bims-cateng Biomed News
on Cell and tissue engineering
Issue of 2023‒12‒03
eleven papers selected by
Chance Bowman, Dartmouth College

  1. Tissue Eng Part A. 2023 Nov 29.
      In large volume muscle injuries, widespread damage to muscle fibers and the surrounding connective tissue prevents myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) from initiating repair. There is a clinical need to rapidly fabricate large muscle tissue constructs for integration at the site of large volume muscle injuries. Most strategies for myotube alignment require microfabricated structures or prolonged orientation times. We utilize the MPC's natural propensity to close gaps across an injury site to guide alignment on collagen I. When MPCs are exposed to an open boundary free of cells, they migrate unidirectionally into the cell-free region and align perpendicular to the original boundary direction. We study the utility of this phenomenon with biotin - streptavidin adhesion to position the cells on the substrate, and then demonstrate the robustness of this strategy with unmodified cells, creating a promising tool for MPC patterning without interrupting their natural function. We pre-position MPCs in straight-line patterns separated with small gaps. This temporary positioning initiates the migratory nature of the MPCs to align and form myotubes across the gaps, similar to how they migrate and align with a single open boundary. There is a directional component to the MPC migration perpendicular (90°) to the original biotin-streptavidin surface patterns. The expression of myosin heavy chain, the motor protein of muscle thick filaments, is confirmed through immunocytochemistry (ICC) in myotubes generated from MPCs in our patterning process, acting as a marker of skeletal muscle differentiation. The rapid and highly specific binding of biotin-streptavidin allows for quick formation of temporary patterns, with MPC alignment based on natural regenerative behavior rather than complex fabrication techniques.
  2. Biofabrication. 2023 Nov 30.
      Intercellular communication is critical to the understanding of human health and disease progression. However, compared to traditional methods with inefficient analysis, microfluidic co-culture technologies developed for cell-cell communication research can reliably analyze crucial biological processes, such as cell signaling, and monitor dynamic intercellular interactions under reproducible physiological cell co-culture conditions. Moreover, microfluidic-based technologies can achieve precise spatial control of two cell types at the single-cell level with high throughput. Herein, this review focuses on recent advances in microfluidic-based 2D and 3D devices developed to confine two or more heterogeneous cells in the study of intercellular communication and decipher the advantages and limitations of these models in specific cellular research scenarios. This review will stimulate the development of more functionalized microfluidic platforms for biomedical research, inspiring broader interests across various disciplines to better comprehend cell-cell communication and other fields, such as tumor heterogeneity and drug screening.&#xD.
    Keywords:  2D culture; 3D culture; intercellular communication; microfluidics; single cell
  3. Inflamm Regen. 2023 Nov 27. 43(1): 58
      The regenerative ability of skeletal muscle (SM) in response to damage, injury, or disease is a highly intricate process that involves the coordinated activities of multiple cell types and biomolecular factors. Of these, extracellular matrix (ECM) is considered a fundamental component of SM regenerative ability. This review briefly discusses SM myogenesis and regeneration, the roles played by muscle satellite cells (MSCs), other cells, and ECM components, and the effects of their dysregulations on these processes. In addition, we review the various types of ECM scaffolds and biomaterials used for SM regeneration, their applications, recent advances in ECM scaffold research, and their impacts on tissue engineering and SM regeneration, especially in the context of severe muscle injury, which frequently results in substantial muscle loss and impaired regenerative capacity. This review was undertaken to provide a comprehensive overview of SM myogenesis and regeneration, the stem cells used for muscle regeneration, the significance of ECM in SM regeneration, and to enhance understanding of the essential role of the ECM scaffold during SM regeneration.
    Keywords:  Biomaterials; ECM scaffold; Extracellular matrix; Muscle loss; Regeneration; Skeletal muscle
  4. Trends Biotechnol. 2023 Nov 30. pii: S0167-7799(23)00327-X. [Epub ahead of print]
      RNA switches respond to specific ligands to control gene expression. They are widely used in synthetic biology applications and hold potential for future RNA-based therapeutic breakthroughs. However, the crux is their precise design. Here, we will discuss how inverse-RNA-folding could be utilized for the accurate design of RNA switches.
