and autophagy-related proteins. The impact of Solute carrier family 25 member 12 (AGC1) on HCC cell proliferation was studied using CCK-8 and colony formation assays. Furthermore, the effects of AGC1 knockdown via siRNA on metabolic reprogramming and energy supply during glutamine deprivation in HCC were explored. During glutamine deprivation, HCC cells sustain cytosolic asparagine synthesis and ATP production through AGC1. Low ATP levels activate AMPK and inhibit mTOR activation, inducing autophagy to rescue HCC cell survival. Knockdown of AGC1 inhibits mitochondrial aspartate output and continuously activates autophagy, rendering HCC cells more sensitive to glutamine deprivation. AGC1 serves as a critical node in the reprogramming of glutamine metabolism and energy supply in HCC cells. This study provides theoretical support for overcoming resistance to drugs targeting glutamine metabolism.
    Keywords:  AGC1; Autophagy; Glutamine deprivation; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Metabolic reprogramming
  18. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 May 28. 121(22): e2318412121
      Lysosomes are central players in cellular catabolism, signaling, and metabolic regulation. Cellular and environmental stresses that damage lysosomal membranes can compromise their function and release toxic content into the cytoplasm. Here, we examine how cells respond to osmotic stress within lysosomes. Using sensitive assays of lysosomal leakage and rupture, we examine acute effects of the osmotic disruptant glycyl-L-phenylalanine 2-naphthylamide (GPN). Our findings reveal that low concentrations of GPN rupture a small fraction of lysosomes, but surprisingly trigger Ca2+ release from nearly all. Chelating cytoplasmic Ca2+ makes lysosomes more sensitive to GPN-induced rupture, suggesting a role for Ca2+ in lysosomal membrane resilience. GPN-elicited Ca2+ release causes the Ca2+-sensor Apoptosis Linked Gene-2 (ALG-2), along with Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) proteins it interacts with, to redistribute onto lysosomes. Functionally, ALG-2, but not its ESCRT binding-disabled ΔGF122 splice variant, increases lysosomal resilience to osmotic stress. Importantly, elevating juxta-lysosomal Ca2+ without membrane damage by activating TRPML1 also recruits ALG-2 and ESCRTs, protecting lysosomes from subsequent osmotic rupture. These findings reveal that Ca2+, through ALG-2, helps bring ESCRTs to lysosomes to enhance their resilience and maintain organelle integrity in the face of osmotic stress.
    Keywords:  ALG-2; ESCRTs; lysosome; membrane resilience; osmotic stress
  19. Elife. 2024 May 24. pii: RP95652. [Epub ahead of print]13
      The tumor microenvironment is a determinant of cancer progression and therapeutic efficacy, with nutrient availability playing an important role. Although it is established that the local abundance of specific nutrients defines the metabolic parameters for tumor growth, the factors guiding nutrient availability in tumor compared to normal tissue and blood remain poorly understood. To define these factors in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), we performed quantitative metabolomic and comprehensive lipidomic analyses of tumor interstitial fluid (TIF), adjacent normal kidney interstitial fluid (KIF), and plasma samples collected from patients. TIF nutrient composition closely resembles KIF, suggesting that tissue-specific factors unrelated to the presence of cancer exert a stronger influence on nutrient levels than tumor-driven alterations. Notably, select metabolite changes consistent with known features of RCC metabolism are found in RCC TIF, while glucose levels in TIF are not depleted to levels that are lower than those found in KIF. These findings inform tissue nutrient dynamics in RCC, highlighting a dominant role of non-cancer-driven tissue factors in shaping nutrient availability in these tumors.
