bims-skolko Biomed News
on Scholarly communication
Issue of 2022‒05‒15
thirteen papers selected by
Thomas Krichel
Open Library Society

  1. mSphere. 2022 May 09. e0012122
      In the past decade, social media platforms have been recognized as an important tool in the dissemination of science among the research community and as an interface between scientists and the general public. Publishing companies that specialize in scientific research now pay attention to alternative metrics ("altmetrics") and provide comprehensive guides about social media management to editors. Twitter has emerged as a leader among social media platforms in the dissemination of science. This Perspective will assert the merits of using Twitter to expand the reach of scientific conferences while providing guidance on how to disseminate conference findings in real-time, called "live-tweeting," without compromising scientific integrity.
    Keywords:  Twitter; applications; communications; live-tweeting; outreach; science communication; software
  2. CEUR Workshop Proc. 2021 Sep;2976 29-38
      The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed the rapid dissemination of papers and preprints investigating the disease and its associated virus, SARS-CoV-2. The multifaceted nature of COVID-19 demands a multidisciplinary approach, but the urgency of the crisis combined with the need for social distancing measures present unique challenges to collaborative science. We applied a massive online open publishing approach to this problem using Manubot. Through GitHub, collaborators summarized and critiqued COVID-19 literature, creating a review manuscript. Manubot automatically compiled citation information for referenced preprints, journal publications, websites, and clinical trials. Continuous integration workflows retrieved up-to-date data from online sources nightly, regenerating some of the manuscript's figures and statistics. Manubot rendered the manuscript into PDF, HTML, LaTeX, and DOCX outputs, immediately updating the version available online upon the integration of new content. Through this effort, we organized over 50 scientists from a range of backgrounds who evaluated over 1,500 sources and developed seven literature reviews. While many efforts from the computational community have focused on mining COVID-19 literature, our project illustrates the power of open publishing to organize both technical and non-technical scientists to aggregate and disseminate information in response to an evolving crisis.
    Keywords:  COVID-19; Manubot; data integration; living document; open publishing; open source
  3. Lancet Microbe. 2022 Feb;pii: S2666-5247(22)00011-8. [Epub ahead of print]3(2): e86
  4. Health Promot Pract. 2022 May;23(3): 353-355
    Keywords:  career development/professional preparation; peer review; reciprocity; scholarly publishing