    Keywords:  RNA switch; RNA-based therapeutics; inverse-RNA-folding; riboswitch; ribozyme; synthetic biology
  5. N Biotechnol. 2023 Nov 29. pii: S1871-6784(23)00066-3. [Epub ahead of print]
      Cells, both of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin, have developed dedicated molecular mechanisms to tightly control expression levels of their genes where the specific transcriptomic signature across all genes eventually determines the cell phenotype. Modulating cellular phenotypes is of major interest, either to study their role in disease or to reprogram cells for the manufacture of recombinant products, such as biopharmaceuticals. For the latter, cells of mammalian origin, such as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells, are most commonly employed to produce therapeutic proteins. Altering their phenotype is often achieved randomly by subcloning and selection of appropriate behavior or by genetic engineering. In both cases, the objective is to obtain expression systems that generate the desired product with the highest possible quality and quantity. Early genetic engineering approaches have often been attempted by "uncontrolled" overexpression or knock-down/-out of specific genetic factors. Many studies in the past years, however, have highlighted that a controlled manipulation of transgene expression, by rationally regulating and fine-tuning the strength of overexpression or knock-down to an optimum level, can adjust phenotypic traits with much greater precision than such "uncontrolled" approaches. To control and (fine-)tune the expression level of one or multiple transgenes or endogenous genes, synthetic biology tools inspired by naturally occurring gene regulation mechanisms have been generated to develop novel, molecular toolboxes that enable (fine-)tunable and/or inducible control of gene expression. In this review, we discuss various molecular tools that have been established in mammalian cell lines and group them by their mode of action: transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational regulation. Major emphasis is placed on studies in which such tools were employed to engineer recombinant protein production in CHO or other mammalian cell factories. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these tools for each cell regulatory layer and with respect to cell line engineering approaches. This review highlights the existence of a plethora of synthetic toolboxes that could be employed, alone or in combination, to optimize cellular systems and eventually gain enhanced control over the cellular phenotype to equip mammalian cell factories with the tools required for efficient production of emerging, more difficult-to-express biologics formats.
    Keywords:  CHO cells; Cell line engineering; Gene expression; Synthetic Biology
  6. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2023 Nov 29.
      Anisotropically aligned collagen scaffolds mimic the microarchitectural properties of native tissue, possess superior mechanical properties, and provide the essential physicochemical cues to guide cell response. Biofabrication methodologies to align collagen fibers include mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and microfluidic approaches. Magnetic alignment of collagen was first published in 1983 but widespread use of this technique was hindered mainly due to the low diamagnetism of collagen molecules and the need for very strong tesla-order magnetic fields. Over the last decade, there is a renewed interest in the use of magnetic approaches that employ magnetic particles and low-level magnetic fields to align collagen fibers. In this review, the working principle, advantages, and limitations of different collagen alignment techniques with special emphasis on the magnetic alignment approach are detailed. Key findings from studies that employ high strength magnetic fields and the magnetic particle-based approach to align collagen fibers are highlighted. In addition, the most common qualitative and quantitative image analyses methods to assess collagen alignment are discussed. Finally, current challenges and future directions are presented for further development and clinical translation of magnetically aligned collagen scaffolds.
  7. Nat Protoc. 2023 Nov 30.
      RNA molecules perform various crucial roles in diverse cellular processes, from translating genetic information to decoding the genome, regulating gene expression and catalyzing chemical reactions. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play an essential role in regulating the diverse behaviors and functions of RNA in live cells, but techniques for the spatiotemporal control of RBP activities and RNA functions are rarely reported yet highly desirable. We recently reported the development of LicV, a synthetic photoswitchable RBP that can bind to a specific RNA sequence in response to blue light irradiation. LicV has been used successfully for the optogenetic control of RNA localization, splicing, translation and stability, as well as for the photoswitchable regulation of transcription and genomic locus labeling. Compared to classical genetic or pharmacologic perturbations, LicV-based light-switchable effectors have the advantages of large dynamic range between dark and light conditions and submicron and millisecond spatiotemporal resolutions. In this protocol, we provide an easy, efficient and generalizable strategy for engineering photoswitchable RBPs for the spatiotemporal control of RNA metabolism. We also provide a detailed protocol for the conversion of a CRISPR-Cas system to optogenetic control. The protocols typically take 2-3 d, including transfection and results analysis. Most of this protocol is applicable to the development of novel LicV-based photoswitchable effectors for the optogenetic control of other RNA metabolisms and CRISPR-Cas functions.