    Keywords:  cancer; cancer biology; human; metabolism; tumor microenvironment
  20. Nat Commun. 2024 May 21. 15(1): 4314
      Peroxisomes are eukaryotic organelles that are essential for multiple metabolic pathways, including fatty acid oxidation, degradation of amino acids, and biosynthesis of ether lipids. Consequently, peroxisome dysfunction leads to pediatric-onset neurodegenerative conditions, including Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorders (PBD). Due to the dynamic, tissue-specific, and context-dependent nature of their biogenesis and function, live cell imaging of peroxisomes is essential for studying peroxisome regulation, as well as for the diagnosis of PBD-linked abnormalities. However, the peroxisomal imaging toolkit is lacking in many respects, with no reporters for substrate import, nor cell-permeable probes that could stain dysfunctional peroxisomes. Here we report that the BODIPY-C12 fluorescent fatty acid probe stains functional and dysfunctional peroxisomes in live mammalian cells. We then go on to improve BODIPY-C12, generating peroxisome-specific reagents, PeroxiSPY650 and PeroxiSPY555. These probes combine high peroxisome specificity, bright fluorescence in the red and far-red spectrum, and fast non-cytotoxic staining, making them ideal tools for live cell, whole organism, or tissue imaging of peroxisomes. Finally, we demonstrate that PeroxiSPY enables diagnosis of peroxisome abnormalities in the PBD CRISPR/Cas9 cell models and patient-derived cell lines.
  21. Metabolites. 2024 May 10. pii: 279. [Epub ahead of print]14(5):
      Purines are the building blocks of DNA/RNA, energy substrates, and cofactors. Purine metabolites, including ATP, GTP, NADH, and coenzyme A, are essential molecules in diverse biological processes such as energy metabolism, signal transduction, and enzyme activity. When purine levels increase, excess purines are either recycled to synthesize purine metabolites or catabolized to the end product uric acid. Purine catabolism increases during states of low oxygen tension (hypoxia and ischemia), but this metabolic pathway is incompletely understood in the context of histotoxic hypoxia (i.e., inhibition of oxygen utilization despite normal oxygen tension). In rabbits exposed to cyanide-a classical histotoxic hypoxia agent-we demonstrated significant increases in several concordant metabolites in the purine catabolic pathway (including plasma levels of uric acid, xanthosine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, and inosine) via mass spectrometry-based metabolite profiling. Pharmacological inhibition of the purine catabolic pathway with oxypurinol mitigated the deleterious effects of cyanide on skeletal muscle cytochrome c oxidase redox state, measured by non-invasive diffuse optical spectroscopy. Finally, plasma uric acid levels correlated strongly with those of lactic acid, an established clinical biomarker of cyanide exposure, in addition to a tissue biomarker of cyanide exposure (skeletal muscle cytochrome c oxidase redox state). Cumulatively, these findings not only shed light on the in vivo role(s) of cyanide but also have implications in the field of medical countermeasure (MCM) development.
    Keywords:  allopurinol; biomarker; cyanide; cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV); histotoxic hypoxia; mass spectrometry; nucleoside/nucleotide metabolism; preclinical animal model; purine; uric acid
  22. PLoS One. 2024 ;19(5): e0303992
      The phytohormone auxin plays a critical role in plant growth and development. Despite significant progress in elucidating metabolic pathways of the primary bioactive auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), over the past few decades, key components such as intermediates and enzymes have not been fully characterized, and the dynamic regulation of IAA metabolism in response to environmental signals has not been completely revealed. In this study, we established a protocol employing a highly sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) instrumentation and a rapid stable isotope labeling approach. We treated Arabidopsis seedlings with two stable isotope labeled precursors ([13C6]anthranilate and [13C8, 15N1]indole) and monitored the label incorporation into proposed indolic compounds involved in IAA biosynthetic pathways. This Stable Isotope Labeled Kinetics (SILK) method allowed us to trace the turnover rates of IAA pathway precursors and product concurrently with a time scale of seconds to minutes. By measuring the entire pathways over time and using different isotopic tracer techniques, we demonstrated that these methods offer more detailed information about this complex interacting network of IAA biosynthesis, and should prove to be useful for studying auxin metabolic network in vivo in a variety of plant tissues and under different environmental conditions.
