bims-madeba Biomed News
on Mal de débarquement syndrome
Issue of 2023‒01‒01
one paper selected by
Jun Maruta
Mount Sinai Health System

  1. Int Marit Health. 2022 ;73(4): 172-177
      BACKGROUND: Seasickness is a set of clinical signs from which approximately 30% of the population suffers with a severity and frequency that varies according to the state of the sea and according to each individual susceptibility. The medical treatments are varied but may provide annoying side effects. Vestibular rehabilitation has all its advantages in cases of professional unfitness. The objective of this work is to validate the first results of rehabilitation of seasickness using the Nausicaa system developed at the HIA in Brest.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study of the first 2 years of use of the Nausicaa system, from commissioning in November 2016 until December 2018. Twenty-eight patients were treated exclusively by the Nausicaa system with a minimum of 1 year of follow-up and a minimum of 90 days at sea per year.
    RESULTS: The average intensity of seasickness of these sailors decreased from 8.96 to 4.5 and the inability to hold one's post from 8.36 to 3.7 after 10 rehabilitation sessions using this system. The Graybiel and Miller score was markedly improved (decrease of 2 to 3 grades) in 62% of the patients, and partially improved (decrease of one grade) in 20% of the sailors. A total of 82% of rehabilitated patients were improved by this treatment without any side effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of the results on a retrospective questionnaire describing clinical signs 1 year later is necessarily subjective. The use of visual analogic scales from 1 to 10 concerning the intensity of motion sickness and the inability to hold one's position seems to be an easy way to assess discomfort. The comparison with other series seems to show a slight superiority of the Nausicaa system compared to optokinetic rehabilitation or by visual simulator alone.
    Keywords:  motion sickness; sea sickness; sensory conflict; vertical stimulation; virtual reality