  8. Lancet. 2023 Nov 22. pii: S0140-6736(23)01952-9. [Epub ahead of print]
      Gene therapy has become a clinical reality as market-approved advanced therapy medicinal products for the treatment of distinct monogenetic diseases and B-cell malignancies. This Therapeutic Review aims to explain how progress in genome editing technologies offers the possibility to expand both therapeutic options and the types of diseases that will become treatable. To frame these impressive advances in the context of modern medicine, we incorporate examples from human clinical trials into our discussion on how genome editing will complement currently available strategies in gene therapy, which still mainly rely on gene addition strategies. Furthermore, safety considerations and ethical implications, including the issue of accessibility, are addressed as these crucial parameters will define the impact that gene therapy in general and genome editing in particular will have on how we treat patients in the near future.
  9. Aging Cell. 2023 Dec 01. e14039
      Aging and age-associated disease are a major medical and societal burden in need of effective treatments. Cellular reprogramming is a biological process capable of modulating cell fate and cellular age. Harnessing the rejuvenating benefits without altering cell identity via partial cellular reprogramming has emerged as a novel translational strategy with therapeutic potential and strong commercial interests. Here, we explore the aging-related benefits of partial cellular reprogramming while examining limitations and future directions for the field.
    Keywords:  aging; aging hallmarks; lifespan; partial cellular reprogramming; rejuvenation
  10. ACS Appl Bio Mater. 2023 Nov 30.
      Tissue loss and end-stage organ failure are serious health problems across the world. Natural and synthetic polymer scaffold material based artificial organs play an important role in the field of tissue engineering and organ regeneration, but they are not from the body and may cause side effects such as rejection. In recent years, the biomimetic decellularized scaffold based materials have drawn great attention in the tissue engineering field for their good biocompatibility, easy modification, and excellent organism adaptability. Therefore, in this review, we comprehensively summarize the application of decellularized scaffolds in tissue engineering and biomedicine in recent years. The preparation methods, modification strategies, construction of artificial tissues, and application in biomedical applications are discussed. We hope that this review will provide a useful reference for research on decellularized scaffolds and promote their application tissue engineering.
    Keywords:  biomaterials; biomedical application; decellularized scaffold; polymer; tissue engineering
  11. Genes Genomics. 2023 Nov 30.
      BACKGROUND: Understanding gene regulatory networks (GRNs) is essential for unraveling the molecular mechanisms governing cellular behavior. With the advent of high-throughput transcriptome measurement technology, researchers have aimed to reverse engineer the biological systems, extracting gene regulatory rules from their outputs, which represented by gene expression data. Bulk RNA sequencing, a widely used method for measuring gene expression, has been employed for GRN reconstruction. However, it falls short in capturing dynamic changes in gene expression at the level of individual cells since it averages gene expression across mixed cell populations.OBJECTIVE: In this review, we provide an overview of 15 GRN reconstruction tools and discuss their respective strengths and limitations, particularly in the context of single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq).
    METHODS: Recent advancements in scRNA-seq break new ground of GRN reconstruction. They offer snapshots of the individual cell transcriptomes and capturing dynamic changes. We emphasize how these technological breakthroughs have enhanced GRN reconstruction.
    CONCLUSION: GRN reconstructors can be classified based on their requirement for cellular trajectory, which represents a dynamical cellular process including differentiation, aging, or disease progression. Benchmarking studies support the superiority of GRN reconstructors that do not require trajectory analysis in identifying regulator-target relationships. However, methods equipped with trajectory analysis demonstrate better performance in identifying key regulatory factors. In conclusion, researchers should select a suitable GRN reconstructor based on their specific research objectives.
    Keywords:  Gene regulatory networks; Reverse engineering; Single cell RNA sequencing; Trajectory inference