bims-ciryme Biomed News
on Circadian rhythms and metabolism
Issue of 2019‒09‒08
one paper selected by
Gabriela Da Silva Xavier
University of Birmingham

  1. Genes Dev. 2019 Sep 01. 33(17-18): 1136-1158
      Circadian rhythms are driven by a transcription-translation feedback loop that separates anabolic and catabolic processes across the Earth's 24-h light-dark cycle. Central pacemaker neurons that perceive light entrain a distributed clock network and are closely juxtaposed with hypothalamic neurons involved in regulation of sleep/wake and fast/feeding states. Gaps remain in identifying how pacemaker and extrapacemaker neurons communicate with energy-sensing neurons and the distinct role of circuit interactions versus transcriptionally driven cell-autonomous clocks in the timing of organismal bioenergetics. In this review, we discuss the reciprocal relationship through which the central clock drives appetitive behavior and metabolic homeostasis and the pathways through which nutrient state and sleep/wake behavior affect central clock function.
    Keywords:  circadian; diabetes; hypothalamus; obesity