  23. J Vis Exp. 2024 May 03.
      Over the last decades, the evidence accumulated about the existence of respiratory supercomplexes (SCs) has changed our understanding of the mitochondrial electron transport chain organization, giving rise to the proposal of the "plasticity model." This model postulates the coexistence of different proportions of SCs and complexes depending on the tissue or the cellular metabolic status. The dynamic nature of the assembly in SCs would allow cells to optimize the use of available fuels and the efficiency of electron transfer, minimizing reactive oxygen species generation and favoring the ability of cells to adapt to environmental changes. More recently, abnormalities in SC assembly have been reported in different diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease), Barth Syndrome, Leigh syndrome, or cancer. The role of SC assembly alterations in disease progression still needs to be confirmed. Nevertheless, the availability of enough amounts of samples to determine the SC assembly status is often a challenge. This happens with biopsy or tissue samples that are small or have to be divided for multiple analyses, with cell cultures that have slow growth or come from microfluidic devices, with some primary cultures or rare cells, or when the effect of particular costly treatments has to be analyzed (with nanoparticles, very expensive compounds, etc.). In these cases, an efficient and easy-to-apply method is required. This paper presents a method adapted to obtain enriched mitochondrial fractions from small amounts of cells or tissues to analyze the structure and function of mitochondrial SCs by native electrophoresis followed by in-gel activity assays or western blot.
  24. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2024 May 17. pii: S0925-4439(24)00235-7. [Epub ahead of print] 167246
      Glucose and lipid metabolic disorders (GLMDs), such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and obesity, are significant public health issues that negatively impact human health. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays a crucial role at the cellular level for lipid and sterol biosynthesis, intracellular calcium storage, and protein post-translational modifications. Imbalance and dysfunction of the ER can affect glucose and lipid metabolism. As an essential trace element, selenium contributes to various human physiological functions mainly through 25 types of selenoproteins (SELENOs). At least 10 SELENOs, with experimental and/or computational evidence, are predominantly found on the ER membrane or within its lumen. Two iodothyronine deiodinases (DIOs), DIO1 and DIO2, regulate the thyroid hormone deiodination in the thyroid and some external thyroid tissues, influencing glucose and lipid metabolism. Most of the other eight members maintain redox homeostasis in the ER. Especially, SELENOF, SELENOM, and SELENOS are involved in unfolded protein responses; SELENOI catalyzes phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis; SELENOK, SELENON, and SELENOT participate in calcium homeostasis regulation; and the biological significance of thioredoxin reductase 3 in the ER remains unexplored despite its established function in the thioredoxin system. This review examines recent research advances regarding ER SELENOs in GLMDs and aims to provide insights on ER-related pathology through SELENOs regulation.
    Keywords:  Dietary selenium; Endoplasmic reticulum; Glucose and lipid metabolism; Human health and disease; Selenoprotein
  25. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024 May 20.
      NADH/NAD+ redox balance is pivotal for cellular metabolism. Systematic identification of NAD(H) redox regulators, although currently lacking, would help uncover unknown effectors critically implicated in the coordination of growth metabolism. In this study, we performed a genome-scale RNA interference (RNAi) screen to globally survey the genes involved in redox modulation and identified the HES family bHLH transcription factor HES4 as a negative regulator of NADH/NAD+ ratio. Functionally, HES4 is shown to be crucial for maintaining mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) activity and pyrimidine synthesis. More specifically, HES4 directly represses transcription of SLC44A2 and SDS, thereby inhibiting mitochondrial choline oxidation and cytosolic serine deamination, respectively, which, in turn, ensures coenzyme Q reduction capacity for DHODH-mediated UMP synthesis and serine-derived dTMP production. Accordingly, inhibition of choline oxidation preserves mitochondrial serine catabolism and ETC-coupled redox balance. Furthermore, HES4 protein stability is enhanced under EGFR activation, and increased HES4 levels facilitate EGFR-driven tumor growth and predict poor prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma. These findings illustrate an unidentified mechanism, underlying pyrimidine biosynthesis in the intersection between serine and choline catabolism, and underscore the physiological importance of HES4 in tumor metabolism.