bims-pimaco Biomed News
on PI3K and MAPK signalling in colorectal cancer
Issue of 2022‒05‒08
one paper selected by
Lucas B. Zeiger
Beatson Institute for Cancer Research

  1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 May 10. 119(19): e2119990119
      SignificanceBoth the mTORC2 and Ras-ERK pathways respond to growth factor stimulation and play critical roles in cell growth and proliferation, disarray of these pathways leads to many diseases, especially cancer. These two signaling pathways crosstalk at many levels; recently it's become clear that the SIN1 component of mTORC2 could interact with Ras family small GTPases, but how these two proteins interact at the molecular level and the functional outcomes of this interaction remain to be addressed. In this work we determined the high-resolution structure of Ras-SIN1 complexes and revealed the detailed interaction mechanism. We also showed that Ras-SIN1 association inhibits insulin-induced ERK activation. Insights from this work could improve our understanding of the disease-causing mechanism of errant mTORC2 or Ras proteins.
    Keywords:  PI3K; Ras; SIN1; insulin; mTORC2